341.265 History History: 1979 c. 146; 1985 a. 96, 105, 332; 1987 a. 210, 349, 403; 1997 a. 27.
341.266 341.266 Special interest vehicles; registration, plates, use.
341.266(1)(1) In this section:
341.266(1)(a) (a) "Collector" means the owner of one or more special interest vehicles who collects, purchases, acquires, trades or disposes of special interest vehicles or parts thereof for the collector's own use in order to restore, preserve and maintain a special interest vehicle for historic interest.
341.266(1)(b) (b) "Parts car" means a motor vehicle generally in nonoperable condition which is owned by the collector to furnish parts which will enable the collector to restore, preserve and maintain a special interest vehicle or antique vehicle.
341.266(1)(c) (c) "Special interest vehicle" means a motor vehicle of any age which has not been altered or modified from original manufacturers specifications and, because of its historic interest, is being preserved by hobbyists.
341.266(2) (2)
341.266(2)(a)(a) Any person who is the owner of a special interest vehicle that is 20 or more years old at the time of making application for registration or transfer of title of the vehicle and who, unless the owner is an historical society that is exempt from federal income taxes, owns, has registered in this state, and uses for regular transportation at least one vehicle that has regular registration plates may upon application register the vehicle as a special interest vehicle upon payment of a fee under par. (b).
341.266(2)(b) (b) The fee to register a vehicle under par. (a) is twice the regular annual fee under s. 341.25 for the type of vehicle, except that the fee for a vehicle that has a gross weight of more than 8,000 pounds may be no more than twice the annual fee for a similar vehicle that has a gross weight of not more than 8,000 pounds.
341.266(2)(c) (c) The department shall furnish the owner of the vehicle with registration plates of a distinctive design in lieu of the usual registration plates, and those plates shall show that the vehicle is a special interest vehicle owned by a Wisconsin collector. Upon application, the owner may reregister the vehicle without the payment of any additional fee.
341.266(2)(d) (d) Each collector applying for special interest vehicle registration plates will be issued a collector's identification number which will appear on each plate. Second and all subsequent registrations under this section by the same collector will bear the same collector's identification number followed by a suffix letter for vehicle identification.
341.266(2)(e) (e) The vehicle may be used as are other vehicles of the same type except that:
341.266(2)(e)1. 1. Motor vehicles may not transport passengers for hire.
341.266(2)(e)2. 2. Trucks may not haul material weighing more than 500 pounds, not including the weight of a camper, lid or cap that is mounted on the truck or the weight of any persons or pets riding within the driver's compartment.
341.266(2)(e)3. 3. Except as provided in s. 341.09 (7), no special interest vehicle may be operated upon any highway of this state during the month of January unless the owner of the vehicle reregisters the vehicle under s. 341.25 and replaces the distinctive registration plates issued under par. (c) with regular registration plates or transfers regular registration plates to the vehicle.
341.266(2)(f) (f) Unless inconsistent with this section, the provisions applicable to other vehicles shall apply to special interest vehicles.
341.266(3) (3) In addition to the fee in sub. (2) (b), there shall be an original (first time only) processing fee of $50 to defray the cost of issuing the original collector's special interest vehicle registration plates and to ensure that each collector will be issued only one collector's identification number.
341.266(4) (4) A collector may store unlicensed, operable or inoperable, vehicles and parts cars on the collector's property provided the vehicles and parts cars and the outdoor storage area are maintained in such a manner that they do not constitute a health hazard and are screened from ordinary public view by means of a fence, rapidly growing trees, shrubbery or other appropriate means.
341.266(5) (5) Any person who violates sub. (2) (e) 3. may be required to forfeit not more than $200.
341.267 341.267 Driver education motor vehicles; registration and insurance.
341.267(1)(1) In this section:
341.267(1)(a) (a) "Driver education vehicle" means any of the following:
341.267(1)(a)1. 1. Any motor vehicle loaned to a school by a licensed motor vehicle dealer which is used for the exclusive purpose of behind-the-wheel instruction or for necessary maintenance and storage.
341.267(1)(a)2. 2. Any motor vehicle owned or leased by a school which is used for behind-the-wheel instruction.
341.267(1)(b) (b) "School" means a public or nonpublic school having an approved driver education program as certified by the department of public instruction or the technical college system board.
341.267(1m) (1m) The department of public instruction shall establish uniform marking standards for a motor vehicle which is used as a driver education vehicle. The markings shall be removed when the owned or leased vehicle is being operated for other than behind-the-wheel instruction or necessary maintenance and storage.
341.267(1r) (1r) Any person who makes a false statement in an application to register a driver education vehicle or who uses a driver education vehicle which is registered under s. 341.26 (2) (a) except as authorized under this section may be required to forfeit not more than $200.
341.267(2) (2) A driver education vehicle shall be registered as provided in s. 341.26 (2). If a driver education vehicle is replaced, reassignment of the plate to a replacement driver education vehicle shall be made by the department on request without payment of an additional fee.
341.267(5) (5) No motor vehicle may be used for driver education unless a policy of bodily injury and property damage liability insurance issued by an insurer authorized to transact business in this state, is maintained thereon. The policy shall provide such coverages in at least such amounts as are specified under s. 344.01 (2) (d). However, the department may require additional coverages and amounts as conditions warrant.
341.267(6) (6) No insurance policy issued under sub. (5) may be terminated or canceled prior to its expiration for any reason unless a notice thereof is filed with the department and with the school at least 30 days prior to the date of termination or cancellation.
341.267(7) (7) No registration shall be issued or remain in force for a driver education vehicle unless a certification of insurance in such form as the department may require is filed with the department by the insurer certificating that a policy of insurance, as required by this section, has been issued and is in effect which covers the owner, operator, instructor, school and any passengers in the vehicle.
341.267 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also s. PI 21.03, Wis. adm. code.
341.268 341.268 Reconstructed, replica, street modified and homemade vehicles; registration, plates, use.
341.268(1) (1) In this section:
341.268(1)(a) (a) "Hobbyist" means the owner of one or more reconstructed, replica, street modified or homemade vehicles who collects, purchases, acquires, trades or disposes of reconstructed, replica, street modified or homemade vehicles or parts thereof for personal use in order to build, reconstruct, restore, preserve and maintain a reconstructed, replica, street modified or homemade vehicle for historic or hobby interest.
341.268(1)(b) (b) "Homemade vehicle" means any of the following:
341.268(1)(b)1. 1. A motor vehicle that has been constructed or assembled from new or used parts or both using a body and frame not originating from and not resembling any previously manufactured motor vehicle.
341.268(1)(b)2. 2. A motorcycle that is a reproduction of a vehicle originally made by another manufacturer and that consists of a reproduction body that is combined with a new, used, or replica frame and drivetrain.
341.268(1)(c) (c) "Parts car" means a motor vehicle generally in nonoperable condition which is owned by the hobbyist to furnish parts which will enable the hobbyist to build, reconstruct, restore, preserve and maintain a reconstructed, replica, street modified or homemade vehicle.
341.268(1)(d) (d) "Reconstructed vehicle" means a motor vehicle of any age which has been substantially altered or modified from original manufacturers specifications to such an extent that it no longer resembles the original manufactured vehicle.
341.268(1)(e) (e) "Replica vehicle" means a motor vehicle, other than a motorcycle, that is a reproduction of a vehicle originally made by another manufacturer and that consists of a reproduction body that is combined with a new, used, or replica frame and drivetrain.
341.268(1)(f) (f) "Street modified vehicle" means a motor vehicle of any age which has been modified from original manufacturers specifications, but does not include any reconstructed vehicle as defined under par. (d).
341.268(2) (2)
341.268(2)(a)(a) Any person who is the owner of a reconstructed, replica, street modified or homemade vehicle and who owns, has registered in this state and uses for regular transportation at least one vehicle that has regular registration plates may upon application register the vehicle as a reconstructed, replica, street modified or homemade vehicle upon payment of a fee under par. (b), provided that the vehicle is one of the following:
341.268(2)(a)1. 1. A reconstructed vehicle assembled from a vehicle manufactured 20 years or more prior to the time of making application for registration or transfer of title of the vehicle.
341.268(2)(a)2. 2. A replica vehicle which is a reproduction of a vehicle manufactured 20 years or more prior to the time of making application for registration or transfer of title of the replica vehicle.
341.268(2)(a)3. 3. A street modified vehicle which is 20 or more years old at the time of making application for registration or transfer of title of the vehicle.
341.268(2)(a)4. 4. A homemade vehicle under sub. (1) (b) 1.
341.268(2)(a)5. 5. A homemade vehicle under sub. (1) (b) 2. that is a reproduction of a motorcycle manufactured 20 years or more prior to the time of making application for registration or transfer of title of the homemade vehicle.
341.268(2)(b) (b) The fee to register a vehicle under par. (a) is twice the regular annual fee under s. 341.25 for the type of vehicle, except that the fee for a vehicle that has a gross weight of more than 8,000 pounds may be no more than twice the annual fee for a similar vehicle that has a gross weight of not more than 8,000 pounds.
341.268(2)(c) (c) The department shall furnish the owner of the vehicle with registration plates of a distinctive design in lieu of the usual registration plates, and those plates shall show that the vehicle is a reconstructed, replica, street modified or homemade vehicle owned by a Wisconsin hobbyist. Upon application, the owner may reregister the vehicle without the payment of any additional fee.
341.268(2)(d) (d) Each hobbyist applying for reconstructed, replica, street modified or homemade vehicle registration plates will be issued a hobbyist's identification number which will appear on each plate. Second and all subsequent registrations under this section by the same hobbyist will bear the same hobbyist's identification number followed by a suffix letter for vehicle identification.
341.268(2)(e) (e) The vehicle may be used as are other vehicles of the same type except that:
341.268(2)(e)1. 1. Motor vehicles may not transport passengers for hire.
341.268(2)(e)2. 2. Trucks may not haul material weighing more than 500 pounds, not including the weight of a camper, lid or cap that is mounted on the truck or the weight of any persons or pets riding within the driver's compartment.
341.268(2)(e)3. 3. Except as provided in s. 341.09 (7), no reconstructed, replica, street modified or homemade vehicle may be operated upon any highway of this state during the month of January unless the owner of the vehicle reregisters the vehicle under s. 341.25 and replaces the distinctive registration plates issued under par. (c) with regular registration plates or transfers regular registration plates to the vehicle.
341.268(2)(f) (f) Unless inconsistent with this section, the provisions of this chapter applicable to other vehicles shall apply to reconstructed, replica, street modified and homemade vehicles.
341.268(3) (3) In addition to the fee in sub. (2) (b), there shall be an original (first time only) processing fee of $50 to defray the cost of issuing the original hobbyist's reconstructed, replica, street modified or homemade vehicle registration plates and to ensure that each hobbyist will be issued only one hobbyist's identification number.
341.268(4) (4) A hobbyist may store unlicensed, operable or inoperable, vehicles and parts cars on the hobbyist's property provided the vehicles and parts cars and outdoor storage area are maintained in such a manner that they do not constitute a health hazard and are screened from ordinary public view by means of a fence, rapidly growing trees, shrubbery or other appropriate means.
341.268(4m) (4m) A motorcycle registered as a replica vehicle under s. 341.268, 1999 stats., shall be considered a homemade vehicle for purposes of this section and ss. 341.09 (7), 341.27 (3) (a), 341.28 (2), and 341.31 (4) (b), except that the owner of the motorcycle is not required to replace the distinctive registration plates issued under s. 341.268 (2) (c), 1999 stats., showing that the motorcycle is a replica vehicle.
341.268(5) (5) Any person who violates sub. (2) (e) 3. may be required to forfeit not more than $200.
341.268 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also s. Trans 305.065, Wis. adm. code.
341.27 341.27 Registration periods for private automobiles and taxicabs.
341.27(1)(1) All automobiles, other than those that may be registered under s. 341.26 (2), 341.265, 341.266 or 341.268 or are required by s. 341.29 to be registered on a calendar-year basis, shall be registered by the department according to the system of registration prescribed by this section.
341.27(3) (3) All automobiles subject to the registration system under this section shall be registered by the department for a period of one year except as follows:
341.27(3)(a) (a) If the applicant holds current registration plates that were removed from an automobile that the applicant no longer owns or that has been junked, is no longer used on the highways or has been registered as a special interest vehicle under s. 341.266 (2) (a) or a reconstructed, replica, street modified or homemade vehicle under s. 341.268 (2) (a), and the plates were issued under the system of registration prescribed by this section, the department shall register the automobile which is the subject of the application for the remainder of the unexpired registration period.
341.27(3)(b) (b) If the applicant does not hold current registration plates under the circumstances described in par. (a) and the application is an original rather than renewal application, the department may register the automobile which is the subject of the application for such period or part thereof as the secretary determines will help to equalize the registration and renewal workload of the department.
341.28 341.28 When part-year fees payable for private automobiles; computation of part-year fees.
341.28(1) (1) The applicant for registration of an automobile under the system of registration prescribed by s. 341.27 shall pay in full the annual registration fee prescribed by law, except as otherwise provided in this section.
341.28(2) (2) If the applicant for registration holds current registration plates which were removed from an automobile which the applicant no longer owns or which has been junked, is no longer being used on the highways or has been registered as a special interest vehicle under s. 341.266 (2) (a) or a reconstructed, replica, street modified or homemade vehicle under s. 341.268 (2) (a), and the plates were issued under the system of registration prescribed by s. 341.27, the applicant is exempt from the payment of a registration fee, except in the following cases:
341.28(2)(a) (a) If the annual fee prescribed for the automobile being registered is higher than the annual fee prescribed for the automobile from which the plates were removed, the applicant shall pay a fee computed on the basis of one-twelfth of the difference between the 2 annual fees multiplied by the number of months for which the automobile which is the subject of the application is being registered. The start of the new registration, for the purpose of computing the fee, shall be determined in accordance with sub. (7).
341.28(2)(b) (b) If the automobile which is the subject of the application was owned by the applicant at any time during the month in which the transfer, termination of the consumer lease, discontinuance of use on the highways, junking or registration under s. 341.266 (2) (a) or 341.268 (2) (a) of the other automobile occurred and was not currently registered at the time of such transfer, termination of the consumer lease, discontinuance of use on the highways, junking or registration under s. 341.266 (2) (a) or 341.268 (2) (a), the applicant shall pay a fee to be computed as provided in subs. (3) to (5) but shall receive a credit for the unused portion of the current registration. The credit shall be computed on the basis of one-twelfth of the annual fee paid for the vehicle from which the plates were removed multiplied by the number of months remaining in the registration period represented by the removed plates, including the month during which the applicant transferred, discontinued to use on the highways, junked or registered under s. 341.266 (2) (a) or 341.268 (2) (a) or terminated the consumer lease of the automobile from which the plates were removed.
341.28(3) (3) If the applicant does not hold current registration plates under the circumstances described in sub. (2) and the automobile which is the subject of the application has not previously been registered in this state by the applicant, the fee payable by the applicant shall be computed on the basis of one-twelfth of the annual fee multiplied by the number of months for which the automobile is being registered, the start of such registration period to be determined in accordance with sub. (7).
341.28(4) (4) If the applicant does not hold current registration plates under the circumstances described in sub. (2) but the automobile which is the subject of the application has previously been registered in this state by the applicant, the applicant shall pay a fee covering all the time since the end of the period for which the automobile previously was registered unless:
341.28(4)(a) (a) The automobile in the meantime has been owned by another person or registered in another state; or
341.28(4)(b) (b) At least 12 months have elapsed since the end of the period for which the automobile previously was registered and the applicant filed with the department a statement that the applicant did not during those 12 months operate or consent to the operation of such automobile under circumstances making the automobile subject to registration in this state; or
341.28(4)(c) (c) The automobile is owned by a person who has been in active military service and less than 12 months of nonoperation have elapsed since the end of the period for which the automobile was previously registered, provided the applicant files with the department a statement of such nonoperation.
341.28(5) (5) Under the circumstances described in sub. (4), the fee payable by the applicant shall be computed as prescribed in sub. (3) for an automobile not previously registered by the applicant in this state, provided that he or she first files with the department a statement of nonoperation if required to do so by sub. (7).
341.28(6) (6) If the automobile being registered under the circumstances described in sub. (3) or (4) is a replacement for a registered vehicle which has been junked, the applicant is entitled to a credit to be computed and applied in accordance with s. 341.31 (2) (b).
341.28(7) (7) For the purpose of computing the registration fee payable upon registration of an automobile under circumstances described in subs. (2) to (4), the beginning of the current registration period shall be determined as follows:
341.28(7)(a) (a) The registration period for an automobile commences when the first operation of the automobile under circumstances making the owner liable for its registration in this state occurs. For purposes of this paragraph, "first operation" means operation of an automobile for the first time after it was transferred or leased to the applicant or after it was registered in another state or after an active service refund or after the expiration of 12 months of nonoperation since expiration of the last registration in this state or after it was no longer used on the highways.
341.28(7)(b) (b) In the case of an automobile which has not previously been registered or which has not been registered in this state by the present owner since the owner last acquired ownership of the automobile, the department shall assume that the date of first operation within the meaning of par. (a) is the date of the bill of sale evidencing the transfer of ownership to the applicant or, with respect to a leased vehicle, the date of commencement of the lease by the applicant, unless the applicant files with the department a statement that the automobile was not so operated until a later date, specifying the date of such first operation. In the case of at least 12 months of nonoperation of an automobile previously registered by the applicant, the applicant must file with the department a statement that he or she did not operate or consent to the operation of the automobile under circumstances making it subject to registration in this state during such 12-month period and must specify the date following such period when the automobile was first so operated. The department may refuse to accept a statement which projects the date of first operation into the future.
341.29 341.29 Registration for vehicles other than private automobiles and taxicabs.
341.29(1) (1) The registration period for all vehicles registered on an annual basis, other than private automobiles, taxicabs, those eligible for quarterly registration under s. 341.30 and driver education vehicles, shall be determined by the secretary. The secretary may require that any of the vehicles subject to this section be registered according to the monthly series system under s. 341.295.
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