38.27(2m)(c) (c) Beginning in the 1989-90 fiscal year, at least $1,500,000 annually is awarded under sub. (1) (a) for adult literacy programs in addition to the amount awarded for such programs in the 1988-89 fiscal year.
38.27(2m)(d) (d) Beginning in the 1991-92 fiscal year, $100,000 annually is awarded under sub. (1) (b) for nurse training programs.
38.27(2m)(e) (e) Beginning in the 1997-98 fiscal year, not more than $150,000 annually is awarded for the purpose of sub. (1) (h).
38.27(2m)(f) (f) Beginning in the 2001-02 school year, at least $0 annually is awarded under this section to districts with limited fiscal capacity, as defined by the board.
38.27(3) (3)
38.27(3)(a)(a) Each recipient of a grant under this section shall, by September 1 of the fiscal year following receipt of the grant, file a report with the board. The report shall evaluate the recipient's performance in attaining the goals specified in the application submitted under sub. (2).
38.27(3)(b) (b) The board shall develop and implement an audit program to assess the effectiveness of the grants made under this section in accomplishing the intended goals.
38.272 38.272 Farm training program tuition grants.
38.272(1) (1) A student enrolled in a district's farm business and production management program may apply to the board for a grant for the purpose of paying 50% of the tuition for up to 6 years.
38.272(2) (2) The board shall review the applications submitted under sub. (1) according to procedures and criteria established by the board. The board shall notify the student whether his or her application has been approved and, if approved, of the amount of the grant.
38.272(3) (3) The board shall award grants under this section from the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (dd).
38.272 History History: 1991 a. 39; 1995 a. 27.
38.28 38.28 State aid.
38.28(1)(a)(a) Annually at the time and on forms prescribed by the director, the district board secretary shall report to the board the cost of maintaining the schools of the district; the character of the work done; the number, names and qualifications of the teachers employed; the number of full-time students enrolled; the number of full-time equivalent students enrolled in the district who are residents of another district; the number of full-time students exempted from tuition, by course credits; the actual amount of tuition collected in postsecondary and in vocational-adult programs; and such other information as the board requires.
38.28(1)(b) (b) By October 15, 1992, each district board shall report to the board all of the following information for each of the 2 preceding school years:
38.28(1)(b)1. 1. The number and titles of all postsecondary programs and course sections added or discontinued.
38.28(1)(b)2. 2. The number of nonresident students and the district, state and country of residence of each.
38.28(1)(b)3. 3. For students who are residents of this state but not residents of the district:
38.28(1)(b)3.a. a. The name and home address of each, to the extent permitted under 20 USC 1232g.
38.28(1)(b)3.b. b. Whether the student's district of residence offered the postsecondary program or course in which the student is enrolled.
38.28(1)(b)4. 4. The number, title and program area of each instructional staff position added or eliminated and the reason for the addition or elimination.
38.28(1)(c) (c) By January 1, 1993, the board shall report the information received from the district boards under par. (b) to the governor and to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3).
38.28(1m) (1m) In this section:
38.28(1m)(a)1.1. "District aidable cost" means the annual cost of operating a technical college district, including debt service charges for district bonds and promissory notes for building programs or capital equipment, but excluding all expenditures relating to auxiliary enterprises and community service programs, all expenditures funded by or reimbursed with federal revenues, all receipts under sub. (6) and ss. 38.12 (9), 38.14 (3) and (9), 118.15 (2) (a), and 118.55 (7r), all receipts from grants awarded under ss. 38.04 (8), (20), (28), and (31), 38.14 (11), 38.26, 38.27, 38.33, and 38.38, all fees collected under s. 38.24, and driver education and chauffeur training aids.
38.28(1m)(a)2. 2. "District aidable cost" for any district that does not have an institution or college campus located in the district does not include costs associated with the collegiate transfer program at the district school. In this subdivision, "institution" and "college campus" have the meanings specified under s. 36.05.
38.28(1m)(b) (b) "Equalization index" means a ratio determined by:
38.28(1m)(b)1. 1. Dividing the most current statewide full valuation by the board's estimate of the districts' total aidable full-time equivalent student count for the next fiscal year;
38.28(1m)(b)2. 2. Dividing the most current full valuation for each district by the board's estimate of that district's full-time equivalent student count for the next fiscal year; and
38.28(1m)(b)3. 3. Dividing the quotient of subd. 1. by the quotient of subd. 2., rounded to the 5th decimal place.
38.28(2) (2)
38.28(2)(b)(b) Each district's share of aids under this section shall be computed as follows:
38.28(2)(b)1. 1. The district's aidable cost shall be multiplied by the applicable percentage and this product shall be multiplied by the equalization index to determine state aids. In this subdivision, the "applicable percentage" is the percentage sufficient to generate total aid under this section that will fall within the range of 0.999 and 1.001 of the amount appropriated under s. 20.292 (1) (d), as determined by the board.
38.28(2)(b)2. 2. The most current equalized values certified by the department of revenue shall be used in aid determinations. Equalized values shall include the full value of property that is exempt under s. 70.11 (39) and (39m) as determined under s. 79.095 (3).
38.28(2)(b)3. 3. Beginning with the 1975-76 fiscal year, state aids shall be calculated and paid on the basis of 1975-76 district aidable cost. Annually thereafter, aid payments in any fiscal year shall fund the district aidable cost in that same fiscal year.
38.28(2)(b)4. 4. The board shall make such adjustments in aid payments during the fiscal year as are necessary to reflect more current data under sub. (1m) and s. 20.292 (1) (d). Final adjustments of state aid payments, on the basis of actual enrollments and costs, shall be made from the following year's aid appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (d).
38.28(2)(b)5. 5. The board shall reduce each district's aid payment under subd. 2. by the district's share of the amount necessary to produce and distribute the statewide guide under s. 38.04 (18), as determined by the board.
38.28(2)(c) (c) The board shall pay an amount determined by multiplying the number of students enrolled in a driver training course approved by the board by the number of credits of the course for which each student is enrolled and multiplying the product by $16. The board may provide aids under this paragraph on the basis of a minimum of 10 students regardless of the number of students actually enrolled and attending.
38.28(2)(d) (d) Notwithstanding par. (b), the board may withhold, suspend or reduce in whole or in part payment of state aid under this subsection to any district board whose program or educational personnel does not meet minimum standards set by the board or which violates this chapter or any rule promulgated by the board under the authority of this chapter. The board shall discontinue aids to those programs which are no longer necessary to meet needs within the state.
38.28(2)(e) (e) Aids shall not be paid to a district board for any program unless the intended content of each course has been thoroughly described, and the program has been designated and approved by the state director and reviewed by the board. The board shall establish procedures to implement this subsection which shall enhance the district's ability to respond rapidly to the needs of its citizens.
38.28(2)(f) (f) The board shall compile information on anticipated cost for each succeeding fiscal year by the preceding January 1.
38.28(2)(g) (g) The board shall pay an amount determined by multiplying the number of students enrolled in a chauffeur training course approved by the board by the number of credits of the course for which each student is enrolled and multiplying the product by $150.
38.28(3) (3) If the appropriation for state aid under s. 20.292 (1) (fc) in any one year is insufficient to pay the full amount under subs. (2) (c) and (g), funds in the appropriation shall be used first for the purposes of sub. (2) (c) and any remaining funds shall be prorated among the districts entitled to support under sub. (2) (g). If the appropriation for state aid under s. 20.292 (1) (fc) in any one year is insufficient to pay the full amount under sub. (2) (c), funds in the appropriation shall be prorated among the districts entitled to the funds.
38.28(4) (4) From the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (dm), the board shall annually pay to any district that does not have an institution or college campus located within the district an amount equal to that portion of the instructional costs of the district's collegiate transfer program not supported by fees and tuition that is equal to the state support of similar programs in the University of Wisconsin System, as determined by the board. In this subsection, "institution" and "college campus" have the meanings specified under s. 36.05.
38.28(5) (5) State aid shall not be paid to a district for any year, unless every teacher, administrator, principal and supervisor employed by the district during that year is under a contract providing for leave of absence by reason of sickness of such person, without deduction from salary, for not less than 5 days per year and for accumulation of unused sick leave from year to year to a total of not less than 30 days. No allowance may be paid for such absences from teaching or other educational services rendered in evening school by any person employed at least 30 hours per week in day school. This subsection does not apply to a person employed by the district board for less than 30 hours per week.
38.28(6) (6)
38.28(6)(a)(a) Annually, the board shall determine all of the following for each district:
38.28(6)(a)1. 1. The number of students enrolled in associate degree programs and vocational diploma programs in the district who are residents of another district.
38.28(6)(a)2. 2. The number of residents of the district who are enrolled in associate degree programs and vocational diploma programs in another district.
38.28(6)(b) (b) Annually, the board shall pay to each district for which the result under subd. 1. is a positive number an amount determined as follows:
38.28(6)(b)1. 1. For each district, subtract the number determined under par. (a) 2. from the number determined under par. (a) 1. for that district, adjusted to a full-time equivalent basis.
38.28(6)(b)2. 2. Add the positive numbers obtained under subd. 1. for all districts.
38.28(6)(b)3. 3. Multiply the amount in the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (fm) for that fiscal year by a fraction, the numerator of which is the result obtained under subd. 1. and the denominator of which is the result obtained under subd. 2.
38.28(6)(c) (c) The board shall make aid payments under this section from the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (fm). The board shall make such adjustments in aid payments during the fiscal year as are necessary to reflect more current data under pars. (a) and (b). Final adjustments of aid payments, on the basis of actual enrollments, shall be made from the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (fm) in the following fiscal year.
38.28 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. TCS 10, Wis. adm. code.
38.29 38.29 Chauffeur training grants.
38.29(1) (1) The board shall annually notify each district board receiving state aid under s. 38.28 (2) (g) of the amounts available for grants under this section. Grants under this section may be awarded only for the development of advanced chauffeur training facilities, the acquisition of instructional equipment for such facilities, operational costs associated with the maintenance of such facilities and equipment and costs incurred in the coordination of the training programs.
38.29(2) (2)
38.29(2)(a)(a) Any district board receiving aid under s. 38.28 (2) (g) may apply to the board for a grant for the purposes described under sub. (1).
38.29(2)(b) (b) The board shall review the application according to criteria and procedures established by the board. If an application submitted under par. (a) is approved, the board shall notify the district board of the amount and conditions of the grant to be awarded.
38.29(2)(c) (c) Amounts awarded shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (fg).
38.29(3) (3) Each district board receiving a grant under this section shall, by September 1 of the fiscal year following receipt of the grant, file a report with the board. The report shall evaluate the district board's performance in attaining the goals specified in the application submitted under sub. (2) (a).
38.29 History History: 1985 a. 29; 1997 a. 27.
38.30 38.30 Special aid for veterans.
38.30(1) (1)
38.30(1)(a)(a) District boards may receive payments from the U.S. department of veterans affairs for tuition to cover the cost of training for resident and nonresident students who are enrolled in district schools and are veterans eligible for benefits under federal law.
38.30(1)(b) (b) District boards may receive payments from the department of workforce development under s. 47.02 to cover the cost of training for resident and nonresident students who are enrolled in district schools and are veterans ineligible for benefits under par. (a).
38.30(1)(c) (c) District boards shall not receive payments under this subsection which, together with other receipts for the same purpose exclusive of the funds provided under s. 38.16, would exceed the full cost of training provided such veterans.
38.30(1)(d) (d) The amounts received for nonresidents under this subsection shall not be less than the amounts specified in s. 38.24 (3) but may exceed such amounts.
38.30(2) (2) Upon the authorization of a school board or district board, the board may enter into contracts with the U.S. department of veterans affairs for training in vocational agriculture to be provided by such school board or district board to veterans eligible for benefits under federal law. The board shall receive from the U.S. department of veterans affairs payments granted to cover the cost of administration by the board and, to be paid to the school board or district board, payments granted to cover the cost of such training.
38.32 38.32 Technical college instructor occupational competency program.
38.32(1)(1) The board shall establish a technical college instructor occupational competency program. The program shall be designed to provide technical college instructors in district schools with temporary work experiences in business and industry in order to improve their knowledge and skills in the subjects they teach.
38.32(2) (2) The board shall review proposals submitted by district boards that are consistent with sub. (1). From the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (e), the board shall award grants to district boards to partially pay the salaries of teachers participating in approved proposals. Any funds received by a district board under this subsection shall be equally matched by the district board.
38.32(3) (3) To the extent possible, grants awarded under sub. (2) shall be equally distributed on a statewide basis.
38.32(4) (4) The board shall promulgate rules to implement and administer the program under this section. The rules shall ensure that no worker in the participating business or industry will be displaced or laid off as a result of the program and that the program does not conflict with any collective bargaining agreement in effect on the effective date of the rules.
38.32 History History: 1983 a. 370; 1989 a. 56; 1991 a. 39; 1993 a. 399.
38.32 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also ch. TCS 11, Wis. adm. code.
38.33 38.33 Faculty development grants.
38.33(1) (1) From the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (eg), the board shall award grants to district boards to establish faculty development programs. The programs shall promote all of the following:
38.33(1)(a) (a) Instructor awareness of and expertise in a wide variety of newly emerging technologies.
38.33(1)(b) (b) The integration of learning technologies in curriculum and instruction.
38.33(1)(c) (c) The use of instructional methods that involve emerging technologies.
38.33(1m) (1m) The board may not award a grant to a district board under this section unless there is a matching fund contribution from the district board equal to at least 50% of the grant amount.
38.33(2) (2) The board shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this section, including rules establishing criteria for the awarding of grants.
38.33 History History: 1997 a. 27.
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