46.86(6)(a)(a) From the appropriation under
s. 20.435 (7) (md), the department may award up to $1,369,000 in fiscal year 2001-02 and up to $1,330,800 in fiscal year 2002-03 and in each fiscal year thereafter, and from the appropriation under
s. 20.435 (6) (gb), the department may award not more than $231,300 in fiscal year 2001-02 and not more than $319,500 in fiscal year 2002-03 and in each fiscal year thereafter, as grants to counties and private entities to provide community-based alcohol and other drug abuse treatment programs that do all of the following:
1. Meet special needs of women with problems resulting from alcohol or other drug abuse.
2. Emphasize parent education, vocational and housing assistance and coordination with other community programs and with treatment under intensive care.
(b) The department shall do all of the following with respect to the grants under
par. (a):
1. Award the grants in accordance with the department's request-for-proposal procedures.
2. Ensure that the grants are distributed in both urban and rural communities.
3. Evaluate the programs under the grants by use of client-outcome measurements that the department develops.
Alzheimer's family and caregiver support program. 46.87(1)(a)
(a) "Alzheimer's disease" means a degenerative disease of the central nervous system characterized especially by premature senile mental deterioration, and also includes any other irreversible deterioration of intellectual faculties with concomitant emotional disturbance resulting from organic brain disorder.
(b) "Caregiver" means any person other than a paid provider who provides care for a person with Alzheimer's disease.
(2) From the appropriations under
s. 20.435 (7) (b) and
(o), the department shall allocate funds to agencies designated under
sub. (3) (c), to be used for the administration and implementation of an Alzheimer's family and caregiver support program for persons with Alzheimer's disease and their caregivers.
46.87(3)(a)(a) A county board may apply to initially participate in the program created under this section by submitting to the department a one-time letter of intent to participate which includes a description of the program and services related to Alzheimer's disease which the county board intends to provide.
(b) The department shall select counties to participate in the program on the basis of criteria promulgated by rule.
(c) The county board for each county selected to participate shall designate one of the following as the administering agency for the program:
(4) If a county board does not submit an application under
sub. (3) (a) by January 1, 1986, the department shall make that county's allocation available to a private nonprofit organization, as defined under
s. 108.02 (19), to administer the program created under this section and shall select the organization according to criteria promulgated by rule. An organization selected as the administering agency under this subsection shall continue to be eligible to receive the county's allocation unless the county board subsequently submits to the department a letter of intent to participate and receives approval of its proposed program.
(5) The administering agency in each county may use the funds allocated to it to do any or all of the following:
(a) Provide or contract for the provision of services and goods or make payments for services to households that meet all of the following conditions:
1. At least one member of the household must be a person who has been diagnosed by a physician as having Alzheimer's disease.
2. Either the person with Alzheimer's disease or the person's caregiver resides in the county to which the household applies for participation in the program.
3. The household meets financial eligibility requirements specified by the department by rule, and persons in the household are ineligible for the family care benefit under
s. 46.286 in a county in which a care management organization under
s. 46.284 operates.
(b) Provide or contract for the provision of services and goods or make payments for services to a person with Alzheimer's disease living in a residential facility in the county who meets financial eligibility requirements specified by the department by rule and is ineligible for the family care benefit under
s. 46.286 in a county in which a care management organization under
s. 46.284 operates.
(bm) Maintain a contract in effect on June 30, 1987, with a service provider under funds allocated under
sub. (2).
(c) Contract with service providers to develop new programs or expand services, under this section, as defined by the department by rule.
(e) Provide outreach or other activities designed to develop public awareness of Alzheimer's disease.
46.87(6)(a)(a) For the purpose of distributing funds allocated under this section to households or individuals participating in the program, the administering agency shall determine all of the following:
1. The services and goods needed by the household to enable it to maintain the person with Alzheimer's disease as a member of the household, or the services or goods needed by a person with Alzheimer's disease living in a residential facility, and the cost of each service or good that is needed.
2. The ability of the household or of the person to pay for the services and goods identified under
subd. 1., using as the basis for the determination the uniform fee schedule established by the department under
s. 46.03 (18).
46.87(6)(b)1.1. An administering agency may pay to or expend on behalf of a participating household or individual person the cost of any goods and services identified under
par. (a) 1., less any amount paid under
subd. 2., except that the amount paid or expended may not exceed $4,000 in any calendar year for each person with Alzheimer's disease in the household or for an individual person living in a residential facility.
a. Shall require that the household or person with Alzheimer's disease pay, if able as determined under
par. (a) 2., for services and goods provided under
sub. (5) (a),
(b) and
(bm) unless the contract is determined to be a contract under
sub. (5) (c).
b. May require that the household or person with Alzheimer's disease pay, if able as determined under
par. (a) 2., for services and goods provided under
sub. (5) (c).
(7) The county board shall notify the department if any of the following occurs:
(a) The administering agency in the county is replaced by another.
(b) The county board intends to terminate participation in the program.
(c) The county's program and services related to Alzheimer's disease contain a substantial difference, as defined by rule, from the description of the county's program and services contained in the county board's letter of intent most recently submitted to the department under
sub. (3) (a).
(8) The department shall collect and analyze information about persons with Alzheimer's disease who are served under this section and about caregivers.
46.87 Cross-reference
Cross Reference: See also ch.
HFS 68, Wis. adm. code.
Elder abuse reporting system. 46.90(1)
Definitions. In this section:
(aj) "Bodily harm" means physical pain or injury, illness, or any impairment of physical condition.
(an) "Caregiver" means a person who has assumed responsibility for all or a portion of an individual's care voluntarily, by contract, or by agreement, including a person acting or claiming to act as a legal guardian.
(ar) "Case management" means an assessment of need for direct services, development of a direct service plan and coordination and monitoring of the provision of direct services.
(bm) "Direct services" includes temporary shelter, relocation assistance, housing, respite care, emergency funds for food and clothing and legal assistance.
(br) "Elder adult at risk" means any person age 60 or older who has experienced, is currently experiencing, or is at risk of experiencing abuse, neglect, self-neglect, or financial exploitation.
(bt) "Elder-adult-at-risk agency" means the agency designated by the county board of supervisors under
sub. (2) to receive, respond to, and investigate reports of abuse, neglect, self-neglect, and financial exploitation under
sub. (4).
(cm) "Emotional abuse" means language or behavior that serves no legitimate purpose and is intended to be intimidating, humiliating, threatening, frightening, or otherwise harassing, and that does or reasonably could intimidate, humiliate, threaten, frighten, or otherwise harass the individual to whom the conduct or language is directed.
(ed) "Financial exploitation" means any of the following:
1. Obtaining an individual's money or property by deceiving or enticing the individual, or by forcing, compelling, or coercing the individual to give, sell at less than fair market value, or in other ways convey money or property against his or her will without his or her informed consent.
3. The substantial failure or neglect of a fiscal agent to fulfill his or her responsibilities.
4. Unauthorized use of an individual's personal identifying information or documents, as prohibited in
s. 943.201.
5. Unauthorized use of an entity's identifying information or documents, as prohibited in
s. 943.203.
(eg) "Fiscal agent" includes any of the following:
46.90 Note
NOTE: The bracketed language indicates the correct cross-reference.
46.90 Note
NOTE: The bracketed language indicates the correct cross-reference.
5. A conservatorship under the U.S. department of veterans affairs.
(er) "Investigative agency" means a law enforcement or a city, town, village, county, or state governmental agency or unit with functions relating to protecting health, welfare, safety, or property, including an agency concerned with animal protection, public health, building code enforcement, consumer protection, or insurance or financial institution regulation.
(f) "Neglect" means the failure of a caregiver, as evidenced by an act, omission, or course of conduct, to endeavor to secure or maintain adequate care, services, or supervision for an individual, including food, clothing, shelter, or physical or mental health care, and creating significant risk or danger to the individual's physical or mental health. "Neglect" does not include a decision that is made to not seek medical care for an individual, if that decision is consistent with the individual's previously executed declaration or do-not-resuscitate order under
ch. 154, a power of attorney for health care under
ch. 155, or as otherwise authorized by law.
(fg) "Physical abuse" means the intentional or reckless infliction of bodily harm.
(g) "Self-neglect" means a significant danger to an individual's physical or mental health because the individual is responsible for his or her own care but fails to obtain adequate care, including food, shelter, clothing, or medical or dental care.
(gr) "State official" means any law enforcement officer employed by the state or an employee of one of the following: