560.91(3) (3) Identify and encourage opportunities to improve the competitiveness of businesses in this state and accelerate market-driven innovation in the state by the following types of technology transfer:
560.91(3)(a) (a) Adoption of readily available and reasonably standardized, but underused, technological products and processes.
560.91(3)(b) (b) Modification or new application of existing technologies.
560.91(3)(c) (c) Translation of new scientific discoveries into useful commercial products, processes and services.
560.91(4) (4) Encourage the lifelong education of residents, businesses and other organizations in this state on the role of science and technology in society and the world economy and the opportunities and responsibilities created by the application of new technologies.
560.91(5) (5) Establish liaisons with institutions of higher learning, appropriate state agencies, federal agencies dealing with science and technology, national laboratories, industrial associations and other appropriate associations in the private sector and coordinate their activities as the activities relate to the department's responsibilities under this subchapter.
560.91(6) (6) Work with and use existing agencies and programs, to the extent feasible, to ensure the execution of state technology-based economic development initiatives.
560.91 History History: 1989 a. 31.
560.915 560.915 Seed capital fund.
560.915(1)(1) In this section:
560.915(1)(a) (a) "Fund" means a private, for-profit seed capital fund.
560.915(1)(b) (b) "Seed capital" means equity financing to start a new business or expand a recently created business. "Seed capital" includes equity financing used for the development of a business plan, market research, prototype and product development, securing of a patent, capital equipment, other development work, selection of key personnel or working capital.
560.915(2) (2) The department may do all of the following with the money appropriated under s. 20.143 (1) (a):
560.915(2)(a) (a) Spend not more than $15,000 to contract with a professional executive search firm to identify a manager for a new fund to be based in this state.
560.915(2)(b) (b) Provide not more than $100,000 to pay all or part of the salary of the manager of the fund and other expenses incurred in establishing the fund, for up to one year, if all of the following apply:
560.915(2)(b)1. 1. The primary purpose of the fund will be to contribute to the establishment and growth in this state of new or expanding technically oriented businesses.
560.915(2)(b)2. 2. The manager or the person who controls the fund agrees to repay any money provided by the department under this section, on terms satisfactory to the department, after the fund has invested in one or more businesses.
560.915(2)(b)4. 4. The manager or person who controls the fund agrees to give a priority in the use of money from the fund to new or technically oriented businesses that certify that they use or will use techniques or processes that reduce or eliminate the use of ozone-depleting substances that are listed as class I substances under 42 USC 7671a.
560.915(3) (3) The department may not spend or provide moneys in connection with a fund under sub. (2) after June 30, 1991.
560.915(4) (4) The department shall do all of the following:
560.915(4)(a) (a) Prepare a biennial report on the disposition and repayment of moneys spent under sub. (2).
560.915(4)(b) (b) Submit the report to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3) for distribution to the standing committees with jurisdiction over economic development on or before December 31 of each odd-numbered year beginning in 1989 and ending in the odd-numbered year in or after which the earlier of the following occurs:
560.915(4)(b)1. 1. All financial assistance provided by the department under sub. (2) (b) has been repaid.
560.915(4)(b)2. 2. The secretary certifies in the report that the department will not provide money to any fund under sub. (2) (b).
560.915(4)(c) (c) Deposit all money received in repayment of financial assistance under sub. (2) (b) in the general fund.
560.915 History History: 1989 a. 31; 1993 a. 243.
560.92 560.92 Promotion.
560.92(1)(1) The department shall promote this state's science and technology assets in cooperation with Forward Wisconsin, Inc., and the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
560.92(2) (2) The department shall establish a program to recognize all of the following:
560.92(2)(a) (a) Entrepreneurs in this state who have established successful technically oriented businesses.
560.92(2)(b) (b) Outstanding researchers in basic and applied sciences in this state.
560.92 History History: 1989 a. 31; 2001 a. 103.
560.925 560.925 Information exchange. The department shall do all of the following:
560.925(1) (1) Establish and maintain a clearinghouse of information on science and technology relating to the general functions of the department under this subchapter, including the usefulness of science and technology to the public, government and industry in increasing the competitiveness of the economy of this state and enhancing the opportunity for joint ventures and more effective communication between the public and private sectors.
560.925(2) (2) Sponsor conferences and workshops related to the functions of the department under this subchapter.
560.925(3) (3) Assist in the development of statewide information networks, including a network of businesses and persons who use, provide, develop or support technically oriented businesses.
560.925 History History: 1989 a. 31.
560.93 560.93 Statewide advanced technology.
560.93(1) (1) The department shall monitor potential opportunities for federal and private sector funding of significant technology development and transfer programs. The department may create an advisory committee of persons likely to be aware of these funding opportunities to assist in the monitoring of such opportunities.
560.93(2) (2) Upon identifying a potential funding opportunity under sub. (1), the department may create a team composed of appropriate government, educational and private sector representatives to review and pursue the funding opportunity. A team may do any of the following:
560.93(2)(a) (a) Conduct an evaluation of whether one or more organizations located in this state should compete for the funds.
560.93(2)(b) (b) Help one or more organizations located in this state in developing a specific application for the funds and any subsequent proposal or documentation.
560.93(2)(c) (c) Present to persons providing funding, or coordinate the presentation of, an application for funds; and show to persons providing funding the facility or site where the technology development or transfer program is proposed to be conducted.
560.93 History History: 1989 a. 31.
560.935 560.935 Manufacturing modernization.
560.935(1) (1) The department shall develop one or more programs to assist manufacturing businesses that are located in this state in adopting readily available and reasonably standardized new manufacturing processes and techniques. The programs shall minimize the duplication of assistance provided by suppliers of the manufacturing processes and techniques, consultants, public and private educators and other persons who provide assistance to businesses. The department shall give preference to assisting businesses under this section with fewer than 500 employees.
560.935(2) (2) The department and its contractors may charge a reasonable fee for services provided to businesses that participate in programs established under this section.
560.935 History History: 1989 a. 31.
560.96 560.96 Technology zones.
560.96(1)(1) In this section, "tax credit" means a credit under s. 71.07 (2di), (2dm), (2dx), or (3g), 71.28 (1di), (1dm), (1dx), or (3g), or 71.47 (1di), (1dm), (1dx), or (3g).
560.96(2) (2)
560.96(2)(a)(a) The department may designate up to 8 areas in the state as technology zones. A business that is located in a technology zone and that is certified by the department under sub. (3) is eligible for a tax credit as provided in sub. (3).
560.96(2)(b) (b) The designation of an area as a technology zone shall be in effect for 10 years from the time that the department first designates the area. However, not more than $5,000,000 in tax credits may be claimed in a technology zone. The department may change the boundaries of a technology zone during the time that its designation is in effect. A change in the boundaries of a technology zone does not affect the duration of the designation of the area or the maximum tax credit amount that may be claimed in the technology zone.
560.96(3) (3)
560.96(3)(a)(a) The department may certify for tax credits in a technology zone a business that satisfies all of the following requirements:
560.96(3)(a)1. 1. The business is located in the technology zone.
560.96(3)(a)2. 2. The business is a new or expanding business.
560.96(3)(a)3. 3. The business is a high-technology business.
560.96(3)(b) (b) In determining whether to certify a business under this subsection, the department shall consider all of the following:
560.96(3)(b)1. 1. How many new jobs the business is likely to create.
560.96(3)(b)2. 2. The extent and nature of the high technology used by the business.
560.96(3)(b)3. 3. The likelihood that the business will attract related enterprises.
560.96(3)(b)4. 4. The amount of capital investment that the business is likely to make in the state.
560.96(3)(b)5. 5. The economic viability of the business.
560.96(3)(c) (c) When the department certifies a business under this subsection, the department shall establish a limit on the amount of tax credits that the business may claim. Unless its certification is revoked, and subject to the limit on the tax credit amount established by the department under this paragraph, a business that is certified may claim a tax credit for 3 years, except that a business that experiences growth, as determined for that business by the department under par. (d) and sub. (5) (e), may claim a tax credit for up to 5 years.
560.96(3)(d) (d) The department shall enter into an agreement with a business that is certified under this subsection. The agreement shall specify the limit on the amount of tax credits that the business may claim, the extent and type of growth, which shall be specific to the business, that the business must experience to extend its eligibility for a tax credit, the business' baseline against which that growth will be measured, any other conditions that the business must satisfy to extend its eligibility for a tax credit, and reporting requirements with which the business must comply.
560.96(4) (4)
560.96(4)(a)(a) The department of commerce shall notify the department of revenue of all the following:
560.96(4)(a)1. 1. A technology zone's designation.
560.96(4)(a)2. 2. A business's certification and the limit on the amount of tax credits that the business may claim.
560.96(4)(a)3. 3. The extension or revocation of a business's certification.
560.96(4)(b) (b) The department shall annually verify information submitted to the department under ss. 71.07 (2di), (2dm), (2dx), and (3g), 71.28 (1di), (1dm), (1dx), and (3g), and 71.47 (1di), (1dm), (1dx), and (3g).
560.96(5) (5) The department shall promulgate rules for the operation of this section, including rules related to all the following:
560.96(5)(a) (a) Criteria for designating an area as a technology zone.
560.96(5)(b) (b) A business's eligibility for certification, including definitions for all of the following:
560.96(5)(b)1. 1. New or expanding business.
560.96(5)(b)2. 2. High-technology business.
560.96(5)(c) (c) Certifying a business, including use of the factors under sub. (3) (b).
560.96(5)(d) (d) Standards for establishing the limit on the amount of tax credits that a business may claim.
560.96(5)(e) (e) Standards for extending a business's certification, including what measures, in addition to job creation, the department will use to determine the growth of a specific business and how the department will establish baselines against which to measure growth.
560.96(5)(f) (f) Reporting requirements for certified businesses.
560.96(5)(g) (g) The exchange of information between the department of commerce and the department of revenue.
560.96(5)(h) (h) Reasons for revoking a business's certification.
560.96(5)(i) (i) Standards for changing the boundaries of a technology zone.
560.96 History History: 2001 a. 16, 104.
subch. X of ch. 560 SUBCHAPTER X
560.9801 560.9801 Definitions. In this subchapter:
560.9801(1) (1) "Community-based organization" means an organization operating in a specific geographic area that is organized primarily to provide housing opportunities for persons or families of low or moderate income, and that is one of the following:
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2005. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?