71.92(3) (3) Any taxpayer may petition the department of revenue to compromise his or her delinquent income or franchise taxes including the costs, penalties and interest. The petition shall set forth a sworn statement of the taxpayer and shall be in a form that the department prescribes and the department may examine the petitioner under oath concerning the matter. If the department finds that the taxpayer is unable to pay the taxes, costs, penalties and interest in full it shall determine the amount the taxpayer is able to pay and shall enter an order reducing such taxes, costs, penalties and interest in accordance with the determination. The order shall provide that the compromise, if paid in a lump sum, is effective only if paid within 10 days or the order shall provide that the compromise is effective if paid according to a payment schedule that is set up by the department. The department or its collection agents upon receipt of the order shall accept payment in accordance with the order. Upon payment of the total amount due under the order, the department shall credit the unpaid portion of the principal amount of such taxes and make appropriate record of the unpaid amount of penalties, costs, and interest accrued to the date of the order. If within 3 years of the date of the compromise order or the date of a final payment under a payment schedule, whichever is later, the department ascertains that the taxpayer has an income or property sufficient to enable the taxpayer to pay the remainder of the tax including costs, penalty and interest the department shall reopen the matter and order the payment in full of such taxes, costs, penalties and interest. Before the entry of the order a notice shall be given to the taxpayer in writing advising of the intention of the department of revenue to reopen the matter and fixing a time and place for the appearance of the taxpayer if the taxpayer desires a hearing. Upon entry of the order the department of revenue shall make an appropriate record of the principal amount of the taxes, penalties, costs and interest ordered to be paid and such taxes shall be immediately due and payable and shall thereafter be subject to the interest provided by s. 71.82 (2), and the department shall immediately proceed to collect the same together with the unpaid portion of penalty, costs, and interest accrued to the date of the compromise order.
71.92(4) (4) Delinquent income or franchise taxes, interest and penalties, resulting from assessments pursuant to s. 71.74 (3), 71.82 (2) (d) or 71.83 (1) (a) 3. or 4. or (b) 2. or 3. or from assessments by virtue of disallowance of claimed deductions for failure to file information reports relating thereto, as required by this chapter, may be compromised by the department when such action is fair and equitable under the circumstances.
71.92(6) (6) If any delinquent income or franchise tax has been referred by the department to the attorney general for collection and after having fully investigated the matter the attorney general determines that it would be in the best interest of the state to compromise the tax, a written recommendation shall be made to the department stating the terms upon which the tax should be compromised and the reasons therefor. The department shall approve or disapprove the recommendation and notify the department of justice. If approved the department of justice may enter into a stipulation with the taxpayer providing for the compromise of the tax on the terms set forth in the recommendation and upon compliance by the taxpayer the tax shall be fully discharged. The department of justice shall furnish the department with a copy of such stipulation, and the department or its agents charged with the collection of income or franchise taxes may accept payment of such tax in accordance with the terms of such stipulation and upon payment being made shall credit the unpaid portion of the tax. This subsection shall be in addition to all other powers of the department of justice and the department of revenue with respect to compromise or settlement of income or franchise taxes.
71.93 71.93 Setoffs for other state agencies.
71.93(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
71.93(1)(a) (a) "Debt" means all of the following:
71.93(1)(a)1. 1. An amount owed to a state agency, if the amount has been reduced to a judgment or if the state agency has provided the debtor reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard with regard to the amount owed.
71.93(1)(a)2. 2. A delinquent child support or spousal support obligation that has been reduced to a judgment and has been submitted by an agency of another state to the department of workforce development for certification under this section.
71.93(1)(a)3. 3. An amount that the department of health and family services may recover under s. 49.45 (2) (a) 10., 49.497, 49.793, or 49.847, if the department of health and family services has certified the amount under s. 49.85.
71.93(1)(a)4. 4. An amount that the department of workforce development may recover under s. 49.161 or 49.195 (3) or collect under s. 49.147 (6) (cm), if the department of workforce development has certified the amount under s. 49.85.
71.93(1)(a)5. 5. An amount owed to the department of corrections under s. 304.074 (2).
71.93(1)(a)6. 6. An amount owed to the department of military affairs under s. 21.49 (3m).
71.93(1)(b) (b) "Debtor" means any person owing a debt to a state agency and any person who owes a delinquent child support or spousal support obligation to an agency of another state.
71.93(1)(c) (c) "Department" means the department of revenue.
71.93(1)(cm) (cm) "Disbursement" means any payment to a person who provides goods and services to the state under subch. IV or V of ch. 16 or under ch. 84.
71.93(1)(d) (d) "Refund" means the excess amount by which any payments, refundable credits or both exceed a debtor's Wisconsin tax liability or any other liability owed to the department.
71.93(1)(e) (e) "State agency" has the meaning set forth under s. 20.001 (1).
71.93(2) (2)Certification. A state agency may certify to the department any properly identified debt exceeding $20 so that the department may set off the amount of the debt against a refund to the debtor or so that the department of administration may reduce a disbursement to the debtor by the amount of the debt. At least 30 days prior to certification each debtor shall be sent a notice by the state agency of its intent to certify the debt to the department for setoff or reduction and of the debtor's right of appeal. At the time of certification, the certifying state agency shall furnish the social security number of individual debtors and the federal employer identification number of other debtors.
71.93(3) (3)Administration.
71.93(3)(a)(a) In administering this section the department shall first check with the state agency certifying the debt to determine whether the debt has been collected by other means. If the debt remains uncollected the department of revenue shall setoff any debt or other amount owed to the department, regardless of the origin of the debt or of the amount, its nature or its date. If after the setoff there remains a refund in excess of $10, the department shall set off the remaining refund against certified debts of other state agencies. If more than one certified debt exists for any debtor, the refund shall be first set off against the earliest debt certified, except that no child support or spousal support obligation submitted by an agency of another state may be set off until all debts owed to and certified by state agencies of this state have been set off. When all debts have been satisfied, any remaining refund shall be refunded to the debtor by the department. Any legal action contesting a setoff under this paragraph shall be brought against the state agency that certified the debt under sub. (2).
71.93(3)(b) (b) The department shall provide the information obtained under sub. (2) to the department of administration. Before reducing any disbursement as provided under this paragraph, the department of administration shall contact the department to verify whether a certified debt that is the basis of the reduction has been collected by other means. If the certified debt remains uncollected, the department of administration shall reduce the disbursement by the amount of the debtor's certified debt under sub. (2), notify the department of such reduction and disbursement, and remit the amount of the reduction to the department in the manner prescribed by the department. If more than one certified debt exists for any debtor, the disbursement shall be reduced first by any debts certified under s. 73.12 then by the earliest debt certified. Any legal action contesting a reduction under this paragraph shall be brought against the state agency that certified the debt under sub. (2).
71.93(4) (4)Settlement. Within 30 days after the close of each calendar quarter, the department shall settle with each state agency that has certified a debt. Each settlement shall note the opening balance of debts certified, any additions or deletions, reductions or amounts set off, and the ending balance at the close of the settlement period.
71.93(5) (5)Debtor charged for costs. Each debtor shall be charged for administration expenses, and the amounts charged shall be credited to the department's appropriation under s. 20.566 (1) (h). The department may set off amounts charged to the debtor under this subsection against any refund owed to the debtor, in the manner provided in sub. (3). Annually on or before November 1, the department shall review its costs incurred during the previous fiscal year in administering state agency setoffs and reductions and shall adjust its subsequent charges to each debtor to reflect that experience.
71.93 Note NOTE: Sub. (5) is shown as affected by 2 acts of the 2005 Wisconsin legislature and as merged by the revisor under s. 13.93 (2) (c).
71.93(6) (6)Written agreement and authority of department. Any state agency wishing to certify debts to the department shall enter into a written agreement with the department prior to any certification of debt. Any certification of debts by a state agency or changes to certified debts shall be in a manner and form prescribed by the department. The secretary of revenue shall be the final authority in the resolution of any interagency disputes in regard to certification of debts. If a refund or disbursement is adjusted after a setoff or reduction, the department may readjust any erroneous settlement with a certifying state agency.
71.93(7) (7)Exchange of information. Information relative to changes to any debt certified shall be exchanged promptly by each agency. Setoff of refunds and reduction of disbursements against debts certified by agencies, and any report of the setoff or reduction to state agencies, is not a violation of ss. 71.78, 72.06, 77.61 (5), 78.80 (3), and 139.38 (6).
71.93(8) (8)State agency debt agreements. Upon request by a state agency, the department of revenue may enter into an agreement with individuals who owe debts to the state agency. With the consent of the debtor, the department of revenue may arrange with the debtor's employer for the withholding from the debtor's pay of a specified amount to be applied against the debt.
71.935 71.935 Setoffs for municipalities and counties.
71.935(1) (1) In this section:
71.935(1)(a) (a) "Debt" means a parking citation of at least $20 that is unpaid and for which there has been no court appearance by the date specified in the citation or, if no date is specified, that is unpaid for at least 28 days; an unpaid fine, fee, restitution or forfeiture of at least $20; and any other debt that is at least $20, including debt related to property taxes, if the debt has been reduced to a judgment or the municipality or county to which the debt is owed has provided the debtor reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard with regard to the debt.
71.935 Note NOTE: Par. (a) is shown as affected by 2 acts of the 2005 Wisconsin legislature and as merged by the revisor under s. 13.93 (2) (c).
71.935(1)(am) (am) "Debt related to property taxes" means delinquent general property taxes, as defined in s. 74.01 (1), special assessments, as defined in s. 74.01 (3), special charges, as defined in s. 74.01 (4), and special taxes, as defined in s. 74.01 (5). The term "debt related to property taxes" includes any interest and penalty charged as a result of the delinquency.
71.935(1)(b) (b) "Debtor" means a person who owes a debt to a municipality or county.
71.935(1)(c) (c) "Department" means the department of revenue.
71.935(1)(cm) (cm) "Disbursement" means any payment to a person who provides goods and services to the state under subch. IV or V of ch. 16 or under ch. 84.
71.935(1)(d) (d) "Refund" has the meaning given under s. 71.93 (1) (d).
71.935(2) (2) A municipality or county may certify to the department any debt owed to it. Not later than 5 days after certification, the municipality or county shall notify the debtor in writing of its certification of the debt to the department, of the basis of the certification and of the debtor's right to appeal and, in the case of parking citations, of the debtor's right to contest the citation. At the time of certification, the municipality or county shall furnish to the department the name and social security number or operator's license number of each individual debtor and the name and federal employer identification number of each other debtor.
71.935(3) (3)
71.935(3)(a)(a) If the debt remains uncollected and, in the case of a parking citation, if the debtor has not contested the citation within 20 days after the notice under sub. (2), the department shall set off the debt against any refund that is owed to the debtor after the setoff under s. 71.93. Any legal action contesting a setoff shall be brought against the municipality or county that certified the debt under sub. (2).
71.935(3)(b) (b) The department shall provide the information obtained under sub. (2) to the department of administration. Before reducing any disbursement as provided under this paragraph, the department of administration shall contact the department to verify whether a certified debt that is the basis of the reduction has been collected by other means and, in the case of a parking citation, whether the debtor has contested the citation within 20 days after the notice under sub. (2). If the certified debt remains uncollected and, in the case of a parking citation, the citation has not been contested within 20 days after the notice under sub. (2), the department of administration shall, after any reduction under s. 71.93, reduce the disbursement by the amount of the debtor's certified debt under sub. (2), notify the department of such reduction and disbursement, and remit the amount of the reduction to the department in the manner prescribed by the department. If more than one debt certified under sub. (2) exists for any debtor, the disbursement shall be reduced first by the earliest debt certified. Any legal action contesting a reduction under this paragraph shall be brought against the municipality or county that certified the debt under sub. (2).
71.935(4) (4) Within 30 days after the end of each calendar quarter, the department shall settle with each municipality and county for the amounts set off or reduced against certified debts for the municipality or county during that calendar quarter.
71.935(5) (5) Each debtor shall be charged for administration expenses, and the amounts charged shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.566 (1) (h). The department may set off amounts charged to the debtor under this subsection against any refund owed to the debtor, in the manner provided in sub. (3). Annually on or before November 1, the department shall review its costs incurred during the previous fiscal year in administering setoffs and reductions under this section and shall adjust its subsequent charges to each debtor to reflect that experience.
71.935 Note NOTE: Sub. (5) is shown as affected by 2 acts of the 2005 Wisconsin legislature and as merged by the revisor under s. 13.93 (2) (c).
71.935 History History: 1995 a. 27; 1997 a. 27; 2003 a. 177; 2005 a. 25, 59, 254, 454; s. 13.93 (2) (c).
71.94 71.94 Penalties. Unless specifically provided in this subchapter, the penalties under subch. XIII apply for failure to comply with this subchapter unless the context requires otherwise.
71.94 History History: 1987 a. 312.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2005. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?