15.34(1)(1) There is created a department of natural resources under the direction and supervision of the natural resources board.
15.34(2)(a)(a) The natural resources board shall consist of 7 members appointed for staggered 6-year terms.
(b) At least 3 members of the natural resources board shall be from the territory north, and at least 3 members of the board shall be from the territory south, of a line running east and west through the south limits of the city of Stevens Point.
(c) No person may be appointed to the natural resources board, or remain a member of the board, who receives, or has during the previous 2 years received, a significant portion of his or her income directly or indirectly from holders of or applicants for permits issued by the department under
ch. 283, except that this paragraph does not apply to permits issued under
s. 283.33.
(d) The majority of members of the natural resources board may not derive a significant portion of their incomes from persons who are subject to permits or enforcement orders under
ch. 285. Each board member shall inform the governor of any significant change in the income that he or she derives from persons who are subject to permits or enforcement orders under
ch. 285.
(e) The restrictions in
pars. (c) and
(d) do not apply with respect to permits or licenses held or applied for by agencies, departments, or subdivisions of this state.
Same; specified divisions. 15.343(1)
Division of forestry. There is created in the department of natural resources a division of forestry.
15.343 History
History: 1999 a. 9.
Same; attached boards and commissions. 15.345(1)(1)
Wisconsin waterways commission. There is created a Wisconsin waterways commission which is attached to the department of natural resources under
s. 15.03.
(a) The commission shall be composed of 5 members appointed for staggered 5-year terms.
(b) Each member of the commission must be able to assess the recreational water use problems in his or her geographical area of the state.
(c) No member of the commission may receive any salary for services performed as a commission member. Each commission member shall be reimbursed for actual and necessary expenses incurred while performing official duties.
(2) Lake Superior commercial fishing board. There is created a Lake Superior commercial fishing board attached to the department of natural resources under
s. 15.03.
(a) The board shall be composed of 5 members who reside in counties contiguous to Lake Superior appointed by the governor to serve at the governor's pleasure.
(3) Lake Michigan commercial fishing board. There is created a Lake Michigan commercial fishing board attached to the department of natural resources under
s. 15.03.
(a) The board shall be composed of 7 members who reside in counties contiguous to Lake Michigan appointed by the governor to serve at the governor's pleasure.
1. Five licensed, active commercial fishers; of these, 2 shall represent the fisheries of southern Green Bay and 3 the fisheries of northern Green Bay and Lake Michigan proper.
(6) Managed forest land board. There is created in the department of natural resources a managed forest land board consisting of the chief state forester or his or her designee and the following members appointed for 3-year terms:
(a) One member appointed from a list of 5 nominees submitted by the Wisconsin Counties Association.
(b) One member appointed from a list of 5 nominees submitted by the Wisconsin Towns Association.
(c) One member appointed from a list of 5 nominees submitted by an association that represents the interests of counties that have county forests within their boundaries.
(d) One member appointed from a list of 5 nominees submitted by the council on forestry.
Dry cleaner environmental response council. There is created in the department of natural resources a dry cleaner environmental response council consisting of the following members appointed for 3-year terms:
(a) One member representing dry cleaning operations with annual gross receipts of less than $200,000.
(b) Two members representing dry cleaning operations with annual gross receipts of at least $200,000.
(c) One member representing wholesale distributors of dry cleaning solvent.
(d) One engineer, professional geologist, hydrologist or soil scientist with knowledge, experience or education concerning remediation of environmental contamination.
(e) One member representing manufacturers and sellers of dry cleaning equipment.
(4) Natural areas preservation council. There is created in the department of natural resources a natural areas preservation council consisting of the following representatives:
(a) Two from the department of natural resources, appointed by the board of natural resources, one to serve as secretary.
(b) Four from the University of Wisconsin System, appointed by the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System.
(c) One from the department of public instruction, appointed by the state superintendent of public instruction.
(d) One from the Milwaukee public museum, appointed by its board of directors.
(e) Three appointed by the council of the Wisconsin academy of sciences, arts and letters, at least one representing the private colleges in this state.
(7) Snowmobile recreational council. There is created in the department of natural resources a snowmobile recreational council consisting of 15 members nominated by the governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate, appointed for staggered 3-year terms. Commencing on July 1, 1972, 5 members shall be appointed to serve for one year, 5 members for 2 years and 5 members for 3 years. Thereafter all terms shall be for 3 years with 5 positions on the council to expire each year. At least 5 members of the council shall be from the territory north, and at least 5 members shall be from the territory south, of a line running east and west through the south limits of the city of Stevens Point.
(12) Metallic mining council. There is created in the department of natural resources a metallic mining council consisting of 9 persons representing a variety and balance of economic, scientific and environmental viewpoints. Members shall be appointed by the secretary of the department for staggered 3-year terms.
Creation. There is created a groundwater coordinating council, attached to the department of natural resources under
s. 15.03. The council shall perform the functions specified under
s. 160.50.
Members. The groundwater coordinating council shall consist of the following members:
3. The secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
Designees. Under
par. (b), agency heads may appoint designees to serve on the council, if the designee is an employee or appointive officer of the agency who has sufficient authority to deploy agency resources and directly influence agency decision making.
Terms. Members appointed under
par. (b) 8. shall be appointed to 4-year terms.
Staff. The state agencies with membership on the council and its subcommittees shall provide adequate staff to conduct the functions of the council.
Meetings. The council shall meet at least twice each year and may meet at other times on the call of 3 of its members.
Section 15.09 (3) does not apply to meetings of the council.
Annual report. In August of each year, the council shall submit to the head of each agency with membership on the council, the governor and the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under
s. 13.172 (3), a report which summarizes the operations and activities of the council during the fiscal year concluded on the preceding June 30, describes the state of the groundwater resource and its management and sets forth the recommendations of the council. The annual report shall include a description of the current groundwater quality in the state, an assessment of groundwater management programs, information on the implementation of
ch. 160 and a list and description of current and anticipated groundwater problems. In each annual report, the council shall include the dissents of any council member to the activities and recommendations of the council.
(15) Milwaukee River revitalization council. 15.347(15)(a)(a) There is created in the department of natural resources a Milwaukee River revitalization council consisting of:
1. The secretary of natural resources or his or her designee.
3. Eleven members appointed by the governor for 3-year terms.
4. At least one council member shall represent each of the priority watersheds, as identified under
s. 281.65 (4) (cm), that are located in the Milwaukee River basin.
(d) Any member designated under
par. (a) 1. or
2. or any member appointed under
par. (a) 3. who is absent from 4 consecutive meetings vacates his or her position.
(16) State trails council. There is created in the department of natural resources a state trails council consisting of 9 members, appointed for 4-year terms, who are knowledgeable in the various recreational uses of trails.
Creation and membership. There is created a council on recycling, attached to the department of natural resources under
s. 15.03, consisting of 7 members selected by the governor.
Terms. Each member of the council on recycling designated under
par. (a) shall serve a 4-year term expiring on the date that the next term of governor commences under
s. 8.25 (4) (b) 2. or until a successor is appointed.
15.347(18)(a)(a) There is created an invasive species council, attached to the department of natural resources under
s. 15.03.
1. The secretary of natural resources or his or her designee.
3. The secretary of agriculture, trade and consumer protection or his or her designee.