196.196(4)(a)(a) A telecommunications utility with 150,000 or less access lines in use in this state may elect to become a price-regulated telecommunications utility and may elect to have its earnings considered in any review under sub. (1) (e).
196.196(4)(b) (b) A telecommunications utility with 150,000 or less access lines in use in this state may file a company-specific price regulation and investment plan subject to commission approval.
196.196(4)(c) (c) A telecommunications utility with 150,000 or less access lines in use in this state that has elected price regulation may rescind election of price regulation and return to rate-of-return regulation, subject to the approval of the commission, if rescission is in the public interest considering the factors under s. 196.03 (6).
196.196(4)(d) (d) All of the following apply to a telecommunications utility that elects to return to rate-of-return regulation under par. (c):
196.196(4)(d)1. 1. It may not elect to be subject to price regulation for a period of 3 years after returning to rate-of-return regulation.
196.196(4)(d)2. 2. It may be subject to a full rate case proceeding before the commission.
196.196(5) (5)Investment commitments.
196.196(5)(a)(a) Within 60 days after a telecommunications utility elects to become price regulated under sub. (1), the telecommunications utility shall file with the commission a plan outlining the telecommunications utility's commitment to invest in telecommunications infrastructure improvements in this state over a period of not less than 6 years.
196.196(5)(b) (b) An investment plan filed with the commission shall include all of the following:
196.196(5)(b)1. 1. A description of the level of planned investment in technological or infrastructure enhancement.
196.196(5)(b)2. 2. A description of the extent to which planned investment will make new telecommunications technology available to customers or expand the availability of current technology.
196.196(5)(b)3. 3. A description of the planned deployment of fiber-optic facilities or broad-band capabilities to schools, libraries, technical colleges, hospitals and colleges and universities in this state.
196.196(5)(b)4. 4. Target dates for the deployment of the planned technology and infrastructure improvements.
196.196(5)(b)5. 5. For a telecommunications utility with more than 500,000 access lines in use in this state at the time of electing to become price regulated, a level of planned investment in an amount of not less than $700,000,000 within the first 5 years of the plan.
196.196(5)(c)1.1. A telecommunications utility shall provide the commission, within one year after its election to become price regulated under sub. (1) and annually thereafter, a progress report relating to the telecommunications utility's investment in and deployment of infrastructure enhancements. A progress report shall include data relative to the telecommunications utility's operating and financial performance during the relevant period.
196.196(5)(c)2. 2. The commission shall consider the telecommunications utility's progress in meeting its investment plan infrastructure commitments when making penalty or incentive adjustments under sub. (1) (c).
196.196(5)(d)1.1. Within 120 days after a telecommunications utility elects to become price regulated under sub. (1), the commission, after notice and opportunity for hearing, may rescind the election if the telecommunications utility fails to file an investment plan within the time specified in par. (a) or if the investment plan does not comply with par. (b). If a hearing is held, the time within which the commission may act may be extended an additional 30 days.
196.196(5)(d)2. 2. If the commission orders a recision, the commission shall reinstate the level of regulation in effect at the time that the election was made and the telecommunications utility shall rescind any rate increases put into effect when the telecommunications utility operated as a price-regulated utility.
196.196(5)(e) (e) Within 120 days after the completion of the first year and of the 2nd year that a telecommunications utility is price-regulated, the commission may reduce rates charged by the price-regulated telecommunications utility for services subject to price regulation by up to 2%. If a hearing is held, the time within which the commission may act may be extended an additional 30 days. The commission may reduce rates under this paragraph if, after notice and opportunity for hearing, the commission finds any of the following:
196.196(5)(e)1. 1. That the telecommunications utility did not file a progress report within the time specified in par. (c) 1.
196.196(5)(e)2. 2. That the progress report filed by the telecommunications utility does not contain sufficient information to permit the commission to adequately monitor the telecommunications utility's investment and deployment of infrastructure described in its investment plan.
196.196(5)(e)3. 3. That the actual or planned investment described in the progress report does not adequately provide for deployment of advanced infrastructure technologies, fails to exceed routine facility upgrades necessary to maintain service quality or fails to meet goals identified in the investment plan.
196.196(5)(f)1.1. Before January 1, 1996, and biennially thereafter, the commission shall submit a report to the joint committee on information policy and technology describing the status of investments in advanced telecommunications infrastructure in this state. The report shall include information on the progress made in all of the following areas:
196.196(5)(f)1.a. a. Distance learning, including the number of schools and other educational institutions connected to distance learning networks.
196.196(5)(f)1.b. b. Interconnection of libraries, including the number of libraries with video conferencing and network access capabilities.
196.196(5)(f)1.c. c. Access to health care.
196.196(5)(f)1.d. d. Education, health care and employment opportunities for the disabled and other persons in the home.
196.196(5)(f)1.e. e. Integrated services digital network deployment.
196.196(5)(f)1.f. f. Other infrastructure investments identified by the commission.
196.196(5)(f)2. 2. The commission shall include in the report under subd. 1. recommendations for improving the progress of investments in advanced telecommunications infrastructure.
196.196(5)(f)3. 3. The commission may combine its report under this paragraph with its report under s. 196.218 (5r).
196.196 History History: 1993 a. 496; 1999 a. 29, 85; 2001 a. 16.
196.196 Cross-reference Cross Reference: See also chs. PSC 163 and 165, Wis. adm. code.
196.196 Annotation Sub. (2) (b) 3. is discussed. Wisconsin Bell, Inc. v. Public Service Commission, 2004 WI App 8, 269 Wis. 2d 409, 675 N.W.2d 242, 02-3163.
196.196 Annotation The definition of "new telecommunications services" in s. 196.19 (1m) (a) applies to sub. (3) (a). Section 196.19 (1m) only addresses the creation of "new telecommunications services." Sub. (3) address their regulation by allowing a company to change rates for existing "new telecommunications services" with only limited tariff and customer notice requirements. By incorporating s. 196.19 (1m) into sub. (3) (a), a complete regulatory scheme is established. Wisconsin Bell, Inc. v. PSC, 2004 WI App 223, 277 Wis. 2d 729, 691 N.W.2d 697, 03-2235.
196.197 196.197 Unbundled network elements.
196.197(1) (1)Applicability. This section applies to a petition to determine rates and costs of unbundled network elements or unbundled service elements under federal or state law, but does not apply to a petition for arbitration.
196.197(2) (2)Petitions.
196.197(2)(a)(a) A telecommunications provider may file a petition with the commission in the form and containing the information required by the commission. The commission shall determine that a petition is complete if the petition includes all of the following:
196.197(2)(a)1. 1. A request that the commission determine rates and costs of unbundled network elements or unbundled service elements, an identification of the particular rates and costs that are the subject of the petition, and an identification of the relief sought by the petitioner.
196.197(2)(a)2. 2. One or more cost studies upon which the petitioner relies to support the rates and costs sought by the petitioner.
196.197(2)(a)3. 3. Prefiled written direct testimony upon which the petitioner relies to support the petition and relief sought.
196.197(2)(a)4. 4. Any other information required by the commission.
196.197(2)(b)1.1. No later than 30 days after the date on which a petition is filed under par. (a), the commission shall determine whether a petition is complete under par. (a) and notify the petitioner about the determination. If the commission fails to make a determination within the 30-day period, the petition is considered to be complete. If the commission determines that a petition filed under par. (a) is incomplete, the commission shall state the reason for the determination and identify the information that is needed to determine that the petition is complete.
196.197(2)(b)2. 2. A petitioner may supplement a petition that the commission has determined to be incomplete. No later than 15 days after a petitioner files a supplemented petition under this subdivision, the commission shall determine whether the supplemented petition is complete and notify the petitioner about the determination. The commission shall determine that a supplemented petition is complete if it contains the information identified in the determination under subd. 1. that is needed to determine that the petition is complete. If the commission fails to make a determination under this subdivision within the 15-day period, the petition is considered to be complete. If the commission determines that a petition supplemented under this subdivision is not complete pursuant to this subdivision, the commission shall state the reason for the determination under this subdivision and identify the information that is needed to determine that the petition is complete under this subdivision. There is no limit on the number of times that a petitioner may supplement a petition under this subdivision.
196.197(2)(c) (c) A petitioner shall provide a copy of a petition filed under par. (a) or supplemented under par. (b) 2. to any other telecommunications provider that may be affected by the petition at the same time that the petition is filed or supplemented. A telecommunications provider that may be affected by the petition may respond to the petition and provide the commission any additional information.
196.197(3) (3)Time frame for final decisions.
196.197(3)(a)1.1. This paragraph applies to petitions to determine 100 or less rates.
196.197(3)(a)2. 2. The commission shall enter a final decision under sub. (4) on a petition within 180 days after the date on which the petition is determined or considered to be complete under sub. (2) (b), unless an extension is agreed to under under subd. 3. or granted under subd. 4.
196.197(3)(a)3. 3. With the approval of the commission, the petitioner may, within the 180-day period specified in subd. 2., agree to extend the time for a final decision.
196.197(3)(a)4. 4. The commission may, within the 180-day period specified in subd. 2. or within any extension approved under subd. 3., petition the circuit court for Dane County for an extension of time for entering a final decision on the petition. Within the 180-day period specified in subd. 2. or within any extension approved under subd. 3., the court may, upon a showing of good cause, grant an extension of not more than an additional 60 days. No more than one extension may be granted under this subdivision.
196.197(3)(b)1.1. This paragraph applies to petitions to determine more than 100 rates.
196.197(3)(b)2. 2. The commission shall enter a final decision under sub. (4) on a petition within 270 days after the date on which the petition is determined or considered to be complete under sub. (2) (b), unless an extension is agreed to under under subd. 3. or granted under subd. 4.
196.197(3)(b)3. 3. With the approval of the commission, the petitioner may, within the 270-day period specified in subd. 2., agree to extend the time for a final decision.
196.197(3)(b)4. 4. The commission may, within the 270-day period specified in subd. 2. or within any extension approved under subd. 3., petition the circuit court for Dane County for an extension of time for entering a final decision on the petition. Within the 270-day period specified in subd. 2. or within any extension approved under subd. 3., the court may, upon a showing of good cause, grant an extension of not more than an additional 90 days. No more than one extension may be granted under this subdivision.
196.197(4) (4)Final decision. The commission may reject a petition, grant a petition, or approve a petition with modifications or conditions. The commission shall issue a final decision that determines rates for the unbundled network elements and unbundled service elements specified in the petition, except to the extent that the evidence in the record is not sufficient for making such a determination with respect to a particular rate, unbundled network element, or unbundled service element.
196.197 History History: 2003 a. 125.
196.198 196.198 Local measured telecommunications service.
196.198(1)(1) In this section, "extended community telephone service" means a telecommunications service by which a customer in one exchange may call a customer in another exchange or combination of exchanges under a discounted toll charge plan.
196.198(2) (2)
196.198(2)(a)(a) Except as provided in sub. (3), a telecommunications utility that has more than 150,000 access lines in use in this state or a telecommunications provider that has more than 150,000 access lines in use in this state may not charge a residential customer for basic local exchange service based on the duration of a call or on the time of day that a call is made. This paragraph does not apply to an extended community telephone service.
196.198(2)(b) (b) Paragraph (a) does not prohibit a price-regulated telecommunications utility from offering discounts based on the time of day that a call is made if the price-regulated telecommunications utility also offers basic local exchange service at a rate permitted under s. 196.196 (1).
196.198(3) (3) The commission may suspend the application of sub. (2) (a) in a particular geographical area for a telecommunications utility or a telecommunications provider if, after a contested case hearing, the commission determines that all of the following apply:
196.198(3)(a) (a) Failure to suspend the application of sub. (2) (a) makes competition in that geographical area impractical.
196.198(3)(b) (b) Suspending the application of sub. (2) (a) is beneficial to all of the following groups:
196.198(3)(b)1. 1. Residential customers in general.
196.198(3)(b)2. 2. Disabled customers.
196.198(3)(b)3. 3. Elderly customers.
196.198 History History: 1993 a. 496.
196.199 196.199 Interconnection agreements.
196.199(1) (1)Definition. In this section, "interconnection agreement" does not include an interconnection agreement to which a commercial mobile radio service provider is a party.
196.199(2) (2)Commission powers.
196.199(2)(a)(a) The commission has jurisdiction to approve and enforce interconnection agreements and may do all things necessary and convenient to its jurisdiction.
196.199(2)(b) (b) The commission may promulgate rules that require an interconnection agreement to include alternate dispute resolution provisions.
196.199(2)(c) (c) The commission shall promulgate rules that specify the requirements for determining under sub. (3) (a) 1m. a. whether a party's alleged failure to comply with an interconnection agreement has a significant adverse effect on the ability of another party to the agreement to provide telecommunications service to its customers or potential customers.
196.199(3) (3)Enforcement.
196.199(3)(a)1.1. Upon the filing of any of the following, the commission may investigate whether a party to an interconnection agreement approved by the commission has failed to comply with the agreement:
196.199(3)(a)1.a. a. A complaint by a party to the agreement that another party to the agreement has failed to comply with the agreement and that the failure to comply with the agreement has a significant adverse effect on the ability of the complaining party to provide telecommunications service to its customers or potential customers.
196.199(3)(a)1.b. b. A complaint filed under any provision of this chapter by any person that the commission determines may involve a failure to comply with the agreement by a party to the agreement.
196.199(3)(a)1g. 1g. The commission may investigate whether a party to an interconnection agreement approved by the commission has complied with the agreement upon the filing of a petition by the party for a determination of whether the party has complied with the agreement if the petition demonstrates that a controversy has arisen over the party's compliance with the agreement. If the commission initiates an investigation under this subdivision, the commission may determine that a party to an interconnection agreement has failed to comply with the agreement only if a complaint is filed under subd. 1. a. in which the complaining party alleges that the party's failure to comply with the agreement has a significant adverse affect on the complaining party's ability to provide telecommunications service to its customers or potential customers.
196.199(3)(a)1m.a.a. Within 5 business days after the filing of a complaint under subd. 1. a. or the receipt of notice under par. (b) 1. b., the party who is the subject of a complaint or the party who is identified in a notice under par. (b) 1. b. as a party who has allegedly failed to comply with an agreement may request that the commission determine whether the alleged failure to comply has a significant adverse effect on the ability of the complaining party or any other party to the agreement to provide telecommunications service to its customers or potential customers. If a request is made under this subd. 1m. a., the commission shall make a determination within 30 business days after receipt of the request.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2007. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?