3. The reasons why the project costs in subd. 1. may not or should not be paid by the owners of property that benefits by improvements within the tax incremental district.
4. The share of the projected tax increments in subd. 1. estimated to be paid by the owners of taxable property in each of the taxing jurisdictions overlying the tax incremental district.
5. The benefits that the owners of taxable property in the overlying taxing jurisdictions will receive to compensate them for their share of the projected tax increments in subd. 4.
(k) Calculation by the local assessor of the value of all tax-exempt city-owned property, except property described in sub. (5) (bm), in the proposed tax incremental district, as of the day of the district's creation. This information shall be sent to the department of revenue for inclusion in the tax incremental district's initial tax incremental base under sub. (5) (b).
(4m)Joint review board.
(a) Any city that seeks to create a tax incremental district, amend a project plan, or incur project costs as described in sub. (2) (f) 1. n. for an area that is outside of a district's boundaries, shall convene a temporary joint review board under this paragraph, or a standing joint review board under sub. (3) (g), to review the proposal. Except as provided in par. (am), and subject to par. (ae), the board shall consist of one representative chosen by the school district that has power to levy taxes on the property within the tax incremental district, one representative chosen by the technical college district that has power to levy taxes on the property within the tax incremental district, one representative chosen by the county that has power to levy taxes on the property within the tax incremental district, one representative chosen by the city, and one public member. If more than one school district, more than one union high school district, more than one elementary school district, more than one technical college district or more than one county has the power to levy taxes on the property within the tax incremental district, the unit in which is located property of the tax incremental district that has the greatest value shall choose that representative to the board. The public member and the board's chairperson shall be selected by a majority of the other board members before the public hearing under sub. (4) (a) or (h) 1. is held. All board members shall be appointed and the first board meeting held within 14 days after the notice is published under sub. (4) (a) or (h) 1. Additional meetings of the board shall be held upon the call of any member. The city that seeks to create the tax incremental district, amend its project plan, or make or incur an expenditure as described in sub. (2) (f) 1. n. for an area that is outside of a district's boundaries shall provide administrative support for the board. By majority vote, the board may disband following approval or rejection of the proposal, unless the board is a standing board that is created by the city under sub. (3) (g).
1. A representative chosen by a school district under par. (a) or (am) shall be the president of the school board, or his or her designee. If the school board president appoints a designee, he or she shall give preference to the school district's finance director or another person with knowledge of local government finances.
2. The representative chosen by the county under par. (a) shall be the county executive or, if the county does not have a county executive, the chairperson of the county board, or the executive's or chairperson's designee. If the county executive or county board chairperson appoints a designee, he or she shall give preference to the county treasurer or another person with knowledge of local government finances.
3. The representative chosen by the city under par. (a) shall be the mayor, or city manager, or his or her designee. If the mayor or city manager appoints a designee, he or she shall give preference to the person in charge of administering the city's economic development programs, the city treasurer, or another person with knowledge of local government finances.
4. The representative chosen by the technical college district under par. (a) shall be the district's director or his or her designee. If the technical college district's director appoints a designee, he or she shall give preference to the district's chief financial officer or another person with knowledge of local government finances.
(am) If a city seeks to create a tax incremental district that is located in a union high school district, the seat that is described under par. (a) for the school district representative to the board shall be held by 2 representatives, each of whom has one-half of a vote. Subject to par. (ae), one representative shall be chosen by the union high school district that has the power to levy taxes on the property within the tax incremental district and one representative shall be chosen by the elementary school district that has the power to levy taxes on the property within the tax incremental district.
1. The board shall review the public record, planning documents and the resolution passed by the local legislative body or planning commission under sub. (4) (gm) or (h) 1. As part of its deliberations the board may hold additional hearings on the proposal.
2. Except as provided in subd. 2m., no tax incremental district may be created and no project plan may be amended unless the board approves the resolution adopted under sub. (4) (gm) or (h) 1. by a majority vote within 30 days after receiving the resolution. The board may not approve the resolution under this subdivision unless the board's approval contains a positive assertion that, in its judgment, the development described in the documents the board has reviewed under subd. 1. would not occur without the creation of a tax incremental district. The board may not approve the resolution under this subdivision unless the board finds that, with regard to a tax incremental district that is proposed to be created by a city under sub. (17) (a), such a district would be the only existing district created under that subsection by that city.
2m. The requirement under subd. 2. that a vote by the board take place within 30 days after receiving a resolution does not apply to a resolution amending a project plan under sub. (4) (h) 1. if the resolution relates to a tax incremental district, the application for the redetermination of the tax incremental base of which was made in 1998, that is located in a village that was incorporated in 1912, has a population of at least 3,800 and is located in a county with a population of at least 108,000.
3. The board shall submit its decision to the city no later than 7 days after the board acts on and reviews the items in subd. 2., except that, if the board requests a department of revenue review under subd. 4., the board shall do one of the following:
a. Submit its decision to the city no later than 10 working days after receiving the department's written response.
b. If the city resubmits its proposal under subd. 4. no later than 10 working days after the board receives the department's written response, submit its decision to the city no later than 10 working days after receiving the city's resubmitted proposal.
4. Before the joint review board submits its decision under subd. 3., a majority of the members of the board may request that the department of revenue review the objective facts contained in any of the documents listed in subd. 1. to determine whether the information submitted to the board complies with this section or whether any of the information contains a factual inaccuracy. The request must be in writing and must specify which particular objective fact or item the members believe is incomplete or inaccurate. Not later than 10 working days after receiving a request that complies with the requirements of this subdivision, the department of revenue shall investigate the issues raised in the request and shall send its written response to the board. If the department of revenue determines that the information in the proposal does not comply with this section or contains a factual inaccuracy, the department shall return the proposal to the city. The board shall request, but may not require, that the city resolve the problems in its proposal and resubmit the proposal to the board. If the city resubmits its proposal, the board shall review the resubmitted proposal and vote to approve or deny the proposal as specified in this paragraph.
4m. The board shall notify prospectively the governing body of every local governmental unit that is not represented on the board, and that has power to levy taxes on the property within the tax incremental district, of meetings of the board and of the agendas of each meeting for which notification is given.
1. The board shall base its decision to approve or deny a proposal on the following criteria:
a. Whether the development expected in the tax incremental district would occur without the use of tax incremental financing.
b. Whether the economic benefits of the tax incremental district, as measured by increased employment, business and personal income and property value, are insufficient to compensate for the cost of the improvements.
c. Whether the benefits of the proposal outweigh the anticipated tax increments to be paid by the owners of property in the overlying taxing districts.
2. The board shall issue a written explanation describing why any proposal it rejects fails to meet one or more of the criteria specified in subd. 1.
(d) Before a city may make or incur an expenditure for project costs, as described in sub. (2) (f) 1. n., for an area that is outside of a district's boundaries, the joint review board must approve the proposed expenditure.
(5)Determination of tax increment and tax incremental base.
(a) Subject to sub. (8) (d), upon the creation of a tax incremental district or upon adoption of any amendment subject to par. (c), its tax incremental base shall be determined as soon as reasonably possible. The department of revenue may impose a fee of $1,000 on a city to determine or redetermine the tax incremental base of a tax incremental district under this subsection, except that if the redetermination is based on a single amendment to a project plan that both adds and subtracts territory, the department may impose a fee of $2,000.
(b) Upon application in writing by the city clerk, in a form prescribed by the department of revenue, the department shall determine according to its best judgment from all sources available to it the full aggregate value of the taxable property and, except as provided in par. (bm), of the city-owned property in the tax incremental district. The application shall state the percentage of territory within the tax incremental district which the local legislative body estimates will be devoted to retail business at the end of the maximum expenditure period specified in sub. (6) (am) 1. if that estimate is at least 35%. Subject to sub. (8) (d), the department shall certify this aggregate valuation to the city clerk, and the aggregate valuation constitutes the tax incremental base of the tax incremental district. The city clerk shall complete these forms, including forms for the amendment of a project plan, and submit the application or amendment forms on or before December 31 of the year the tax incremental district is created, as defined in sub. (4) (gm) 2. or, in the case of an amendment, on or before December 31 of the year in which the changes to the project plan take effect.
(be) Notwithstanding the time limits in par. (b), if the city clerk of a city that created a tax incremental district in September 1994 files with the department of revenue, not later than March 30, 1996, the forms and application that were originally due on or before December 31, 1994, the tax incremental base of the district shall be calculated by the department of revenue as if the forms and application had been filed on or before December 31, 1994, and, until the tax incremental district terminates, the department of revenue shall allocate tax increments and treat the district in all other respects as if the forms and application had been filed on or before December 31, 1994, except that the department may not certify a value increment under par. (b) before 1996.
(bf) Notwithstanding the time limits in par. (b), if the city clerk of a city that created a tax incremental district in July 1997 files with the department of revenue, not later than May 31, 1999, the forms and application that were originally due on or before December 31, 1997, the tax incremental base of the district shall be calculated by the department of revenue as if the forms and application had been filed on or before December 31, 1997, and, until the tax incremental district terminates, the department of revenue shall allocate tax increments and treat the district in all other respects as if the forms and application had been filed on or before December 31, 1997, except that the department may not certify a value increment under par. (b) before 1999.
(bg) Notwithstanding the time limits in par. (b), if the city clerk of a city that created a tax incremental district in February 1999 files with the department of revenue, not later than May 31, 2000, the forms and application that were originally due on or before December 31, 1999, the tax incremental base of the district shall be calculated by the department of revenue as if the forms and application had been filed on or before December 31, 1999, and, until the tax incremental district terminates, the department of revenue shall allocate tax increments and treat the district in all other respects as if the forms and application had been filed on or before December 31, 1999, except that the department may not certify a value increment under par. (b) before 2001.
(bh) Notwithstanding the time limits in subs. (4) (e) and (4m) (b) 2., if the village clerk of a village that created, or attempted to create, a tax incremental district before June 2000 and amended or tried to amend the district's boundaries in September 2000 files with the department of revenue, not later than November 30, 2000, the forms and application that were originally due on or before December 31, 2000, the tax incremental base of the district shall be calculated by the department of revenue as if the time limits described in subs. (4) (e) and (4m) (b) 2. had been strictly complied with and, until the tax incremental district terminates, the department of revenue shall allocate tax increments and treat the district in all other respects as if the time limits described in subs. (4) (e) and (4m) (b) 2. had been strictly complied with and as if the district were created on January 1, 2000, except that the department of revenue may not certify a value increment under par. (b) before 2002.
(bi) Notwithstanding the time limits in par. (b), if the village clerk of a village that created, or attempted to create, a tax incremental district on January 1, 2005, based on actions taken by the village board in October 2004, files with the department of revenue, not later than December 31, 2006, the forms and application that were originally due on or before December 31, 2005, the tax incremental base of the district shall be calculated by the department of revenue as if the forms and application had been filed on or before December 31, 2005, and, until the tax incremental district terminates, the department of revenue shall allocate tax increments and treat the district in all other respects as if the forms and application had been filed on or before December 31, 2005, except that the department of revenue may not certify a value increment under par. (b) before 2007.
(bj) Notwithstanding the requirements in sub. (4) (a), (c), and (e), if a city that created, or attempted to create, a tax incremental district in October 1999 and in September 2000 and published the notices required under sub. (4) (a), (c), and (e), and was in substantial compliance with the notice requirements although such notices contained technical deficiencies regarding the time, place, or subject of the required hearings, the department of revenue shall determine the tax incremental bases of the districts, allocate tax increments, and treat the districts in all other respects as if the requirements under sub. (4) (a), (c), and (e) had been strictly complied with and as if the districts were created on January 1, 2000.
(bk) Notwithstanding the requirements in sub. (4) (a), (c), and (e), if the village of Kimberly created, or attempted to create, a tax incremental district on January 1, 2005, based on a resolution described under sub. (4) (gm) 2. that was adopted in April 2005, and attempted to publish, but did not actually publish, the notices required under sub. (4) (a), (c), and (e), but was otherwise in substantial compliance as specified in sub. (15), the department of revenue shall determine the tax incremental base of the district, allocate tax increments, and treat the district in all other respects as if the requirements under sub. (4) (a), (c), and (e) had been strictly complied with and as if the district was created on January 1, 2005.
(bL) The requirement under s. 66.1105 (4m) (b) 2., 2001 stats., that a vote by the board take place not less than 10 days nor more than 30 days after receiving a resolution does not apply to a resolution amending a project plan under sub. (4) (h) 1. if the resolution related to tax incremental district number 3 in the city of Altoona. The department of revenue shall approve the boundary amendment, allocate tax increments, redetermine the tax incremental base of the district using the January 1, 2003, values, and treat the district in all other respects as if the provisions of s. 66.1105 (4m) (b) 2., 2001 stats., had been complied with, except that the department of revenue may not certify a value increment under par. (b) before 2007.
(bm) The value of real property owned by a city and used for police and fire buildings, administrative buildings, libraries, community and recreational buildings, parks, streets and improvements within any street right-of-way, parking facilities and utilities shall not be included in the tax incremental base established under par. (b).
(bn) Notwithstanding the requirement that the total equalized value not exceed 12 percent, as described in sub. (4) (gm) 4. c., if the village of Union Grove created, or attempted to create, tax incremental district number 4 on January 1, 2006, based on actions taken by the village board on February 27, 2006, the tax incremental base of the district shall be calculated by the department of revenue as if the tax incremental district had been created on January 1, 2006, and, until the tax incremental district terminates, the department of revenue shall allocate tax increments and treat the district in all other respects as if the district had been created on January 1, 2006, except that the department of revenue may not certify a value increment under par. (b) before 2008.
(bp) Notwithstanding the time limits in par. (b), if the city clerk of a city that amended, or attempted to amend, the project plan of a tax incremental district on January 1, 2006, based on actions taken by the common council in April 2006, files with the department of revenue, not later than December 31, 2007, the forms and application that were originally due on or before December 31, 2006, the tax incremental base of the district shall be redetermined by the department of revenue as if the forms and application had been filed on or before December 31, 2006, and, until the tax incremental district terminates, the department of revenue shall allocate tax increments and treat the district in all other respects as if the forms and application had been filed on or before December 31, 2006, except that the department of revenue may not certify a value increment under par. (b) before 2008.
(c) If the city adopts an amendment to the original project plan for any district which subtracts territory from the district or which includes additional project costs at least part of which will be incurred after the period specified in sub. (6) (am) 1., the tax incremental base for the district shall be redetermined, if sub. (4) (h) 2., 4., or 5. applies to the amended project plan, either by subtracting from the tax incremental base the value of the taxable property and the value of real property owned by the city, other than property described under par. (bm), that is subtracted from the existing district or by adding to the tax incremental base the value of the taxable property and the value of real property owned by the city, other than property described in par. (bm), that is added to the existing district under sub. (4) (h) 2., 4., or 5. or, if sub. (4) (h) 2., 4., or 5. does not apply to the amended project plan, under par. (b), as of the January 1 next preceding the effective date of the amendment if the amendment becomes effective between January 2 and September 30, as of the next subsequent January 1 if the amendment becomes effective between October 1 and December 31 and if the effective date of the amendment is January 1 of any year, the redetermination shall be made on that date. With regard to a district to which territory has been added, the tax incremental base as redetermined under this paragraph is effective for the purposes of this section only if it exceeds the original tax incremental base determined under par. (b).
(ce) If the city adopts an amendment, to which sub. (4) (h) 2., 4., or 5. applies, the tax incremental base for the district shall be redetermined, either by subtracting from the tax incremental base the value of the taxable property and the value of real property owned by the city, other than property described under par. (bm), that is subtracted from the existing district or by adding to the tax incremental base the value of the taxable property and the value of real property owned by the city, other than property described in par. (bm), that is added to the existing district under sub. (4) (h) 2., 4., or 5., as of the January 1 next preceding the effective date of the amendment if the amendment becomes effective between January 2 and September 30, as of the next subsequent January 1 if the amendment becomes effective between October 1 and December 31 and if the effective date of the amendment is January 1 of any year, the redetermination shall be made on that date. With regard to a district to which territory has been added, the tax incremental base as redetermined under this paragraph is effective for the purposes of this section only if it exceeds the original tax incremental base determined under par. (b).
(cf) If the city adopts an amendment to a plan, to which sub. (4m) (b) 2m. applies, the tax incremental base for the district shall be redetermined by adding to the tax incremental base the value, as of January 1, 1998, of the taxable property that is added to the existing district under sub. (4) (h) 1.
(cm) The city clerk shall annually, after May 1 but before May 21, by written notice, inform the department of revenue of any amendment to the project plan which has been adopted. The city clerk shall also give written notice of the adoption of an amendment to the department of revenue within 60 days after its adoption. The department of revenue may prescribe forms to be used by the city clerk when giving notice as required by this paragraph.
(d) Subject to pars. (de) and (dm), the department of revenue may not certify the tax incremental base as provided in par. (b) until it determines that each of the procedures and documents required by sub. (4) (a), (b), (gm) or (h) and par. (b) has been timely completed and all notices required under sub. (4) (a), (b), (gm) or (h) timely given. The facts supporting any document adopted or action taken to comply with sub. (4) (a), (b), (gm) or (h) are not subject to review by the department of revenue under this paragraph, except that the department may not certify the tax incremental base as provided in par. (b) until it reviews and approves of the findings that are described in sub. (4) (gm) 4. c.
(de) With regard to a mixed-use development tax incremental district, the department of revenue may not certify the tax incremental base of such a district if the department determines that any of the following apply:
1. The lands proposed for newly platted residential use exceed the percentage specified in sub. (2) (cm).
2. Tax increments received by the city are used to subsidize residential development and none of the conditions specified in sub. (2) (f) 3. a. to c. apply.
(dm) If the department of revenue certifies the tax incremental base of a mixed-use development tax incremental district and then determines that any of the conditions listed in the par. (de) apply, the department may not certify the tax incremental base of any other tax incremental district in that city until the department certifies that the mixed-use development district complies with the percentage specified in sub. (2) (cm) and that at least one of the conditions specified in sub. (2) (f) 3. a. to c. applies.
(e) It is a rebuttable presumption that any property within a tax incremental district acquired or leased as lessee by the city, or any agency or instrumentality of the city, within the one year immediately preceding the date of the creation of the district was acquired or leased in contemplation of the creation of the district. The presumption may be rebutted by the city with proof that the property was leased or acquired primarily for a purpose other than to reduce the tax incremental base. If the presumption is not rebutted, in determining the tax incremental base of the district, but for no other purpose, the taxable status of the property shall be determined as if the lease or acquisition had not occurred.
(f) The city assessor shall identify upon the assessment roll returned and examined under s. 70.45 those parcels of property which are within each existing tax incremental district, specifying the name of each district. A similar notation shall appear on the tax roll made by the city clerk under s. 70.65.
(g) The department of revenue shall annually give notice to the designated finance officer of all governmental entities having the power to levy taxes on property within each district as to the equalized value of the property and the equalized value of the tax increment base. The notice shall also explain that the tax increment allocated to a city shall be paid to the city as provided under sub. (6) (b) from the taxes collected.
(6)Allocation of positive tax increments.
(a) If the joint review board approves the creation of the tax incremental district under sub. (4m), positive tax increments with respect to a tax incremental district are allocated to the city which created the district for each year commencing after the date when a project plan is adopted under sub. (4) (g). The department of revenue may not authorize allocation of tax increments until it determines from timely evidence submitted by the city that each of the procedures and documents required under sub. (4) (d) to (f) has been completed and all related notices given in a timely manner. The department of revenue may authorize allocation of tax increments for any tax incremental district only if the city clerk and assessor annually submit to the department all required information on or before the 2nd Monday in June. The facts supporting any document adopted or action taken to comply with sub. (4) (d) to (f) are not subject to review by the department of revenue under this paragraph. After the allocation of tax increments is authorized, the department of revenue shall annually authorize allocation of the tax increment to the city that created the district until the soonest of the following events:
1. The department of revenue receives a notice under sub. (8) and the notice has taken effect under sub. (8) (b).
2. Twenty-seven years after the tax incremental district is created if the district is created before October 1, 1995.
4. Twenty-seven years after the tax incremental district is created if the district is created after September 30, 1995, and before October 1, 2004, and if the district is a district about which a finding is made under sub. (4) (gm) 4. a. that not less than 50 percent, by area, of the real property within the district is a blighted area or an area in need of rehabilitation or conservation work, except that if the life of the district is extended under sub. (7) (am) 1., an allocation under this subdivision may be made 31 years after such a district is created.
4m. Twenty-three years after the tax incremental district is created if the district is created after September 30, 1995, and before October 1, 2004, and if the district is a district about which a finding is made under sub. (4) (gm) 4. a. that not less than 50 percent, by area, of the real property within the district is suitable for industrial sites.
5. Thirty-one years after the tax incremental district is created if the district is created before October 1, 1995, and the expenditure period is specified in par. (am) 2. c.
6. Forty-two years after the tax incremental district is created if the district is created before October 1, 1995, and if the district is located in a city to which par. (d) applies.
7. Twenty years after the tax incremental district is created if the district is created on or after October 1, 2004, and if the district is at least predominantly suitable for mixed-use development or industrial sites under sub. (4) (gm) 6., except that if the life of the district is extended under sub. (7) (am) 2. an allocation under this subdivision may be made 23 years after such a district is created.
8. Twenty-seven years after the tax incremental district is created if the district is created on or after October 1, 2004, and if the district is a district specified under sub. (4) (gm) 6. other than a district specified under subd. 7., except that if the life of the district is extended under sub. (7) (am) 3. an allocation under this subdivision may be made 30 years after such a district is created.
1. Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, no expenditure may be made later than 5 years before the unextended termination date of a tax incremental district under sub. (7) (ak) or (am).
2. The limitations on the period during which expenditures may be made under subd. 1. do not apply to:
a. Expenditures to pay project costs incurred under ch. 32.
b. Expenditures authorized by the adoption of an amendment to the project plan under sub. (5) (c) or (ce).
c. Expenditures for project costs for Tax Incremental District Number Six in a city with a population of at least 45,000 that is located in a county that was created in 1836 and that is adjacent to one of the Great Lakes. Such expenditures may be made no later than 15 years after the tax incremental district is created, and may be made through December 31, 2006.
3. For tax incremental districts for which the resolution under sub. (4) (gm) is adopted on or after July 31, 1981, no expenditure may be made before the date the project plan is approved, except for costs directly related to planning the tax incremental district. In this subdivision "expenditure" means the exchange of money for the delivery of goods or services.
4. For purposes of this paragraph, the date of creation of a tax incremental district is:
a. The May 1 date set under s. 66.46 (4) (c) 2., 1975 stats., if the local legislative body adopts a resolution to create the tax incremental district on or before May 1, 1978.
b. The January 1 date set under sub. (4) (gm) 2., if the local legislative body adopts a resolution to create the tax incremental district after May 1, 1978, and prior to July 31, 1981.
c. The date the local legislative body adopts the resolution under sub. (4) (gm), if the local legislative body adopts a resolution to create the tax incremental district on or after July 31, 1981.
5. No expenditure may be made later than 5 years before the termination date of a tax incremental district to which par. (d) applies.
(b) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, every officer charged by law to collect and pay over or retain local general property taxes shall, on the settlement dates provided by law, pay over to the city treasurer out of all the taxes which the officer has collected the proportion of the tax increment due the city that the general property taxes collected in the city bears to the total general property taxes levied by the city for all purposes included in the tax roll, exclusive of levies for state trust fund loans, state taxes and state special charges.
(c) Except for tax increments allocated under par. (d), (dm), (e), or (f) all tax increments received with respect to a tax incremental district shall, upon receipt by the city treasurer, be deposited into a special fund for that district. The city treasurer may deposit additional moneys into such fund pursuant to an appropriation by the common council. No moneys may be paid out of such fund except to pay project costs with respect to that district, to reimburse the city for such payments, to pay project costs of a district under par. (d), (dm), (e), or (f) or to satisfy claims of holders of bonds or notes issued with respect to such district. Subject to par. (d), (dm), (e), or (f), moneys paid out of the fund to pay project costs with respect to a district may be paid out before or after the district is terminated under sub. (7). Subject to any agreement with bondholders, moneys in the fund may be temporarily invested in the same manner as other city funds if any investment earnings are applied to reduce project costs. After all project costs and all bonds and notes with respect to the district have been paid or the payment thereof provided for, subject to any agreement with bondholders, if there remain in the fund any moneys that are not allocated under par. (d), (dm), (e), or (f), they shall be paid over to the treasurer of each county, school district or other tax levying municipality or to the general fund of the city in the amounts that belong to each respectively, having due regard for that portion of the moneys, if any, that represents tax increments not allocated to the city and that portion, if any, that represents voluntary deposits of the city into the fund.
1. Subject to subd. 1m., after the date on which a tax incremental district pays off the aggregate of all of its project costs under its project plan, but not later than the date on which a tax incremental district terminates under sub. (7) (am), a planning commission may amend under sub. (4) (h) 1. the project plan of such a tax incremental district to allocate positive tax increments generated by that tax incremental district to another tax incremental district created by that planning commission in which soil affected by environmental pollution exists to the extent that development has not been able to proceed according to the project plan because of the environmental pollution.
1m. After December 31, 2016, subd. 1. applies only to Tax Incremental District Number One, Tax Incremental District Number Four, and Tax Incremental District Number Five in the City of Kenosha, and no increments may be allocated under that subdivision, after December 31, 2016, unless the allocation is approved by the joint review board.
2. Except as provided in subd. 2m., no tax increments may be allocated under this paragraph later than 16 years after the last expenditure identified in the project plan of the tax incremental district, the positive tax increments of which are to be allocated, is made.
2m. No tax increments may be allocated under this paragraph later than 35 years after the last expenditure identified in the project plan of the tax incremental district, the positive tax increments of which are to be allocated, is made if the district is created before October 1, 1995, except that in no case may the total number of years during which expenditures are made under par. (am) 1. plus the total number of years during which tax increments are allocated under this paragraph exceed 42 years.
3. This paragraph applies only in a city with a population of at least 80,000 that was incorporated in 1850 and that is in a county with a population of less than 175,000 which is adjacent to one of the Great Lakes.
4. This paragraph does not apply after August 1, 2031.
5. This paragraph does not apply to a tax incremental district that is created after January 1, 2004.
1. After the date on which a tax incremental district that is located in a city that is described in subd. 3. a. pays off the aggregate of all of its project costs under its project plan, but not later than the date on which a tax incremental district terminates under sub. (7) (am), a planning commission may amend under sub. (4) (h) 1. the project plan of such a tax incremental district to allocate positive tax increments generated by that tax incremental district to another tax incremental district created by that planning commission in which soil affected by environmental pollution exists to the extent that development has not been able to proceed according to the project plan because of the environmental pollution.
1m. Either before, after or on the date on which a tax incremental district that is located in a city that is described in subd. 3. b. pays off the aggregate of all of its project costs under its project plan, but not later than the date on which a tax incremental district terminates under sub. (7) (am), a planning commission may amend under sub. (4) (h) 1. the project plan of such a tax incremental district to allocate positive tax increments generated by that tax incremental district to another tax incremental district created by that planning commission in which soil affected by environmental pollution exists to the extent that development has not been able to proceed according to the project plan because of the environmental pollution.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2007. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?