77.52(2)(ag)17. 17. Dishwashers.
77.52(2)(ag)18. 18. Garbage disposal units.
77.52(2)(ag)19. 19. Radios and radio antennas.
77.52(2)(ag)20. 20. Incinerators.
77.52(2)(ag)21. 21. Television receivers and antennas.
77.52(2)(ag)22. 22. Record players.
77.52(2)(ag)23. 23. Tape players.
77.52(2)(ag)24. 24. Jukeboxes.
77.52(2)(ag)25. 25. Vacuum cleaners.
77.52(2)(ag)26. 26. Furniture and furnishings.
77.52(2)(ag)27. 27. Carpeting and rugs.
77.52(2)(ag)28. 28. Bathroom fixtures.
77.52(2)(ag)29. 29. Sinks.
77.52(2)(ag)30. 30. Awnings.
77.52(2)(ag)31. 31. Blinds.
77.52(2)(ag)32. 32. Gas and electric logs.
77.52(2)(ag)33. 33. Heat lamps.
77.52(2)(ag)34. 34. Electronic dust collectors.
77.52(2)(ag)35. 35. Grills and rotisseries.
77.52(2)(ag)36. 36. Bar equipment.
77.52(2)(ag)37. 37. Intercoms.
77.52(2)(ag)38. 38. Recreational, sporting, gymnasium, and athletic goods and equipment including, by way of illustration but not of limitation, all of the following:
77.52(2)(ag)38.a. a. Bowling alleys.
77.52(2)(ag)38.b. b. Golf practice equipment.
77.52(2)(ag)38.c. c. Pool tables.
77.52(2)(ag)38.d. d. Punching bags.
77.52(2)(ag)38.e. e. Ski tows.
77.52(2)(ag)38.f. f. Swimming pools.
77.52(2)(ag)39. 39. Equipment in offices, business facilities, schools, and hospitals but not in residential facilities including personal residences, apartments, long-term care facilities, as defined under s. 16.009 (1) (em), state institutions, as defined under s. 101.123 (1) (i), Type 1 juvenile correctional facilities, as defined in s. 938.02 (19), or similar facilities including, by way of illustration but not of limitation, all of the following:
77.52(2)(ag)39.b. b. Chandeliers.
77.52(2)(ag)39.d. d. Venetian blinds.
77.52(2)(ag)39.e. e. Canvas awnings.
77.52(2)(ag)39.f. f. Office and business machines.
77.52(2)(ag)39.g. g. Ice and milk dispensers.
77.52(2)(ag)39.h. h. Beverage-making equipment.
77.52(2)(ag)39.i. i. Vending machines.
77.52(2)(ag)39.j. j. Soda fountains.
77.52(2)(ag)39.k. k. Steam warmers and tables.
77.52(2)(ag)39.L. L. Compressors.
77.52(2)(ag)39.m. m. Condensing units and evaporative condensers.
77.52(2)(ag)39.n. n. Pneumatic conveying systems.
77.52(2)(ag)40. 40. Laundry, dry cleaning, and pressing machines.
77.52(2)(ag)41. 41. Power tools.
77.52(2)(ag)42. 42. Burglar alarm and fire alarm fixtures.
77.52(2)(ag)43. 43. Electric clocks.
77.52(2)(ag)44. 44. Electric signs.
77.52(2)(am) (am) For purposes of par. (a) 12. "cable television system" means any facility which, for a fee, regularly amplifies and transmits by wire, coaxial cable, lightwave or microwave, simultaneously to 50 or more subscribers, programs broadcast by television or radio stations or originated by themselves or any other party. "Cable television system" does not include a master antenna system which serves one residential, commercial or government building or complex of buildings under common ownership or control if that facility does not provide any broadcast signals other than those which may be viewed in that facility.
77.52(2m) (2m)
77.52(2m)(a)(a) With respect to the services subject to tax under sub. (2), no part of the charge for the service may be deemed a sale or rental of tangible personal property if the property transferred by the service provider is incidental to the selling, performing or furnishing of the service, except as provided in par. (b).
77.52(2m)(b) (b) With respect to the services subject to tax under sub. (2) (a) 7., 10., 11. and 20., all property physically transferred to the customer in conjunction with the selling, performing or furnishing of the service is a sale of tangible personal property separate from the selling, performing or furnishing of the service.
77.52(2n) (2n) The selling, performing, or furnishing of the services described under sub. (2) (a) at retail in this state is subject to the tax imposed under sub. (2) unless an exemption in this subchapter applies.
77.52(3) (3) The taxes imposed by this section may be collected from the consumer or user.
77.52(3m) (3m) In regard to the sale of the rights to purchase telecommunications services under sub. (2) (a) 5. a.:
77.52(3m)(a) (a) If the sale takes place at a retailer's place of business, the situs of the sale is that place.
77.52(3m)(b) (b) If the sale does not take place at a retailer's place of business and an item that will implement the right to purchase telecommunications services is shipped, the situs of the sale is the customer's shipping address.
77.52(3m)(c) (c) If the sale does not take place at a retailer's place of business and no item that will implement the right to purchase telecommunications services is shipped, the situs of the sale is the customer's billing address.
77.52(3n) (3n) In regard to the sale of the rights to purchase telecommunications services under sub. (2) (a) 5. b., the situs of the sale is as determined under 4 USC 116 to 126, as amended by P.L. 106-252.
77.52(4) (4) It is unlawful for any retailer to advertise or hold out or state to the public or to any customer, directly or indirectly, that the tax or any part thereof will be assumed or absorbed by the retailer or that it will not be added to the selling price of the property sold or that if added it, or any part thereof, will be refunded. Any person who violates this subsection is guilty of a misdemeanor.
77.52(5) (5) The department may by rule provide that the amount collected by the retailer from the consumer or user in reimbursement of the retailer's tax be displayed separately from the list price, the price advertised in the premises, the marked price, or other price on the sales check or other proof of sale.
77.52(6) (6) A retailer is relieved from liability for sales tax insofar as the measure of the tax is represented by accounts which have been found to be worthless and charged off for income or franchise tax purposes. If the retailer has previously paid the tax, the retailer may, under rules prescribed by the department, take as a deduction from the measure of the tax the amount found worthless and charged off for income or franchise tax purposes. If any such accounts are thereafter collected in whole or in part by the retailer, the amount as collected shall be included in the first return filed after such collection and the tax paid with the return.
77.52(7) (7) Every person desiring to operate as a seller within this state who holds a valid certificate under s. 73.03 (50) shall file with the department an application for a permit for each place of operations. Every application for a permit shall be made upon a form prescribed by the department and shall set forth the name under which the applicant intends to operate, the location of the applicant's place of operations, and the other information that the department requires. The application shall be signed by the owner if a sole proprietor; in the case of sellers other than sole proprietors, the application shall be signed by the person authorized to act on behalf of such sellers. A nonprofit organization that has gross receipts taxable under s. 77.54 (7m) shall obtain a seller's permit and pay taxes under this subchapter on all taxable gross receipts received after it is required to obtain that permit. If that organization becomes eligible later for the exemption under s. 77.54 (7m) except for its possession of a seller's permit, it may surrender that permit.
77.52(9) (9) After compliance with sub. (7) and s. 77.61 (2) by the applicant, the department shall grant and issue to each applicant a separate permit for each place of operations within the state. A permit is not assignable and is valid only for the person in whose name it is issued and for the transaction of operations at the place designated in it. It shall at all times be conspicuously displayed at the place for which it was issued.
77.52(11) (11) If any person fails to comply with any provision of this subchapter relating to the sales tax or any rule of the department relating to the sales tax adopted under this subchapter, is delinquent in respect to any tax imposed by the department or fails timely to file any return or report in respect to any tax under ch. 71, 72, 76, 77, 78 or 139 after having been requested to file that return or report, the department upon hearing, after giving the person 10 days' notice in writing specifying the time and place of hearing and requiring the person to show cause why the permit should not be revoked or suspended, may revoke or suspend any one or more of the permits held by the person. The department shall give to the person written notice of the suspension or revocation of any of the permits. The notices required in this subsection may be served personally or by mail in the manner prescribed for service of notice of a deficiency determination. If the department suspends or revokes a permanent permit under this subsection, it may grant a temporary permit that is valid for one month and may then grant additional temporary permits if the person pays all amounts owed under this chapter for the month for which the previous temporary permit was issued. Persons who receive a temporary permit waive the notice requirement under s. 77.61 (2). The department shall not issue a new permanent permit after the revocation of a permit unless it is satisfied that the former holder of the permit will comply with the provisions of this subchapter, the rules of the department relating to the sales tax and the provisions relating to other taxes administered by the department.
77.52(12) (12) A person who operates as a seller in this state without a permit or after a permit has been suspended or revoked or has expired, unless the person has a temporary permit under sub. (11), and each officer of any corporation, partnership member, limited liability company member or other person authorized to act on behalf of a seller who so operates, is guilty of a misdemeanor. Permits shall be held only by persons actively operating as sellers of tangible personal property or taxable services. Any person not so operating shall forthwith surrender that person's permit to the department for cancellation. The department may revoke the permit of a person found not to be actively operating as a seller of tangible personal property or taxable services.
77.52(13) (13) For the purpose of the proper administration of this section and to prevent evasion of the sales tax it shall be presumed that all receipts are subject to the tax until the contrary is established. The burden of proving that a sale of tangible personal property or services is not a taxable sale at retail is upon the person who makes the sale unless that person takes from the purchaser a certificate to the effect that the property or service is purchased for resale or is otherwise exempt; except that no certificate is required for sales of cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs that are sold at an animal market, as defined in s. 95.68 (1) (ag), and no certificate is required for sales of commodities, as defined in 7 USC 2, that are consigned for sale in a warehouse in or from which the commodity is deliverable on a contract for future delivery subject to the rules of a commodity market regulated by the U.S. commodity futures trading commission if upon the sale the commodity is not removed from the warehouse.
77.52(14) (14)
77.52(14)(a)(a) The certificate referred to in sub. (13) relieves the seller from the burden of proof only if any of the following is true:
77.52(14)(a)1. 1. The certificate is taken in good faith from a person who is engaged as a seller of tangible personal property or taxable services and who holds the permit provided for in sub. (9) and who, at the time of purchasing the tangible personal property or services, intends to sell it in the regular course of operations or is unable to ascertain at the time of purchase whether the property or service will be sold or will be used for some other purpose.
77.52(14)(a)2. 2. The certificate is taken in good faith from a person claiming exemption.
77.52(14)(b) (b) The certificate referred to in sub. (13) shall be signed by and bear the name and address of the purchaser, and shall indicate the general character of the tangible personal property or service sold by the purchaser and the basis for the claimed exemption. The certificate shall be in such form as the department prescribes.
77.52(15) (15) If a purchaser who gives a resale certificate makes any use of the property other than retention, demonstration or display while holding it for sale, lease or rental in the regular course of the purchaser's operations, the use shall be taxable to the purchaser under s. 77.53 as of the time the property is first used by the purchaser, and the sales price of the property to the purchaser shall be the measure of the tax. Only when there is an unsatisfied use tax liability on this basis because the seller has provided incorrect information about that transaction to the department shall the seller be liable for sales tax with respect to the sale of the property to the purchaser.
77.52(16) (16) Any person who gives a resale certificate for property or services which that person knows at the time of purchase is not to be resold by that person in the regular course of that person's operations as a seller for the purpose of evading payment to the seller of the amount of the tax applicable to the transaction is guilty of a misdemeanor. Any person certifying to the seller that the sale of property or taxable service is exempt, knowing at the time of purchase that it is not exempt, for the purpose of evading payment to the seller of the amount of the tax applicable to the transaction, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
77.52(17) (17) If a purchaser gives a certificate with respect to the purchase of fungible goods and thereafter commingles these goods with other fungible goods not so purchased but of such similarity that the identity of the constituent goods in the commingled mass cannot be determined, sales from the mass of commingled goods shall be deemed to be sales of the goods so purchased until a quantity of commingled goods equal to the quantity of purchased goods so commingled has been sold.
77.52(17m) (17m)
77.52(17m)(a)(a) A person who holds a valid certificate issued under s. 73.03 (50) may apply for a direct pay permit by filing a completed form that the department prescribes.
77.52(17m)(b) (b) The department shall issue a direct pay permit, at the beginning of a taxpayer's taxable year, if the following requirements are fulfilled:
77.52(17m)(b)1. 1. Because of the nature of the applicant's business, issuing the permit will significantly reduce the work of administering the taxes under this subchapter.
77.52(17m)(b)2. 2. The applicant's accounting system will clearly indicate the amount of tax that the applicant owes under this subchapter.
77.52(17m)(b)3. 3. The applicant makes enough purchases that are taxable under this subchapter to justify the expense of regular audits by the department.
77.52(17m)(b)4. 4. The applicant is not liable for delinquent taxes; including costs, penalties, surcharges and interest; under ch. 71, 72, 76, 78 or 139 or this chapter of $400 or more if any part of the tax is delinquent for at least 5 months.
77.52(17m)(b)5. 5. It is in this state's best interests to issue the permit.
77.52(17m)(b)6. 6. The applicant purchases enough tangible personal property under circumstances that make it difficult to determine whether the property will be subject to a tax under this subchapter.
77.52(17m)(b)7. 7. The applicant holds a permit under sub. (9) or is registered under s. 77.53 (9).
77.52(17m)(c) (c) A holder of a permit that is issued under par. (b) may not transfer or assign it.
77.52(17m)(d) (d) The department may revoke a permit that is issued under par. (b) if the holder misuses it or the department determines that revocation is in this state's best interests.
77.52(17m)(e) (e) A retailer may not collect a tax under this subchapter, and is not liable for a tax under this subchapter, on any sale, except those of a type specified as ineligible for an exemption under this paragraph by a rule promulgated by the department, for which the buyer furnishes to the retailer a copy of the permit that is issued under par. (b) or a statement that the buyer holds such a permit, a statement of that permit's number and a statement of the date that the permit was issued.
77.52(17m)(f) (f) A person who holds a permit that is issued under par. (b) shall keep a record of all retailers from whom the person made a purchase for which the person used a permit that is issued under par. (b) and shall do one of the following:
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2007. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?