218.0122(3) (3) This section does not apply to motorcycles that are delivered in a crated, disassembled condition to the dealer or the dealer's agent.
218.0122 History History: 1999 a. 31 s. 111.
218.0123 218.0123 Vehicle allocations. No manufacturer, importer or distributor shall adopt, change, establish or implement a plan or system for the allocation, scheduling or delivery of new motor vehicles, parts or accessories to its motor vehicle dealers that is not fair, reasonable and equitable or modify an existing plan or system so as to cause the plan or system to be unreasonable, unfair or inequitable. Upon the request of any dealer franchised by it, a manufacturer, importer or distributor shall disclose in writing to the dealer the basis upon which new motor vehicles, parts and accessories are allocated, scheduled and delivered among the manufacturer's, importer's or distributor's dealers of the same line make.
218.0123 History History: 1999 a. 31 s. 112.
218.0124 218.0124 Performance standards. Any performance standard or program for measuring dealership performance that may have a material effect on a dealer, and the application of any such standard or program by a manufacturer, importer or distributor, shall be fair, reasonable and equitable. Upon the request of any dealer, a manufacturer, importer or distributor shall disclose in writing to the dealer a description of how a performance standard or program is designed and all relevant information used in the application of the performance standard or program to that dealer.
218.0124 History History: 1999 a. 31 s. 113.
218.0125 218.0125 Warranty reimbursement.
218.0125(1) (1) In this section, "dealer cost" means the wholesale cost for a part as listed in the manufacturer's, importer's or distributor's current price schedules or, if the part is not so listed, the dealer's original invoice cost for the part.
218.0125(2) (2) A manufacturer, importer or distributor shall, for the protection of the buying public, specify the delivery and preparation obligations of its dealers before delivery of new motor vehicles to retail buyers. A copy of the delivery and preparation obligations of its dealers shall be filed with the department of transportation by every licensed motor vehicle manufacturer, importer or distributor and shall constitute the dealer's only responsibility for product liability as between the dealer and the manufacturer, importer or distributor. Any mechanical, body or parts defects arising from any express or implied warranties of the manufacturer, importer or distributor shall constitute the manufacturer's, importer's or distributor's product or warranty liability. The manufacturer, importer or distributor shall reasonably compensate any authorized dealer who performs work to rectify the manufacturer's, importer's or distributor's product or warranty defects or delivery and preparation obligations or who performs any other work required, requested or approved by the manufacturer, importer or distributor or for which the manufacturer, importer or distributor has agreed to pay, including compensation for labor at a labor rate equal to the effective labor rate charged all customers and for parts at an amount not less than the amount the dealer charges its other retail service customers for parts used in performing similar work by the dealer.
218.0125(3) (3) To be eligible for compensation for parts under sub. (2), a dealer shall notify the manufacturer, importer or distributor in writing of the amounts that the dealer charges its other retail service customers for parts and request that it be paid for parts in accordance with this section. The notice may be limited to the dealer's average markup over dealer cost that the dealer charges its other retail service customers for parts used to perform similar work. The notice shall be served upon the manufacturer, importer or distributor not less than 30 days before the date on which the dealer requests that the manufacturer, importer or distributor begin paying the dealer for parts at the stated amounts. The manufacturer, importer or distributor shall pay the dealer, as provided in this section, at the amounts stated in the dealer notice for parts used in work performed on and after the beginning date stated in the notice.
218.0125(4) (4) The manufacturer, importer or distributor may require the dealer, at reasonable intervals, to provide the manufacturer, importer or distributor with documents or information regarding a reasonable number of sales to other retail service customers of parts used by the dealer to perform similar work in order to substantiate that the amounts requested in the dealer's notice are consistent with the amounts that the dealer charges its other retail service customers for parts used by the dealer to perform similar work.
218.0125(5) (5) A manufacturer, importer or distributor who fails to compensate a dealer for parts at an amount not less than the amount the dealer charges its other retail service customers for parts used to perform similar work shall not be found to have violated this section if the manufacturer, importer or distributor shows that the amount is not reasonably competitive to the amounts charged to retail service customers by other similarly situated franchised motor vehicle dealers in this state for the same parts when used by those dealers to perform similar work.
218.0125(6) (6) If a manufacturer, importer or distributor furnishes a part to a dealer at no cost for use by the dealer in performing work for which the manufacturer, importer or distributor is required to compensate the dealer under this section, the manufacturer, importer or distributor shall compensate the dealer for the part at an amount not less than the amount the dealer charges its other retail customers for parts when used to perform similar work less the wholesale cost for the furnished part as listed in the manufacturer's current price schedules. A manufacturer, importer or distributor may pay the dealer a reasonable handling fee instead of the compensation otherwise required by this section for special high-performance complete engine assemblies furnished to the dealer at no cost, provided that the manufacturer, importer or distributor excludes special high-performance complete engine assemblies in determining whether the amounts requested in the dealer's notice are consistent with the amounts that the dealer charges its other retail service customers for parts used by the dealer to perform similar work.
218.0125(7) (7) A claim made by a franchised motor vehicle dealer for compensation under this section shall be either approved or disapproved within 30 days after the claim is submitted to the manufacturer, importer or distributor in the manner and on the forms the manufacturer, importer or distributor reasonably prescribes. An approved claim shall be paid within 30 days after its approval. If a claim is not specifically disapproved in writing or by electronic transmission within 30 days after the date on which the manufacturer, importer or distributor receives it, the claim shall be considered to be approved and payment shall follow within 30 days. A manufacturer, importer or distributor retains the right to audit claims for a period of one year after the date on which the claim is paid and to charge back any amounts paid on claims that are false or unsubstantiated. If there is evidence of fraud, this subsection does not limit the right of the manufacturer to audit for longer periods and charge back for any fraudulent claim, subject to the limitations period under s. 893.93 (1) (b).
218.0125 History History: 1999 a. 31 ss. 114 to 121.
218.0126 218.0126 Promotional allowances. A claim made by a franchised motor vehicle dealer for promotional allowances or other incentive payments shall be either approved or disapproved within 30 days after the claim is submitted to the manufacturer, importer or distributor in the manner and on the forms the manufacturer, importer or distributor reasonably prescribes. An approved claim shall be paid within 30 days after its approval. If a claim is not specifically disapproved in writing or by electronic transmission within 30 days after the date on which the manufacturer, importer or distributor receives it, the claim shall be considered to be approved and payment shall follow within 30 days after approval. A manufacturer, importer or distributor retains the right to audit a claim for a period of 2 years after the date on which the claim is paid and to charge back any amounts paid on claims that are false or unsubstantiated. If there is evidence of fraud, this section does not limit the right of the manufacturer to audit for longer periods and charge back for any fraudulent claim, subject to the limitations period under s. 893.93 (1) (b).
218.0126 History History: 1999 a. 31 s. 122.
218.0131 218.0131 Family member's right to succeed deceased or incapacitated dealer under existing franchise agreement.
218.0131(1)(1) Any designated family member of a deceased or incapacitated dealer shall have the right to succeed the deceased or incapacitated dealer in the ownership or operation of the dealership under the existing franchise agreement if the designated family member gives the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor written notice of his or her intention to do so within 120 days of the dealer's death or incapacity, unless there exists good cause for refusal to honor the succession on the part of the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor. The manufacturer, factory branch or distributor may request, and the designated family member shall provide, personal and financial data that are reasonably necessary to determine whether the succession should be honored.
218.0131(2) (2) If a manufacturer, factory branch or distributor believes it has good cause for refusing to honor the succession to the ownership and operation of a dealership by a family member of a deceased or incapacitated dealer under the existing franchise agreement, the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor may, within 30 days of receipt of notice of the designated family member's intent to succeed the dealer in the ownership and operation of the dealership, serve upon the designated family member and the department of transportation notice of its refusal to honor the succession and of its intent to discontinue the existing franchise agreement with the dealership no sooner than 60 days from the date the notice is served. The notice shall state the specific grounds for the refusal to honor the succession and the discontinuance of the franchise agreement. If no notice of refusal and discontinuance is timely served upon the family member and department of transportation, or if the division of hearings and appeals rules in favor of the complainant in a hearing held under sub. (3), the franchise agreement shall continue in effect subject to termination only in the manner prescribed in this subchapter.
218.0131(3)(a)(a) Any designated family member who receives a notice of the manufacturer's, factory branch's or distributor's refusal to honor his or her succession to the ownership and operation of the dealership may, within the 60-day notice period, serve on the respondent and file in triplicate with the division of hearings and appeals a verified complaint for a hearing and determination by the division of hearings and appeals on whether good cause exists for the manufacturer's, factory branch's or distributor's refusal and discontinuance. The division of hearings and appeals shall forward a copy of the complaint to the department of transportation.
218.0131(3)(b) (b) The manufacturer, factory branch or distributor shall, at the hearing held under par. (a), have the burden of establishing good cause for its refusal by showing that the succession would be detrimental to the public interest or to the representation of the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor. The franchise agreement shall continue in effect until the final determination of the issues raised in the complaint.
218.0131(3)(c) (c) If the complainant prevails at the hearing held under par. (a), he or she shall have a cause of action against the defendant manufacturer, factory branch or distributor for reasonable expenses and attorney fees incurred in the matter. If the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor prevails, the division of hearings and appeals shall include in its order approving the termination of the franchise agreement such conditions as are reasonable and adequate to afford the complainant an opportunity to receive fair and reasonable compensation for the value of the dealership.
218.0131(4) (4) Nothing in this section shall prevent a dealer, during the dealer's lifetime, from designating any person as his or her successor dealer by written instrument filed with the manufacturer, factory branch or distributor.
218.0131 History History: 1999 a. 31 ss. 193 to 197.
218.0132 218.0132 Termination provisions.
218.0132(1) (1)
218.0132(1)(a)(a) For purposes of s. 218.0116 (1) (i), the termination, cancellation or discontinuation of a motor vehicle line make will be considered to be the cancellation or failure to renew the franchise of a motor vehicle dealer or distributor of that line make even if that line make is part of an agreement that includes other line makes.
218.0132(1)(b) (b) Notwithstanding par. (a), a manufacturer, importer or distributor may change, add or delete models, specifications, model names, numbers or identifying marks or similar characteristics of motor vehicles that it markets without effecting a cancellation or failure to renew a franchise.
218.0132(2) (2) The cancellation or nonrenewal of a franchise shall not be a violation of s. 218.0116 (1) (i) if all of the following requirements are met:
218.0132(2)(a) (a) The motor vehicle dealer or distributor is given notice at least 6 months before the effective date of the cancellation or nonrenewal.
218.0132(2)(b) (b) The manufacturer, importer or distributor contemporaneously cancels or fails to renew every franchise for the same line make granted to any dealer or distributor in the United States or, in the case of a franchise relating to a line make that is sold or distributed in less than 13 states of the United States, the manufacturer, importer or distributor contemporaneously cancels or fails to renew every franchise for the same line make granted to any dealer or distributor in this state.
218.0132(2)(c) (c) If the franchisee is a motor vehicle dealer, the dealer receives the termination benefits under s. 218.0133.
218.0132(2)(d) (d) The manufacturer, importer or distributor does any of the following:
218.0132(2)(d)1. 1. Offers or causes to be offered to the motor vehicle dealer or distributor a replacement franchise with reasonable terms and conditions.
218.0132(2)(d)2. 2. Compensates the dealer or distributor for the actual pecuniary loss caused by the franchise cancellation or nonrenewal. In determining the actual pecuniary loss, the value of any continued service or parts business available to the dealer or distributor for the line make covered by the franchise shall be considered. If the dealer or distributor and the manufacturer, importer or distributor cannot agree on the amount of compensation to be paid under this subdivision, either may file a declaratory judgment action in a court of competent jurisdiction.
218.0132(2)(d)3. 3. Establishes, in a proceeding brought by the dealer or distributor alleging that the cancellation or nonrenewal violates s. 218.0116 (1) (i), that the continued distribution of the line make in the United States would cause it economic loss and that, after the effective date of the franchise cancellation or nonrenewal, neither the manufacturer, importer or distributor nor any owner, assignee or licensee of the trademarks or service marks used for the purpose of designating, making known or distinguishing the line make covered by the franchise will use the trademarks or service marks, either alone or in conjunction with other marks, in designating, making known or distinguishing any line make of motor vehicle sold or distributed in the United States.
218.0132(2)(d)4. 4. If the franchise relates to a line make that is sold or distributed in less than 13 states of the United States, establishes, in a proceeding brought by the dealer or distributor alleging that the cancellation or nonrenewal violates s. 218.0116 (1) (i) all of the following:
218.0132(2)(d)4.a. a. That the continued distribution of the line make in this state would cause it economic loss.
218.0132(2)(d)4.b. b. That after the effective date of the franchise cancellation or nonrenewal, neither the manufacturer, importer or distributor nor any owner, assignee or licensee of the trademarks or service marks used for the purpose of designating, making known or distinguishing the line make covered by the franchise will use those trademarks or service marks, either alone or in conjunction with other marks, in designating, making known or distinguishing any line make of motor vehicle sold or distributed in this state, except that, if the line make covered by the franchise has been first distributed in this state less than 2 years before the effective date of the cancellation or nonrenewal, those trademarks and service marks may be used in this state after 6 years from the effective date of the cancellation or nonrenewal.
218.0132(2)(d)5. 5. Establishes in a proceeding brought by the dealer or distributor alleging that the cancellation or nonrenewal violates s. 218.0116 (1) (i) all of the following:
218.0132(2)(d)5.a. a. That the continued distribution of the line make in this state is prohibited by law or by an order of a court or agency with jurisdiction to issue the order.
218.0132(2)(d)5.b. b. That the continued distribution of the line make in this state cannot be made to comply with the law or order through the reasonable efforts of the manufacturer, importer or distributor.
218.0132(2)(d)5.c. c. That after the effective date of the franchise cancellation or nonrenewal, neither the manufacturer, importer or distributor nor any owner, assignee or licensee of the trademarks or service marks used for the purpose of designating, making known or distinguishing the line make covered by the franchise will use those trademarks or service marks, either alone or in conjunction with other marks, in designating, making known or distinguishing any comparable line make of motor vehicle sold or distributed in this state.
218.0132 History History: 1999 a. 31 ss. 198 to 209.
218.0133 218.0133 Agreement termination benefits.
218.0133(1) (1) In this section:
218.0133(1)(a) (a) "Dealership facilities" means that part of a motor vehicle dealer's place of business that is used to conduct business under an agreement between a grantor and the motor vehicle dealer.
218.0133(1)(b) (b) "Grantor" means a manufacturer on direct dealership, a distributor on indirect dealership or an importer on direct dealership that has entered into an agreement with a motor vehicle dealer.
218.0133(2)(a)(a) Except as provided in sub. (5) and subject to sub. (3), when a grantor or motor vehicle dealer terminates, cancels or does not renew an agreement a grantor shall pay a motor vehicle dealer all of the termination benefits under pars. (b) to (e).
218.0133(2)(b)1.1. A grantor shall repurchase from the motor vehicle dealer any unsold new motor vehicle that meets all of the following criteria:
218.0133(2)(b)1.a. a. The motor vehicle has not been structurally modified by a motor vehicle dealer.
218.0133(2)(b)1.b. b. The motor vehicle has not been operated more than 300 miles for manufacturer's tests, predelivery tests and motor vehicle dealer exchange in addition to operation required for motor vehicle delivery from the grantor.
218.0133(2)(b)1.c. c. The motor vehicle was acquired as part of the motor vehicle dealer's original inventory or from the grantor or from another motor vehicle dealer of the same line make who acquired the motor vehicle from the grantor.
218.0133(2)(b)2. 2. A grantor may not be required to repurchase a motor vehicle under this paragraph unless the date on the original dealer invoice is within 12 months of the date on which the motor vehicle dealer terminates, cancels or does not renew an agreement or is within 18 months of the date on which the grantor terminates, cancels or does not renew an agreement.
218.0133(2)(b)3. 3. The repurchase price for a new motor vehicle shall be the motor vehicle invoice price from the grantor, plus destination, delivery or distribution charges and sales taxes incurred by the motor vehicle dealer, less allowances paid or credited to the motor vehicle dealer by the grantor. A grantor may subtract from a new motor vehicle repurchase price an amount equal to the diminution in wholesale value caused by damages to a new motor vehicle before the motor vehicle dealer delivers the new motor vehicle to the grantor.
218.0133(2)(c)1.1. A grantor shall repurchase from the motor vehicle dealer any unused, undamaged and unsold parts and accessories and unopened appearance and maintenance materials and paints if those items meet all of the following criteria:
218.0133(2)(c)1.a. a. The items are in the motor vehicle dealer's inventory or subject to a noncancelable order to the grantor on the effective date of the termination, cancellation or nonrenewal and are in original packaging, or, if sheet metal or body panels, are in a comparable substitute for original packaging.
218.0133(2)(c)1.b. b. The items were acquired by the motor vehicle dealer from the grantor or from the motor vehicle dealer's predecessor motor vehicle dealer and the items are listed for sale in the grantor's price schedules in effect on the effective date of the termination, cancellation or nonrenewal, the items are part of the motor vehicle dealer's original inventory acquired from the grantor or the items were acquired by the motor vehicle dealer from the grantor within 4 years before the effective date of the termination, cancellation or nonrenewal.
218.0133(2)(c)2. 2. A grantor may not be required to repurchase items that are not listed for sale in the grantor's price schedules in effect on the effective date of the termination, cancellation or nonrenewal if, within 2 years before the effective date of the termination, cancellation or nonrenewal, the grantor permitted a motor vehicle dealer to return obsolete parts and accessories, or a reasonable percentage of parts and accessories, for an amount that is equal to or greater than the price at which those items were listed for sale, less any allowances, at the time the return was permitted.
218.0133(2)(c)3. 3. The repurchase price for parts, accessories, materials and paints repurchased under subd. 1. shall be the price at which those items are listed for sale in the grantor's price schedules in effect on the effective date of the termination, cancellation or nonrenewal, or, if an item is not listed, the motor vehicle dealer's original invoice cost, plus destination, delivery or distribution charges, and sales taxes incurred by the motor vehicle dealer, less allowances paid or credited to the motor vehicle dealer by the grantor. If a motor vehicle dealer inventories, handles and packages repurchased items for delivery to the grantor, the grantor shall reimburse the motor vehicle dealer an additional amount equal to 2% of the repurchase price under this paragraph.
218.0133(2)(d) (d) A grantor shall purchase from the motor vehicle dealer undamaged signs at a fair market price, if a sign bears a common name, trade name or trademark of the grantor, the grantor required that the motor vehicle dealer acquire the sign and the sign was acquired by the motor vehicle dealer from the grantor or from a source approved by the grantor. In addition, a grantor shall purchase from the motor vehicle dealer at a fair market price poles or other hardware used to erect a sign if the grantor required that the sign be free standing and not include a trademark or trade name other than that of the grantor. Fair market price is presumed to be equal to the motor vehicle dealer's original cost, reduced by one-tenth of the original cost for each year of ownership. The grantor or motor vehicle dealer may rebut the presumption.
218.0133(2)(e) (e) The grantor shall purchase from the motor vehicle dealer special tools, equipment and furnishings at a fair market price, if the motor vehicle dealer acquired the tool, equipment or furnishing from the grantor or from a source approved by the grantor and the grantor required that the motor vehicle dealer acquire the tool, equipment or furnishing. Fair market price is presumed to be equal to the motor vehicle dealer's original cost, reduced by one-seventh of the original cost for each year of ownership. The grantor or motor vehicle dealer may rebut the presumption.
218.0133(3)(a)(a) The grantor shall provide a list of the motor vehicles, parts, accessories, materials and paints, signs, tools, equipment and furnishings that the motor vehicle dealer is authorized to return to the grantor within 30 days after the grantor receives a written inventory of the property that the motor vehicle dealer intends to return or within 30 days after the effective date of the termination, cancellation or nonrenewal, whichever is later. Within 60 days after the property is actually returned by the motor vehicle dealer to the grantor, f.o.b. dealership facilities, the grantor shall pay the motor vehicle dealer the reimbursement amount under sub. (2) (b) to (e), except that the grantor may apply the reimbursement amount first to pay any amount owed by the motor vehicle dealer to the grantor.
218.0133(3)(b) (b) If a repurchase price under sub. (2) depends on a purchase date or original cost or includes an associated cost, the motor vehicle dealer shall have the burden of proving by documentary evidence the purchase date, original cost or associated cost.
218.0133(4)(a)(a) Except as provided in sub. (5) and subject to par. (d), when a grantor terminates, cancels or does not renew an agreement a grantor shall, upon request, pay a motor vehicle dealer the termination benefits under par. (b) or (c). If a motor vehicle dealer receives benefits under par. (b) or (c), the grantor shall be entitled to the possession and use of the dealership facilities for the period that the termination benefits payment covers.
218.0133(4)(b) (b) If a motor vehicle dealer leases its dealership facilities, a grantor shall, upon request, pay the motor vehicle dealer an amount equal to the dealership facilities' rent for one year or for the unexpired term of the lease, whichever is less.
218.0133(4)(c) (c) If a motor vehicle dealer owns its dealership facilities, a grantor shall, upon request, pay the motor vehicle dealer an amount equal to the reasonable rental value of the dealership facilities for one year or until the dealership facilities are sold or leased, whichever is less.
218.0133(4)(d) (d) Paragraphs (b) and (c) apply only to dealership facilities that are used in performing sales and service obligations under an agreement before the motor vehicle dealer receives notice of the termination, cancellation or nonrenewal of the agreement.
218.0133(5)(a)(a) Subsections (2) and (4) do not apply to any of the following:
218.0133(5)(a)1. 1. A motor vehicle dealer if a court, a licensor or the division of hearings and appeals determines that the motor vehicle dealer engaged in fraud or theft against the grantor in connection with the operation or management of its dealership under an agreement.
218.0133(5)(a)2. 2. A motor vehicle dealer who terminates or cancels an agreement without giving the grantor 60 days' notice or the notice required under the agreement, whichever is less.
218.0133(5)(a)3. 3. A motor vehicle dealer who does not give the grantor a written request for termination benefits that specifies the benefits sought within 60 days after the effective date of the termination, cancellation or nonrenewal.
218.0133(5)(a)4. 4. A motor vehicle dealer who sells its dealership assets to a 3rd party who becomes a successor motor vehicle dealer under an agreement with the grantor.
218.0133(5)(a)5. 5. A motor vehicle dealer who terminates, cancels or fails to renew an agreement to sell motor homes, as defined in s. 340.01 (33m), unless a court, a licensor or the division of hearings and appeals determines that the grantor has not acted in good faith or has materially violated the agreement or a provision of ss. 218.0101 to 218.0163 and determines that the motor vehicle dealer has not acted in bad faith or has not violated the agreement or a provision of ss. 218.0101 to 218.0163.
218.0133(5)(a)6. 6. An agreement under which a motor vehicle dealer sells a camping trailer, as defined in s. 340.01 (6m), or a trailer, as defined in s. 340.01 (71), but only to the extent that the agreement covers camping trailers or trailers.
218.0133(5)(b) (b) Subsection (2) does not apply to a motor vehicle dealer who is unable to convey clear title to property under sub. (2) (b) to (e) on the date on which the grantor takes delivery of the property.
218.0133(5)(c) (c) Subsection (2) does not apply to property under sub. (2) (b) to (e) that is acquired by a motor vehicle dealer from another motor vehicle dealer if the property is acquired after the motor vehicle dealer receives or gives notice of termination, cancellation or nonrenewal or if the property was acquired other than in the ordinary course of the motor vehicle dealer's business.
218.0133(5)(d) (d) Subsection (4) does not apply if a grantor terminates, cancels or fails to renew an agreement in compliance with s. 218.0116 (1) (i), unless the primary ground for termination, cancellation or nonrenewal is inadequate sales performance by the motor vehicle dealer.
218.0133(6)(a)(a) This section does not restrict the right of a motor vehicle dealer to pursue any other remedy available against a grantor who terminates, cancels or does not renew an agreement.
218.0133(6)(b) (b) A grantor may not make the termination benefits payments under sub. (2) or (4) contingent on the motor vehicle dealer releasing or waiving any rights, claims or remedies.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2009. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?