28.05(3)(b) (b) Each private cooperating forester with whom the department contracts under par. (a) to harvest and sell timber from state forest lands shall be entitled to receive a portion of the proceeds from the sale of such timber in the amount determined by the department under par. (a).
28.05(3)(c) (c) Of the amount received by the department from each timber sale for which the department used the services of a cooperating forester under this subsection, the department shall credit to the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (1) (cy) an amount equal to the portion of the sale proceeds that the department is required to pay to the cooperating forester.
28.05 Annotation Although the DNR has authority to sell firewood, there is no requirement that it do so. 71 Atty. Gen. 23.
28.06 28.06 Forest nurseries.
28.06(1)(1) Limitation. Only planting stock of species and sizes suitable for forest and woodlot planting and for planting by school pupils, including pupils at a tribal school, as defined in s. 115.001 (15m), to celebrate arbor day under s. 118.025 shall be produced in state forest nurseries. The department may employ labor at prevailing local wages for nursery operation or reforestation.
28.06(2) (2)Distribution. In addition to use of planting stock on state lands, the department may distribute stock for growing forest products, for establishing windbreaks or shelterbelts, for control of soil erosion, and for game food or cover, but not for ornamental or landscape planting except by school pupils celebrating arbor day. Prices of planting stock shall be approved annually by the department and shall be based on the total cost of administering the forest nursery program under this section, including the cost of processing applications and producing, packaging and distributing nursery stock. To encourage forest planting, free stock may be allotted to any nonprofit organization or any school for the celebration of arbor day under s. 118.025.
28.06(2m) (2m)Surcharge.
28.06(2m)(a)(a) A person who purchases a seedling under sub. (2) shall pay, in addition to the price of the seedling charged under sub. (2), a surcharge for each seedling purchased. Beginning on September 1, 2001, and ending on June 30, 2002, the surcharge shall be 2 cents for each seedling. Beginning on July 1, 2002, the surcharge shall be 3 cents for each seedling. All surcharges collected under this paragraph shall be deposited in the conservation fund.
28.06(2m)(b) (b) For fiscal year 2002-03 and each fiscal year thereafter, the department shall credit 50% of the moneys received as surcharges under par. (a) during the applicable fiscal year to the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (1) (cu) and the remaining 50% to the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (1) (cv).
28.06(3) (3)Exchange, sale or purchase. For the purpose of adjusting forest planting programs, the department may exchange stock with, sell stock to or purchase stock from a county, another state or the U.S. forest service.
28.06(4) (4)Resale of nursery stock. Any person who sells forestry stock secured from the department shall forfeit not more than $100.
28.06(5) (5)Forfeitures. Any person who uses planting stock which he or she knows was produced in state forest nurseries for any purpose other than those specified in sub. (2) or for ornamental or landscape planting except as specified in sub. (2) shall forfeit not more than $500.
28.06 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also s. NR 1.20, Wis. adm. code.
28.07 28.07 Cooperation. The department may cooperate with the University of Wisconsin System, with departments and agencies of this or other states, with federal agencies and with counties, towns, corporations and individuals, to promote the best interest of the people and the state in forest surveys, research in forestry and related subjects, forest protection and in assistance to landowners to secure adoption of better forestry practice.
28.07 History History: 1985 a. 13.
28.07 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ss. NR 1.21, 1.211, 1.212, and 1.213, Wis. adm. code.
28.08 28.08 Income. All income from state forest lands shall be paid into the state treasury to the credit of the conservation fund.
28.08 History History: 1977 c. 418.
28.085 28.085 Timber. The department shall allocate for forest grants under s. 26.38, for the forestry education grant program under s. 26.40, for school forest transportation funding under s. 26.39 (5), for transfer to the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (km) for master logger apprenticeship grants under s. 38.04 (29), or for forestry internships under s. 26.39.
28.085 History History: 2005 a. 25; 2007 a. 20.
28.10 28.10 County forests. The county board of any county may by resolution establish a county public forest and acquire land by tax deed or otherwise for that purpose.
28.11 28.11 Administration of county forests.
28.11(1) (1)Purpose. The purpose of this section is to provide the basis for a permanent program of county forests and to enable and encourage the planned development and management of the county forests for optimum production of forest products together with recreational opportunities, wildlife, watershed protection and stabilization of stream flow, giving full recognition to the concept of multiple-use to assure maximum public benefits; to protect the public rights, interests and investments in such lands; and to compensate the counties for the public uses, benefits and privileges these lands provide; all in a manner which will provide a reasonable revenue to the towns in which such lands lie.
28.11(2) (2)Defined. "County forests" include all county lands entered under and participating under ch. 77 on October 2, 1963, and all county lands designated as county forests by the county board or the forestry committee and entered under the county forest law and designated as "county forest lands" or "county special-use lands" as hereinafter provided.
28.11(3) (3)Powers of county board. The county board of any such county may:
28.11(3)(a) (a) Enact an ordinance designating a committee to have charge of the county forests and specifying the powers, duties, procedures and functions of such committee. The members of such committee shall be appointed pursuant to s. 59.13 and may include well-qualified residents of the county who are not members of the county board.
28.11(3)(b) (b) Establish regulations for the use of the county forests by the public and to provide penalties for their enforcement.
28.11(3)(c) (c) Appropriate funds for the purchase, development, protection and maintenance of such forests and to exchange other county-owned lands for the purpose of consolidating and blocking county forest holdings.
28.11(3)(d) (d) Enter into cooperative agreements with the department for protection of county forests from fire.
28.11(3)(e) (e) Establish aesthetic management zones along roads and waters and enter into long-term cooperative leases and agreements with the department and other state agencies or federal agencies for the use of the county forests for natural resources research.
28.11(3)(f) (f) Establish transplant nurseries for growing seedlings, from the state forest nurseries, to larger size for planting in county forests, but no ornamental or landscape stock shall be produced in such nurseries.
28.11(3)(g) (g) Establish forest plantations and engage in silviculture, forest management and timber sales.
28.11(3)(h) (h) Engage in other projects designed to achieve optimum development of the forest.
28.11(3)(i) (i) Enter into leases or agreements, for terms not exceeding 10 years, to explore and prospect for ore, minerals, gas or oil upon any county forest lands. These leases or agreements shall contain proper covenants to safeguard the public interests in the lands involved and to guard against trespass and waste. The county board shall require proper security to ensure that the person engaged in exploration or prospecting fully informs the county of every discovery of ore, minerals, gas or oil and restores the land surface to an acceptable condition and value if no discovery of valuable deposit is made or if county forest lands are not withdrawn from entry under this section. Before a lease or agreement under this paragraph is effective, approval of the lease or agreement by the department is required. If the department finds that the proposed lease or agreement fully complies with the law and contains the proper safeguards, it shall approve the lease or agreement.
28.11(3)(j) (j) Enter into leases for the extraction of valuable deposits of ore, minerals, gas or oil upon any county forest land. If the extraction can be accomplished without permanently affecting the surface of the land, extraction leases may be entered into and extraction may occur while the land remains county forest lands. If the extraction cannot be accomplished without permanently affecting the surface of the land, extraction may not commence until the land is withdrawn as county forest land. Before an extraction lease under this paragraph is effective, approval of the lease by the department is required.
28.11(3)(k) (k) Establish energy conservation projects which permit individual members of the public to remove up to 10 standard cords of wood without charge from county forest lands for individual home heating purposes. The county board shall limit removal of wood for energy conservation projects to wood that is unsuitable for commercial sale. The county board may require a permit to remove wood for energy conservation projects and may charge a fee for the permit to administer projects established under this paragraph. A county board shall restrict participation in projects established under this paragraph to residents, as defined under s. 29.001 (69), but may not restrict participation to residents of the county. No timber sale contract is required for wood removed under this paragraph.
28.11(4) (4)Entry of county forest lands.
28.11(4)(a)(a) A county may file with the department an application for entry of county-owned land under this section. Such application shall include the description of the land and a statement of the purposes for which the lands are best suited. Upon the filing of such application the department shall investigate the same and it may conduct a public hearing thereon if it deems it advisable to do so at such time and place as it sees fit.
28.11(4)(b) (b) If after such investigation the department finds that the lands constitute a well blocked county forest unit or that they block in with other established county forest lands and are otherwise suitable for the purposes of this section it shall make an order of entry designating such lands as county forest lands. All county lands entered under and participating under ch. 77 on October 2, 1963 shall be designated "county forest lands" without further order of entry.
28.11(4)(c) (c) If the department finds that the lands are not suited primarily for timber production and do not otherwise qualify for entry under par. (b) but that they are suitable for scenic, outdoor recreation, public hunting and fishing, water conservation and other multiple-use purposes it shall make an order of entry designating such lands as "county special-use lands".
28.11(4)(d) (d) A copy of the order of entry shall be filed with the county clerk and the county forestry committee, and the order shall also be recorded with the register of deeds.
28.11(4)(e) (e) From and after the filing of such order of entry, the lands therein described shall be "county forest lands" or "county special-use lands", as the case may be, and shall so remain until withdrawn as hereinafter provided.
28.11(4)(f) (f) The department may construct and use forest fire lookout towers, telephone lines and fire lanes or other forest protection structures on any lands entered under this section and the county clerk of such county shall execute any easement on or over such lands which the department may require for forest protection. The general public shall enjoy the privilege of entering such lands for the purpose of hunting, fishing, trapping and other recreation pursuits subject to such regulation and restrictions as may be established by lawful authority.
28.11(5) (5)Management.
28.11(5)(a)(a) On or before December 31, 2005, a comprehensive county forest land use plan shall be prepared for a 15-year period by the county forestry committee with the assistance of technical personnel from the department and other interested agencies, and shall be approved by the county board and the department. The plan shall include land use designations, land acquisition, forest protection, annual allowable timber harvests, recreational developments, fish and wildlife management activities, roads, silvicultural operations and operating policies and procedures; it shall include a complete inventory of the county forest and shall be documented with maps, records and priorities showing in detail the various projects to be undertaken during the plan period. The plan may include an application for aids under s. 23.09 (17m). The application will be considered an annual application for these aids during the 15-year period of the plan. The initial plan may be revised as changing conditions require. Upon the expiration of the initial 15-year plan period, and upon expiration of each subsequent 15-year plan period, the plan shall be revised and shall be in effect for another 15-year period. If a plan under this paragraph is not revised upon expiration of the 15-year plan period, or if a plan under s. 28.11 (5) (a), 2003 stats., is not revised on or before December 31, 2005, that plan shall remain in effect until such time as that plan is revised and the revised plan takes effect.
28.11(5)(b) (b) An annual work plan and budget based upon the comprehensive plan shall be prepared by the county forestry committee with the assistance of a forester of the department. The plan shall include a schedule of compartments to be harvested and a listing by location of management projects for the forthcoming year. In addition the plan shall include other multiple-use projects where appropriate. A budget, listing estimated expenditures for work projects, administration and protection of the forest, shall accompany the annual plan both to be submitted to the county board for approval at the November meeting.
28.11(5m) (5m)County forest administration grants.
28.11(5m)(a)(a) The department may make grants, from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (bw), to counties having lands entered under sub. (4) to fund all of the following for one professional forester in the position of county forest administrator or assistant county forest administrator:
28.11(5m)(a)1. 1. Up to 50% of the forester's salary.
28.11(5m)(a)2. 2. Up to 50% of the forester's fringe benefits, except that the fringe benefits may not exceed 40% of the forester's salary.
28.11(5m)(am) (am) The department may make grants, from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (bw), to counties having lands entered under sub. (4) to fund up to 50 percent of the costs of a county's annual dues to a nonprofit organization that provides leadership and counsel to that county's forest administrator and that functions as an organizational liaison to the department. The total amount that the department may award in grants under this paragraph in any fiscal year may not exceed $50,000.
28.11(5m)(b) (b) The department may not make a grant under this subsection for a year for which the department has not approved the annual work plan that was approved by the county board under sub. (5) (b). The department may not base the amount of a county's grant on the acreage of the county's forest land.
28.11(5m)(c) (c) The department may choose not to make a grant to a county under this subsection if the county board for that county is more than one year delinquent in approving a comprehensive county forest land use plan or revised plan under sub. (5) (a).
28.11(5r) (5r)Sustainable forestry grants.
28.11(5r)(a)(a) In this subsection, "sustainable forestry" has the meaning given in s. 28.04 (1) (e).
28.11(5r)(b) (b) The department may make grants, from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (bw), to counties having lands entered under sub. (4) to fund the cost of activities designed to improve sustainable forestry on the lands.
28.11(5r)(c) (c) The department may choose not to make a grant to a county under this subsection if the county board for that county is more than one year delinquent in approving a comprehensive county forest land use plan or revised plan under sub. (5) (a).
28.11(6) (6)Timber sales and cultural cuttings.
28.11(6)(a)(a) Limitations. The county forestry committee is authorized to sell merchantable timber designated in timber sale contracts and products removed in cultural or salvage cuttings. All timber sales shall be based on tree scale or on the scale, measure or count of the cut products; the Scribner Decimal C log rule shall be used in log scaling. All cuttings shall be limited to trees marked or designated for cutting by qualified personnel recognized as such by the department.
28.11(6)(b) (b) Procedures.
28.11(6)(b)1.1. Any timber sale with an estimated value of $3,000 or more shall be by sealed bid or public sale after publication of a classified advertisement announcing the sale in a newspaper having general circulation in the county in which the timber to be sold is located. Any timber sale with an estimated value below $3,000 may be made without prior advertising. Any timber sale with an estimated value of $3,000 or more requires approval of the secretary.
28.11(6)(b)2. 2. Timber sales shall be subject to presale appraisals by qualified personnel recognized as such by the department to establish minimum sales value. Appraisal methods and procedures shall be approved by the department.
28.11(6)(b)3. 3. No merchantable wood products may be cut on any lands entered under this section unless a cutting notice on forms furnished by the department is filed with and approved by the department. Any unauthorized cutting shall render the county liable to the state in an amount equal to double the stumpage value of the cut products which amount shall be paid by the county to the state. If the county does not pay the amount of such penalty to the state, the department may withhold such amount from future state contributions to the county.
28.11(6)(b)4. 4. Within 90 days after completion of any cutting operation, including timber trespass, but not more than 2 years after filing the cutting notice, the county shall transmit to the department on forms furnished by the department, a report of merchantable wood products cut. The department may conduct any investigations on timber cutting operations that it considers to be advisable, including the holding of public hearings on the timber cutting operations, and may assess severance share payments accordingly.
28.11(6)(c) (c) Exception. Paragraph (b) 1. does not apply to any sale of timber that has been damaged by fire, snow, hail, ice, insects, disease, or wind. Timber damaged in that manner that is located in a county forest may be sold by the county forestry committee for that county on such terms and in such manner as the committee determines is in the best interest of the county.
28.11(7) (7)County forest credit. The department shall set up an account for each county showing the lands entered; the sums previously paid under s. 28.14, 1961 stats.; the sums hereafter paid under this section; the sums previously received in the form of four-fifths severance tax collected pursuant to s. 77.06 (5), 1961 stats.; the sums received as forestry fund severance share under this section; and the sums previously reimbursed to the state on withdrawn lands pursuant to s. 28.12 (4), 1961 stats. Whenever the forestry fund account of any county shows an overpayment of such severance tax or severance share as of June 30 of any year, the department shall return such overpayment to the county. All severance taxes previously paid by any county and deposited in the general fund shall be credited to the forestry fund account of the county. If such credit exceeds the balance due to the forestry fund account from such county, the overpayment shall be credited to the county and applied in lieu of future severance shares due to the state until the county account is balanced.
28.11(8) (8)State contribution.
28.11(8)(a)(a) Acreage payments. As soon after April 20 of each year as feasible, the department shall pay to each town treasurer 30 cents per acre, based on the acreage of such lands as of the preceding June 30, as a grant out of the appropriation made by s. 20.370 (5) (bv) on each acre of county lands entered under this section.
28.11(8)(b) (b) Forestry fund account.
28.11(8)(b)1.1. A county having established and maintaining a county forest under this section is eligible to receive from the state from the appropriations under s. 20.370 (5) (bq) and (bs) an annual payment as a noninterest bearing loan to be used for the purchase, development, preservation and maintenance of the county forest lands and the payment shall be credited to a county account to be known as the county forestry aid fund. A county board may, by a resolution adopted during the year and transmitted to the department by December 31, request to receive a payment of not more than 50 cents for each acre of land entered and designated as "county forest land". The department shall review the request and approve the request if the request is found to be consistent with the comprehensive county forest land use plan. If any lands purchased from the fund are sold, the county shall restore the purchase price to the county forestry aid fund. The department shall pay to the county the amount due to it on or before March 31 of each year, based on the acreage of the lands as of the preceding June 30. If the amounts in the appropriations under s. 20.370 (5) (bq) and (bs) are not sufficient to pay all of the amounts approved by the department under this subdivision, the department shall pay eligible counties on a prorated basis.
28.11(8)(b)2. 2. The department may allot additional interest free forestry aid loans on a project basis to individual counties to permit the counties to undertake meritorious and economically productive forestry operations, including land acquisitions. These additional aids may not be used for the construction of recreational facilities or for fish and game management projects. Application shall be made in the manner and on forms prescribed by the department and specify the purpose for which the additional aids will be used. The department shall make an investigation as it deems necessary to satisfy itself that the project is feasible, desirable and consistent with the comprehensive plan. If the department so finds, it may make allotments in such amounts as it determines to be reasonable and proper and charge the allotments to the forestry fund account of the county. These allotments shall be credited by the county to the county forestry aid fund. After determining the loans as required under subd. 1., the department shall make the remainder of the amounts appropriated under s. 20.370 (5) (bq) and (bs) for that fiscal year available for loans under this subdivision. The department shall also make loans under this subdivision from the appropriations under s. 20.370 (5) (bt) and (bu).
28.11(8)(b)3. 3. All payments made under this paragraph shall be known as the "forestry fund account".
28.11(9) (9)County forest severance share.
28.11(9)(a)(a) Except as provided under pars. (b) and (c), on timber cut from lands entered as "county forest lands" the county shall pay a severance share of not less than 20% of the actual stumpage sales value of the timber. A higher rate of payment may be applied when agreed upon by the department and the county. When cutting is done by the county and timber is not sold or is sold as cut forest products the severance share shall be 20% of the severance tax schedule in effect under s. 77.06 (2).
28.11(9)(ag) (ag) The severance share paid by a county to the state shall be credited to the forestry fund account of the county and shall be divided into 2 payments as follows:
28.11(9)(ag)1. 1. An acreage loan severance share payment that is equal to the product of multiplying the amount of the severance share paid by the county by the percentage of the balance due in the forestry fund account of the county that is attributable to loans made under sub. (8) (b) 1.
28.11(9)(ag)2. 2. A project loan severance share payment that is equal to the product of multiplying the amount of the severance share paid by the county by the percentage of the balance due that is attributable to loans made under sub. (8) (b) 2.
28.11(9)(am) (am) The acreage loan severance share payments shall be deposited in the conservation fund and credited to the appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (bq), and the project loan severance share payments shall be deposited in the conservation fund and credited to the appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (bu).
28.11(9)(ar)1.1. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (c), if the sum of the unencumbered balances in the appropriations under s. 20.370 (5) (bq), (bt) and (bu) exceeds $400,000 on June 30 of any fiscal year, the amount in excess of $400,000 shall lapse from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (bq) to the conservation fund, except as provided in subd. 2.
28.11(9)(ar)2. 2. Notwithstanding s. 20.001 (3) (c), if the amount in the appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (bq) is insufficient for the amount that must lapse under subd. 1., the remainder that is necessary for the lapse shall lapse from the appropriation under s. 20.370 (5) (bu).
28.11(9)(b) (b) No severance share payment is required if there is no balance due in the forestry fund account of the county. A severance share payment shall not exceed the balance due in the forestry fund account of the county.
28.11(9)(c) (c) No severance share payment is required for wood removed from county forest lands for energy conservation projects established under sub. (3) (k).
28.11(9)(d) (d) Of the gross receipts from all timber sales on the county forests 10% shall be paid annually by the county to the towns having county forest lands on the basis of acreage of such lands in the towns.
28.11(11) (11)Withdrawals.
28.11(11)(a)1.1. The county board may by resolution adopted by not less than two-thirds of its membership make application to the department to withdraw lands entered under this section. The county board shall first refer the resolution to the county forestry committee, which shall consult with an authorized representative of the department in formulating its withdrawal proposal. The county board shall not take final action on the application until 90 days after referral of the application to the forestry committee or until the report of the forestry committee regarding the application has been filed with the board. The application shall include the land description, a statement of the reasons for withdrawal, and any restrictions or other conditions of use attached to the land proposed for withdrawal.
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