285.69 Fees.
(1)Rule making. The department may promulgate rules for the payment and collection of reasonable fees for all of the following:
(a) Application for permit. Reviewing and acting upon any application for a construction permit, except that the department may not impose a fee on any of the following persons who apply for a construction permit:
1. An owner or operator of an entire facility for which an operation permit is required under s. 285.60 but not under the federal clean air act if the entire facility is covered by a registration permit under s. 285.60 (2g).
2. An owner or operator of an entire facility for which an operation permit is required under s. 285.60 but not under the federal clean air act if the entire facility is covered by a general permit under s. 285.60 (3).
(c) Request for exemption. Reviewing and acting upon any request for an exemption from the requirement to obtain an air pollution control permit.
(1d)Request for waiver of construction permit requirement. An owner or operator that requests a waiver under s. 285.60 (5m) of the requirement to obtain a construction permit shall pay to the department a fee of $300.
(2)Fees for persons required to have federal operation permits.
(a) The department shall promulgate rules for the payment and collection of fees by the owner or operator of a stationary source for which an operation permit is required under the federal clean air act. The rules shall provide all of the following:
1. That fees collected in a year before 2002 are based on actual emissions of all regulated pollutants and any other air contaminant specified by the department in the rules in the preceding year.
2. Except as provided under par. (d), that the fees collected in 1993 are $18 per ton of each regulated pollutant.
3. Except as provided under par. (d), that the fees collected in 1994 are $25 per ton increased by the percentage by which the consumer price index, as defined in 42 USC 7661a (b) (3) (B) (v), for 1993 exceeds the consumer price index for 1989.
4. That the fees collected in each year after 1994 and before 2002 are calculated by increasing the fees collected in the preceding year by the percentage by which the consumer price index, as defined in 42 USC 7661a (b) (3) (B) (v), increased in the preceding year.
5. That fees are not based on emissions by an air contaminant source in excess of 5,000 tons per year of each regulated pollutant, except that, subject to par. (b), this limitation does not apply to a major utility, as defined in s. 285.41 (1) (f), that owns or operates a phase I affected unit as listed in Table A of 42 USC 7651c.
6. That during 1995 to 1999, no fee is required to be paid under this subsection for emissions from any affected unit listed in Table A of 42 USC 7651c.
7. That the fees billed for a stationary source in each year after 2001 are based on the fees billed for the stationary source in 2001.
8. That the fee billed for each stationary source in each year after 2001 is based on the actual emissions of all regulated pollutants, and any other air contaminant specified by the department in the rules, in the preceding year.
9. That fees billed in years after 2001 are determined using a performance-based approach that increases a stationary source's fees in proportion to increases in the amount of pollutants emitted by the stationary source, as determined under subd. 8., and decreases a stationary source's fees in proportion to decreases in the amount of pollutants emitted by the stationary source, as determined under subd. 8.
10. That no multiplier or similar mechanism is used that would increase a stationary source's fees to compensate for decreases in overall amounts of emissions.
11. That no provision is used that would increase the fee per unit of pollutant emitted in order to compensate for decreases in overall amounts of emissions.
(b) The department may not charge a major utility fees on emissions in excess of 5,000 tons per year of each regulated pollutant beyond the amount necessary to recover the fees that would have been charged for any phase I affected unit listed in Table A of 42 USC 7651c owned by that major utility if the prohibition in par. (a) 6. did not exist.
(c) The fees collected under pars. (a) and (e) shall be credited to the appropriations under s. 20.370 (2) (bg), (3) (bg), (8) (mg) and (9) (mh) for the following:
1. The costs of reviewing and acting on applications for operation permits; implementing and enforcing operation permits except for court costs or other costs associated with an enforcement action; monitoring emissions and ambient air quality; preparing rules and materials to assist persons who are subject to the operation permit program; ambient air quality modeling; preparing and maintaining emission inventories; and any other direct and indirect costs of the operation permit program.
2. Costs of any other activities related to stationary sources of air contaminants.
(d) The department may promulgate a rule reducing any operation permit fee required to be paid under par. (a) by small business stationary sources to take into account the financial resources of small business stationary sources.
(e) Beginning in 2001, the owner or operator of a stationary source for which an operation permit is required shall pay to the department an annual fee of $ .86 per ton of actual emissions in the preceding year of all air contaminants on which the fee under par. (a) is based.
(2m)Fees for state permit sources.
(a) The owner or operator of a stationary source for which an operation permit is required under s. 285.60 but not under the federal clean air act shall pay to the department a fee of $300 per year, except as provided in par. (b).
(b) An owner or operator to whom the department has issued an operation permit for one or more points of emission from an existing source in order to limit the source's potential to emit so that the existing source is not a major source shall pay to the department a fee of $4,100 per year if the operation permit includes federally enforceable conditions that allow the amount of emissions to be at least 80 percent of the amount that results in a stationary source being classified as a major source.
(bm) The fees collected under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.370 (2) (bh) for the following purposes as they relate to stationary sources for which an operation permit is required under s. 285.60 but not under the federal clean air act:
1. The costs of reviewing and acting on applications for operation permits; implementing and enforcing operation permits except for court costs or other costs associated with an enforcement action; monitoring emissions and ambient air quality; preparing rules and materials to assist persons who are subject to the operation permit program; ambient air quality modeling; preparing and maintaining emission inventories; and any other direct and indirect costs of the operation permit program.
2. Costs of any other activities related to stationary sources of air contaminants.
(3)Asbestos inspection fees.
(a) The department may promulgate rules for the payment and collection of fees for inspecting nonresidential asbestos demolition and renovation projects regulated by the department. The fees under this subsection for an inspection plus the fee under sub. (1) (c) may not exceed $700 if the combined square and linear footage of friable asbestos-containing material involved in the project is less than 5,000. The fees under this subsection for an inspection plus the fee under sub. (1) (c) may not exceed $1,325 if the combined square and linear footage of friable asbestos-containing material involved in the project is 5,000 or more. The fees collected under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation under s. 20.370 (2) (bi) for the direct and indirect costs of conducting inspections of nonresidential asbestos demolition and renovation projects regulated by the department and for inspecting property proposed to be used for a community fire safety training project.
(b) In addition to the fees under par. (a), the department may charge all of the following:
1. The costs it incurs for laboratory testing for a nonresidential asbestos demolition and renovation project.
2. A fee in the amount of $100 for the department to inspect property proposed to be used for a community fire safety training project for which the department requires inspection.
3. A fee in the amount of $100 for the department to review a revised notice of an asbestos renovation or demolition activity, submitted by a person required by the department to provide such notice.
4. An amount equal to the inspection fee under par. (a) to inspect property for a project for which a notice of an asbestos renovation or demolition activity was not provided, as required by the department, before the project was initiated.
(c) For the purpose of par. (a), combined square and linear footage shall be determined by adding the number of square feet of friable asbestos-containing material on areas other than pipes to the number of linear feet of friable asbestos-containing material on pipes.
(4)Information on fees. In promulgating rules under subs. (1) and (2), the department shall provide information on the costs upon which the proposed fees are based.
(5)Growth accommodation use fee.
(a) A one-time growth accommodation use fee shall be imposed at the time of application upon any person who obtains a certified growth accommodation credit under s. 285.63 (7). If the amount of credit per calendar year varies between calendar years, the amount of the fee shall be based upon the largest annual credit for any calendar year. If the person submits more than one application in any calendar year, the fee for the application shall be based upon the largest cumulative credit obtained for any calendar year. A fee is nonrefundable, except that in determining a fee for an application in any calendar year, the department shall credit once to the person an amount equal to any fee previously paid in the same calendar year. All fees collected under this subsection shall be deposited in the general fund.
(b) Except as provided in par. (d), if the amount of the growth accommodation credit obtained by the person in a calendar year is less than 40 tons, the amount of the fee shall be determined by multiplying the amount of the growth accommodation credit certified to the person, expressed in tons per year, by $100 per ton.
(c) Except as provided in par. (d), if the amount of the growth accommodation credit obtained by the person in a calendar year is 40 tons or more, the amount of the fee shall be determined by multiplying the amount of the growth accommodation credit certified to the person, expressed in tons per year, by $200 per ton.
(d) A stationary source which is operating without an air pollution control permit required under s. 285.60 but which can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the department the ability to comply with this chapter and s. 299.15 after obtaining a growth accommodation credit under s. 285.63 (7) shall be required to pay an amount from $200 to $1,000 times the amount of the growth accommodation credit certified to the person, expressed in tons per year.
(6)Use of certain fees. The department shall use moneys collected under subs. (1) and (5) for the purposes in subs. (1) and (5). If moneys collected under subs. (1) and (5) exceed the amounts necessary for the purposes specified in subs. (1) and (5), the department may use the excess for other activities to control air pollution in this state.
(7)Emission reduction credit fees. The department may promulgate rules for the payment of fees by persons who hold emission reduction credits that may be used to satisfy the offset requirements in s. 285.63 (2) (a) and that have been certified by the department. The rules may waive the payment of fees under this subsection for categories of emission reduction credits. The fees collected under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation under s. 20.370 (2) (bg).
Cross-reference: See also ch. NR 410, Wis. adm. code.
285.70 Confidentiality of records.
(1) Except as provided in sub. (2), the department shall make any record, report or other information obtained in the administration of this chapter and s. 299.15 available to the public.
(2) The department shall keep confidential any part of a record, report or other information obtained in the administration of this chapter and s. 299.15, other than emission data or an air pollution control permit, upon a showing satisfactory to the department by any person that the part of a record, report or other information would, if made public, divulge a method or process that is entitled to protection as a trade secret, as defined in s. 134.90 (1) (c), of that person.
(3)Subsection (2) does not prevent the disclosure of any information to a representative of the department for the purpose of administering this chapter and s. 299.15 or to an officer, employee or authorized representative of the federal government for the purpose of administering the federal clean air act. When the department provides information that is confidential under sub. (2) to the federal government, the department shall also provide a copy of the application for confidential status.
History: 1971 c. 125 s. 522 (2); 1979 c. 34; 1979 c. 221 s. 2202 (39); 1981 c. 335 s. 26; 1991 a. 302; 1995 a. 227 s. 460; Stats. 1995 s. 285.70.
285.71 Federal aid. Subdivisions of this state and interlocal agencies may make application for, receive, administer and expend any federal aid for the control of air pollution or the development and administration of programs related to air pollution control if first submitted to and approved by the department. The department shall approve any such application if it is consistent with the purposes of this chapter and any other applicable requirements of law.
History: 1979 c. 34; 1995 a. 227 s. 459; Stats. 1995 s. 285.71.
285.73 Local air pollution control programs.
(1) After consultation with incorporated units of local government, any county may establish and thereafter administer within its jurisdiction, including incorporated areas, an air pollution control program which:
(a) Provides by ordinance for requirements compatible with, or stricter or more extensive than those imposed by this chapter and rules issued thereunder. Such ordinances shall supersede any existing local ordinances;
(b) Provides for the countywide enforcement of such requirements by appropriate administrative and judicial process;
(c) Provides for administrative organization, staff and financial and other resources necessary to effectively and efficiently carry out its program;
(d) May authorize municipalities to participate in the administration and enforcement of air pollution programs; and
(e) Is approved by the department as adequate to meet the requirements of this chapter and any applicable rules pursuant thereto.
(2) Any county may consult with regional planning commissions and may administer all or part of its air pollution control program in cooperation with one or more other counties or municipalities. Performance by or on behalf of a county pursuant to such cooperative undertaking shall be considered to be performance by the county for purposes of this section.
(3) If the department finds that the location, character or extent of particular concentrations of population, air contaminant sources, the geographic, topographic or meteorological considerations, or any combinations thereof, are such as to make impracticable the maintenance of appropriate levels of air quality without an area-wide air pollution control program, the department may determine the boundaries within which such program is necessary and require it.
(a) If the department has reason to believe that a program in force pursuant to this section is inadequate to prevent and control air pollution in the jurisdiction to which such program relates, or that such program is being administered in a manner inconsistent with the requirements of this chapter, the department shall, on due notice, conduct a hearing on the matter.
(b) If, after such hearing, the department determines that a program is inadequate to prevent and control air pollution in the county to which such program relates, or that such program is not accomplishing the purposes of this chapter, it shall require that necessary corrective measures be taken within a reasonable period of time, not to exceed 60 days.
(c) If the county fails to take such necessary corrective action within the time required, the department shall administer within such county all of the regulatory provisions of this chapter. Such air pollution control program shall supersede all county air pollution regulations, ordinances and requirements in the affected jurisdiction.
(5) Any county in which the department administers its air pollution control program under sub. (4) may, with the approval of the department, resume a county air pollution control program which meets the requirements of sub. (1).
(6) Nothing in this chapter supersedes the jurisdiction of any county air pollution control program in operation on July 26, 1967, but any such program shall meet all requirements of this chapter for a county air pollution control program. Any approval required from the department shall be deemed granted unless the department takes specific action to the contrary.
History: 1973 c. 90; 1979 c. 34 s. 2102 (39) (g); 1995 a. 227 s. 506; Stats. 1995 s. 285.73.
Cross-reference: See also ch. NR 403, Wis. adm. code.
285.75 County program. Instead of state review of plans and specifications, the department may authorize counties which are administering approved air pollution control programs to review and approve plans, specifications and permits of air contaminant sources being constructed, modified or operated within the jurisdiction of these counties.
History: 1979 c. 34; 1995 a. 227 s. 501; Stats. 1995 s. 285.75.
Cross-reference: See also ch. NR 403, Wis. adm. code.
285.76 Notice concerning proposed area redesignations.
(1) Within 5 days after the department receives notification that an American Indian tribal governing body proposes to redesignate an area under 42 USC 7474 for the purpose of the federal clean air act provisions concerning the prevention of significant deterioration of air quality and that a consultation meeting is requested among the tribal governing body, the federal environmental protection agency and this state, the department shall report that notification to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature, as determined by the speaker of the assembly and the president of the senate, under s. 13.172 (3).
(2) Within 15 days after receiving notification that an American Indian tribal governing body proposes to redesignate an area under 42 USC 7474 for the purpose of the federal clean air act provisions concerning the prevention of significant deterioration of air quality, the department shall do all of the following:
(a) Publish a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, of the proposed redesignation and request for consultation with the state in a newspaper of general circulation in the area that would be affected by the redesignation, as determined using standards established by the federal environmental protection agency, and in the official state newspaper and provide a written statement concerning the proposed redesignation to those newspapers.
(b) Report that notification to the governor, and to the agency responsible for administering air pollution control laws, of any other state with an area that would be affected by the redesignation, as determined using standards established by the federal environmental protection agency.
(3) Within 15 days after receiving notification of the time and place of a public hearing under 42 USC 7474 (b) (1) (A) concerning a proposal by an American Indian tribal governing body to redesignate an area, the department shall provide notice of the time and place of the public hearing in the manner provided in subs. (1) and (2) (a). If the department receives notification of a hearing at the same time that it receives notification of the proposed redesignation, it shall combine the newspaper notices under this subsection with the notices under sub. (2) (a).
(4) The department shall submit a report to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature, as determined by the speaker of the assembly and the president of the senate, under s. 13.172 (3), on the results of any consultations, under 40 CFR 52.21 (g) (4) (ii), with an American Indian tribal governing body that proposes to redesignate an area under 42 USC 7474.
History: 1997 a. 270.
285.77 Machinery use. The department may not require the use of machinery, devices or equipment from a particular supplier or produced by a particular manufacturer, if the required performance standards may be met by machinery, devices or equipment otherwise available.
History: 1979 c. 34; 1987 a. 27; Stats. 1987 s. 144.404; 1995 a. 227 s. 503; Stats. 1995 s. 285.77.
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