(b) Compensation of weed commissioner.
1. Except as provided in sub. (2) (b), a weed commissioner shall receive compensation for the destruction of noxious weeds as determined by the town board, village board, or city council upon presenting to the proper treasurer the account for noxious weed destruction, verified by oath and approved by the appointing officer. The account shall specify by separate items the amount chargeable to each piece of land, describing the land, and shall, after being paid by the treasurer, be filed with the town, village, or city clerk. The clerk shall enter the amount chargeable to each tract of land in the next tax roll in a column headed "For the Destruction of Weeds", as a tax on the lands upon which the weeds were destroyed. The tax shall be collected under ch. 74, except in case of lands which are exempt from taxation, railroad lands, or other lands for which taxes are not collected under ch. 74. A delinquent tax may be collected as is a delinquent real property tax under chs. 74 and 75 or as is a delinquent personal property tax under ch. 74. In case of railroad lands or other lands for which taxes are not collected under ch. 74, the amount chargeable against these lands shall be certified by the town, village, or city clerk to the secretary of administration who shall add the amount designated to the sum due from the company owning, occupying, or controlling the lands specified. The secretary of administration shall collect the amount chargeable as prescribed in subch. I of ch. 76 and return the amount collected to the town, city, or village from which the certification was received.
2. For the performance of duties other than the destruction of noxious weeds, a weed commissioner shall receive compensation to be determined by the town board, village board or city council.
History: 1999 a. 150; 2003 a. 33.
66.0601 Appropriations.
(1)Prohibited appropriations.
(a) Bonus to state institution. No appropriation or bonus, except a donation, may be made by a town, village, or city, nor municipal liability created nor tax levied, as a consideration or inducement to the state to locate any public educational, charitable, reformatory, or penal institution.
(b) Payments for abortions restricted. No city, village, town, long-term care district under s. 46.2895 or agency or subdivision of a city, village or town may authorize funds for or pay to a physician or surgeon or a hospital, clinic or other medical facility for the performance of an abortion except those permitted under and which are performed in accordance with s. 20.927.
(c) Payments for abortion-related activity restricted. No city, village, town, long-term care district under s. 46.2895 or agency or subdivision of a city, village or town may authorize payment of funds for a grant, subsidy or other funding involving a pregnancy program, project or service if s. 20.9275 (2) applies to the pregnancy program, project or service.
(2)Celebration of holidays. A town, county, school board, or school district may appropriate money for the purpose of initiating or participating in appropriate celebrations of any legal holiday listed in s. 995.20.
History: 1999 a. 65 s. 14; 1999 a. 150 ss. 89, 90, 92, 94, 165 to 167; 2001 a. 30; 2005 a. 155; 2007 a. 20.
66.0602 Local levy limits.
(1)Definitions. In this section:
(a) "Debt service" includes debt service on debt issued or reissued to fund or refund outstanding municipal or county obligations, interest on outstanding municipal or county obligations, and related issuance costs and redemption premiums.
(am) "Joint fire department" means a joint fire department organized under s. 61.65 (2) (a) 3. or 62.13 (2m), or a joint fire department organized by any combination of 2 or more cities, villages, or towns under s. 66.0301 (2).
(b) "Penalized excess" means the levy, in an amount that is at least $500 over the limit under sub. (2) for the political subdivision, not including any amount that is excepted from the limit under subs. (3), (4), and (5).
(c) "Political subdivision" means a city, village, town, or county.
(d) "Valuation factor" means a percentage equal to the greater of either 3 percent or the percentage change in the political subdivision's January 1 equalized value due to new construction less improvements removed between the previous year and the current year.
(2)Levy limit. Except as provided in subs. (3), (4), and (5), no political subdivision may increase its levy in any year by a percentage that exceeds the political subdivision's valuation factor. The base amount in any year, to which the limit under this section applies, shall be the maximum allowable levy for the immediately preceding year. In determining its levy in any year, a city, village, or town shall subtract any tax increment that is calculated under s. 59.57 (3) (a), 60.85 (1) (L), or 66.1105 (2) (i). The base amount in any year, to which the limit under this section applies, may not include any amount to which sub. (3) (e) 8. applies.
(a) If a political subdivision transfers to another governmental unit responsibility for providing any service that the political subdivision provided in the preceding year, the levy increase limit otherwise applicable under this section to the political subdivision in the current year is decreased to reflect the cost that the political subdivision would have incurred to provide that service, as determined by the department of revenue.
(b) If a political subdivision increases the services that it provides by adding responsibility for providing a service transferred to it from another governmental unit that provided the service in the preceding year, the levy increase limit otherwise applicable under this section to the political subdivision in the current year is increased to reflect the cost of that service, as determined by the department of revenue.
(c) If a city or village annexes territory from a town, the city's or village's levy increase limit otherwise applicable under this section is increased in the current year by an amount equal to the town levy on the annexed territory in the preceding year and the levy increase limit otherwise applicable under this section in the current year for the town from which the territory is annexed is decreased by that same amount, as determined by the department of revenue.
(cm) If a political subdivision's allowable levy under this section in 2007 was greater than its actual levy in 2007, the levy increase limit otherwise applicable under this section to the political subdivision in 2009 is increased by the difference between these 2 amounts, as determined by the department of revenue. In calculating a political subdivision's actual levy for 2007, the department may not include amounts that are excluded from the limit under pars. (d) 2. and 3., (e), and (h).
1. If the amount of debt service for a political subdivision in the preceding year is less than the amount of debt service needed in the current year, as a result of the political subdivision adopting a resolution before July 1, 2005, authorizing the issuance of debt, the levy increase limit otherwise applicable under this section to the political subdivision in the current year is increased by the difference between these 2 amounts, as determined by the department of revenue.
2. The limit otherwise applicable under this section does not apply to amounts levied by a political subdivision for the payment of any general obligation debt service, including debt service on debt issued or reissued to fund or refund outstanding obligations of the political subdivision, interest on outstanding obligations of the political subdivision, or the payment of related issuance costs or redemption premiums, authorized on or after July 1, 2005, and secured by the full faith and credit of the political subdivision.
3. The limit otherwise applicable under this section does not apply to amounts levied by a county having a population of 500,000 or more for the payment of debt service on appropriation bonds issued under s. 59.85, including debt service on appropriation bonds issued to fund or refund outstanding appropriation bonds of the county, to pay related issuance costs or redemption premiums, or to make payments with respect to agreements or ancillary arrangements authorized under s. 59.86.
4. If the amount of a lease payment related to a lease revenue bond for a political subdivision in the preceding year is less than the amount of the lease payment needed in the current year, as a result of the issuance of a lease revenue bond before July 1, 2005, the levy increase limit otherwise applicable under this section to the political subdivision in the current year is increased by the difference between these 2 amounts.
5. The limit otherwise applicable under this section does not apply to amounts levied by a 1st class city for the payment of debt service on appropriation bonds issued under s. 62.62, including debt service on appropriation bonds issued to fund or refund outstanding appropriation bonds of the city, to pay related issuance costs or redemption premiums, or to make payments with respect to agreements or ancillary arrangements authorized under s. 62.621.
(dm) If the department of revenue does not certify a value increment for a tax incremental district for the current year as a result of the district's termination, the levy increase limit otherwise applicable under this section in the current year to the political subdivision in which the district is located is increased by an amount equal to the political subdivision's maximum allowable levy for the immediately preceding year, multiplied by a percentage equal to 50 percent of the amount determined by dividing the value increment of the terminated tax incremental district, calculated for the previous year, by the political subdivision's equalized value for the previous year, all as determined by the department of revenue.
(e) The limit otherwise applicable under this section does not apply to any of the following:
1. The amount that a county levies in that year for a county children with disabilities education board.
2. The amount that a 1st class city levies in that year for school purposes.
3. The amount that a county levies in that year under s. 82.08 (2) for bridge and culvert construction and repair.
4. The amount that a county levies in that year to make payments to public libraries under s. 43.12.
5. The amount that a political subdivision levies in that year to make up any revenue shortfall for the debt service on a revenue bond issued under s. 66.0621 by the political subdivision or by a joint fire department if the joint fire department uses the proceeds of the bond to pay for a fire station and assesses the political subdivision for its share of that debt, under an agreement entered into under s. 66.0301, which is incurred by the joint fire department but is the responsibility of the political subdivision.
6. The amount that a county levies in that year for a countywide emergency medical system.
7. The amount that a village levies in that year for police protection services, but this subdivision applies only to a village's levy for the year immediately after the year in which the village changes from town status and incorporates as a village, and only if the town did not have a police force.
8. The amount that a political subdivision levies in that year to pay the unreimbursed expenses related to an emergency declared under s. 166.03 (1) (b) 1. [s. 323.10], including any amounts levied in that year to replenish cash reserves that were used to pay any unreimbursed expenses related to that emergency. A levy under this subdivision that relates to a particular emergency initially shall be imposed in the year in which the emergency is declared or in the following year.
NOTE: The correct cross-reference is shown in brackets. Corrective legislation is pending.
(g) If a county has provided a service in a part of the county in the preceding year and if a city, village, or town has provided that same service in another part of the county in the preceding year, and if the provision of that service is consolidated at the county level, the levy increase limit otherwise applicable under this section to the county in the current year is increased to reflect the total cost of providing that service, as determined by the department of revenue.
1. Subject to subd. 2., the limit otherwise applicable under this section does not apply to the amount that a city, village, or town levies in that year to pay for charges assessed by a joint fire department, but only to the extent that the amount levied to pay for such charges would cause the city, village, or town to exceed the limit that is otherwise applicable under this section.
2. The exception to the limit that is described under subd. 1. applies only if all of the following apply:
a. The total charges assessed by the joint fire department for the current year increase, relative to the total charges assessed by the joint fire department for the previous year, by a percentage that is less than or equal to the percentage change in the U.S. consumer price index for all urban consumers, U.S. city average, as determined by the U.S. department of labor, for the 12 months ending on September 30 of the year of the levy, plus 2 percent.
b. The governing body of each city, village, and town that is served by the joint fire department adopts a resolution in favor of exceeding the limit as described in subd. 1.
1. If a political subdivision enters into an intergovernmental cooperation agreement under s. 66.0301 to jointly provide a service on a consolidated basis with another political subdivision, and if one of the political subdivisions increases its levy from the previous year by an amount the parties to the agreement agree is needed to provide a more equitable distribution of payments for services received, the levy increase limit otherwise applicable under this section to that political subdivision in the current year is increased by that agreed amount.
2. If a political subdivision increases its levy as described in subd. 1. the other political subdivision, which is a party to the intergovernmental cooperation agreement and has agreed to the adjustment under subd. 1., shall decrease its levy in the current year by the same amount that the first political subdivision is allowed to increase its levy under subd. 1.
(4)Referendum exception.
(a) A political subdivision may exceed the levy increase limit under sub. (2) if its governing body adopts a resolution to that effect and if the resolution is approved in a referendum. The resolution shall specify the proposed amount of increase in the levy beyond the amount that is allowed under sub. (2), and shall specify whether the proposed amount of increase is for the next fiscal year only or if it will apply on an ongoing basis. With regard to a referendum relating to the 2005 levy, or any levy in an odd-numbered year thereafter, the political subdivision may call a special referendum for the purpose of submitting the resolution to the electors of the political subdivision for approval or rejection. With regard to a referendum relating to the 2006 levy, or any levy in an even-numbered year thereafter, the referendum shall be held at the next succeeding spring primary or election or September primary or general election.
(b) The clerk of the political subdivision shall publish type A, B, C, D, and E notices of the referendum under s. 10.01 (2). Section 5.01 (1) applies in the event of failure to comply with the notice requirements of this paragraph.
(c) The referendum shall be held in accordance with chs. 5 to 12. The political subdivision shall provide the election officials with all necessary election supplies. The form of the ballot shall correspond substantially with the standard form for referendum ballots prescribed by the elections board under ss. 5.64 (2) and 7.08 (1) (a). The question shall be submitted as follows: "Under state law, the increase in the levy of the .... (name of political subdivision) for the tax to be imposed for the next fiscal year, .... (year), is limited to ....%, which results in a levy of $.... Shall the .... (name of political subdivision) be allowed to exceed this limit and increase the levy for the next fiscal year, .... (year), by a total of ....%, which results in a levy of $....?".
(d) Within 14 days after the referendum, the clerk of the political subdivision shall certify the results of the referendum to the department of revenue. The levy increase limit otherwise applicable to the political subdivision under this section is increased in the next fiscal year by the percentage approved by a majority of those voting on the question. If the resolution specifies that the increase is for one year only, the amount of the increase shall be subtracted from the base used to calculate the limit for the 2nd succeeding fiscal year.
(5)Exception, certain towns. A town with a population of less than 2,000 may exceed the levy increase limit otherwise applicable under this section to the town if the town board adopts a resolution supporting an increase and places the question on the agenda of an annual town meeting or a special town meeting and if the annual or special town meeting adopts a resolution endorsing the town board's resolution. The limit otherwise applicable to the town under this section is increased in the next fiscal year by the percentage approved by a majority of those voting on the question. Within 14 days after the adoption of the resolution, the town clerk shall certify the results of the vote to the department of revenue.
(6)Penalties. Except as provided in sub. (6m), if the department of revenue determines that a political subdivision has a penalized excess in any year, the department of revenue shall do all of the following:
(a) Reduce the amount of county and municipal aid payments to the political subdivision under s. 79.035 in the following year by an amount equal to the amount of the penalized excess.
(b) Ensure that the amount of any reductions in county and municipal aid payments under par. (a) lapses to the general fund.
(c) Ensure that the amount of the penalized excess is not included in determining the limit described under sub. (2) for the political subdivision for the following year.
(d) Ensure that, if a political subdivision's penalized excess exceeds the amount of aid payment that may be reduced under par. (a), the excess amount is subtracted from the aid payments under par. (a) in the following years until the total amount of penalized excess is subtracted from the aid payments.
(6m)Mistakes in levies. The department of revenue may issue a finding that a political subdivision is not liable for a penalty that would otherwise be imposed under sub. (6) if the department determines that the political subdivision's penalized excess is caused by one of the following clerical errors:
(a) The department, through mistake or inadvertence, has assessed to any county or taxation district, in the current year or in the previous year, a greater or less valuation for any year than should have been assessed, causing the political subdivision's levy to be erroneous in a way that directly causes a penalized excess.
(b) A taxation district clerk or a county clerk, through mistake or inadvertence in preparing or delivering the tax roll, causes a political subdivision's levy to be erroneous in a way that directly causes a penalized excess.
(7)Sunset. This section does not apply to a political subdivision's levy that is imposed after December 2010.
History: 2005 a. 25, 484; 2007 a. 20, 115, 129; 2009 a. 28.
66.0603 Investments.
(a) In this section, "governing board" has the meaning given under s. 34.01 (1) but does not include a local cultural arts district board created under subch. V of ch. 229.
(a) A county, city, village, town, school district, drainage district, technical college district or other governing board, other than a local professional football stadium district board created under subch. IV of ch. 229, may invest any of its funds not immediately needed in any of the following:
1. Time deposits in any credit union, bank, savings bank, trust company or savings and loan association which is authorized to transact business in this state if the time deposits mature in not more than 3 years.
2. Bonds or securities issued or guaranteed as to principal and interest by the federal government, or by a commission, board or other instrumentality of the federal government.
3. Bonds or securities of any county, city, drainage district, technical college district, village, town or school district of this state.
3m. Bonds issued by a local exposition district under subch. II of ch. 229.
3p. Bonds issued by a local professional baseball park district created under subch. III of ch. 229.
3q. Bonds issued by a local professional football stadium district created under subch. IV of ch. 229.
3s. Bonds issued by the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority.
3t. Bonds issued by a local cultural arts district under subch. V of ch. 229.
3u. Bonds issued by the Wisconsin Aerospace Authority.
4. Any security which matures or which may be tendered for purchase at the option of the holder within not more than 7 years of the date on which it is acquired, if that security has a rating which is the highest or 2nd highest rating category assigned by Standard & Poor's corporation, Moody's investors service or other similar nationally recognized rating agency or if that security is senior to, or on a parity with, a security of the same issuer which has such a rating.
5. Securities of an open-end management investment company or investment trust, if the investment company or investment trust does not charge a sales load, if the investment company or investment trust is registered under the investment company act of 1940, 15 USC 80a-1 to 80a-64, and if the portfolio of the investment company or investment trust is limited to the following:
a. Bonds and securities issued by the federal government or a commission, board or other instrumentality of the federal government.
b. Bonds that are guaranteed as to principal and interest by the federal government or a commission, board or other instrumentality of the federal government.
c. Repurchase agreements that are fully collateralized by bonds or securities under subd. 5. a. or b.
1. A town, city, or village may invest surplus funds in any bonds or securities issued under the authority of the municipality, whether the bonds or securities create a general municipality liability or a liability of the property owners of the municipality for special improvements, and may sell or hypothecate the bonds or securities. Funds of an employer, as defined by s. 40.02 (28), in a deferred compensation plan may also be invested and reinvested in the same manner authorized for investments under s. 881.01.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2009. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?