94.676(4) (4) Its label does not bear the registration number assigned to each establishment in which it was produced as required under the federal act or rules of the department.
94.676(5) (5) Any word, statement or other information required under the authority of the federal act or ss. 94.67 to 94.71 to appear on the label or labeling is not prominently placed on the label or labeling with conspicuousness, compared with other words, statements, designs or graphic matter in the labeling, and in terms so as to render it likely to be read and understood by the ordinary person under customary conditions of purchase and use.
94.676(6) (6) The labeling does not contain directions or instructions for use which are necessary for effecting the purpose for which the product is intended and which, if complied with, are adequate to protect health and the environment.
94.676(7) (7) The label does not contain a warning or caution statement which may be necessary and which, if complied with, is adequate to protect health and the environment.
94.676(8) (8) The label does not bear an ingredient statement on that part of the immediate container which is presented or displayed under customary conditions of purchase and on the outside container or wrapper of the retail package, if there is one, through which the ingredient statement on the immediate container cannot be clearly read, except that a pesticide is not misbranded under this subsection if:
94.676(8)(a) (a) The size or form of the immediate container, or the outside container or wrapper of the retail package, makes it impracticable to place the ingredient statement on the part which is presented or displayed under customary conditions of purchase; and
94.676(8)(b) (b) The ingredient statement appears prominently on another part of the immediate container, or outside container or wrapper, when authorized under the federal act.
94.676(9) (9) The labeling does not contain a statement of the use classification under which the pesticide is registered under the federal act or rules of the department.
94.676(10) (10) There is not affixed to its container and to the outside container or wrapper of the retail package, if any, through which the required information on the container can be read clearly, a label bearing:
94.676(10)(a) (a) The name and address of the producer, registrant or person for whom produced;
94.676(10)(b) (b) The name, brand or trademark under which the pesticide is sold;
94.676(10)(c) (c) The net weight or measure of the contents subject to variations as authorized under state or federal law; and
94.676(10)(d) (d) The registration number and use classification assigned to the pesticide when required under the federal act.
94.676(11) (11) The pesticide contains any substance or substances in quantities highly toxic to persons, unless the label bears, in addition to other required labeling:
94.676(11)(a) (a) The sign of the "skull and crossbones";
94.676(11)(b) (b) The word "POISON" prominently in red on a background of distinctly contrasting color; and
94.676(11)(c) (c) An antidote statement of a practical treatment, first aid or otherwise, in case of pesticide poisoning.
94.676(12) (12) Its labeling contains statements, claims or directions for use which, if complied with, would violate any laws of this state or the federal act relating to the sale or use of pesticides.
94.676 History History: 1975 c. 94 s. 91 (10); 1977 c. 106.
94.676 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also chs. ATCP 29, 30, and 31 and ss. ATCP 160.19 and 160.21, Wis. adm. code.
94.68 94.68 Pesticides; licensing of manufacturers and labelers.
94.68(1)(1) No person may manufacture, formulate, package, label or otherwise produce pesticides for sale or distribution in this state, or sell or offer to sell pesticides to purchasers in this state, whether or not the sales are made wholly or partially in this state or another state, without a license from the department. A license expires on December 31 annually and is not transferable. No license is required of persons engaged only in the following:
94.68(1)(a) (a) The sale or distribution of pesticides at wholesale or retail in the immediate, unbroken container of licensed manufacturers as manufactured, produced, packaged or labeled by them.
94.68(1)(b) (b) The sale of pesticides or active ingredients to licensed manufacturers for use as a basic ingredient in the manufacture or formulation of another pesticide or for further processing, packaging or labeling.
94.68(1)(c) (c) The blending of fertilizer-pesticide mixtures in accordance with the registered pesticide label at the customer's request for use on property owned, rented or controlled by the customer, or blending mixtures according to registered pesticide label uses for custom application by the blender. The mixtures may not be resold or redistributed.
94.68(1)(d) (d) The sale or application, as certified commercial applicators of pesticides or pesticide-fertilizer mixtures, mixed or blended by them for their own use in the commercial application of pesticides if the pesticides used for mixing and blending were obtained from a licensee under this section.
94.68(2) (2)
94.68(2)(a)(a) An application for a license under sub. (1) shall be made on a form prescribed by the department. An applicant shall submit all of the following with the application:
94.68(2)(a)1. 1. All fees and surcharges required under s. 94.681.
94.68(2)(a)2. 2. A report identifying each pesticide that the applicant sells or distributes for use in this state and the gross revenue that the applicant derived from the sale or distribution of each pesticide during the preceding year, as defined in s. 94.681 (1) (d).
94.68(2)(b) (b) The department may not disclose sales revenue information obtained under par. (a) 2.
94.68(3) (3) At least 15 days before a person holding a license under this section begins to sell or distribute for use in this state a pesticide product that was not identified in the person's most recent annual license application, the person shall file a supplementary report with the information required under sub. (2) (a) 2. and any fees and surcharges required under s. 94.681. The department may not disclose sales revenue information obtained under this subsection.
94.68(5) (5) Manufacturers or labelers of pesticides shall submit to the department on request, product samples, copies of labeling or any other data or information which the department requests concerning composition and claims and representations made for pesticides manufactured or labeled by them in this state.
94.68(6) (6) The department may require a person licensed under sub. (1) to submit to the department any information which is needed in the administration of ss. 94.67 to 94.71 or ch. 160. The licensee may designate any information submitted under this subsection as a trade secret as defined in s. 134.90 (1) (c). The department may require the licensee to substantiate that the information is in fact a trade secret. Any information which the department determines to be a trade secret shall be kept confidential by the department. The department may enter into agreements with any person to allow for the review of trade secret information if the department ensures that the trade secret information will be kept confidential. The department may require a licensee to submit a summary of trade secret information for the purpose of providing information to the public.
94.68(7) (7) A license under this section does not constitute a registration of individual pesticide products within the meaning of the federal act, nor does it authorize any pesticide sale or distribution otherwise prohibited by law.
94.68 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also chs. ATCP 29, 30, and 31 and NR 80 and ss. ATCP 160.19 and 160.21, Wis. adm. code.
94.681 94.681 Pesticide manufacturers and labelers: fees and surcharges.
94.681(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
94.681(1)(a) (a) "Household pesticide" means a pesticide that is any of the following:
94.681(1)(a)1. 1. A sanitizer.
94.681(1)(a)2. 2. A disinfectant.
94.681(1)(a)3. 3. A germicide.
94.681(1)(a)4. 4. An insect repellant that is applied to the human body or to clothing.
94.681(1)(a)5. 5. A pesticide that is used exclusively for the treatment of household pets.
94.681(1)(a)6. 6. A pesticide product that is labeled exclusively for household, lawn or garden use if the product either is sold in ready-to-use form or is sold exclusively in container sizes of less than one gallon.
94.681(1)(a)7. 7. A solid or liquid pesticide product that is used exclusively for the treatment of swimming pools, spas or hot tubs.
94.681(1)(b) (b) "Industrial pesticide" means a pesticide that is not a household pesticide and that is one of the following:
94.681(1)(b)1. 1. Solely labeled for use on wood and contains pentachlorophenol, coal tar creosote or inorganic arsenical wood preservatives.
94.681(1)(b)2. 2. Labeled for use in controlling algae, fungi, bacteria, other microscopic organisms or mollusks in or on one or more of the following and for no other use except for a use described in par. (a) 6. or 7.:
94.681(1)(b)2.a. a. Textiles, paper, leather, plastic, vinyl or other synthetic materials, metal or rubber.
94.681(1)(b)2.b. b. Paints, varnishes, other coating products, lubricants or fuels.
94.681(1)(b)2.c. c. Commercial, construction, manufacturing or industrial fluids, including adhesives, additives and pigments.
94.681(1)(b)2.d. d. Commercial, construction, manufacturing or industrial processes, equipment, devices or containers, other than those used in the production or storage of human food or animal feed.
94.681(1)(b)2.e. e. Air washing, cooling or heat transfer systems.
94.681(1)(b)2.f. f. Medical equipment.
94.681(1)(b)2.g. g. Drinking water or wastewater systems.
94.681(1)(c) (c) "Nonhousehold pesticide" means a pesticide that is not a household pesticide or an industrial pesticide.
94.681(1)(cm) (cm) "Payment period" means the 12 months ending on September 30 of the calendar year for which a license is sought under s. 94.68.
94.681(1)(d) (d) "Preceding year" means the 12 months ending on September 30 of the year immediately preceding the year for which a license is sought under s. 94.68.
94.681(1)(e) (e) "Primary producer" means a person who manufactures an active ingredient that is used to manufacture or produce a pesticide.
94.681(2) (2)Annual license fee. An applicant for a license under s. 94.68 shall pay an annual license fee for each pesticide product that the applicant sells or distributes for use in this state. The amount of the fee is based on sales of pesticide products during the payment period. An applicant shall pay an estimated fee before the start of each license year as provided in sub. (3s) (a) and shall make a fee adjustment payment before the end of the license year if required under sub. (3s) (b). Except as provided in sub. (5) or (6), the fee for each pesticide product is as follows:
94.681(2)(a) (a) For each household pesticide product:
94.681(2)(a)1. 1. If the applicant sells less than $25,000 of the product during the payment period for use in this state, $265.
94.681(2)(a)2. 2. If the applicant sells at least $25,000 but less than $75,000 of the product during the payment period for use in this state, $750.
94.681(2)(a)3. 3. If the applicant sells at least $75,000 of the product during the payment period for use in this state, $1,500.
94.681(2)(b) (b) For each industrial pesticide product:
94.681(2)(b)1. 1. If the applicant sells less than $25,000 of the product during the payment period for use in this state, $315.
94.681(2)(b)2. 2. If the applicant sells at least $25,000 but less than $75,000 of the product during the payment period for use in this state, $860.
94.681(2)(b)3. 3. If the applicant sells at least $75,000 of that product during the payment period for use in this state, $3,060.
94.681(2)(c) (c) For each nonhousehold pesticide product:
94.681(2)(c)1. 1. If the applicant sells less than $25,000 of that product during the payment period for use in this state, $320.
94.681(2)(c)2. 2. If the applicant sells at least $25,000 but less than $75,000 of the product during the payment period for use in this state, $890.
94.681(2)(c)3. 3. If the applicant sells at least $75,000 of the product during the payment period for use in this state, $3,060 plus 0.2% of the gross revenues from sales of the product during the payment period for use in this state.
94.681(3) (3)Nonhousehold pesticides; cleanup surcharge. An applicant for a license under s. 94.68 shall pay an agricultural chemical cleanup surcharge for each nonhousehold pesticide product that the applicant sells or distributes for use in this state. The amount of the surcharge is based on sales of nonhousehold pesticide products during the payment period. An applicant shall pay an estimated surcharge before the start of each license year as provided in sub. (3s) (a) and shall make a surcharge adjustment payment before the end of the license year if required by sub. (3s) (b). Except as provided in sub. (6) or under s. 94.73 (15), the amount of the surcharge is as follows:
94.681(3)(a) (a) If the applicant sells less than $25,000 of the product during the payment period for use in this state, $3.50.
94.681(3)(b) (b) If the applicant sells at least $25,000 but less than $75,000 of that product during the payment period for use in this state, $120.
94.681(3)(c) (c) If the applicant sells at least $75,000 of that product during the payment period for use in this state, an amount equal to 0.75 percent of gross revenues from sales of the product during the payment period for use in this state.
94.681(3m) (3m)Wood preservatives; cleanup surcharge. An applicant for a license under s. 94.68 shall pay an environmental cleanup surcharge for each pesticide product that is not a household pesticide and is solely labeled for use on wood and contains pentachlorophenol or coal tar creosote that the applicant sells or distributes in this state. The amount of the surcharge is based on sales of pesticide products that are not household pesticides and are solely labeled for use on wood and contain pentachlorophenol or coal tar creosote during the payment period. An applicant shall pay an estimated surcharge before the start of each license year as provided in sub. (3s) (a) and shall make a surcharge adjustment payment before the end of the license year if required by sub. (3s) (b). Except as provided in sub. (6), the amount of the surcharge is as follows:
94.681(3m)(a) (a) If the applicant sells less than $25,000 of the product during the payment period for use in this state, $5.
94.681(3m)(b) (b) If the applicant sells at least $25,000 but less than $75,000 of that product during the payment period for use in this state, $170.
94.681(3m)(c) (c) If the applicant sells at least $75,000 of that product during the payment period for use in this state, an amount equal to 1.1% of gross revenues from sales of the product during the payment period for use in this state.
94.681(3s) (3s)Payment of fees and surcharges.
94.681(3s)(a)(a) Before the start of a license year, an applicant shall estimate the gross revenues that the applicant will receive from sales of each pesticide product during the payment period that ends during the year for which a license is sought under s. 94.68 and shall pay the amounts under subs. (2), (3), and (3m) based on that estimate. At least 15 days before beginning to sell a new pesticide product in this state, a licensee shall estimate the gross revenues that the applicant will receive from sales of that pesticide product during the payment period in which the licensee begins to sell the pesticide product and shall pay the amounts under subs. (2), (3), and (3m) based on that estimate.
94.681(3s)(b) (b) Before the end of a license year, a licensee shall report to the department the gross revenues that the licensee received from sales of each pesticide product during the payment period that ended during the license year, as required under s. 94.68 (2) (a) 2., and shall reconcile the estimated payment made under par. (a) with the amounts actually due under subs. (2), (3), and (3m) as follows:
94.681(3s)(b)1. 1. If the amount due based on actual sales is greater than the amount paid based on estimated sales, the licensee shall pay the additional amount due.
94.681(3s)(b)2. 2. If the amount due based on actual sales is less than the amount paid based on estimated sales, the licensee may request the department to reimburse the licensee for the amount of the overpayment.
94.681(3s)(b)3. 3. If the amount due based on actual sales equals the amount paid based on estimated sales, no action is required.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2009. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?