101.175(4)(b) (b) The requirement of an operation and maintenance manual and minimum requirements for the contents thereof.
101.175(4)(c) (c) Minimum specifications for materials, workmanship, durability and efficiency.
101.175(5) (5) Upon request by any manufacturer or retailer of any local energy resource system or components thereof which meet or exceed the quality standards established under sub. (4), the department shall issue an appropriate seal of quality. The department may charge a fee to cover the cost of the seal and to cover the cost of examining the system or its components.
101.175(6) (6) Misrepresentation, misuse or duplication of the department seal of quality issued under sub. (5) shall be deemed deceptive advertising under s. 100.18 (9m).
101.175(7) (7) At the request of any buyer of a local energy resource system the department may inspect any local energy resource system necessary to ascertain compliance with this section.
101.175 History History: 1979 c. 350; 1983 a. 27 s. 2202 (25); 1985 a. 120.
101.175 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. SPS 371, Wis. adm. code.
101.178 101.178 Installation and servicing of heating, ventilating and air conditioning equipment.
101.178(1) (1) In this section, "political subdivision" means a city, village, town or county.
101.178(2) (2) No person may engage in the business of installing or servicing heating, ventilating or air conditioning equipment unless the person registers with the department.
101.178(3) (3)
101.178(3)(a)(a) The department shall promulgate rules for a voluntary program under which a person who engages in the business of installing or servicing heating, ventilating or air conditioning equipment may obtain certification by passing an examination developed or selected by the department.
101.178(3)(b) (b) A political subdivision may not require a person to obtain certification under par. (a) in order to engage in the business of installing or servicing heating, ventilating or air conditioning equipment in that political subdivision unless all of the following apply:
101.178(3)(b)1. 1. On April 23, 1994, the political subdivision requires certification, licensure or other approval by the political subdivision in order to engage in that business in the political subdivision.
101.178(3)(b)2. 2. The political subdivision allows a person who has the approval under subd. 1. on April 23, 1994, to continue to engage in that business in the political subdivision without obtaining certification under par. (a).
101.178(3)(c) (c) A political subdivision may not require a person who is certified under par. (a) to obtain certification, licensure or other approval by the political subdivision in order to engage in the business of installing or servicing heating, ventilating or air conditioning equipment in that political subdivision.
101.178(3)(d) (d) A political subdivision may not require a person to obtain certification, licensure or other approval by the political subdivision in order to engage in the business of installing or servicing heating, ventilating or air conditioning equipment in the political subdivision unless the political subdivision requires that approval before November 1, 1993.
101.178(4) (4) The department may establish fees to cover the costs of administering this section.
101.178(5) (5) Any person who violates sub. (2) shall be required to forfeit not less than $50 nor more than $1,000. Each installation or servicing in violation of sub. (2) constitutes a separate violation.
101.178 History History: 1993 a. 243.
101.178 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ss. SPS 305.70, 305.71, and 305.72, Wis. adm. code.
101.18 101.18 Electric fences. The department shall ascertain, fix and order such reasonable standards, rules or regulations for the erection, construction, repair and maintenance of electric fences as shall render them safe.
101.18 History History: 1971 c. 185 s. 1; 1971 c. 228; Stats. 1971 s. 101.18.
101.19 101.19 Fees and records.
101.19(1b) (1b) In this section:
101.19(1b)(a) (a) "Amusement attraction" means any game of skill, show, or exhibition that does not constitute an amusement or thrill ride entertainment device.
101.19(1b)(b) (b) "Amusement or thrill ride" means any device that carries frequenters in an unusual, entertaining or thrilling mode of motion or any vehicle providing entertainment or transportation to, from or within an amusement area.
101.19(1g) (1g) The department, by rule promulgated under ch. 227, shall fix and collect fees which shall, as closely as possible, equal the cost of providing the following services:
101.19(1g)(a) (a) The examination of plans for public buildings, public structures, places of employment and the components thereof.
101.19(1g)(am) (am) The services specified by s. 101.12 (3) (am).
101.19(1g)(b) (b) The required inspection of boilers, pressure vessels, refrigeration plants, liquefied petroleum gas vessels, anhydrous ammonia tanks and containers, escalators, dumbwaiters, and amusement or thrill rides but not of amusement attractions.
101.19(1g)(bm) (bm) The inspection by the department of lifts, as defined in s. 167.33 (1) (f).
101.19(1g)(c) (c) Determining and certifying the competency of inspectors, blasters and welders.
101.19(1g)(d) (d) Each inspection of a facility conducted to ensure that the construction is in accordance with the plans approved by the department.
101.19(1g)(f) (f) Administration of the manufactured dwelling program, the one- and two-family dwelling programs, the manufactured home and mobile home program, and the multifamily dwelling program.
101.19(1g)(g) (g) The inspection and investigation of accidents.
101.19(1g)(h) (h) Inspections of mines, tunnels, quarries, pits and explosives.
101.19(1g)(i) (i) Inspecting and certifying rental units under s. 101.122 (4) and certifying and training inspectors under s. 101.122 (2) (c) and (d).
101.19(1g)(j) (j) The licensing and inspection of fireworks manufacturers under s. 167.10 (6m).
101.19(1g)(k) (k) Administering subch. VII, except that the department may not charge a fee for an emergency elevator mechanic's license under s. 101.985 (2) (c).
101.19(1g)(L) (L) Issuing licenses to retail suppliers of liquefied petroleum gas under s. 101.16 (3g), except as provided in sub. (1m).
101.19(1g)(m) (m) Registering construction contractors under s. 101.147.
101.19(1m) (1m) The department shall collect an annual fee of $20 for issuing a license under s. 101.16 (3g) to a retail supplier who only fills department of transportation cylinders.
101.19(1r) (1r) Notwithstanding subs. (1g) and (1m), the department shall waive any fee imposed on an individual who is eligible for the veterans fee waiver program under s. 45.44 for a license, permit, or certificate of certification or registration issued by the department under ss. 101.09 (3) (c), 101.122 (2) (c), 101.143 (2) (g), 101.147, 101.15 (2) (e), 101.16 (3g), 101.17, 101.177 (4) (a), 101.178 (2) or (3) (a), 101.63 (2) or (2m), 101.653, 101.73 (5) or (6), 101.82 (1m), (1v), and (2), 101.935, 101.95, 101.951, 101.952, 101.985 (1) to (3), 145.02 (4), 145.035, 145.045, 145.07 (12), 145.15, 145.16, 145.165, 145.17, 145.175, 145.18, or 167.10 (6m).
101.19 Note Note: Section 101.177 was repealed. Corrective legislation is pending.
101.19(2) (2) The department shall issue and record required certificates of inspection or of registration for equipment listed in sub. (1g) (b).
101.19 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also chs. SPS 302 and 361, Wis. adm. code.
101.211 101.211 Lunchrooms. The department shall require a suitable space in which lunches may be eaten in any place of employment if found by the department to be reasonably necessary for the protection of the life, health, safety and welfare of employees therein.
101.211 History History: 1971 c. 185 s. 1; 1971 c. 228 s. 42; Stats. 1971 s. 101.211; 1977 c. 29.
101.31 101.31 Construction career academy grant program.
101.31(1)(1) The department shall award grants to eligible organizations that operate a construction career academy that provides high school pupils with training in construction-related careers.
101.31(2) (2) An organization is eligible for a grant under this section if it proposes to operate a construction career academy that meets the following minimum criteria:
101.31(2)(a) (a) It has established a partnership between a school board operating a high school, or a local business or sponsoring organization, and a technical college district board or baccalaureate degree granting institution in which the partners have committed to participate in the operation of the construction career academy for a minimum of 3 years.
101.31(2)(b) (b) It provides high school pupils with the opportunity to receive up to 3 years of training in construction-related careers.
101.31(2)(c) (c) It incorporates industry concepts into core academic areas.
101.31(2)(d) (d) It incorporates into its curriculum work experience in construction-related industries.
101.31(2)(e) (e) It coordinates classroom credits with a technical college district or with a baccalaureate degree granting institution.
101.31(2)(f) (f) It uses a learning community curriculum approved by the department in consultation with the department of public instruction.
101.31(2)(g) (g) It awards a certificate of recognition to each pupil who successfully completes the construction career academy's plan of study.
101.31(3) (3) The recipient of a grant under this section shall provide matching funds equal to 50 percent of the grant amount awarded to the recipient.
101.31(4) (4) The recipient of a grant under this section may use the grant funds only for the following purposes:
101.31(4)(a) (a) To purchase materials and equipment, fund field trips, and make improvements to facilities, or for other specific needs relating to the construction career academy.
101.31(4)(b) (b) For developing a core curriculum, for professional development, or for other administrative needs of the recipient.
101.31(5) (5)
101.31(5)(a)(a) The department may award a grant for the purposes described under sub. (4) (a) in an amount that equals not more than $900 for each pupil enrolled in the construction career academy at the time that the award is granted.
101.31(5)(b) (b) The department may award a grant for the purposes described under sub. (4) (b) in an amount not exceeding $50,000.
101.31(6) (6) The department shall promulgate rules to administer this section.
101.31 History History: 2007 a. 20.
101.45 101.45 Diesel truck idling reduction grants.
101.45(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
101.45(1)(a) (a) "Common motor carrier" has the meaning given in s. 194.01 (1).
101.45(1)(b) (b) "Contract motor carrier" has the meaning given in s. 194.01 (2).
101.45(1)(c) (c) "Idling reduction unit" means a device that is installed on a diesel truck to reduce the long-duration idling of the truck by providing heat, air conditioning, or electricity to the truck while the truck is stationary and the main drive engine of the truck is not operating.
101.45(1)(d) (d) "Post-1998 diesel truck engine" means a heavy-duty highway diesel engine that complies with the air pollutant emission standards promulgated by the federal environmental protection agency under 42 USC 7521 for engine model year 1998 or a later engine model year.
101.45(1)(e) (e) "Private motor carrier" has the meaning given in s. 194.01 (11).
101.45(1)(f) (f) "Truck tractor" has the meaning given in s. 340.01 (73).
101.45(2) (2)Authority. Beginning on July 1, 2006, and ending on June 30, 2015, the department may award a grant to an eligible applicant for the purchase and field testing of one or more idling reduction units as provided in subs. (3) and (4).
101.45(3) (3)Eligible applicants. An applicant is eligible for a grant under this section only if all of the following apply:
101.45(3)(a) (a) The applicant is a common motor carrier, contract motor carrier, or private motor carrier that transports freight.
101.45(3)(b) (b) The applicant is headquartered in this state.
101.45(3)(c) (c) The applicant pays 50 percent of the eligible costs for each idling reduction unit covered by a grant under this section without the use of grants, loans, or other financial assistance from this state or from a local governmental unit in this state.
101.45(3)(d) (d) The applicant agrees to collect information relating to the operation and performance of each idling reduction unit covered by a grant under this section, as required by the department, and to report that information to the department.
101.45(4) (4)Grants.
101.45(4)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), the costs that an applicant has incurred or will incur to purchase and install an idling reduction unit on a truck tractor that is owned and operated by the applicant and that has a post-1998 diesel truck engine are eligible costs under this section if the use of the idling reduction unit will result, in the aggregate, in a decrease in the emissions of one or more air contaminants, as defined in s. 285.01 (1), from the truck tractor on which the idling reduction unit is installed or in a decrease in the use of energy by the truck tractor on which the idling reduction unit is installed.
101.45(4)(b) (b) The following costs are not eligible costs:
101.45(4)(b)1. 1. The cost of shipping an idling reduction unit from the manufacturer to the facility where the idling reduction unit will be installed on the truck tractor.
101.45(4)(b)2. 2. The cost of operating an idling reduction unit.
101.45(4)(b)3. 3. The cost of maintaining an idling reduction unit.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2011. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?