199.07(4)(b) (b) Quarterly statements of the financial and substantive operations of the corporation.
199.07(4)(c) (c) An audit of the corporation's books at least once each fiscal year. The audit shall be by a certified public accountant.
199.07(4)(d) (d) An annual report of the corporation's financial and substantive operations. The corporation shall prepare the report at the close of the corporation's fiscal year and shall distribute the report to each member and to each public library in the state.
199.07(4)(e) (e) An annual report on the past and projected activities and policies of the corporation. The corporation shall present the report to the membership at the annual membership meeting.
199.07(5) (5) To establish and make available to the public a written policy on the availability and distribution of all records required to be kept by the corporation under this chapter.
199.07(6) (6) To carry out all other duties and responsibilities imposed upon the corporation and the board under this chapter.
199.07(7) (7) To establish a policy on consumer education concerning utility service costs and benefits and methods of energy conservation by any of the following methods, without limitation because of enumeration:
199.07(7)(a) (a) Presentation of energy conservation training sessions open to the public.
199.07(7)(b) (b) Preparation and dissemination of newsletters and other informational material on utility service costs and energy conservation.
199.07(7)(c) (c) Installation and advertisement of a toll free telephone line service to answer citizen inquiries on utility service costs and energy conservation.
199.07(8) (8) To publicize the activities of the corporation under sub. (7).
199.07 History History: 1979 c. 72.
199.074 199.074 Director statement of financial interest. Every director shall file annually with the board a current financial statement which includes the information required under s. 199.12 (4).
199.074 History History: 1979 c. 72.
199.075 199.075 Executive director; qualifications; method of hire.
199.075(1)(1) The executive director hired by the board under s. 199.07 shall have the same qualifications as a director under s. 199.06 (2), except that the executive director need not be a resident of this state nor a member of the corporation. The executive director may not be a candidate for director while serving as executive director.
199.075(2) (2) To hire the executive director under s. 199.07, the board shall:
199.075(2)(a) (a) Notify every member and the public at large of a vacancy in the position of executive director of the corporation and the minimum qualifications necessary to perform the job. The notice shall be distributed at least 30 days prior to any deadline set for applications for the position.
199.075(2)(b) (b) Administer to all applicants for the position of executive director of the corporation who appear to have the minimum qualifications enumerated in the notice of the vacancy under par. (a) a standard examination which accurately measures such qualifications and which is designed for no other purpose. The examination may include but may not be limited to an oral interview. If any person eligible to take the examination under this paragraph is unable to complete the examination in the form presented to the person due to a physical or developmental disability, the board shall administer the examination in a form suitable to the person's abilities.
199.075(2)(c) (c) Notify all applicants for the position of executive director of the corporation who are not hired under this section of the name of the person hired and the person's qualifications for the position.
199.075(2)(d) (d) Adhere to subch. II of ch. 111 and any other applicable state or federal law prohibiting discrimination in employment.
199.075(3) (3) The board shall require all applicants for the position of executive director of the corporation to file a financial statement which includes the information required under s. 199.12 (4). The board shall require the executive director to file a current statement annually.
199.075 History History: 1979 c. 72; 1981 c. 334 s. 25 (2).
199.08 199.08 Annual membership meeting. All members shall be eligible to attend, participate in and vote in the annual membership meeting called by the board under s. 199.07 (3). The form of the meeting shall be as provided under subch. VII of ch. 181. The meeting shall be open to the public and shall be held in different districts on a rotating basis.
199.08 History History: 1979 c. 72; 1997 a. 79.
199.09 199.09 Conduct of procedure. If the corporation intervenes or participates in any proceeding, it shall be subject to all laws and rules of procedure of general applicability governing the conduct of the proceeding and the rights of intervenors and participants.
199.09 History History: 1979 c. 72.
199.10 199.10 Mailing procedure.
199.10(1)(1) In this section "enclosure" means a card, leaflet, envelope or combination thereof furnished by the corporation under this section. To accomplish its duty under s. 199.05 (1), the corporation, subject to the following limitations, may prepare and furnish to any investor-owned Class A public utility a statement to be printed upon the face of the public utility's periodic customer billing or an enclosure:
199.10(1)(a) (a) An enclosure or statement furnished by the corporation under this section may not be submitted to the utility less than 21 calendar days in advance of the date of the public utility's periodic customer billing.
199.10(1)(b) (b) An enclosure shall be of a size compatible with the utility's mailing envelope, shall otherwise conform to the specifications of the utility's billing enclosure inserting equipment and may not exceed in total weight .5 ounce avoir.
199.10(1)(c) (c) A statement furnished by the corporation under this section shall be of a size compatible with the utility's normal periodic billing.
199.10(1)(d) (d) An enclosure or statement furnished by the corporation under this section shall be limited to informing the reader of the purpose, nature and activities of the corporation and informing the reader that the utility consumer billed and others in his or her household may contribute money to the corporation directly. The enclosure or statement shall have the character of a circular and may not have the character of a bill, statement of account or personal correspondence.
199.10(1)(e) (e) The corporation may not furnish any enclosure or statement to a public utility under this section unless the enclosure or statement has been approved by the public service commission under sub. (2m).
199.10(2) (2)
199.10(2)(a)(a) Except as provided under pars. (b) and (c), any public utility furnished with a statement or enclosure under sub. (1) shall print or otherwise include or enclose such statement or enclosure within, upon or attached to the periodic customer billing which the public utility mails or delivers to any residential consumer.
199.10(2)(b) (b) No public utility may be required to include a statement or enclosure under sub. (1) in its periodic billing more than 2 times per year.
199.10(2)(c) (c) No public utility whose normal periodic customer billing method is by postcard may be required to mail an enclosure of the corporation under par. (a).
199.10(2m) (2m) Prior to furnishing a statement or enclosure to a utility under sub. (1), the corporation shall submit the statement or enclosure to the public service commission. The public service commission shall approve the statement or enclosure if it determines that the statement or enclosure is not false or misleading and that the statement or enclosure satisfies the requirements of this section.
199.10(3) (3) If the weight of a public utility's periodic customer billing, when combined with the corporation's statements or other enclosures under sub. (1), exceeds one ounce avoir, the corporation shall reimburse the public utility for the proportion of the total postage cost of the billing which is equal to the corporation's proportion of the total weight of the billing. The corporation shall promptly reimburse with interest at the current prime rate each public utility for all other reasonable costs incurred by the public utility, above the utility's normal billing costs, in complying with this section. The corporation may postpone for 3 months after the date of the first election of directors under s. 199.12 reimbursement of the public utilities for all costs incurred through the date of such election. If any public utility is unable to collect any amount due from the corporation under this section within 3 months after the date the amount is due, the public utility may refuse further requests to mail an enclosure until the amount is paid.
199.10(4) (4) A dispute arising from the operation of this section shall be resolved by negotiations between the corporation and the public utility if possible, or by a civil proceeding in circuit court. Neither the public utility nor the corporation may fail to comply with this chapter by reason of the existence of such a dispute.
199.10 History History: 1979 c. 72; 1983 a. 27; 1985 a. 135.
199.105 199.105 Prohibited acts.
199.105(1)(1) No person may interfere or threaten to interfere with or cause any interference with the utility service of or penalize or threaten to penalize or cause to be penalized any person who contributes to the corporation or participates in any of its activities, in retribution for such contribution or participation.
199.105(2) (2) No person may act with intent to prevent, interfere with or hinder the activities permitted under s. 199.10.
199.105(3) (3) A person who violates this section may be fined not more than $1,000. Each such violation shall constitute a separate and continuing violation of this chapter. A person who knowingly and willfully violates this section may be imprisoned not more than 6 months.
199.105 History History: 1979 c. 72.
199.11 199.11 Appointment of interim directors.
199.11(1) (1) Within 90 days after November 29, 1979 an interim board of directors shall be nominated by the governor, and with the advice and consent of the senate appointed to serve until the board is first elected under s. 199.12 as follows: one director shall be nominated by the governor; 2 directors each shall be nominated by the governor from each list of not more than 5 names per director position submitted individually by the president of the senate and the speaker of the assembly; one director each shall be nominated from each list of not more than 5 names submitted individually by the majority leader of the senate and the majority leader of the assembly and by the minority leader of the senate and the minority leader of the assembly. No person who is a director, employee or agent of any public utility is eligible to be a director appointed under this section. No interim director appointed under this section may hold an elective position, be a candidate for any elective position, or be a state public official as defined in s. 19.42 (14). No interim director may be a candidate in the first election under s. 199.12.
199.11(2) (2) The interim board appointed under this section shall:
199.11(2)(a) (a) As soon as possible after appointment, organize for the transaction of business.
199.11(2)(b) (b) Inform the residential utility consumers of this state of the existence, nature and purposes of the corporation, and encourage residential utility consumers to join the corporation, to participate in the corporation's activities and to contribute to the corporation.
199.11(2)(c) (c) Elect officers under s. 199.13.
199.11(2)(d) (d) Employ such staff as the directors deem necessary to carry out the purposes of this chapter. The interim board appointed under this section shall follow the procedures required under s. 199.075 if it hires an executive director of the corporation.
199.11(2)(e) (e) Make all necessary preparations for the first election of directors, oversee the election campaign and tally the votes under s. 199.12.
199.11(2)(f) (f) Solicit funds for the corporation.
199.11(2)(g) (g) Designate by a random method in accordance with the requirements of s. 199.06 (1) (b) the length of the term of office of each director position to be filled in the first election of directors and include the designation with notice of the date of the first election of directors under s. 199.12 (1) (a).
199.11(2)(h) (h) Carry out all other duties and exercise all other powers accorded to the board under this chapter.
199.11 History History: 1979 c. 72.
199.12 199.12 Election of directors.
199.12(1) (1)Time of election.
199.12(1)(a)(a) Not more than 60 days after the membership of the corporation reaches 1,000 persons with at least 50 members in each district and the corporation has received $10,000, the interim directors appointed under s. 199.11 shall set a date for the first election of directors and shall so notify every member. The notice shall include the length of term of each director position as designated by the interim directors under s. 199.11 (2) (g). The date set shall be not less than 4 months and not more than 6 months after such notification.
199.12(1)(b) (b) The 2nd election of directors shall be held not less than 6 months nor more than 12 months after the election held under par. (a) and every election of directors thereafter shall be held annually within the same month as the 2nd election except as provided under s. 199.06 (6). The board shall notify every member of an election at least 4 months prior to the election.
199.12(2) (2)Eligibility. To be eligible for election to the board, a candidate must:
199.12(2)(a) (a) Meet the qualifications for directors under s. 199.06 (2).
199.12(2)(b) (b) Have his or her nomination certified by the board under sub. (3).
199.12(2)(c) (c) Submit to the board a statement of financial interests under sub. (4) and a statement of personal background and positions under sub. (5).
199.12(2)(d) (d) Make the affirmation under sub. (6) (e).
199.12(3) (3)Nomination. A candidate for election to the board shall circulate a petition for nomination not sooner than 120 days preceding the election and shall file the petition with the corporation not later than 60 days prior to the election. The petition for nomination shall be signed by at least 5% or 30, whichever is less, of the members residing in his or her district. The board shall verify the validity of the signatures. Within 14 days after the petition is due, the board shall determine whether a sufficient number of signatures are valid. If the board determines a sufficient number are valid, it shall certify the nomination of the candidate.
199.12(4) (4)Statement of financial interests. A candidate for election to the board whose nomination is certified under sub. (3) shall submit to the board, not later than 60 days prior to the election, a statement of financial interests upon a form provided by the board. The statement of financial interests shall include the following information:
199.12(4)(a) (a) The occupation, employer and position at place of employment of the candidate and of his or her immediate family members.
199.12(4)(b) (b) A list of all corporate and organizational directorships or other offices, and of all fiduciary relationships, held in the past 3 years by the candidate and by his or her immediate family members.
199.12(4)(c) (c) The name of any creditor to whom the candidate or a member of the candidate's immediate family owes $3,000 or more, and the amount owed.
199.12(4)(d) (d) The name of any corporation in which the candidate holds a security, the current market value of which is $3,000 or more and the dollar value of such security. In this paragraph, "security" includes any share of stock, bond, debenture, note or other security issued by a corporation which is registered as to ownership on the books of the corporation.
199.12(4)(e) (e) An affirmation, subject to penalty of false swearing under s. 946.32, that the information contained in the statement of financial interests is true and complete.
199.12(5) (5)Statement of personal background and positions. A candidate for election to the board whose nomination is certified under sub. (3) shall submit to the board, not later than 60 days prior to the election, on a form to be provided by the board, a statement concerning his or her personal background and positions on issues relating to public utilities or the operations of the corporation. The statement shall contain an affirmation, subject to penalty of false swearing under s. 946.32, that the candidate meets the qualifications prescribed for directors in s. 199.06 (2).
199.12(6) (6)Restrictions on and reporting of campaign contributions and expenditures.
199.12(6)(a)(a) No candidate may accept more than $50 in campaign contributions from any person or political committee from one year before the date of an election through the date of the election.
199.12(6)(b) (b) Each candidate for election to the board shall keep complete records of all contributions to his or her campaign of $15 or more made from one year before the date of an election through the date of the election, and, at the board's request, shall make such records available for inspection by the board.
199.12(6)(c) (c) As a condition for receiving the benefits of the board's mailing under sub. (7) (a) 2., a candidate for election to the board shall agree in writing to incur no more than $500 in campaign expenditures from the time he or she commences circulation of petitions for nomination or from 4 months prior to the election, whichever is earlier, through the date of the election.
199.12(6)(d) (d) Each candidate for election to the board shall keep complete records of his or her campaign expenditures, and, at the board's request, shall make such records available for inspection by the board.
199.12(6)(e) (e) No earlier than 14 days and no later than 8 days preceding the election and no earlier than 21 days and no later than 30 days after the election, each candidate for election to the board shall submit to the board, on a form provided by the board, an accurate statement of his or her campaign contributions accepted and campaign expenditures incurred, and shall affirm to the board, subject to penalty of false swearing under s. 946.32, that he or she has fully complied with the requirements of this subsection.
199.12(6)(f) (f) No candidate for election to the board may use any campaign contribution for any purpose except for campaign expenditures. Any campaign contribution not expended shall be donated no later than 90 days after the election to the corporation or to any charitable organization at the option of the candidate.
199.12(7) (7)Election procedures.
199.12(7)(a)(a) The board shall mail or distribute to each member's address on file with the corporation, not sooner than 21 and not later than 14 days before the date fixed for the election:
199.12(7)(a)1. 1. An official ballot listing all candidates for director from the member's district whose nominations the board has certified and who satisfy the requirements of sub. (2). The board shall include with the ballot each candidate's statement of financial interests submitted under sub. (4).
199.12(7)(a)2. 2. The statement by each candidate for election to the board of personal background and positions as required under sub. (5), if the candidate has agreed in writing to limit his or her campaign expenditures under sub. (6) (c).
199.12(7)(b) (b) Each member may vote in the election by returning his or her official ballot in person or by 1st class mail, properly marked, to the head office of the corporation. The ballot must be received by the corporation by 8 p.m. of the date fixed for the election.
199.12(7)(c) (c) Voting shall be by secret ballot.
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