101.02(7r) (7r)
101.02(7r)(a)(a) Notwithstanding sub. (7) (a), no city, village, or town may enact or enforce an ordinance that establishes minimum standards for constructing, altering, or adding to public buildings or buildings that are places of employment unless that ordinance strictly conforms to the applicable rules under sub. (15) (j), except as provided in pars. (b) to (d).
101.02(7r)(b) (b) Notwithstanding par. (a), a town, village, or city may enforce an ordinance establishing minimum standards for constructing, altering, or adding to public buildings or buildings that are places of employment that does not strictly conform to the applicable rules under sub. (15) (j) if all of the following apply:
101.02(7r)(b)1. 1. The ordinance was enacted before May 1, 2013.
101.02(7r)(b)2. 2. The ordinance was published by the town, village, or city in the manner required under s. 60.80, 61.50, or 62.11 (4).
101.02(7r)(b)3. 3. The ordinance relates to fire detection, prevention, or suppression components of buildings.
101.02(7r)(b)4. 4. The building is not a multifamily dwelling, as defined in s. 101.971 (2).
101.02(7r)(b)5. 5. The ordinance is submitted to the department within 60 days after April 18, 2014.
101.02(7r)(b)6. 6. The department determines that the ordinance requires standards that are at least as strict as the rules promulgated by the department.
101.02(7r)(c) (c) A town, village, or city may amend an ordinance that is enforceable under par. (b) if all of the following apply:
101.02(7r)(c)1. 1. The amendment will not broaden the applicability of the ordinance to any building components that are not subject to the ordinance under par. (b) 3.
101.02(7r)(c)2. 2. The amendment will not change the specific subject matter regulated by the ordinance.
101.02(7r)(c)3. 3. The town, village, or city submits a copy of the enacted amendment to the department at least 120 days before the effective date of the amendment.
101.02(7r)(c)4. 4. The town, village, or city publishes the enacted amendment in the manner required under s. 60.80, 61.50, or 62.11 (4) at least 120 days before the effective date of the amendment.
101.02(7r)(d)1.1. The department shall maintain a list of the ordinances that are enforceable under par. (b) and of the amendments that are enforceable under par. (c). The list shall be accessible to the public in electronic format, and shall include electronically photographed or scanned copies of the ordinances and amendments.
101.02(7r)(d)2. 2. For an amendment submitted to the department under par. (c) 3., the department shall make it accessible as required under subd. 1. within 10 working days after receiving the amendment.
101.02(7r)(e) (e) Notwithstanding par. (a), a town, village, or city may enact and enforce an ordinance establishing a property maintenance code that is stricter than rules promulgated by the department under sub. (15) (j).
101.02(7r)(f) (f) Notwithstanding par. (a), a city of the 1st or 2nd class may enact and enforce an ordinance that relates to fire suppression that requires existing buildings to be altered to comply with the rules for the construction of buildings that are promulgated by the department under sub. (15) (j).
101.02(8) (8)
101.02(8)(a)(a) No action, proceeding or suit to set aside, vacate or amend any order of the department or to enjoin the enforcement thereof, shall be brought unless the plaintiff shall have applied to the department for a hearing thereon at the time and as provided in s. 101.02 (6) (e) to (i), and in the petition therefor shall have raised every issue raised in such action.
101.02(8)(b) (b) Every order of the department shall, in every prosecution for violation thereof, be conclusively presumed to be just, reasonable and lawful, unless prior to the institution of prosecution for such violation a proceeding for judicial review of such order shall have been instituted, as provided in ch. 227.
101.02(9) (9) A substantial compliance with the requirements of this subchapter shall be sufficient to give effect to the orders of the department, and no order may be declared inoperative, illegal or void for any omission of a technical nature with respect to the requirements of this subchapter.
101.02(10) (10) Orders of the department under this subchapter shall be subject to review in the manner provided in ch. 227.
101.02(11) (11) Proof by any person, firm or corporation employing a contractor to construct, repair, alter or improve any building or structure, that such contractor in performing such work has failed to comply with any applicable order or regulation of the department promulgated under this chapter shall constitute a defense to any action for payment by such contractor to the extent that it shall bar recovery for any part of the work which fails to comply. Advancements paid to the contractor for work which fails to comply as well as any reasonable amount expended to effectuate compliance with any applicable order or regulation may be recovered from such contractor by way of counterclaim or in a separate action. This section shall not apply where plans or specifications were prepared by an architect or engineer licensed to do business in this state and the contract performed in accordance therewith.
101.02(12) (12) Every day during which any person or corporation, or any officer, agent or employee of a person or corporation, fails to observe and comply with any order of the department or to perform any duty specified under this subchapter shall constitute a separate and distinct violation of the order or of the requirements of this subchapter, whichever is applicable.
101.02(13) (13)
101.02(13)(a)(a) If any employer, employee, owner, or other person violates this subchapter, or fails or refuses to perform any duty specified under this subchapter, within the time prescribed by the department, for which no penalty has been specifically provided, or fails, neglects or refuses to obey any lawful order given or made by the department, or any judgment or decree made by any court in connection with this subchapter, for each such violation, failure or refusal, such employer, employee, owner or other person shall forfeit and pay into the state treasury a sum not less than $10 nor more than $100 for each such offense.
101.02(13)(b) (b) It shall be the duty of all officers of the state, the counties and municipalities, upon request of the department, to enforce in their respective departments, all lawful orders of the department, insofar as the same may be applicable and consistent with the general duties of such officers.
101.02(14) (14)
101.02(14)(a)(a) The secretary or any examiner appointed by the secretary may hold hearings and take testimony.
101.02(14)(b) (b) Each witness who appears before the department by its order shall receive for attendance the fees and mileage provided for witnesses in civil cases in courts of record, which shall be audited and paid by the state in the same manner as other expenses are audited and paid, upon the presentation of properly verified vouchers approved by the secretary, and charged to the proper appropriation for the department. No witness subpoenaed at the instance of an attorney under par. (cm) or at the instance of a party other than the department is entitled to compensation from the state for attendance or travel unless the department certifies that the testimony was material to the matter investigated.
101.02(14)(c) (c) The department or any party may in any investigation cause the depositions of witnesses residing within or without the state to be taken in the manner prescribed by law for like depositions in civil actions in circuit courts. The expense incurred by the state in the taking of such depositions shall be charged against the proper appropriations for the department.
101.02(14)(cm) (cm) A party's attorney of record may issue a subpoena to compel the attendance of a witness or the production of evidence. A subpoena issued by an attorney must be in substantially the same form as provided in s. 805.07 (4) and must be served in the manner provided in s. 805.07 (5). The attorney shall, at the time of issuance, send a copy of the subpoena to the appeal tribunal or other representative of the department responsible for conducting the proceeding.
101.02(14)(d) (d) A full and complete record shall be kept of all proceedings had before the department on any investigation and all testimony shall be taken down by the stenographer appointed by the department.
101.02(15) (15)
101.02(15)(a)(a) The department has such supervision of every employment, place of employment and public building in this state as is necessary adequately to enforce and administer all laws and all lawful orders requiring such employment, place of employment or public building to be safe, and requiring the protection of the life, health, safety and welfare of every employee in such employment or place of employment and every frequenter of such place of employment, and the safety of the public or tenants in any such public building. This paragraph does not apply to occupational safety and health issues covered by standards established and enforced by the federal occupational safety and health administration.
101.02(15)(b) (b) The department shall administer and enforce, so far as not otherwise provided for in the statutes, the laws relating to laundries, stores, licensed occupations, school attendance, bakeries, intelligence offices and bureaus, manufacture of cigars, sweatshops, corn shredders, woodsawing machines, fire escapes and means of egress from buildings, scaffolds, hoists, ladders and other matters relating to the erection, repair, alteration or painting of buildings and structures, and all other laws protecting the life, health, safety and welfare of employees in employments and places of employment and frequenters of places of employment.
101.02(15)(c) (c) Upon petition by any person that any employment or place of employment or public building is not safe, the department shall proceed, with or without notice, to make such investigation as may be necessary to determine the matter complained of.
101.02(15)(d) (d) After such hearing as may be necessary, the department may enter such order relative thereto as may be necessary to render such employment or place of employment or public building safe.
101.02(15)(e) (e) Whenever the department shall learn that any employment or place of employment or public building is not safe it may of its own motion, summarily investigate the same, with or without notice, and enter such order as may be necessary relative thereto.
101.02(15)(f) (f) The department shall investigate, ascertain and determine such reasonable classifications of persons, employments, places of employment and public buildings, as shall be necessary to carry out the purposes of this subchapter.
101.02(15)(g) (g) The secretary or any deputy of the department may enter any place of employment or public building, for the purpose of collecting facts and statistics, examining the provisions made for the health, safety and welfare of the employees, frequenters, the public or tenants therein and bringing to the attention of every employer or owner any law, or any order of the department, and any failure on the part of such employer or owner to comply therewith. No employer or owner may refuse to admit the secretary or any deputy of the department to his or her place of employment or public building.
101.02(15)(h) (h) The department shall investigate, ascertain, declare and prescribe what safety devices, safeguards or other means or methods of protection are best adapted to render the employees of every employment and place of employment and frequenters of every place of employment safe, and to protect their welfare as required by law or lawful orders.
101.02(15)(i) (i) The department shall ascertain and fix such reasonable standards and shall prescribe, modify and enforce such reasonable orders for the adoption of safety devices, safeguards and other means or methods of protection to be as nearly uniform as possible, as may be necessary to carry out all laws and lawful orders relative to the protection of the life, health, safety and welfare of employees in employments and places of employment or frequenters of places of employment.
101.02(15)(j) (j) The department shall ascertain, fix and order such reasonable standards or rules for constructing, altering, adding to, repairing, and maintaining public buildings and places of employment in order to render them safe.
101.02(15)(jm) (jm) Paragraphs (a) to (j) do not apply to public employee occupational safety and health issues covered under s. 101.055.
101.02(15)(k) (k) Every employer and every owner shall furnish to the department all information that the department requires to administer and enforce this subchapter, and shall provide specific answers to all questions that the department asks relating to any information that the department requires.
101.02(15)(L) (L) Any employer receiving from the department any form requesting information that the department requires to administer and enforce this subchapter, along with directions to complete the form, shall properly complete the form and answer fully and correctly each question asked in the form. If the employer is unable to answer any question, the employer shall give a good and sufficient reason for his or her inability to answer the question. The employer's answers shall be verified under oath by the employer, or by the president, secretary or other managing officer of the corporation, if the employer is a corporation, and the completed form shall be returned to the department at its office within the period fixed by the department.
101.02(16) (16) The department shall comply with the requirements of ch. 160 in the administration of any program, responsibility or activity assigned or delegated to it by law.
101.02(18) (18) The department may establish a schedule of fees for publications and seminars provided by the department for which no fee is otherwise authorized, required or prohibited by statute. Fees established under this subsection for publications and seminars provided by the department may not exceed the actual cost incurred in providing those publications and seminars.
101.02(19) (19)
101.02(19)(a)(a) The department shall, after consulting with the department of health services, develop a report form to document contact with blood or body fluids that constitutes a significant exposure, for use under s. 252.15 (5g) (c). The form shall contain the following language for use by a person who may have had a significant exposure: "REMEMBER — WHEN YOU ARE INFORMED OF AN HIV TEST RESULT BY USING THIS FORM, IT IS A VIOLATION OF THE LAW FOR YOU TO REVEAL TO ANYONE ELSE THE IDENTITY OF THE PERSON WHO IS THE SUBJECT OF THAT TEST RESULT. (PENALTY: POSSIBLE JAIL AND UP TO $50,000 FINE)".
101.02(19)(b) (b) The department shall determine whether a report form that is not the report form under par. (a) that is used or proposed for use to document significant exposure to blood or body fluids, is substantially equivalent to the report form under par. (a).
101.02(20) (20)
101.02(20)(a)(a) For purposes of this subsection, "license" means a license, permit, or certificate of certification or registration issued by the department for an occupation or profession under s. 101.122 (2) (c), 101.15 (2) (e), 101.16 (3g), 101.17, 101.178 (2) or (3) (a), 101.63 (2) or (2m), 101.653, 101.73 (5) or (6), 101.82 (1m), (1v), and (2), 101.935, 101.95, 101.951, 101.952, 101.96 (2), 101.985 (1) to (3), 145.02 (4), 145.035, 145.045, 145.15, 145.16, 145.165, 145.17, 145.175, 145.18, or 167.10 (6m) or under rules promulgated under ch. 101 or 145.
101.02(20)(b) (b) Except as provided in par. (e), the department of safety and professional services may not issue or renew a license unless each applicant who is an individual provides the department of safety and professional services with his or her social security number and each applicant that is not an individual provides the department of safety and professional services with its federal employer identification number. The department of safety and professional services may not disclose the social security number or the federal employer identification number of an applicant for a license or license renewal except to the department of revenue for the sole purpose of requesting certifications under s. 73.0301 and to the department of workforce development for the sole purpose of requesting certifications under s. 108.227.
101.02(20)(c) (c) The department of safety and professional services may not issue or renew a license if the department of revenue certifies under s. 73.0301 that the applicant or licensee is liable for delinquent taxes or if the department of workforce development certifies under s. 108.227 that the applicant or licensee is liable for delinquent unemployment insurance contributions.
101.02(20)(d) (d) The department of safety and professional services shall revoke a license if the department of revenue certifies under s. 73.0301 that the licensee is liable for delinquent taxes or if the department of workforce development certifies under s. 108.227 that the licensee is liable for delinquent unemployment insurance contributions.
101.02(20)(e)1.1. If an applicant who is an individual does not have a social security number, the applicant, as a condition of applying for or applying to renew a license shall submit a statement made or subscribed under oath or affirmation to the department of safety and professional services that the applicant does not have a social security number. The form of the statement shall be prescribed by the department of children and families.
101.02(20)(e)2. 2. Any license issued or renewed in reliance upon a false statement submitted by an applicant under subd. 1. is invalid.
101.02(21) (21)
101.02(21)(a)(a) In this subsection, "license" means a license, permit, or certificate of certification or registration issued by the department for an occupation or profession under s. 101.122 (2) (c), 101.15 (2) (e), 101.16 (3g), 101.17, 101.178 (2) or (3) (a), 101.63 (2) or (2m), 101.653, 101.73 (5) or (6), 101.82 (1m), (1v), and (2), 101.935, 101.95, 101.951, 101.952, 101.96 (2), 101.985 (1) to (3), 145.02 (4), 145.035, 145.045, 145.15, 145.16, 145.165, 145.17, 145.175, 145.18, or 167.10 (6m) or under rules promulgated under ch. 101 or 145.
101.02(21)(b) (b) As provided in the memorandum of understanding under s. 49.857 and except as provided in par. (e), the department of safety and professional services may not issue or renew a license unless the applicant provides the department of safety and professional services with his or her social security number. The department of safety and professional services may not disclose the social security number except that the department of safety and professional services may disclose the social security number of an applicant for a license under par. (a) or a renewal of a license under par. (a) to the department of children and families for the sole purpose of administering s. 49.22.
101.02(21)(c) (c) As provided in the memorandum of understanding under s. 49.857, the department may not issue or renew a license if the applicant or licensee is delinquent in making court-ordered payments of child or family support, maintenance, birth expenses, medical expenses or other expenses related to the support of a child or former spouse or if the applicant or licensee fails to comply, after appropriate notice, with a subpoena or warrant issued by the department of children and families or a county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and relating to paternity or child support proceedings.
101.02(21)(d) (d) As provided in the memorandum of understanding under s. 49.857, the department shall restrict or suspend a license issued by the department if the licensee is delinquent in making court-ordered payments of child or family support, maintenance, birth expenses, medical expenses or other expenses related to the support of a child or former spouse or if the licensee fails to comply, after appropriate notice, with a subpoena or warrant issued by the department of children and families or a county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and relating to paternity or child support proceedings.
101.02(21)(e)1.1. If an applicant who is an individual does not have a social security number, the applicant, as a condition of applying for or applying to renew a license shall submit a statement made or subscribed under oath or affirmation to the department of safety and professional services that the applicant does not have a social security number. The form of the statement shall be prescribed by the department of children and families.
101.02(21)(e)2. 2. Any license issued or renewed in reliance upon a false statement submitted by an applicant under subd. 1. is invalid.
101.02(22) (22)
101.02(22)(a)(a) In this subsection, "insulating concrete form" means a hollow expandable polystyrene form that is filled with concrete.
101.02(22)(b) (b) Except as provided in par. (c), no later than April 1, 2007, the department shall provide a designation on every standard building permit form prescribed by the department under this chapter to indicate whether insulating concrete forms are being used in the construction of the building for which the permit is issued.
101.02(22)(c) (c) No later than June 1, 2006, the department shall provide the designation described under par. (b) on all electronic versions of every standard building permit form prescribed by the department under this chapter.
101.02(24) (24)
101.02(24)(a)(a) In this subsection:
101.02(24)(a)1. 1. "Instruction" means any education, training, instruction or other experience related to an occupation or profession.
101.02(24)(a)2. 2. "License" means a license, permit, or certificate of certification or registration issued by the department for an occupation or profession under s. 101.122 (2) (c), 101.15 (2) (e), 101.16 (3g), 101.17, 101.178 (2) or (3) (a), 101.63 (2) or (2m), 101.653, 101.654, 101.73 (5) or (6), 101.82 (1m), (1v), and (2), 101.935, 101.95, 101.951, 101.952, 101.985 (1) to (3), 145.02 (4), 145.035, 145.045, 145.15, 145.16, 145.165, 145.17, 145.175, 145.18, or 167.10 (6m) or under rules promulgated under ch. 101 or 145.
101.02(24)(b) (b) The department shall count any relevant instruction that an applicant for a license has obtained in connection with any military service, as defined in s. 111.32 (12g), toward satisfying the requirements for instruction for that license if the applicant demonstrates to the satisfaction of the department that the instruction obtained by the applicant is substantially equivalent to the instruction required for the license.
101.02 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also SPS, Wis. adm. code.
101.02 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See s. 66.0119 for a provision authorizing special inspection warrants.
101.02 Annotation Safety rules promulgated under sub. (15) (h) applied to a frequenter of a new home construction site. Failure to instruct the jury that a violation of a safety standard constituted negligence per se was reversible error. Nordeen v. Hammerlund, 132 Wis. 2d 164, 389 N.W.2d 878 (Ct. App. 1986).
101.02 Annotation Every infrequent business-related activity in the home does not subject the homeowner to liability under the safe place statute. Geiger v. Milwaukee Guardian Insurance Co. 188 Wis. 2d 333, 524 N.W.2d 909 (Ct. App. 1994).
101.02 Annotation When an inspector determines that there is a violation of safety orders and a condition of extreme and imminent danger to a worker's life exists, the inspector may seek the assistance of a local law enforcement officer. The local law enforcement officer has a duty to render assistance unless in the officer's opinion other priority assignments take precedence. 59 Atty. Gen. 12.
101.02 Annotation The department's authority to adopt rules covering the safety of frequenters engaged in recreational activities at youth camps is limited to orders relating to the construction of public buildings on the premises, but only as to the structural aspects thereof, and to places of employment, but only as to those camps operated for profit. 59 Atty. Gen. 35.
101.02 Annotation The department has the power to promulgate reasonable safety standards for the protection of employees while working in and around motor vehicles used on the job. 59 Atty. Gen. 181.
101.02 Annotation The department may inspect those parts of boarding homes designed for 3 or more persons where employees work or those used by the public, but not interiors of private dwellings. It has no authority to license or register boarding homes nor to charge an inspection fee based upon the number of beds or rooms. 62 Atty. Gen. 107.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2013. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?