11.06(4)(a)(a) A contribution is received by a candidate for purposes of this chapter when it is under the control of the candidate or campaign treasurer, or such person accepts the benefit thereof. A contribution is received by an individual, group or committee, other than a personal campaign committee, when it is under the control of the individual or the committee or group treasurer, or such person accepts the benefit thereof.
11.06(4)(b) (b) Unless it is returned or donated within 15 days of receipt, a contribution must be reported as received and accepted on the date received. This subsection applies notwithstanding the fact that the contribution is not deposited in the campaign depository account by the closing date for the reporting period as provided in s. 11.20 (8).
11.06(4)(c) (c) All contributions received by any person acting as an agent of a candidate or treasurer shall be reported by such person to the candidate or treasurer within 15 days of receipt. In the case of a contribution of money, the agent shall transmit the contribution to the candidate or treasurer within 15 days of receipt.
11.06(4)(d) (d) A contribution, disbursement or obligation made or incurred to or for the benefit of a candidate is reportable by the candidate or the candidate's personal campaign committee if it is made or incurred with the authorization, direction or control of or otherwise by prearrangement with the candidate or the candidate's agent.
11.06(4)(e) (e) Notwithstanding pars. (a) to (e), receipt of contributions by registrants under s. 11.05 (7) shall be treated as received in accordance with that subsection.
11.06(5) (5)Report must be complete. A registered individual or treasurer of a group or committee shall make a good faith effort to obtain all required information. The first report shall commence no later than the date that the first contribution is received and accepted or the first disbursement is made. Each report shall be filed with the appropriate filing officer on the dates designated in s. 11.20. The individual or the treasurer of the group or committee shall certify to the correctness of each report. In the case of a candidate, the candidate or treasurer shall certify to the correctness of each report. If a treasurer is unavailable, any person designated as a custodian under s. 11.05 (3) (e) may certify to the correctness of a report.
11.06(6) (6)Purpose of disbursements. An individual, group or committee which is registered under s. 11.05 may make disbursements for any lawful political purpose.
11.06(7) (7)Oath for independent disbursements.
11.06(7)(a)(a) Every committee, other than a personal campaign committee, which and every individual, other than a candidate who desires to make disbursements during any calendar year, which are to be used to advocate the election or defeat of any clearly identified candidate or candidates in any election shall before making any disbursement, except within the amount authorized under s. 11.05 (1) or (2), file with the registration statement under s. 11.05 a statement under oath affirming that the committee or individual does not act in cooperation or consultation with any candidate or agent or authorized committee of a candidate who is supported, that the committee or individual does not act in concert with, or at the request or suggestion of, any candidate or any agent or authorized committee of a candidate who is supported, that the committee or individual does not act in cooperation or consultation with any candidate or agent or authorized committee of a candidate who benefits from a disbursement made in opposition to a candidate, and that the committee or individual does not act in concert with, or at the request or suggestion of, any candidate or agent or authorized committee of a candidate who benefits from a disbursement made in opposition to a candidate. A committee which or individual who acts independently of one or more candidates or agents or authorized committees of candidates and also in cooperation or upon consultation with, in concert with, or at the request or suggestion of one or more candidates or agents or authorized committees of candidates shall indicate in the oath the names of the candidate or candidates to which it applies.
11.06(7)(b) (b) A committee or individual required to file an oath under this subsection shall file the oath at the time of registration under s. 11.05 or the time the committee or individual becomes subject to this subsection, whichever is later. The committee or individual shall file an amendment to the oath whenever there is a change in the candidate or candidates to whom it applies. A committee or individual shall refile the oath for each calendar year in which the committee or individual proposes to make disbursements specified in this subsection, no later than January 31 of that calendar year.
11.06(7)(c) (c) Any individual who or committee which falsely makes an oath under par. (a), or any individual, committee or agent of an individual or committee who or which carries on any activities with intent to violate an oath under par. (a) is guilty of a violation of this chapter.
11.06(7m) (7m)Independent disbursements; change in status.
11.06(7m)(a)(a) If a committee which was registered under s. 11.05 as a political party committee or legislative campaign committee supporting candidates of a political party files an oath under sub. (7) affirming that it does not act in cooperation or consultation with any candidate who is nominated to appear on the party ballot of the party at a general or special election, that the committee does not act in concert with, or at the request or suggestion of, such a candidate, that the committee does not act in cooperation or consultation with such a candidate or agent or authorized committee of such a candidate who benefits from a disbursement made in opposition to another candidate, and that the committee does not act in concert with, or at the request or suggestion of, such a candidate or agent or authorized committee of such a candidate who benefits from a disbursement made in opposition to another candidate, the committee filing the oath may not make any contributions in support of any candidate of the party at the general or special election or in opposition to any such candidate's opponents exceeding the amounts specified in s. 11.26 (2), except as authorized in par. (c).
11.06(7m)(b) (b) If the committee has already made contributions in excess of the amounts specified in s. 11.26 (2) at the time it files an oath under sub. (7), each candidate to whom contributions are made shall promptly return a sufficient amount of contributions to bring the committee in compliance with this subsection and the committee may not make any additional contributions in violation of this subsection.
11.06(7m)(c) (c) A committee filing an oath under sub. (7) which desires to change its status to a political party committee or legislative campaign committee may do so as of December 31 of any even-numbered year. Section 11.26 does not apply to contributions received by such a committee prior to the date of the change. Such a committee may change its status at other times only by filing a termination statement under s. 11.19 (1) and reregistering as a newly organized committee under s. 11.05.
11.06(8) (8)Return of contributions. A registrant may return a contribution at any time, before or after acceptance. If a contribution is accepted contrary to law, the subsequent return does not constitute a defense to a violation.
11.06(9) (9)Short form. The board shall prescribe a simplified, short form for compliance with this section by a registrant who has not engaged in any financial transaction since the last date included on the registrant's preceding financial report.
11.06(10) (10)Referendum reporting separated. If a committee which operates as a political group has filed a single registration statement, any report of that committee which concerns activities being carried on as a political group under this chapter shall contain separate itemization of such activities, whenever itemization is required.
11.06(11) (11)Reporting of conduit contributions.
11.06(11)(a)(a) A conduit transferring a contribution of money shall, in writing, identify itself to the transferee as a conduit and report to the transferee of each contribution transferred by it the information about the original contributor required for reporting purposes under sub. (1) (a) and (b) at the time the contribution is transferred. The conduit shall include the information in its report under s. 11.12 (5) or 11.20 for the date on which the contribution is received and transferred.
11.06(11)(b) (b) Each filing officer shall place a copy of any report received under par. (a) in the file of the conduit and the file of the transferee.
11.06(11)(c) (c) A contribution of money received from a conduit, accompanied by the information required under par. (a), is considered to be a contribution from the original contributor.
11.06(11)(d) (d) A conduit shall include in each report under s. 11.12 (5) or 11.20 whether, during the reporting period, any contribution was redirected to a sponsor as permitted under s. 11.185.
11.06(12) (12)Valuation of opinion poll or voter survey results.
11.06(12)(a)(a) In this subsection:
11.06(12)(a)1. 1. "Election period" means the period between December 1 and the date of the spring election, the period between May 1 and the day of the general election in any even-numbered year or the period between the first day for circulation of nomination papers and the day of a special election for any state office.
11.06(12)(a)2. 2. "Initial recipient" means the individual who or committee which commissions a public opinion poll or voter survey.
11.06(12)(a)3. 3. "Results" means computer output or a written or verbal analysis of polling or survey data.
11.06(12)(a)4. 4. "Voter survey" includes the acquisition of information which identifies voter attitudes concerning candidates or issues.
11.06(12)(b) (b) If a candidate or committee receives a contribution consisting of the results of an opinion poll or voter survey during the first 15 days after the results are received by the initial recipient, or if a candidate or committee receives a contribution consisting of the results of an opinion poll or voter survey for which the initial recipient received the results during an election period, the contribution shall be valued for purposes of sub. (1) at the full share of the overall cost of the poll or survey which is allocable to each candidate, including a candidate for national office, receiving the results.
11.06(12)(c) (c) If the results are received 16 to 60 days following receipt by the initial recipient, and if the initial recipient did not receive the results during an election period, the contribution shall be valued at 50% of the amount allocated to an initial recipient of the same results.
11.06(12)(d) (d) If the results are received 61 to 180 days after receipt by the initial recipient, and if the initial recipient did not receive the results during an election period, the contribution shall be valued at 5% of the amount allocated to an initial recipient of the same results.
11.06(12)(e) (e) If the results are received more than 180 days after receipt by the initial recipient, and if the initial recipient did not receive the results during an election period, no amount need be allocated.
11.06(12)(f) (f) If the results of an opinion poll or voter survey are contributed to more than one recipient, the value of the poll or survey, as adjusted under pars. (c) to (e), shall be apportioned to each recipient receiving the results by one of the methods specified in this paragraph selected by the contributor. Each recipient shall report one of the following, in accordance with instructions received from the contributor:
11.06(12)(f)1. 1. That share of the overall cost of the poll or survey which is allocable to the recipient, based upon the cost allocation formula of the polling or survey firm from which the results are purchased. Under this method the size of the sample, the population of the area in which the recipient conducts political activities, the number of computer column codes, the extent of computer tabulations, and the extent of written analysis and verbal consultation, if applicable, may be used to determine the shares.
11.06(12)(f)2. 2. An amount computed by dividing the overall cost of the poll or survey equally among recipients receiving the results.
11.06(12)(f)3. 3. A proportion of the overall cost of the poll or survey equal to the proportion that the number of question results received by the recipient bears to the total number of question results received by all recipients.
11.06(12)(g) (g) If the contributor makes a subsequent contribution of the results of an opinion poll or voter survey after initial apportionment of the value under par. (f), the contributor shall report to the recipient a value for the contribution determined in good faith, considering the value to other recipients, as adjusted under pars. (c) to (e). In such case, the total value of the contributor's aggregate contributions may exceed the original cost of the poll or survey.
11.06(12)(h) (h) A contributor of opinion poll or voter survey results shall maintain records sufficient to support the valuation of the contribution and shall inform the recipient of the value of the contribution.
11.06(13) (13)Internet activity.
11.06(13)(a)(a) In this subsection, "equipment and services" includes computers, software, Internet domain names, Internet service providers, and any other technology that is used to provide access to or use of the Internet.
11.06(13)(b) (b) If an individual conducts Internet activity for a political purpose in his or her own behalf or in behalf of another person and is not compensated specifically for those services, the cost or value of any equipment and services used by the individual to conduct the activity, other than professional video production services purchased by the individual, is not a contribution to the registrant as provided in s. 11.01 (6) (b) 8., regardless of who owns the equipment and services.
11.06 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ss. GAB 6.04 and 6.05, Wis. adm. code.
11.06 Annotation The term "political purposes" is not restricted to acts of express advocacy, but encompasses many acts undertaken to influence an election, including making contributions to an election campaign. Contributions may be in-kind, as well as in cash, and campaign organizations are required to report the receipt of in-kind contributions. Wisconsin Coalition for Voter Participation, Inc. v. State Elections Board, 231 Wis. 2d 670, 605 N.W.2d 654 (Ct. App. 1999), 99-2574.
11.06 Annotation The board should not exercise the power of administrative review of minor party exemptions based on a reasonable probability of the minor parties' contributors being subjected to threats, harassment, or reprisals. 65 Atty. Gen. 145.
11.06 Annotation A minor political party that historically has been the object of harassment by government officials and private parties cannot be required to disclose the identities of contributors and recipients of campaign disbursements. Brown v. Socialist Workers '74 Campaign Comm. 459 U.S. 87 (1982).
11.06 Annotation The reporting requirements of sub. (1) may not constitutionally be applied to Socialist Workers' Party contributors. Wisconsin Socialist Workers. 1976 Campaign Committee v. McCann, 433 F. Supp. 540.
11.07 11.07 Designation of agent by nonresident individuals, committees and groups.
11.07(1) (1) Every nonresident committee making contributions and every nonresident committee making disbursements to support or oppose the election or nomination of a candidate at an election exceeding $300 cumulatively in a calendar year within this state, every nonresident individual making disbursements to support or oppose the election or nomination of a candidate at an election exceeding $300 cumulatively in a calendar year within this state, and every nonresident group making contributions and every nonresident group or individual making disbursements to support or oppose a particular vote at a referendum exceeding $2,500 cumulatively in a calendar year within this state, shall file name, mailing and street address and the name and the mailing and street address of a designated agent within the state with the office of the secretary of state. An agent may be any adult individual who is a resident of this state. After any change in the name or address of such agent the new address or name of the successor agent shall be filed within 30 days. Service of process in any proceeding under this chapter or ch. 12, or service of any other notice or demand may be made upon such agent.
11.07(2) (2) During any period within which any individual or organization under sub. (1) fails to appoint or maintain in this state a registered agent, or whenever any such registered agent cannot with reasonable diligence be found at the street address listed on the registration, the secretary of state shall be an agent and representative of such individual or organization upon whom any process, notice or demand may be served. Service on the secretary of state of any such process, notice or demand against any such individual or organization shall be made by delivering to and leaving with the secretary of state, or with any clerk having charge of the secretary's office, duplicate copies of such process, notice or demand. If any process, notice or demand is served on the secretary of state, he or she shall immediately cause one of such copies to be forwarded by registered mail, addressed to such individual, committee or group at its mailing address as the same appears in the records of the secretary of state. The time within which the defendant may demur or answer does not start to run until 10 days after the date of such mailing.
11.07(3) (3) The secretary of state shall keep a record of all processes, notices, and demands served upon the secretary of state under this section that shows the date and hour of service and the date of mailing. The certificate of the secretary of state that a summons and complaint, notice of object of action, or any notice or demand required or permitted by law was served upon the secretary of state and that the same was mailed by the secretary of state as required by law, shall be evidence of service upon the secretary of state. If the address of the individual, committee, or group is not known or readily ascertainable, mailing is dispensed with, and a copy of the process shall be published as a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, in the county in which the last-known registered agent was located or, if unknown, in Dane County.
11.07(4) (4) Nothing in this section limits or affects the right to serve any process, notice or demand required or permitted by law to be served upon a nonresident individual or organization in any other manner permitted by law.
11.07(5) (5) Any campaign treasurer or individual who knowingly receives a contribution made by an unregistered nonresident in violation of this section may not use or expend such contribution but shall immediately return it to the source or at the option of the campaign treasurer or individual, donate the contribution to a charitable organization or to the common school fund.
11.07(6) (6) For purposes of this section, a nonresident individual or organization is one who or which does not maintain an office or street address within the state.
11.08 11.08 Reports by party committees. Every committee of a political party which is required to file statements and reports under this chapter shall file all statements and reports with the board. A state committee of a political party may be designated by a congressional, legislative, county or local party committee as its reporting agent for purposes of this chapter, but such designation does not permit combination of reports. If any committee is so designated, the treasurer of the state committee shall so inform the board.
11.08 History History: 1973 c. 334; 1975 c. 93; 1979 c. 328.
11.08 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also s. GAB 6.04, Wis. adm. code.
11.09 11.09 Duplicate reports required in certain cases.
11.09(3)(3) Each registrant whose filing officer is the board, who or which makes disbursements in connection with elections for offices which serve or referenda which affect only one county or portion thereof, except a candidate, personal campaign committee, political party committee or other committee making disbursements in support of or in opposition to a candidate for state senator, representative to the assembly, court of appeals judge or circuit judge, shall file a duplicate original of each financial report filed with the board with the county clerk or board of election commissioners of the county in which the elections in which the registrant participates are held. Such reports shall be filed no later than the dates specified under s. 11.20 (2) and (4) for the filing of each report with the board.
11.09(4) (4) In every case where a duplicate report is filed by the board or by any person under sub. (3), the board shall transmit a certified duplicate copy of the registration statement to each county clerk or board of election commissioners with whom a duplicate report is filed.
11.10 11.10 Campaign treasurers and campaign depositories.
11.10(1)(1) Each candidate in an election shall appoint one campaign treasurer. Except as provided in s. 11.14 (3), each candidate shall designate one campaign depository account within 5 business days after the candidate receives his or her first contribution and before the candidate makes or authorizes any disbursement in behalf of his or her candidacy. If a candidate adopts a preexisting support committee as his or her personal campaign committee, the candidate shall make such designation within 5 business days of adoption. The person designated as campaign treasurer shall be the treasurer of the candidate's personal campaign committee, if any. The candidate may appoint himself or herself or any other elector as campaign treasurer. A registration statement under s. 11.05 (2g) or (2r) must be filed jointly by every candidate and his or her campaign treasurer. The candidate does not qualify for ballot placement until this requirement is met. Except as authorized under s. 11.06 (5), the campaign treasurer or candidate shall certify as to the correctness of each report required to be filed, and the candidate bears the responsibility for the accuracy of each report for purposes of civil liability under this chapter, whether or not the candidate certifies it personally.
11.10(2) (2) A candidate may remove a campaign treasurer at any time. In case of the death, resignation or removal of a campaign treasurer, the candidate shall designate a successor and shall file the successor's name and address with the appropriate filing officer as provided in s. 11.05 (5). Until the successor's name and address is filed, the candidate shall be deemed his or her own campaign treasurer.
11.10(3) (3) Every committee shall appoint a treasurer. Every individual under s. 11.06 (7) shall be deemed his or her own treasurer. No disbursement may be made or obligation incurred by or on behalf of a committee without the authorization of the treasurer or designated agents. No contribution may be accepted and no disbursement may be made or obligation incurred by any committee at a time when there is a vacancy in the office of treasurer.
11.10(4) (4) No candidate may establish more than one personal campaign committee. Such committee may have subcommittees provided that all subcommittees have the same treasurer, who shall be the candidate's campaign treasurer. The treasurer shall deposit all funds received in the campaign depository account. Any committee which is organized or acts with the cooperation of or upon consultation with a candidate or agent or authorized committee of a candidate, or which acts in concert with or at the request or suggestion of a candidate or agent or authorized committee of a candidate is deemed a subcommittee of the candidate's personal campaign committee.
11.10(5) (5) Candidates for governor and lieutenant governor of the same political party may receive contributions and make disbursements for both candidates from either depository.
11.12 11.12 Campaign contributions and disbursements; reports.
11.12(1)(a)(a) No contribution may be made or received and no disbursement may be made or obligation incurred by a person or committee, except within the amount authorized under s. 11.05 (1) and (2), in support of or in opposition to any specific candidate or candidates in an election, other than through the campaign treasurer of the candidate or the candidate's opponent, or by or through an individual or committee registered under s. 11.05 and filing a statement under s. 11.06 (7).
11.12(1)(b) (b) The requirement of par. (a) may not be construed to apply to a contribution which is made to a continuing political party or ongoing committee, other than a personal campaign committee, provided that the contribution is not made in contravention of s. 11.16 (4) or 11.24.
11.12(1)(c) (c) Where a disbursement is made in support of more than one candidate, the disbursement shall be apportioned reasonably among the candidates.
11.12(1)(d) (d) Paragraph (a) does not apply to disbursements and obligations which are exempted from reporting under s. 11.06 (2).
11.12(2) (2) Any anonymous contribution exceeding $10 received by a campaign or committee treasurer or by an individual under s. 11.06 (7) may not be used or expended. The contribution shall be donated to the common school fund or to any charitable organization at the option of the treasurer.
11.12(3) (3) All contributions, disbursements and incurred obligations exceeding $10 shall be recorded by the campaign or committee treasurer or the individual under s. 11.06 (7). He or she shall maintain such records in an organized and legible manner, for not less than 3 years after the date of an election in which the registrant participates. If a report is submitted under s. 11.19 (1), the records may be transferred to a continuing committee or to the appropriate filing officer for retention. Records shall include the information required under s. 11.06 (1).
11.12(4) (4) Each registrant shall report contributions, disbursements and incurred obligations in accordance with s. 11.20. Except as permitted under s. 11.06 (2), (3) and (3m), each report shall contain the information which is required under s. 11.06 (1).
11.12(5) (5) If any contribution or contributions of $500 or more cumulatively are received by a candidate for state office or by a committee or individual from a single contributor later than 15 days prior to a primary or election such that it is not included in the preprimary or preelection report submitted under s. 11.20 (3), the treasurer of the committee or the individual receiving the contribution shall within 48 hours of receipt inform the appropriate filing officer of the information required under s. 11.06 (1) in such manner as the board may prescribe. The information shall also be included in the treasurer's or individual's next regular report. For purposes of the reporting requirement under this subsection, only contributions received during the period beginning with the day after the last date covered on the preprimary or preelection report, and ending with the day before the primary or election need be reported.
11.12(6) (6) If any disbursement of more than $20 cumulatively is made to advocate the election or defeat of a clearly identified candidate by an individual or committee later than 15 days prior to a primary or election in which the candidate's name appears on the ballot without cooperation or consultation with a candidate or agent or authorized committee of a candidate who is supported or opposed, and not in concert with or at the request or suggestion of such a candidate, agent or committee, but such that the disbursement is not included in a preprimary or preelection report submitted under s. 11.20 (3), the individual or treasurer of the committee shall, within 48 hours of making the disbursement, inform the appropriate filing officer of the information required under s. 11.06 (1) in such manner as the board may prescribe. The information shall also be included in the next regular report of the individual or committee under s. 11.20. For purposes of this subsection, disbursements cumulate beginning with the day after the last date covered on the preprimary or preelection report and ending with the day before the primary or election. Upon receipt of a report under this subsection, the filing officer shall, within 24 hours of receipt, mail a copy of the report to all candidates for any office in support of or opposition to one of whom a disbursement identified in the report is made.
11.12 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also s. GAB 6.05, Wis. adm. code.
11.14 11.14 Deposit of contributions.
11.14(1) (1) Except as authorized in sub. (3) and as required by s. 11.16 (5), all funds received by a campaign or committee treasurer, group treasurer, candidate or other individual shall be deposited in a single separate campaign depository account designated in accordance with s. 11.16 (3). Except as authorized in sub. (3), the depository account shall be established by every candidate no later than the time prescribed in s. 11.10 (1), and by every other individual or treasurer no later than the 5th business day after becoming subject to a registration requirement under s. 11.05 and before making any disbursement. The depository account may be established with any financial institution as defined in s. 705.01 (3) which is authorized to transact business in this state. The individual or treasurer shall deposit all funds received in the campaign depository account no later than the 5th business day commencing after receipt. This subsection does not apply to a contributor committee or group which is exempt from registration under s. 11.05 (8).
11.14(2) (2) After deposit in the campaign depository account, funds may be transferred by the individual or treasurer to any other account which is identified under s. 11.05 (3) (L). Funds deposited in other accounts may not be directly disbursed but shall be returned to the depository account for purposes of disbursement. Disbursements shall be made only in accordance with s. 11.16 (3).
11.14(3) (3) Notwithstanding sub. (1), any candidate who serves as his or her own campaign treasurer and who is authorized to make and makes an indication on his or her registration statement under s. 11.05 (2r) that he or she will not accept contributions, make disbursements or incur obligations in an aggregate amount exceeding $1,000 in a calendar year, and will not accept any contribution or contributions from a single source, other than contributions made by the candidate to his or her own campaign, exceeding $100 in a calendar year, may designate a single personal account as his or her campaign depository account, and may intermingle personal and other funds with campaign funds. If a separate depository account is later established by the candidate, the candidate shall transfer all campaign funds in the personal account to the new depository account. Disbursements made from such personal account need not be identified in accordance with s. 11.16 (3).
11.16 11.16 Campaign contributions and disbursements; restrictions.
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