299.51 299.51 Medical waste management.
299.51(1) (1) Definitions. In this section:
299.51(1)(a) (a) "Clinic" has the meaning given in s. 287.07 (7) (c) 1. a.
299.51(1)(am) (am) "Manifest" means a form used for identifying the quantity, composition, origin, routing and destination of medical waste during its transport and disposal.
299.51(1)(b) (b) "Medical waste" means infectious waste, as defined in s. 287.07 (7) (c) 1. c., and other waste that contains or may be mixed with infectious waste.
299.51(1)(bm) (bm) "Nursing home" has the meaning given in s. 50.01 (3).
299.51(1)(c) (c) "Solid waste disposal" has the meaning given in s. 289.01 (34).
299.51(1)(d) (d) "Solid waste facility" has the meaning given in s. 289.01 (35).
299.51(1)(e) (e) "Solid waste treatment" has the meaning given in s. 289.01 (39).
299.51(2) (2)Medical waste reduction. Except as provided under sub. (3) (am), every clinic, nursing home and hospital shall implement a policy for the reduction of the amount of medical waste generated as required by the department by rule.
299.51(3) (3)Rules. The department shall promulgate rules that do all of the following:
299.51(3)(a) (a) Establish requirements for medical waste reduction by hospitals.
299.51(3)(am) (am) Exempt types of generators of medical waste that generate less than 50 pounds of medical waste per month from the requirement under sub. (2).
299.51(3)(b) (b) Establish requirements for packaging, handling, shipping and transporting medical waste.
299.51(3)(c) (c) Require a license for persons who transport medical waste and impose a fee for that license, except that the department may not impose a fee on an individual who is eligible for the veterans fee waiver program under s. 45.44.
299.51(3)(d) (d) Require the use of manifests to monitor the transport and disposal of medical waste.
299.51(4) (4)Prohibitions.
299.51(4)(a)(a) No person may transport medical waste without a license issued by the department under sub. (3) (c).
299.51(4)(b) (b) No person may dispose of medical waste in a facility for solid waste disposal unless the medical waste has undergone solid waste treatment.
299.51(5) (5)Penalty. Any person who violates sub. (4) (b) may be required to forfeit not more than $25,000. Each act of disposal in violation of sub. (4) (b) constitutes a separate offense.
299.51 History History: 1991 a. 39, 300; 1995 a. 227 s. 643; Stats. 1995 s. 299.51; 2011 a. 209.
299.53 299.53 Used oil fuel.
299.53(1)(1) Definitions. In this section:
299.53(1)(a) (a) "Used oil" means any petroleum-derived or synthetic oil which, as a result of use or management, is contaminated. "Used oil" includes, but is not limited to, the following:
299.53(1)(a)1. 1. Engine, turbine and gear lubricants.
299.53(1)(a)2. 2. Hydraulic fluid, including transmission fluid.
299.53(1)(a)3. 3. Metalworking fluid, including cutting, grinding, machining, rolling, stamping, quenching and coating oils.
299.53(1)(a)4. 4. Insulating fluid or coolant.
299.53(1)(b) (b) "Used oil fuel" means any fuel designated by the department by rule that contains used oil or is produced from used oil or from a combination of used oil and other material.
299.53(2) (2)Notification.
299.53(2)(a)(a) A person who does any of the following shall notify the department of the location and description of each facility used and the description of the used oil fuel:
299.53(2)(a)1. 1. Owns or operates a facility that produces used oil fuel or a facility that recovers energy by burning used oil fuel.
299.53(2)(a)2. 2. Distributes or markets used oil fuel.
299.53(2)(b) (b) The department may by rule exempt specific persons or facilities from the requirements of par. (a).
299.53(3) (3)Inspections and right of entry. Upon the request of any officer or employee of the department and with notice provided no later than upon the officer's or employee's arrival, any person subject to sub. (2) (a) shall permit the officer or employee access to vehicles, premises and records relating to used oil fuel at any reasonable time. An officer or employee of the department may take samples of any used oil fuel. The officer or employee shall commence and complete inspections with reasonable promptness. The officer or employee shall give the person a receipt for each sample taken and, upon request, half of the sample. The department shall promptly furnish the person with a copy of the results of the analysis of each sample and a copy of the inspection report.
299.53(4) (4)Enforcement; penalties.
299.53(4)(a)(a) Compliance orders. If the department determines that any person is in violation of sub. (2) (a) or (3) or any rule promulgated under this section, the department may do one or more of the following:
299.53(4)(a)1. 1. Give the person written notice of the violation.
299.53(4)(a)2. 2. Issue a special order requiring compliance within a specified time period.
299.53(4)(a)3. 3. Refer the matter to the department of justice for enforcement under s. 299.95.
299.53(4)(b) (b) Department of justice action; disposition. The department of justice may initiate the legal action requested by the department under par. (a) 3. after receipt of the written request. In any action commenced by it under this paragraph, the department of justice shall, prior to stipulation, consent order, judgment or other final disposition of the case, consult with the department for the purpose of determining the department's views on final disposition. The department of justice may not enter into a final disposition different than that previously discussed without first informing the department.
299.53(4)(c) (c) Penalties.
299.53(4)(c)1.1. Any person who violates sub. (2) (a) or (3) or any rule promulgated or special order issued under this section shall forfeit not more than $25,000 for each violation.
299.53(4)(c)2. 2. Any person who intentionally makes any false statement or representation in complying with sub. (2) (a) shall be fined not more than $25,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year in the county jail or both. For a 2nd or subsequent violation, the person is guilty of a Class I felony, except that, notwithstanding the maximum fine specified in s. 939.50 (3) (i), the person may be fined not more than $50,000.
299.53(4)(d) (d) Venue. Any action on a violation shall be commenced in the circuit court for the county in which the violation occurred. If all parties stipulate and the circuit court for Dane County agrees, the proceedings may be transferred to the circuit court for Dane County.
299.53 History History: 1987 a. 384; 1995 a. 227 s. 644; Stats. 1995 s. 299.53; 1997 a. 283; 2001 a. 109.
299.55 299.55 Confidentiality of records; used oil collection facilities and used oil fuel facilities.
299.55(1) (1) Records. Except as provided under sub. (2), records and other information furnished to or obtained by the department in the administration of ss. 287.15 and 299.53 are public records subject to s. 19.21. 
299.55(2) (2)Confidential records.
299.55(2)(a)(a) Application. Any person subject to s. 287.15 or 299.53 may seek confidential treatment of any records or other information furnished to or obtained by the department in the administration of s. 287.15 or 299.53.
299.55(2)(b) (b) Standards for granting confidential status. Except as provided under par. (c), the department shall grant confidential status for any records or information received by the department and certified by the applicant as relating to production or sales figures or to processes or production unique to the applicant or which would tend to adversely affect the competitive position of the applicant if made public.
299.55(2)(c) (c) Emission data; analyses and summaries. The department may not grant confidential status for emission data. Nothing in this subsection prevents the department from using records and other information in compiling or publishing analyses or summaries relating to the general condition of the environment if the analyses or summaries do not identify a specific applicant or facility or reveal records or other information granted confidential status.
299.55(2)(d) (d) Use of confidential records. Except as provided under par. (c) and this paragraph, the department or the department of justice may use records and other information granted confidential status under this subsection only in the administration and enforcement of s. 287.15 or 299.53. The department or the department of justice may release for general distribution records and other information granted confidential status under this subsection if the applicant expressly agrees to the release. The department or the department of justice may release on a limited basis records and other information granted confidential status under this subsection if the department or the department of justice is directed to take this action by a judge or hearing examiner under an order which protects the confidentiality of the records or other information. The department or the department of justice may release to the U.S. environmental protection agency or its authorized representative records and other information granted confidential status under this subsection if the department or the department of justice includes in each release of records or other information a request to the U.S. environmental protection agency or its authorized representative to protect the confidentiality of the records or other information.
299.55 History History: 1987 a. 384; 1989 a. 335 s. 89; 1995 a. 227 s. 645; Stats. 1995 s. 299.55.
299.62 299.62 Environmental protection requirements for tank vessels.
299.62(1)(1) Definitions. In this section:
299.62(1)(a) (a) "Bulk" means an undivided quantity of a substance that is loaded directly into a vessel and is not divided into individual containers.
299.62(1)(am) (am) "Discharge" has the meaning given in s. 292.01 (3).
299.62(1)(b) (b) "Double hull" has the meaning given in 33 CFR 157.03 (kk).
299.62(1)(c) (c) "Hazardous material" has the meaning given in 46 USC 2101 (14).
299.62(1)(d) (d) "Oil" means hydrocarbon, vegetable or mineral oil of any kind or in any form and includes oil mixed with wastes other than dredged spoil.
299.62(1)(e) (e) "Tank vessel" means a vessel that is constructed or adapted to carry, or that carries, oil or hazardous material in bulk as cargo or cargo residue.
299.62(2) (2)Prohibition.
299.62(2)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b) or (c), no tank vessel of under 5,000 gross tons may transport oil or hazardous material in bulk on that part of the Mississippi River over which this state has jurisdiction from the northern boundary of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge to the southernmost point of the Upper Mississippi River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge in this state unless the tank vessel has a double hull.
299.62(2)(b) (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a tank vessel when the tank vessel and its crew are in danger due to extreme weather conditions.
299.62(2)(c) (c) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a self-propelled tank vessel or a tank vessel that is propelled by a towing vessel if a tugboat accompanies the self-propelled tank vessel or tank vessel and towing vessel.
299.62(3) (3)Penalties.
299.62(3)(a)(a) Except as provided under par. (b), any person who owns or controls the movement of a tank vessel violating sub. (2) shall be required to forfeit not less than $5,000 nor more than $10,000.
299.62(3)(b) (b) Any person who owns or controls the movement of a tank vessel violating sub. (2) and who, within 5 years before the commission of the current violation, was previously convicted of violating sub. (2) shall be fined not less than $10,000 nor more than $25,000 or imprisoned for not more than 6 months or both.
299.62(3)(c) (c) In addition to any penalty under par. (a) or (b), any person who owns or controls the movement of a tank vessel violating sub. (2) from which oil or a hazardous material is discharged shall be required to forfeit triple the amount of the damage to the environment.
299.62 History History: 1995 a. 290 s. 10; 1997 a. 35 s. 329.
299.64 299.64 Open burning on commercial vessels.
299.64(1) (1) Definitions. In this section:
299.64(1)(a) (a) "Commercial vessel" means a vessel that is operated to transport property or passengers for hire or used by its operator or owner to earn a livelihood.
299.64(1)(b) (b) "Open burning" has the meaning given in s. 289.51 (1) (b).
299.64(2) (2)Prohibition. No person may engage in or permit open burning on a commercial vessel in the waters of the state.
299.64(3) (3)Citations. The department may follow the procedures for the issuance of a citation under ss. 23.50 to 23.99 to collect a forfeiture for a violation of sub. (2).
299.64(4) (4)Penalty. Any person who violates sub. (2) shall be required to forfeit no less than $100 nor more than $500.
299.64 History History: 1995 a. 290 s. 11; 1997 a. 35 s. 330.
299.66 299.66 Inspecting vessels. An employee or agent of the department may board and inspect any vessel that is subject to s. 299.62 or 299.64 to determine the state of compliance with those provisions.
299.66 History History: 1995 a. 290 s. 13; 1997 a. 35 s. 331.
299.80 299.80 Environmental cooperation pilot program.
299.80(1)(1) Definitions. In this section:
299.80(1)(a) (a) "Approval" means a permit, license or other approval issued by the department under chs. 280 to 295.
299.80(1)(b) (b) "Cooperative agreement" means an agreement entered into under sub. (6).
299.80(1)(c) (c) "Environmental management system" means an organized set of procedures implemented by the owner or operator of a facility to evaluate the environmental performance of the facility and to achieve measurable or noticeable improvements in that environmental performance through planning and changes in the facility's operations.
299.80(1)(d) (d) "Environmental performance" means the effects, whether regulated under chs. 280 to 295 or unregulated, of a facility on air, water, land, natural resources and human health.
299.80(1)(e) (e) "Facility" means all buildings, equipment and structures located on a single parcel or on adjacent parcels that are owned or operated by the same person.
299.80(1)(f) (f) "Interested person" means a person who is or may be affected by the activities at a facility that is covered or proposed to be covered by a cooperative agreement or a representative of such a person.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2013. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?