422.421(4)(a)(a) Adjustments in the rate of finance charge of a variable rate transaction that are not based upon changes in an approved index shall be made in accordance with provisions set forth in the documents evidencing the variable rate transaction, including provisions specifying all of the following:
422.421(4)(a)1. 1. If based upon changes in an index other than an approved index, the method of determining index values.
422.421(4)(a)2. 2. If based upon changes in an index other than an approved index, the relationship between index values and the rates of finance charge.
422.421(4)(a)3. 3. The method of implementing the adjustments.
422.421(4)(a)4. 4. The frequency of adjustments.
422.421(4)(a)5. 5. Any limits on the magnitude of adjustments.
422.421(4)(a)6. 6. Any minimum increments of adjustments.
422.421(4)(a)7. 7. The method of implementing any rounding of the rates of finance charge.
422.421(4)(b) (b) The provisions under par. (a) may not specify an increase in the rate of finance charge in excess of 2% plus any carry over permitted under par. (d) for each 12-month period commencing with the consummation of the variable rate transaction.
422.421(4)(c) (c) The provisions under par. (a) may not specify a date for adjustment that is earlier than 3 months after the date of consummation of the variable rate transaction.
422.421(4)(d) (d) If a creditor fails to increase the rate of finance charge during a 12-month period under par. (b) to the extent permitted by the provisions under par. (a), the increase may be carried over and added to any adjustment in the rate of finance charge otherwise permitted by the provisions under par. (a) but only during the succeeding 12-month period and subject to the limitations of par. (e).
422.421(4)(e) (e) The maximum increase which may be carried over to a succeeding 12-month period under par. (d) is the difference between the rate of finance charge as of the commencement of the preceding 12-month period plus 2% and the highest rate of finance charge actually imposed during that 12-month period, or one percent, whichever is less.
422.421(5) (5)Notice.
422.421(5)(a)1.1. Except as provided in par. (b), a creditor shall mail or deliver to the customer written notice of every change implementing an adjustment in the rate of finance charge in a variable rate transaction. The notice shall be mailed or delivered to the customer at the customer's last-known address appearing on the records of the creditor. If the variable rate transaction involves more than one customer, notice given to any customer satisfies this requirement.
422.421(5)(a)2. 2. The notice under subd. 1. shall be mailed or delivered at least 15 days prior to the effective date of the adjustment if the adjustment is implemented in whole or in part by a change in the amount of a periodic payment, other than the final payment, previously disclosed to the customer.
422.421(5)(a)3. 3. The notice under subd. 1. shall be mailed or delivered not later than 30 days after the effective date of the adjustment if the adjustment is implemented by any change other than a change under subd. 2.
422.421(5)(b)1.1. The requirements of par. (a) do not apply to a creditor if the adjustment is made in a variable rate transaction pursuant to an open-end credit plan that is based upon changes in an approved index.
422.421(5)(b)2. 2. The requirements of par. (a) do not apply to a creditor if the adjustment is made in a variable rate transaction, other than a transaction pursuant to an open-end credit plan, that is based upon changes in an approved index if the change does not cause a change in the amount of a periodic payment, other than the final payment, previously disclosed to the customer.
422.421(5)(c) (c) If the final payment in a variable rate transaction, other than one pursuant to an open-end credit plan, exceeds the final payment disclosed to the customer prior to consummation by more than 50% but not less than $100 as a result of adjustments in the rate of finance charge during the term of the variable rate transaction, the creditor shall give the customer written notice of the estimated amount of the final payment at least 90 days but not more than 180 days prior to the due date of the final payment. The notice shall be mailed or delivered to the customer at the customer's last-known address appearing on the records of the creditor. If the variable rate transaction involves more than one customer, notice given to any customer satisfies this requirement. Notwithstanding the terms of the variable rate transaction, the final payment shall not be due until the later of the originally scheduled due date or 90 days after mailing or delivering the notice and the customer shall not be in default during that period if the customer continues to make payments in the scheduled amounts and with the scheduled frequency in effect immediately prior to the final payment until the total amount due has been paid in full.
422.421(6) (6)Maximum rate.
422.421(6)(a)(a) For any variable rate transaction, other than one pursuant to an open-end credit plan, entered into before November 1, 1984, the maximum rate of finance charge for any payment period may not exceed the limit set forth in s. 422.201 (2) (bm) as determined on the earlier of the first day of the payment period or the day notice is given under sub. (5) for the payment period.
422.421(6)(c) (c) The maximum rate of finance charge established under par. (a) shall continue in effect for the entire term of the payment period regardless of any changes in the limit set forth in s. 422.201 (2) (bm) during the payment period.
422.421(7) (7)Adjustments after maturity date.
422.421(7)(a)(a) Notwithstanding s. 422.203, adjustments in the rate of finance charge based upon changes in an approved index may continue to be made after the final scheduled maturity date if the adjustments are made in accordance with the requirements of sub. (3) governing adjustments made prior to the final scheduled maturity date.
422.421(7)(b) (b) Notwithstanding s. 422.203, adjustments in the rate of finance charge not based upon an approved index may continue to be made after the final scheduled maturity date if the adjustments are made in accordance with the requirements of sub. (4) governing adjustments made prior to the final scheduled maturity date, and if the adjustments are not less favorable to the customer than contemporaneous adjustments made prior to the final scheduled maturity dates of similar variable rate transactions between other customers and the creditor.
422.421(8) (8)Changes in original schedule of payments. The original schedule of payments for variable rate transactions that are subject to s. 422.402 shall comply with the requirements of s. 422.402. Any change made in the original schedule of payments to implement adjustments under sub. (3) or (4) is not a violation of s. 422.402.
422.421(9) (9)Changes in open-end credit plans. Any change made in the terms of an open-end credit plan to implement adjustments under sub. (3) or (4) is not a violation of s. 422.415.
422.421(10) (10)Prepayment. Upon prepayment in full of the unpaid balance of a variable rate transaction, an amount not less than the unearned portion of the finance charge, if any, calculated according to s. 422.209 (2) (b) shall be rebated to the customer.
422.421(11) (11)Amendments to open-end credit plans.
422.421(11)(a)(a) Parties to an open-end credit plan entered into before or within 6 months after September 1, 1984, may agree to an amendment to the plan in accordance with the requirements of sub. (3) or (4) to permit the rate of finance charge for existing and future balances to be adjusted from time to time in accordance with the provisions of this section, only as provided under pars. (b) and (c) or under s. 422.415.
422.421(11)(b) (b) An amendment under par. (a) may be made if the customer accepts the amendment as provided in par. (c) and if all of the following conditions are met:
422.421(11)(b)1. 1. The creditor gives written notice of the amendment to the customer by mail, addressed to the customer's last-known address appearing on the records of the creditor, not more than 60 days and not less than 30 days prior to the effective date of the amendment.
422.421(11)(b)2. 2. The notice under subd. 1. provides for acceptance or rejection by the customer as provided in either or both of the following:
422.421(11)(b)2.a. a. If a self-addressed reply card is enclosed with the notice, the notice states that the customer accepts the amendment unless a reply card rejecting the amendment is mailed or delivered to the creditor by a date specified in the notice which is not less than 20 days after the date of mailing of the notice.
422.421(11)(b)2.b. b. The notice states that the customer accepts the amendment if the customer enters into a consumer credit transaction under the plan at any time more than 15 days after the date of mailing of the notice.
422.421(11)(c) (c) The customer shall have accepted the amendment if the customer fails to mail or deliver the reply card as provided in the notice under par. (b) 2. a., or if the customer enters into a transaction as provided in the notice under par. (b) 2. b.
422.421(11)(d) (d) If a customer rejects an amendment as provided in the notice under par. (b) 2., the creditor shall permit the customer to pay existing balances under existing terms and the creditor may either close the account to future transactions or continue the account under existing terms.
422.421(12) (12)Penalty. A violation of this section is subject to s. 425.304, except that failure to give the notice required under sub. (5) (c) does not subject a creditor to the penalty provided in s. 425.302 or 425.304.
422.422 422.422 Cash discounts. No credit card issuer may, by contract or otherwise, prohibit a merchant from offering a discount to a customer to induce the customer to pay by cash, check, or similar means, rather than by use of a credit card or its underlying account, for the purchase of goods or services.
422.422 History History: 2005 a. 84.
subch. V of ch. 422 SUBCHAPTER V
422.501 422.501 Definitions. In this subchapter:
422.501(1) (1) "Buyer" means a natural person or customer who is solicited to purchase or who purchases the services of a credit services organization.
422.501(1m) (1m) "Consumer reporting agency" has the meaning given in 15 USC 1681a (f).
422.501(2) (2)
422.501(2)(a)(a) "Credit services organization" means a person or merchant who, with respect to the extension of credit by others, sells, provides or performs, or represents that the person will sell, provide or perform, any of the following services in return for the payment of money or for other valuable consideration:
422.501(2)(a)1. 1. Improving a buyer's credit record, credit history or credit rating.
422.501(2)(a)2. 2. Arranging for or obtaining an extension of credit for a buyer.
422.501(2)(a)3. 3. Providing advice or assistance to a buyer with regard to subd. 1. or 2.
422.501(2)(b) (b) "Credit services organization" does not include any of the following:
422.501(2)(b)1. 1. A person organized, chartered or holding a license or authorization certificate to make loans or extensions of credit pursuant to the laws of this state or the United States and who is subject to regulation and supervision by an official or agency of this state or the United States.
422.501(2)(b)2. 2. A bank or savings and loan association whose deposits or accounts are insured by the federal deposit insurance corporation, or a credit union whose deposits or accounts are insured by the national credit union administration.
422.501(2)(b)3. 3. A nonprofit organization described under section 501 (c) (3) of the internal revenue code and exempt from taxation under section 501 (a) of the internal revenue code.
422.501(2)(b)4. 4. A person licensed as an adjustment service company under s. 218.02 if the person is acting within the course and scope of that license.
422.501(2)(b)5. 5. A person licensed as a real estate broker or salesperson under ch. 452 if the person is acting within the course and scope of that license.
422.501(2)(b)6. 6. A person licensed to practice law in this state if the person is rendering services within the course and scope of his or her practice as an attorney at law.
422.501(2)(b)7. 7. A broker-dealer or agent registered under s. 551.406 if the broker-dealer or agent is acting within the course and scope of that license.
422.501(2)(b)8. 8. A person licensed as a mortgage banker, mortgage loan originator, or mortgage broker under s. 224.72 or 224.725 if the person is acting within the course and scope of the license.
422.501(2)(b)9. 9. A consumer reporting agency, if the consumer reporting agency is acting within the scope of assembling or evaluating consumer credit information on consumers for the purpose of furnishing consumer reports, as defined in 15 USC 1681a (d), to 3rd parties.
422.501(3) (3) "Extension of credit" means the right to defer payment of debt or to incur debt and defer its payment, that is offered or granted for debt that is incurred primarily for personal, family or household purposes.
422.502 422.502 Registration requirements.
422.502(1) (1) A person may not act as a credit services organization unless the person has been issued a certificate of registration from the administrator and the person has complied with the bond or letter of credit requirements under sub. (3).
422.502(2) (2) A person desiring to act as a credit services organization shall apply to the administrator for a certificate of registration on a form prescribed by the administrator and shall pay the administrator a registration fee of $100.
422.502(3) (3)
422.502(3)(a)(a) A person desiring to act as a credit services organization shall obtain a surety bond that is issued by a surety company admitted to do business in this state or an irrevocable letter of credit from a federally insured bank or savings and loan association located in this state. The bond or letter of credit shall be in an amount equal to $25,000.
422.502(3)(b) (b) The credit services organization shall file a copy of the bond or letter of credit with the administrator.
422.502(3)(c) (c) The bond or letter of credit shall be in favor of this state for the benefit of any person who is damaged by a violation of this subchapter. The bond or letter of credit shall also be in favor of any person damaged by a violation of this subchapter.
422.502(3)(d) (d) A person claiming against the bond or letter of credit for a violation of this subchapter may maintain an action at law against the credit services organization and against the surety or financial institution. The surety or financial institution may be liable only for actual damages and not for punitive damages. The aggregate liability of the surety or financial institution to all persons damaged by a credit services organization's violation of this subchapter may not exceed the amount of the bond or letter of credit.
422.502(4) (4) A certificate of registration as a credit services organization expires on December 1 of the even-numbered year after issuance. A credit services organization may renew a certificate of registration by submitting to the administrator a renewal application and a $100 renewal fee on or before the expiration date of the existing certificate of registration. A credit services organization shall refile a bond or letter of credit that satisfies sub. (3) as part of the renewal application.
422.502 History History: 1991 a. 244; 1999 a. 85.
422.503 422.503 Prohibited activities.
422.503(1) (1) A credit services organization, and its salespersons, agents and representatives who offer or sell the services of the credit services organization, may not do any of the following:
422.503(1)(a) (a) Charge or receive any money or other valuable consideration solely for referral of the buyer to a merchant who will or may extend credit to the buyer, if the credit extended to the buyer is upon substantially the same terms as is credit that is available to the general public.
422.503(1)(b) (b) Make, or counsel or advise any buyer to make, any statement which is untrue or misleading and which is known, or which by the exercise of reasonable care should be known, to be untrue or misleading, to a consumer reporting agency or to any person who has extended credit to a buyer or to whom a buyer is applying for an extension of credit, with respect to a buyer's credit worthiness, credit standing or credit capacity.
422.503(1)(c) (c) Make or use any untrue or misleading representations in the offer or sale of the services of the credit services organization or engage, directly or indirectly, in any act, practice or course of business that operates or would operate as a fraud or deception upon any person in connection with the offer or sale of the services of a credit services organization.
422.503(2) (2) A violation of this section is subject to s. 425.305.
422.503 History History: 1991 a. 244.
422.504 422.504 Information statement.
422.504(1) (1) Before the execution of a contract or agreement between the buyer and a credit services organization or before the credit services organization receives from the buyer any money or other valuable consideration, the credit services organization shall provide the buyer a written statement that includes all of the information required under sub. (2). The credit services organization shall maintain for a period of 2 years an exact copy of the statement that is signed by the buyer to acknowledge receipt of the statement.
422.504(2) (2) The information statement under sub. (1) shall include all of the following information:
422.504(2)(a) (a) Notice of the buyer's right to review any file on the buyer maintained by a consumer reporting agency; the buyer's right to obtain a copy of that file; the approximate price the buyer may be charged by the consumer reporting agency for a copy of the file; and the buyer's right to obtain a copy of the buyer's file free of charge from the consumer reporting agency if the buyer requests the copy within 30 days after the buyer receives notice of a denial of credit.
422.504(2)(b) (b) Notice of the buyer's right to dispute the completeness or accuracy of any item contained in any file on the buyer maintained by a consumer reporting agency.
422.504(2)(c) (c) A description of the services to be performed by the credit services organization for or on behalf of the buyer and the total amount the buyer will be charged for the services.
422.504(2)(d) (d) Notice of the buyer's right to proceed against the bond or letter of credit obtained by the credit services organization, a description of procedures that the buyer is to follow to proceed against the bond or letter of credit, and the name and address of the surety company that issued the bond or the name and address of the financial institution that issued the letter of credit.
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