Shall a charter convention be held?
If a charter convention is held what plan do you favor?
[Repeat for each plan proposed.]
Mark an [X] in the square to the RIGHT of the plan that you select.
66.0101(9)(c) (c) If a majority of the electors voting vote for a charter convention, the convention shall be held pursuant to the plan favored by a majority of the total votes cast for all plans. If no plan receives a majority, the 2 plans receiving the highest number of votes shall be again submitted to the electors and a convention shall be held pursuant to the plan favored by a majority of the votes cast.
66.0101(9)(d) (d) A charter convention may adopt a charter or amendments to the existing charter. The charter or charter amendments adopted by the convention shall be certified, as soon as practicable, by the presiding officer and secretary of the convention to the city or village clerk and shall be submitted to the electors as provided under s. 9.20 (4) to (6), without the alternative provided in s. 9.20 (4) to (6), and take effect when approved by a majority of the electors voting.
66.0101(10) (10) Nothing in this section shall be construed to impair the right of cities or villages under existing or future authority to enact ordinances or resolutions other than charter ordinances.
66.0101(11) (11)Sections 62.13 and 62.50 and chapter 589, laws of 1921, and chapter 423, laws of 1923, shall be construed as enactments of statewide concern for the purpose of providing uniform regulation of police, fire, and combined protective services departments.
66.0101(12) (12) Every charter ordinance enacted under s. 66.01, 1943 stats., which was adopted by the governing body prior to December 31, 1944, and which also was published prior to that date in the official newspaper of the city or village, or, if there was none, in a newspaper having general circulation in the city or village, shall be valid as of the date of the original publication notwithstanding the failure to publish the ordinance under s. 10.43 (5) and (6), 1943 stats.
66.0101 History History: 1999 a. 150 ss. 18 to 27; Stats. 1999 s. 66.0101; 2011 a. 32.
66.0101 Annotation A charter ordinance must be legislative in character before it can be validly initiated by direct legislation. Save Our Fire Department Paramedics Committee v. Appleton, 131 Wis. 2d 366, 389 N.W.2d 43 (Ct. App. 1986).
66.0101 Annotation The city of Milwaukee cannot, by charter ordinance, adopt s. 62.13 (5) (b) since s. 62.13 deals with a subject of state-wide concern; it cannot do so under s. 62.03 since that requires the adoption of whole statute sections. 58 Atty. Gen. 59.
66.0103 66.0103 Code of ordinances.
66.0103(1)(1) The governing body of a city, village, town or county may authorize the preparation of a code of some or all of its general ordinances. The code may be enacted by an ordinance that incorporates the code by reference. A copy of the code shall be available for public inspection not less than 2 weeks before it is enacted. After the code is enacted, a copy shall be maintained and available for public inspection in the office of the city, village, town or county clerk.
66.0103(2) (2) Publication of a code enacted under sub. (1), in book or pamphlet form, meets the publication requirements of ss. 59.14, 60.80, 61.50 (1) and 62.11 (4) (a).
66.0103 History History: 1999 a. 150.
66.0104 66.0104 Prohibiting ordinances that place certain limits or requirements on a landlord.
66.0104(1) (1) In this section:
66.0104(1)(a) (a) "Premises" has the meaning given in s. 704.01 (3).
66.0104(1)(b) (b) "Rental agreement" has the meaning given in s. 704.01 (3m).
66.0104(1)(c) (c) "Tenancy" has the meaning given in s. 704.01 (4).
66.0104(2) (2)
66.0104(2)(a)(a) No city, village, town, or county may enact an ordinance that places any of the following limitations on a residential landlord:
66.0104(2)(a)1. 1. Prohibits a landlord from, or places limitations on a landlord with respect to, obtaining and using or attempting to obtain and use any of the following information with respect to a tenant or prospective tenant:
66.0104(2)(a)1.a. a. Monthly household income.
66.0104(2)(a)1.b. b. Occupation.
66.0104(2)(a)1.c. c. Rental history.
66.0104(2)(a)1.d. d. Credit information.
66.0104(2)(a)1.e. e. Court records, including arrest and conviction records, to which there is public access.
66.0104(2)(a)1.f. f. Social security number or other proof of identity.
66.0104(2)(a)2. 2. Limits how far back in time a prospective tenant's credit information, conviction record, or previous housing may be taken into account by a landlord.
66.0104(2)(a)3. 3. Prohibits a landlord from, or places limitations on a landlord with respect to, entering into a rental agreement for a premises with a prospective tenant during the tenancy of the current tenant of the premises.
66.0104(2)(a)4. 4. Prohibits a landlord from, or places limitations on a landlord with respect to, showing a premises to a prospective tenant during the tenancy of the current tenant of the premises.
66.0104(2)(b) (b) No city, village, town, or county may enact an ordinance that places requirements on a residential landlord with respect to security deposits or earnest money or pretenancy or posttenancy inspections that are additional to the requirements under administrative rules related to residential rental practices.
66.0104(2)(c) (c) No city, village, town, or county may enact an ordinance that limits a residential tenant's responsibility, or a residential landlord's right to recover, for any damage or waste to, or neglect of, the premises that occurs during the tenant's occupancy of the premises, or for any other costs, expenses, fees, payments, or damages for which the tenant is responsible under the rental agreement or applicable law.
66.0104(2)(d)1.a.a. No city, village, town, or county may enact an ordinance that requires a landlord to communicate to tenants any information that is not required to be communicated to tenants under federal or state law.
66.0104(2)(d)1.b. b. Subdivision 1. a. does not apply to an ordinance that has a reasonable and clearly defined objective of regulating the manufacture of illegal narcotics.
66.0104(2)(d)2. 2. No city, village, town, or county may enact an ordinance that requires a landlord to communicate to the city, village, town, or county any information concerning the landlord or a tenant, unless any of the following applies:
66.0104(2)(d)2.a. a. The information is required under federal or state law.
66.0104(2)(d)2.b. b. The information is required of all residential real property owners.
66.0104(2)(d)2.c. c. The information is solely information that will enable a person to contact the owner or, at the option of the owner, an agent of the owner.
66.0104(3) (3)
66.0104(3)(a)(a) If a city, village, town, or county has in effect on December 21, 2011, an ordinance that is inconsistent with sub. (2) (a) or (b), the ordinance does not apply and may not be enforced.
66.0104(3)(b) (b) If a city, village, town, or county has in effect on March 1, 2014, an ordinance that is inconsistent with sub. (2) (c) or (d), the ordinance does not apply and may not be enforced.
66.0104 History History: 2011 a. 108; 2013 a. 76.
66.0105 66.0105 Jurisdiction of overlapping extraterritorial powers. The extraterritorial powers granted to cities and villages by statute, including ss. 30.745, 62.23 (2) and (7a), 66.0415, 236.10 and 254.57, may not be exercised within the corporate limits of another city or village. Wherever these statutory extraterritorial powers overlap, the jurisdiction over the overlapping area shall be divided on a line all points of which are equidistant from the boundaries of each municipality concerned so that not more than one municipality shall exercise power over any area.
66.0105 History History: 1981 c. 222 s. 2; 1993 a. 27; 1999 a. 150 s. 368; Stats. 1999 s. 66.0105.
66.0107 66.0107 Power of municipalities to prohibit criminal conduct.
66.0107(1)(1) The board or council of any town, village or city may:
66.0107(1)(a) (a) Prohibit all forms of gambling and fraudulent devices and practices.
66.0107(1)(b) (b) Seize anything devised solely for gambling or found in actual use for gambling and destroy the device after a judicial determination that it was used solely for gambling or found in actual use for gambling.
66.0107(1)(bm) (bm) Enact and enforce an ordinance to prohibit the possession of marijuana, as defined in s. 961.01 (14), subject to the exceptions in s. 961.41 (3g) (intro.), and provide a forfeiture for a violation of the ordinance; except that if a complaint is issued regarding an allegation of possession of more than 25 grams of marijuana, or possession of any amount of marijuana following a conviction in this state for possession of marijuana, the subject of the complaint may not be prosecuted under this paragraph for the same action that is the subject of the complaint unless the charges are dismissed or the district attorney declines to prosecute the case.
66.0107(1)(bn) (bn) Enact and enforce an ordinance to prohibit the possession of a controlled substance specified in s. 961.14 (4) (tb) and provide a forfeiture for a violation of the ordinance, except that if a complaint is issued regarding an allegation of possession of a controlled substance specified in s. 961.14 (4) (tb) following a conviction in this state for possession of a controlled substance, the subject of the complaint may not be prosecuted under this paragraph for the same action that is the subject of the complaint unless the charges are dismissed or the district attorney declines to prosecute the case.
66.0107 Note NOTE: Par. (bn) is shown as affected by 2013 Wis. Acts 293 and 351 and as merged by the legislative reference bureau under s. 13.92 (2) (i).
66.0107(1)(bp) (bp) Enact and enforce an ordinance to prohibit conduct that is the same as that prohibited by s. 961.573 (1) or (2), 961.574 (1) or (2), or 961.575 (1) or (2) and provide a forfeiture for violation of the ordinance.
66.0107(2) (2) Except as provided in sub. (3), nothing in this section may be construed to preclude cities, villages and towns from prohibiting conduct which is the same as or similar to that prohibited by chs. 941 to 948.
66.0107(3) (3) The board or council of a city, village or town may not, by ordinance, prohibit conduct which is the same as or similar to conduct prohibited by s. 944.21.
66.0107 History History: 1973 c. 198; 1979 c. 131 s. 4; 1987 a. 332 s. 64; 1987 a. 416; 1989 a. 121, 276; 1993 a. 246; 1995 a. 353, 448; 1999 a. 150 ss. 151, 153; Stats. 1999 s. 66.0107; 2005 a. 116, ss. 2 to 4; 2011 a. 31; 2013 a. 293, 351; s. 13.92 (2) (i).
66.0109 66.0109 Penalties under county and municipal ordinances. If a statute requires that the penalty under any county or municipal ordinance conform to the penalty provided by statute the ordinance may impose only a forfeiture and may provide for imprisonment if the forfeiture is not paid.
66.0109 History History: 1971 c. 278; 1999 a. 150 s. 272; Stats. 1999 s. 66.0109.
66.0111 66.0111 Bond or cash deposit under municipal ordinances.
66.0111(1)(1) If a person is arrested for the violation of a city, village or town ordinance and the action is to be in circuit court, the chief of police or police officer designated by the chief, marshal or clerk of court may accept from the person a bond, in an amount not to exceed the maximum penalty for the violation, with sufficient sureties, or a cash deposit, for appearance in the court having jurisdiction of the offense. A receipt shall be issued for the bond or cash deposit.
66.0111(2) (2)
66.0111(2)(a)(a) If the person released fails to appear, personally or by an authorized attorney or agent, before the court at the time fixed for hearing the case, the bond and money deposited, or an amount that the court determines to be an adequate penalty, plus costs, including any applicable fees prescribed in ch. 814, may be declared forfeited by the court or may be ordered applied to the payment of any penalty which is imposed after an ex parte hearing, together with the costs. In either event, any surplus shall be refunded to the person who made the deposit.
66.0111(2)(b) (b) This subsection does not apply to violations of parking ordinances. Bond or cash deposit given for appearance to answer a charge under any parking ordinance may be forfeited in the manner determined by the governing body.
66.0111(3) (3) This section shall not be construed as a limitation upon the general power of cities, villages and towns in all cases of alleged violations of city, village or town ordinances to authorize the acceptance of bonds or cash deposits or upon the general power to accept stipulations for forfeiture of bonds or deposits or pleas where arrest was had without warrant or where action has not been started in court.
66.0111(4) (4) This section does not apply to ordinances enacted under ch. 349.
66.0111 History History: 1971 c. 278; 1977 c. 305; 1977 c. 449 s. 497; 1981 c. 317; 1987 a. 27, 399; 1993 a. 246; 1999 a. 150 s. 271; Stats. 1999 s. 66.0111.
66.0111 Annotation A defendant arrested for an ordinance violation has the option to post either the required bond or the permitted cash bail. City of Madison v. Ricky Two Crow, 88 Wis. 2d 156, 276 N.W.2d 359 (Ct. App. 1979).
66.0113 66.0113 Citations for certain ordinance violations.
66.0113(1)(1) Adoption; content.
66.0113(1)(a)(a) Except as provided in sub. (5), the governing body of a county, town, city, village, town sanitary district or public inland lake protection and rehabilitation district may by ordinance adopt and authorize the use of a citation under this section to be issued for violations of ordinances, including ordinances for which a statutory counterpart exists.
66.0113(1)(b) (b) An ordinance adopted under par. (a) shall prescribe the form of the citation which shall provide for the following:
66.0113(1)(b)1. 1. The name and address of the alleged violator.
66.0113(1)(b)2. 2. The factual allegations describing the alleged violation.
66.0113(1)(b)3. 3. The time and place of the offense.
66.0113(1)(b)4. 4. The section of the ordinance violated.
66.0113(1)(b)5. 5. A designation of the offense in a manner that can be readily understood by a person making a reasonable effort to do so.
66.0113(1)(b)6. 6. The time at which the alleged violator may appear in court.
66.0113(1)(b)7. 7. A statement which in essence informs the alleged violator:
66.0113(1)(b)7.a. a. That the alleged violator may make a cash deposit of a specified amount to be mailed to a specified official within a specified time.
66.0113(1)(b)7.b. b. That if the alleged violator makes such a deposit, he or she need not appear in court unless subsequently summoned.
66.0113(1)(b)7.c. c. That, if the alleged violator makes a cash deposit and does not appear in court, he or she either will be deemed to have tendered a plea of no contest and submitted to a forfeiture, plus costs, fees, and surcharges imposed under ch. 814, not to exceed the amount of the deposit or will be summoned into court to answer the complaint if the court does not accept the plea of no contest.
66.0113(1)(b)7.d. d. That, if the alleged violator does not make a cash deposit and does not appear in court at the time specified, the court may issue a summons or a warrant for the defendant's arrest or consider the nonappearance to be a plea of no contest and enter judgment under sub. (3) (d), or the municipality may commence an action against the alleged violator to collect the forfeiture, plus costs, fees, and surcharges imposed under ch. 814.
66.0113(1)(b)7.e. e. That if the court finds that the violation involves an ordinance that prohibits conduct that is the same as or similar to conduct prohibited by state statute punishable by fine or imprisonment or both, and that the violation resulted in damage to the property of or physical injury to a person other than the alleged violator, the court may summon the alleged violator into court to determine if restitution shall be ordered under s. 800.093.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2013. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?