84.1048(2)(a) (a) One marker at the east end of Stevens Point to clearly identify the designation of the route to motorists proceeding easterly.
84.1048(2)(b) (b) One marker at the east end of Rosholt to clearly identify the designation of the route to motorists proceeding westerly.
84.1048(3) (3) No state funds may be used for the erection of any marker under this section.
84.1048 History History: 1997 a. 27.
84.1049 84.1049 Polish Veterans Memorial Highway. In recognition of their courageous, dutiful and selfless service to this state and the U.S. armed forces, the department shall designate and mark STH 160, commencing at STH 29 at Angelica and proceeding easterly to STH 32 at Pulaski, as the "Polish Veterans Memorial Highway" to commemorate and honor the military service and patriotism shown by this state's Polish veterans throughout its history.
84.1049 History History: 1997 a. 27.
84.105 84.105 National parkways.
84.105(1)(1) Department of transportation to cooperate with federal agencies. The legislature of the state of Wisconsin hereby declares that the intent of this section is to assent to any act of the United States congress authorizing the development of any national parkway located wholly or partly within the state of Wisconsin, to the full extent that is necessary to secure any benefits under such act, provided that the hunting of migratory waterfowl and other game and fishing shall not be prohibited or otherwise restricted by the United States government or any of its designated agencies in control of said project, and to authorize the appropriate state boards, commissions, departments and the governing bodies of counties, cities, towns and villages and especially the department of transportation to cooperate in the planning and development of all national parkways that may be proposed for development in Wisconsin, with any agency or department of the government of the United States in which is vested the necessary authority to construct or otherwise develop such national parkways. Whenever authority shall exist for the planning and development of any national parkway, of which any portion shall be located in this state, it shall be the duty of the department of transportation to make such investigations and studies in cooperation with the appropriate federal agency, and such state boards, commissions and departments as shall have an interest in such parkway development, to the extent that shall be desirable and necessary in order to provide that the state shall secure all advantages that may accrue through such parkway development and that the interests of the counties, cities, villages and towns along the route shall be conserved.
84.105(2) (2)Definitions. For the purposes of this section, all terms applying to any parkway, such as "secretary", "parkway", "scenic landscape", "sightly or safety easement", "access", "parkway road", "parkway development", "national parkway", "frontage", and other or similar terms, which are defined in any act of the United States Congress applicable to such national parkway, shall have the meanings set forth in such act. The term "national parkway" as used in this section shall mean and include the Great River Road and appurtenances thereto, as provided in section 14 of P.L. 83-350, or any other parkway or road in Wisconsin projected in general accordance with the recommended plan set forth in the joint report submitted to the congress November 28, 1951, by the secretaries of commerce and interior pursuant to the act of August 24, 1949 (P.L. 81-262) to the end that the department shall have authority to act with reference to them as provided by this section.
84.105(3) (3)Department shall make investigations. The department shall have full authority to make such investigations, surveys, studies and plans in connection with any proposed national parkway or parkway development as it shall deem necessary or desirable in order to determine if the proposed development, under the terms of the act of the United States Congress applicable to such parkway or any regulations under such act, are advantageous to the state. Such parkway development may be any portion of the proposed parkway, which it may be proposed to construct as a project under such act. The department may hold such hearings in connection with such investigations as it deems necessary or desirable, and shall give notice of such hearings by publication of a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, in the area affected.
84.105(4) (4)Finding and determination. When the department has completed its investigations with respect to any proposed national parkway development, it shall make its findings and determination with respect to such proposed development. Such finding and determination shall state whether or not such proposed national parkway development is deemed advantageous to the state, shall include such information with respect to the development as shall be necessary to state its character and extent, and shall estimate the cost thereof and separately, the amount and character of lands necessary to be acquired in fee simple and in easements, with their cost, and needed to carry out the development.
84.105(5) (5)Parkway to be state trunk highway. If the department, after such investigations and studies, shall find that the proposed parkway development is advantageous to the state, it shall have full authority to perform, on behalf of the state, each and every duty required of the state by the act of the U.S. congress applicable to such parkway development, in order to secure the proposed development project for the state. For the purposes of such development project, the parkway shall be a portion of the state trunk highway system.
84.105(6) (6)Right-of-way and easements. All lands for right-of-way to be acquired in fee simple and all easements necessary to be acquired for the purposes of the proposed national parkway development shall be acquired by the department in the name of the state, as may be required by the act of the U.S. congress applicable thereto. Any lands owned by the state, or by any county, city, village or town, may be conveyed to the United States for the purposes of the parkway in the manner provided by law. The department may acquire such lands by gift, purchase agreement, or by exercising the right of eminent domain in any manner that may be provided by law for the acquirement of lands for public purposes. The department may convey such lands to the U.S. government or any of its agencies, as may be required by the act of the U.S. congress applicable to such national parkway.
84.105(7) (7)Liberal construction. All powers granted in this section shall be liberally construed in favor of the department and any proposed national parkway development projects.
84.1051 84.1051 Gaylord Nelson Highway.
84.1051(1) (1) The department shall designate and, subject to sub. (2), mark the entire route of USH 63 as the "Gaylord Nelson Highway" in recognition and appreciation of Gaylord Nelson, the native son of Clear Lake who served with distinction as both the governor from 1959 to 1963 and a U.S. senator from 1963 to 1981, and whose legacy includes numerous environmental achievements, including the founding of Earth Day, the creation of the Knowles-Nelson Stewardship Program, and the preservation of the Apostle Islands in Lake Superior.
84.1051(2) (2) Upon receipt of sufficient contributions from interested parties, including any county, city, village, or town, to cover the costs of erecting and maintaining markers along the route specified in sub. (1) to clearly identify to motorists the designation of the route as the "Gaylord Nelson Highway," the department shall erect and maintain the markers. No state funds, other than from the receipt of contributions under this subsection, may be expended for the erection or maintenance of the markers.
84.1051 History History: 2009 a. 116.
84.1053 84.1053 Jeannetta Simpson-Robinson Memorial Highway.
84.1053(1)(1) The department shall designate and, subject to sub. (2), mark the route of I 43, commencing at the North Avenue interchange in the city of Milwaukee and proceeding northerly to the Keefe Avenue and Atkinson Avenue interchange in the city of Milwaukee, as the "Jeannetta Simpson-Robinson Memorial Highway" in recognition and appreciation of the good works of Jeannetta Simpson-Robinson, a lifelong community leader and activist who championed the poor, the disadvantaged, children, and peaceful non-violent resolutions to conflicts.
84.1053(2) (2) Upon receipt of sufficient contributions from interested parties, including any county, city, village, or town, to cover the costs of erecting and maintaining markers along the route specified in sub. (1) to clearly identify to motorists the designation of the route as the "Jeannetta Simpson-Robinson Memorial Highway," the department shall erect and maintain the markers. No state funds, other than from the receipt of contributions under this subsection, may be expended for the erection or maintenance of the markers.
84.1053 History History: 2009 a. 151 s. 1; 2011 a. 260 s. 80.
84.106 84.106 Scenic byways program.
84.106(1g) (1g) Definitions. In this section:
84.106(1g)(a) (a) "Connecting highway" has the meaning given in s. 340.01 (9).
84.106(1g)(b) (b) "Highway" has the meaning given in s. 340.01 (22).
84.106(1g)(c) (c) "Local highways" has the meaning given in s. 86.31 (1) (c) for "local roads."
84.106(1g)(d) (d) "State trunk highway" has the meaning given in s. 340.01 (60).
84.106(1m) (1m)Designation. The department shall develop, implement, and administer a program to designate highways or portions of highways in this state, including, notwithstanding sub. (2), state trunk highways, connecting highways, and local highways, that have outstanding scenic, historic, cultural, natural, recreational, or archaeological qualities as scenic byways. The department may seek designation by the federal government of a highway designated as a scenic byway under this section as a national scenic byway or as an All-American Road.
84.106(2) (2)Rules. The department shall promulgate rules under this section consistent with 23 USC 162 and regulations established under that section.
84.106(3) (3)Marking highways. Highways designated as scenic byways under this section may be marked with signs conforming with the manual of uniform traffic control devices adopted by the department under s. 84.02 (4) (e) that identify the highway as a scenic byway. The department shall have exclusive authority to erect these signs, and shall bear all expense in connection with the erection and maintenance of the signs, on state trunk highways. The local authority with jurisdiction over the highway, for maintenance purposes, shall have exclusive authority to erect these signs, and shall bear all expense in connection with the erection and maintenance of the signs, on local highways and connecting highways.
84.106 History History: 1999 a. 9; 2011 a. 147.
84.106 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also s. Trans 201.23 and ch. Trans 202, Wis. adm. code.
84.107 84.107 Great River Road.
84.107(1)(1) The department shall designate and mark as the "Great River Road" the route in Grant, Crawford, Vernon, La Crosse, Trempealeau, Buffalo, Pepin and Pierce counties commencing at the Wisconsin-Illinois border and proceeding northerly on STH 35 to its junction with STH 133; then proceeding westerly on STH 133 to its junction with CTH "VV" near Cassville; then proceeding northerly on CTH "VV" to its junction with CTH "A"; then proceeding westerly on CTH "A" to its junction with CTH "X" in Bagley; then proceeding northerly on CTH "X" to its junction with CTH "C"; then proceeding easterly on CTH "C" to its junction with STH 35, with all of the preceding highways in Grant County; then proceeding northerly on STH 35 to its junction with USH 14/61 in La Crosse County; then proceeding northerly on USH 14/61 to its junction with USH 53; then proceeding northerly on USH 53 to its junction with STH 35; then proceeding northerly on STH 35 to its junction with Business 35/CTH "HD" near Holmen; then proceeding northerly on Business 35/CTH "HD" to its junction with STH 35; then proceeding northerly on STH 35 to its junction with USH 10 in Pierce County; and then proceeding westerly on USH 10 to the Wisconsin-Minnesota border.
84.107(2) (2) If the department, after investigations and studies, finds that any proposed Great River Road development is advantageous to the state, it shall have full authority to perform, on behalf of the state, each and every duty required of the state, in order to secure and complete the proposed development project. For the purposes of such development projects, the Great River Road shall be a portion of the state trunk highway system.
84.107 History History: 1993 a. 357.
84.11 84.11 Local bridge construction and reconstruction.
84.11(1)(1) Definitions. In this section:
84.11(1)(a) (a) "Construction" includes reconstruction.
84.11(1)(b) (b) "Local bridge" means a bridge which is not on the state trunk highway system or on marked routes of the state trunk highway system designated as connecting highways.
84.11(1g) (1g)Administration. The department shall administer the local bridge construction program and shall have all powers necessary and convenient to implement this section.
84.11(1m) (1m)Eligibility and project extent. Local bridges are eligible for construction under this section. Projects under this section include all approaches and embankments, acquisition of lands necessary for right-of-way or other purposes, and all other necessary appurtenances.
84.11(1r) (1r)Rules. The department shall promulgate rules to implement this section. The rules shall include criteria for selecting and evaluating projects which are eligible for construction under this section.
84.11(2) (2)Initiation of proceedings. Proceedings for the construction of a bridge project under sub. (1m) may be initiated by a petition filed with the department. The petition shall state that the petitioner desires such construction, and the approximate location thereof, and that, in the opinion of petitioner, the construction is necessary and is a bridge project eligible for construction under this section. The petition may be filed by any county, city, village or town. The petition shall be duly adopted by the governing body of the county, city, village or town, and a certified copy of the adopted petition shall be filed with the department.
84.11(3) (3)Hearing. Within 60 days of the receipt of a petition under sub. (2), the department shall fix a time and place for a hearing and give notice of the hearing by publication of a class 2 notice, under ch. 985, in the vicinity of the proposed bridge project. Notice shall also be given by registered letter addressed to the clerks of the counties, cities, villages and towns in which any part of the bridge project will be located. The notice shall also be given to the secretary of natural resources either by registered mail or personally. The hearing may be held in any county, city, village or town in which any part of the bridge project will be located.
84.11(4) (4)Finding, determination, and order. After such hearing the department shall make such investigation as it considers necessary in order to make a decision in the matter. If the department finds that the construction is necessary it shall determine the location of the project and whether the project is eligible for construction under this section. The department shall also determine the character and kind of bridge most suitable for such location and estimate separately the cost of the bridge portion and the entire project. The department shall make its finding, determination, and order, in writing, and file a certified copy thereof with the clerk of each county, city, village, and town in which any portion of the bridge project will be located and also with the secretary of state and the secretary of administration. The determination of the location of the project made by the department and set forth in its finding, determination, and order shall be conclusive as to such location and shall constitute full authority for laying out new streets or highways or for any relocations of highways made necessary for the construction of the project and for acquirement of any lands necessary for such streets or highways, relocation or construction. The estimate of cost made by the department shall be conclusive insofar as cost may determine eligibility of construction under this section.
84.11(5m) (5m)Apportionment of cost. The state shall pay one-third of the cost of projects constructed under sub. (1m), the county or counties in which the bridge project is located shall pay one-third, and the one or more cities, villages and towns in which any part of the bridge project is located shall pay one-third, except that to the extent discretionary federal aid for highways allocated to Wisconsin is used to finance any portion of the cost of the project, the portion of the cost to be borne by the state and any county, city, village or town, respectively, shall be proportionately reduced. The portion to be paid by the counties shall be borne equally by the counties in which the bridge project is located, except that no bridge project shall be considered as located within a county unless an entrance to the bridge proper is wholly or partly within the limits of that county. If a bridge project wholly within one county is located in more than one city, village or town, their respective portions of the cost shall be in proportion to their respective assessed valuations as last equalized by the county board prior to the date of the department's finding, determination and order. If such cities, villages or towns are located in more than one county, the portion of the cost paid by all cities, villages and towns shall first be apportioned equally according to the number of counties, and then to the cities, villages and towns in each county in proportion to their respective assessed valuations as provided in this subsection.
84.11(5n) (5n)Design-build contracts.
84.11(5n)(a)(a) In this subsection, "design-build contract" means a contract for a project under which the engineering, design and construction services are provided by a single entity.
84.11(5n)(b) (b) Notwithstanding any other provision of this section and ss. 84.01 (13) and 84.06 (2), the department may enter into a design-build contract for the design and construction of a bridge for which funding is provided under s. 84.11 (5), 1993 stats., and for which no contract for construction is awarded before May 1, 1999. The department may enter into a contract under this paragraph only if all of the following conditions are met:
84.11(5n)(b)1. 1. The design-build contract is awarded through a competitive selection process that utilizes, at a minimum, contractor qualifications, quality, completion time and cost as award criteria. In order to be eligible to participate in the selection process, the contractor must be prequalified by the department as a design consultant and as a contractor.
84.11(5n)(b)2. 2. The design-build contract is approved by the secretary of the federal department of transportation under an experimental program described under section 1307 (d) of P.L. 105-178 pursuant to the authority granted under section 1307 (e) of P.L. 105-178.
84.11(5n)(b)3. 3. The design-build contract is approved by the governor.
84.11(5n)(c) (c) No later than 5 years after October 29, 1999, the department shall submit a report to the governor, and to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), describing the effectiveness of the design-build process contracting procedures under this subsection.
84.11(5r) (5r)Milwaukee 6th Street viaduct cost sharing. Notwithstanding sub. (5m), the costs for any project governed by an agreement that is in effect before June 30, 1993, for which funding is provided under s. 84.11 (5), 1993 stats., and for which no contract for construction is awarded before May 1, 1999, shall be paid as specified in an agreement entered into on or after April 20, 1999, by the city and county in which the bridge is wholly located and this state.
84.11(6) (6)Provision of portions of costs by local units. If the department makes a finding and determination favorable to the construction of any bridge project under this section, it shall issue an order to proceed with the project according to the priorities for projects established under sub. (1r). The governing body of each county, city, village and town required by the order to pay a portion of the cost of the project shall at its next regular or special meeting determine the method and initiate proceedings to provide such portion. Within 5 days after the adjournment of such meeting the governing body of any such city, village or town shall cause its clerk to certify the action of such governing body to the county clerk and the department. Within 5 days after the adjournment of such meeting of the county board the county clerk shall certify the action of the county board to the department. The governing body of any such county, city, village or town, in addition to the portion which it is by such order required to pay, and the governing body of any other county, city, village or town which will be especially benefited by the construction of such bridge may provide all or part of the portion which any county, city, village or town is by such order required to pay or which the state is required to pay.
84.11(6a) (6a)County board action. If any city, village or town which is required by the order of the department to pay a portion of the cost of a bridge project under sub. (1m) fails to comply with sub. (6) and provide the portion of the cost which it is required to pay, or if the city, village or town does not hold a regular or special meeting within 30 days after the date of the department's finding, determination and order, the county board of the county in which the city, village or town is located may take action to provide such portion, and to assess all or part thereof against the city, village or town as a special tax, in one or more installments as the county board determines. The county clerk shall certify the tax or each installment of the tax to the clerk of the city, village or town, who shall place it in the next tax roll; and it shall be levied, collected and paid into the county treasury as are other county taxes.
84.11(7m) (7m)Execution and control of work. Subject to the control and supervision over the navigable waters of the state conferred by law upon the department of natural resources, and the control exercised by the United States, the construction under this section of any bridge project shall be wholly under the supervision and control of the department. The secretary shall make and execute all contracts and have complete supervision over all matters pertaining to such construction and shall have the power to suspend or discontinue proceedings or construction relative to any bridge project at any time in the event any county, city, village or town fails to pay the amount required of it as to any project under sub. (1m), or in the event the secretary determines that sufficient funds to pay the state's part of the cost of the bridge project are not available. All moneys provided by counties, cities, villages and towns shall be deposited in the state treasury, when required by the secretary, and paid out on order of the secretary. Any of such moneys deposited for a project eligible for construction under sub. (1m) which remain in the state treasury after the completion of the project shall be repaid to the respective counties, cities, villages and towns in such amounts as to result in the distribution provided in sub. (5m).
84.11(8) (8)Maintenance and operation. The county, city, village or town in which a bridge project is located is responsible for the maintenance and operation of a bridge constructed under this section. Except as provided in a jurisdictional transfer agreement under s. 84.16, this subsection does not apply to a bridge constructed under this section before August 9, 1989.
84.11(9) (9)Exceptions. Nothing in this section prevents construction of a local bridge under other applicable programs.
84.11 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also chs. NR 320 and Trans 215, Wis. adm. code.
84.115 84.115 Bridge in Door County.
84.115(1) (1) Notwithstanding ss. 84.11 and 84.14, and subject to sub. (3) (b), the department shall construct a bridge in the city of Sturgeon Bay in Door County that connects upper Door County and lower Door County. Construction of the bridge shall commence not later than one year after July 27, 2005, and prior to reconstruction of the Michigan Street Bridge in the city of Sturgeon Bay in Door County.
84.115(2) (2)
84.115(2)(a)(a) In this subsection, "design-build procurement process" means a method of contracting for a project under which the engineering, design, and construction services are provided by a single private entity or consortium that is selected as part of a single bidding process for the project.
84.115(2)(b) (b) Notwithstanding ss. 84.01 (13), 84.06 (2), and 84.11 (5n), the department may utilize a design-build procurement process for the project specified in sub. (1) if all of the following conditions are met:
84.115(2)(b)1. 1. The contract is awarded through a competitive selection process that utilizes, at a minimum, contractor qualifications, quality, completion time, and cost as award criteria. To be eligible to participate in the selection process, a bidder must have prior experience in design and construction and must be prequalified by the department as a design consultant and as a contractor.
84.115(2)(b)2. 2. The contract is approved by the appropriate federal authority if, in the judgment of the secretary, such approval is necessary for purposes relating to state eligibility for federal aid.
84.115(3) (3)
84.115(3)(a)(a) Notwithstanding s. 84.11 (5m), the bridge project specified in sub. (1) shall be funded only from the appropriations under s. 20.395 (3) (cq), (cv), and (cx).
84.115(3)(b) (b) Door County shall contribute $1,500,000 to fund its share of the costs of the bridge project specified in sub. (1). The city of Sturgeon Bay shall acquire lands necessary for rights-of-way and other purposes, and construct or reconstruct as necessary all highway approaches, associated with construction of the bridge specified in sub. (1), but shall not otherwise be required to contribute to the costs of the bridge project specified in sub. (1).
84.115 History History: 2005 a. 25.
84.12 84.12 Interstate bridges.
84.12(1)(1) Eligibility. All bridge projects which include bridges located over any state boundary waters shall be eligible to construction and reconstruction under this section, but such eligibility shall not require that any such project be constructed under this section exclusively or bar any eligible project from construction under any other provision of law that may be applicable. Projects shall include all approaches and embankments, all lands necessary for right-of-way or other purposes, and all other necessary appurtenances. Such bridge projects shall be classified as follows:
84.12(1)(a) (a) Any bridge project not included in par. (b).
84.12(1)(b) (b) Any bridge project so located as to form an interstate connection between the state trunk highway system of this state and the corresponding system of the adjoining state, and where such bridge and approach in the adjoining state is under the jurisdiction of the state highway department of the said state.
84.12(2) (2)Initiation of proceedings.
84.12(2)(a)(a) By county, city, village or town. Proceedings under this section may be initiated by a petition filed with the department by any county, city, village or town in which a portion of the bridge project will be located. The petition shall state that the petitioner desires such construction and the approximate location thereof; and shall further state that, in the opinion of petitioner, such construction is necessary and is a bridge project eligible under this section. The petition shall be duly adopted by the governing body of the county, city, village or town and a certified copy of the petition, as adopted, shall be filed with the department.
84.12(2)(b) (b) By the department. Proceedings under this section may also be initiated by the department on its own motion stating the approximate location of the construction and that it appears to be necessary and to be a bridge project eligible under this section.
84.12(3) (3)Hearing, investigation and negotiations. Within 60 days of the receipt of such a petition or on its own motion, the department shall fix a time and place for a hearing. The department shall give notice and hold the hearing in the manner provided by s. 84.11 (3). The department shall also give notice by registered letter addressed to the transportation department of the adjoining state and to the governing body of the county, and of the city, village or town of the adjoining state in which any portion of the bridge project will be located. The department may make such investigation as it deems necessary and conduct such negotiations with the transportation department and other authorities in the adjoining state as it deems advisable.
84.12(4) (4)Finding, determination, and order. If the department finds that the construction is necessary, and that provision has been made or will be made by the adjoining state or its subdivisions to bear its or their portions of the cost of the project, the department, in cooperation with the state highway department of the adjoining state, shall determine the location thereof, the character and kind of bridge and other construction most suitable at such location, estimate the cost of the project, and determine the respective portions of the estimated cost to be paid by each state and its subdivisions. In the case of projects eligible to construction under sub. (1) (a) the department shall further determine the respective portions of the cost to be paid by this state and by its subdivisions which are required to pay portions of the cost. The department, after such hearing, investigation, and negotiations, shall make its finding, determination, and order in writing and file a certified copy thereof with the clerk of each county, city, village, or town in this state in which any part of the bridge project will be located, with the secretary of state, and the secretary of administration and with the state highway department of the adjoining state. The determination of the location set forth in the finding, determination, and order of the department shall be conclusive as to such location and shall constitute full authority for laying out new streets or highways or for any relocations of the highways made necessary for the construction of the project and for acquiring lands necessary for such streets or highways, relocation or construction.
84.12(5) (5)Apportionment of cost. The portion of the cost of such project to be paid by this state and its subdivisions shall be borne as follows:
84.12(5)(a) (a) The cost of projects eligible to construction under sub. (1) (a) to be borne by this state and its subdivisions shall be borne by the state and the counties, cities, villages and towns in which any part of the project in this state will be located in the manner and proportion provided by s. 84.11 (5) (a) and (am), 1987 stats.
84.12(5)(b) (b) The cost of projects eligible to construction under sub. (1) (b), to be borne by this state and its subdivisions shall be borne by the state; provided that such cost may be shared in the manner and proportion provided in s. 84.11 (5) (b), 1987 stats., by the one or more counties, cities, villages and towns in which any part of the bridge project in this state will be located and by the application and matching of federal aid in the manner and proportion provided in s. 84.11 (5) (b), 1987 stats.
84.12(6) (6)Provision of costs by local units. When the department has made and filed its finding, determination and order favorable to the construction of any bridge project under this section, the governing body of each county, city, village and town of this state required by the order to pay a portion of the cost, in the case of bridge projects eligible to construction under sub. (1) (a), shall take action at its next regular or special meeting to arrange to provide such portion. Within 5 days after the adjournment of such meeting the clerk of the governing body of the city, village or town shall certify the action of the governing body to the county clerk and the department. Within 5 days after the adjournment of such meeting of the county board the clerk shall certify the action of the county board to the department. In the case of projects eligible to construction under sub. (1) (b), when the department shall have made and filed its finding, determination and order favorable to such construction, the governing body of each county, city, village and town in which any part of the bridge project in this state will be located shall take action at its next meeting to determine what amount, if any, shall be offered and paid toward such construction and to arrange to provide any amount so determined upon. Such action shall be certified to the department within 5 days after any such meeting.
84.12(7) (7)Execution and control of work. Subject to the control and supervision over the navigable waters of the state conferred upon the department of natural resources, and the control exercised by the United States, the construction under this section of any bridge project shall be under the joint supervision and control of the department and of the transportation department of the other state concerned. If the transportation department of the other state is not authorized to act jointly with this state in such bridge project arrangements may be made with such subdivisions of the other state as may have proper authority, represented by their proper officers. Control shall be exercised in the manner deemed most expedient by the secretary and such department or by the secretary and the officers of the subdivisions of the other state concerned in the construction. Contracts for the construction of said bridge projects may be made and executed by the secretary and the transportation department of the other state jointly, or jointly by the secretary and such subdivisions of the other state as may participate in the construction, or by appropriate agreement between the parties with respect to financing and control of the work, the authority of either state may contract for all or part of the construction. The secretary may suspend or discontinue proceedings or construction relative to any bridge project at any time in the event any county, city, village or town fails to pay the amount required of it as to any project eligible to construction under sub. (1) (a) or offered by it as to any project eligible to construction under sub. (1) (b), or in the event the secretary determines that sufficient funds to pay the state's part of the cost of the bridge project are not available. All moneys available from this state, or its subdivisions, shall be deposited in the state treasury when required by the secretary and shall be paid out only upon the order of the secretary. Moneys deposited by such subdivisions which remain in the state treasury after the completion of such project shall be repaid to the respective subdivisions in the proportion paid in.
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