118.19(6) (6) In granting certificates or licenses for the teaching of courses in economics, social studies or agriculture, adequate instruction in cooperative marketing and consumers' cooperatives shall be required. In granting certificates or licenses for the teaching of courses in science or social studies, adequate instruction in the conservation of natural resources shall be required.
118.19(7) (7)
118.19(7)(a)(a) No certificate or license to teach industrial arts subjects may be issued unless the applicant has had 3 years of practical experience beyond apprenticeship or 4 years of institutional training in such subjects. For purposes of salary schedules and promotion, any person teaching an industrial arts subject on January 1, 1936, who had 5 years of practical or teaching experience in such subject shall be deemed to have the equivalent of a bachelor's degree.
118.19(7)(b) (b) The state superintendent may issue a permit to teach industrial arts subjects if the applicant is certified by the technical college system board to teach an industrial arts or similar subject.
118.19(8) (8) The state superintendent may not grant to any person a license to teach unless the person has received instruction in the study of minority group relations, including instruction in the history, culture and tribal sovereignty of the federally recognized American Indian tribes and bands located in this state.
118.19(9) (9)
118.19(9)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), the state superintendent may not issue an initial teaching license, school district administrator's license or school administrator's license unless the applicant has demonstrated competency in all of the following:
118.19(9)(a)1. 1. Resolving conflicts between pupils and between pupils and school staff.
118.19(9)(a)2. 2. Assisting pupils in learning methods of resolving conflicts between pupils and between pupils and school staff, including training in the use of peer mediation to resolve conflicts between pupils.
118.19(9)(a)3. 3. Dealing with crises, including violent, disruptive, potentially violent or potentially disruptive situations, that may arise in school or at activities supervised by a school as a result of conflicts between pupils or between pupils and other persons.
118.19(9)(b) (b) The state superintendent may waive the requirements under par. (a) if the applicant demonstrates competency in the subjects under par. (a) 1. to 3. within 12 months after the date on which the license is issued.
118.19(10) (10)
118.19(10)(a)(a) In this subsection, “educational agency" has the meaning given in s. 115.31 (1) (b).
118.19(10)(b) (b) With the assistance of the department of justice, the state superintendent shall do all of the following:
118.19(10)(b)1. 1. Conduct a background investigation of each applicant for issuance or renewal of a license or permit.
118.19(10)(b)2. 2. Over a 5-year period, conduct a background investigation of each person who holds a license, issued by the state superintendent, that has no expiration date and who is employed by an educational agency.
118.19(10)(c) (c) If the person under par. (b) is a nonresident, or if the state superintendent determines that the person's employment, licensing or state court records provide a reasonable basis for further investigation, the state superintendent shall require the person to be fingerprinted on 2 fingerprint cards, each bearing a complete set of the person's fingerprints, or by other technologies approved by law enforcement agencies. The department of justice may provide for the submission of the fingerprint cards or fingerprints by other technologies to the federal bureau of investigation for the purposes of verifying the identity of the person fingerprinted and obtaining records of his or her criminal arrest and conviction.
118.19(10)(d) (d) Upon request, an educational agency shall provide the state superintendent with all of the following information about each person employed by the educational agency who holds a license, issued by the state superintendent, that has no expiration date:
118.19(10)(d)1. 1. The person's name.
118.19(10)(d)2. 2. The person's social security number or the license identification number given by the department when the person's original license was issued.
118.19(10)(d)3. 3. Other identifying information, including the person's birthdate, sex, race and any identifying physical characteristics.
118.19(10)(e) (e) The state superintendent may issue or renew a license or permit conditioned upon the receipt of a satisfactory background investigation.
118.19(10)(f) (f) The state superintendent shall keep confidential all information received under this subsection from the department of justice or the federal bureau of investigation. Except as provided in par. (g), such information is not subject to inspection or copying under s. 19.35.
118.19(10)(g) (g) At the request under s. 49.22 (2m) of the department of children and families or a county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5), the state superintendent shall release the name and address of the applicant or licensee, the name and address of the applicant's or licensee's employer and financial information, if any, related to the applicant or licensee obtained under this subsection to the department of children and families or the county child support agency.
118.19(11) (11) The department may promulgate rules establishing requirements for licensure as a school principal. A school principal license shall authorize the individual to serve as a school principal for any grade level.
118.19(12) (12) Beginning on July 1, 1998, the department may not issue or renew a license that authorizes the holder to teach reading or language arts to pupils in any prekindergarten class or in any of the grades from kindergarten to 6 unless the applicant has successfully completed instruction preparing the applicant to teach reading and language arts using appropriate instructional methods, including phonics. The phonics instruction need not be provided as a separate course. In this subsection, “phonics" means a method of teaching beginners to read and pronounce words by learning the phonetic value of letters, letter groups and syllables.
118.19(14) (14)
118.19(14)(a)(a) The department may not issue an initial teaching license that authorizes the holder to teach in grades kindergarten to 5 or in special education, an initial license as a reading teacher, or an initial license as a reading specialist, unless the applicant has passed an examination identical to the Foundations of Reading test administered in 2012 as part of the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure. The department shall set the passing cut score on the examination at a level no lower than the level recommended by the developer of the test, based on this state's standards.
118.19(14)(c) (c) Any teacher who passes the examination under par. (a) shall notify the department, which shall add a notation to the teacher's license indicating that he or she passed the examination.
118.19(16) (16) The department shall ensure that teaching experience gained while a person held an emergency permit issued by the department under s. PI 34.21 (2), Wis. Adm. Code, counts toward fulfillment of the teaching experience requirement for a license based on experience under s. PI 34.195 (2), Wis. Adm. Code, or for a license in a school administrator category under s. PI 34.32, Wis. Adm. Code.
118.19(17) (17) If the department requires an individual to earn credits from an institution of higher education to renew his or her license to teach, the department shall accept credits earned at any institution of higher education, as defined in 20 USC 1001 (a) and (b).
118.19 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. PI 34, Wis. adm. code.
118.191 118.191 Experience-based licensure for technical and vocational education subjects.
118.191(1) (1) In this section:
118.191(1)(a) (a) “Technical education subject" includes technology education and any technology related occupation.
118.191(1)(b) (b) “Vocational education subject" includes agriculture, child services, clothing services, food services, housing and equipment services, family and consumer education, family and consumer services, home economics-related occupations, health care-related occupations, trade specialist, business education, business and office, and marketing education.
118.191(2) (2)
118.191(2)(a)(a) Notwithstanding s. 118.19 (7) to (9), the department shall grant an initial teaching license to teach a technical education subject to an individual who is eligible for licensure under s. 118.19 (4) and (10), who scores at least 100 points on the point system under sub. (5), of which at least 25 points are from sub. (5) (a) 1. and at least 25 points are from sub. (5) (a) 2., and who agrees to complete during the term of the license a curriculum determined by the school board of the school district in which the individual will teach.
118.191(2)(b) (b) Notwithstanding s. 118.19 (7) to (9), the department shall grant an initial teaching license to teach a vocational education subject to an individual who is eligible for licensure under s. 118.19 (4) and (10), who scores at least 100 points on the point system under sub. (5m), of which at least 25 points are from sub. (5m) (a) 1. and at least 25 points are from sub. (5m) (a) 2., and who agrees to complete during the term of the license a curriculum determined by the school board of the school district in which the individual will teach.
118.191(2m) (2m) An initial teaching license issued under sub. (2) authorizes an individual to teach only in the school district controlled by the school board that determined the curriculum the individual agreed to complete in order to qualify for the initial teaching license.
118.191(3) (3) An initial teaching license issued under sub. (2) is valid for 3 years. An initial teaching license issued under sub. (2) is void if the license holder ceases to be employed as a teacher in the school district in which the license holder is authorized to teach under sub. (2m).
118.191(4) (4) Upon the expiration of the 3-year term of an initial teaching license issued under sub. (2), the department shall issue to the license holder a professional teaching license to teach the technical education subject or vocational education subject if the individual successfully completed the curriculum that the individual agreed to under sub. (2), as determined by the school board of the school district that established the curriculum. The department shall indicate on a professional teaching license issued under this subsection that the license was obtained under the experience-based licensure program under this section.
118.191(5) (5)
118.191(5)(a)(a) The department shall use the following point system to evaluate an applicant for an initial teaching license to teach a technical education subject under sub. (2) (a):
118.191(5)(a)1. 1. The following for experience in a technical field:
118.191(5)(a)1.a. a. For a bachelor's degree in any science, technology, engineering, or mathematics field and any teaching license or permit, 100 points.
118.191(5)(a)1.b. b. For a bachelor's degree in any science, technology, engineering, or mathematics field, 75 points.
118.191(5)(a)1.c. c. For a bachelor's degree in a field other than those described in subd. 1. a. or 2. a., 65 points.
118.191(5)(a)1.d. d. For industry certification, 90 points.
118.191(5)(a)1.e. e. For industry experience in a trade or technical field, 5 points per 40 hours worked up to a maximum of 90 points.
118.191(5)(a)1.f. f. For an internship in a trade or technical field, 25 points.
118.191(5)(a)1.g. g. For being mentored in a trade or technical skill by a colleague or a Wisconsin Technology Education Association approved mentor, 25 points.
118.191(5)(a)1.h. h. For an apprenticeship in a trade or technical field, 5 points per 40 hours worked up to a maximum of 90 points.
118.191(5)(a)2. 2. The following for pedagogical experience:
118.191(5)(a)2.a. a. For a bachelor's degree in technical or technology education, 100 points.
118.191(5)(a)2.b. b. For a bachelor's degree in a field other than those described in subd. 1. a. or 2. a. and any teaching license or permit, 75 points.
118.191(5)(a)2.c. c. For credit earned at an accredited institution of higher education or technical college, 3 points per credit up to a maximum of 75 points for technical or technology education courses and science, technology, engineering, or mathematics courses and 3 points per credit up to a maximum of 75 points for education and pedagogical courses.
118.191(5)(a)2.d. d. For completing at least 100 hours of training in pedagogy, 5 points per 50 hours up to a maximum of 75 points.
118.191(5)(b) (b) The department shall verify the information in par. (a) using only the following:
118.191(5)(b)1. 1. For par. (a) 1. a. to c. and 2. a. to c., the applicant's transcript for the applicable degree or credits.
118.191(5)(b)2. 2. For par. (a) 1. d., the applicant's industry certificate.
118.191(5)(b)3. 3. For par. (a) 1. e. to h., the signature of a supervisor, employer, or other reliable observer.
118.191(5)(b)4. 4. For par. (a) 2. d., verification by a course instructor, a transcript, or a certificate.
118.191(5)(b)5. 5. If the applicant is unable to provide the verification required under subds. 1. to 4., any other proof of the applicant's experience approved by the department.
118.191(5m) (5m)
118.191(5m)(a)(a) The department shall use the following point system to evaluate an applicant for an initial teaching license to teach a vocational education subject under sub. (2) (b):
118.191(5m)(a)1. 1. The following for experience related to the vocational education subject that is the subject of the initial teaching license:
118.191(5m)(a)1.a. a. For a bachelor's degree in any science, technology, engineering, or mathematics field or in a field related to the vocational education subject and any teaching license or permit, 100 points.
118.191(5m)(a)1.b. b. For a bachelor's degree in any science, technology, engineering, or mathematics field or in a field related to the vocational education subject, 75 points.
118.191(5m)(a)1.c. c. For a bachelor's degree in a field other than those described in subd. 1. a., 65 points.
118.191(5m)(a)1.d. d. For industry certification in the vocation, 90 points.
118.191(5m)(a)1.e. e. For experience in the vocation, 5 points per 40 hours worked up to a maximum of 90 points.
118.191(5m)(a)1.f. f. For an internship in the vocation, 25 points.
118.191(5m)(a)1.g. g. For being mentored in the vocation by a colleague or a mentor approved by a recognized vocational association, 25 points.
118.191(5m)(a)1.h. h. For an apprenticeship in the vocation, 5 points per 40 hours worked up to a maximum of 90 points.
118.191(5m)(a)2. 2. The following for pedagogical experience:
118.191(5m)(a)2.a. a. For a bachelor's degree in any field and any teaching license or permit, 75 points.
118.191(5m)(a)2.b. b. For credit earned at an accredited institution of higher education or technical college, 3 points per credit up to a maximum of 75 points for courses in any science, technology, engineering, or mathematics field or in a field related to the vocational education subject and 3 points per credit up to a maximum of 75 points for education and pedagogical courses.
118.191(5m)(a)2.c. c. For completing at least 100 hours of training in pedagogy, 5 points per 50 hours up to a maximum of 75 points.
118.191(5m)(b) (b) The department shall verify the information in par. (a) using only the following:
118.191(5m)(b)1. 1. For par. (a) 1. a. to c. and 2. a. and b., the applicant's transcript for the applicable degree or credits.
118.191(5m)(b)2. 2. For par. (a) 1. d., the applicant's vocational certificate.
118.191(5m)(b)3. 3. For par. (a) 1. e. to h., the signature of a supervisor, employer, or other reliable observer.
118.191(5m)(b)4. 4. For par. (a) 2. c., verification by a course instructor, a transcript, or a certificate.
118.191(5m)(b)5. 5. If the applicant is unable to provide the verification required under subds. 1. to 4., any other proof of the applicant's experience approved by the department.
118.191(6) (6) The department shall approve or deny an application for a license under sub. (2) no later than 45 business days after receipt of the application. If the department denies the application, it shall provide, in writing, the reason for the denial. If the department does not act within 45 business days of receiving an application for a license under sub. (2), the application shall be considered approved and the applicant considered a licensed teacher until the department approves or denies the application.
118.191(7) (7) Nothing in this section prohibits the department from granting a teaching license to teach a technical education subject or a vocational education subject under s. 118.19.
118.191 History History: 2015 a. 55, 259.
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