134.15 134.15 Issuing and using what is not money; contracts void.
134.15(1)(1) Any person who shall knowingly issue, pay out or pass, and any body corporate, or any officer, stockholder, director or agent thereof who shall issue, pay out or pass, or receive in this state, as money or as an equivalent for money, any promissory note, draft, order, bill of exchange, certificate of deposit or other paper of any form whatever in the similitude of bank paper, circulating as money or banking currency, that is not at the time of such issuing, paying out, passing or receiving expressly authorized by some positive law of the United States or of some state of the United States or of any other country, and redeemable in lawful money of the United States, or current gold or silver coin at the place where it purports to have been issued, such person shall be punished by imprisonment in the county jail not more than 6 months or by fine not exceeding $100, and such body corporate shall forfeit all its rights, privileges and franchises and shall also forfeit to the state and pay for each offense the sum of $500.
134.15(2) (2) All contracts of any kind whatever the consideration of which, in whole or in part, shall consist of any such paper as is prohibited in sub. (1) and all payments made in such unauthorized paper shall be null and void.
134.16 134.16 Fraudulently receiving deposits. Any officer, director, stockholder, cashier, teller, manager, messenger, clerk or agent of any bank, banking, exchange, brokerage or deposit company, corporation or institution, or of any person, company or corporation engaged in whole or in part in banking, brokerage, exchange or deposit business in any way, or any person engaged in such business in whole or in part, who shall accept or receive, on deposit, or for safekeeping, or to loan, from any person any money, or any bills, notes or other paper circulating as money, or any notes, drafts, bills of exchange, bank checks or other commercial paper for safekeeping or for collection, when he or she knows or has good reason to know that such bank, company or corporation or that such person is unsafe or insolvent is guilty of a Class F felony.
134.16 History History: 1977 c. 418; 1997 a. 283; 2001 a. 109.
134.17 134.17 Corporate name, recording, amendment, discontinuance, unlawful use.
134.17(1) (1) Any person who engages in or advertises any mercantile or commission business under a name purporting or appearing to be a corporate name, with the intent to obtain credit, and which name does not disclose the real name of one or more of the persons engaged in the business, without first recording in the office of the register of deeds of the county in which his or her principal place of business is located, a verified statement disclosing and showing the name of all persons using the name, shall be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned in the county jail for not more than one year.
134.17(2) (2) Any use of corporate name may be amended by recording a verified statement clearly setting forth all changes and signed by all parties concerned with the register of deeds where the original declaration was filed or recorded.
134.17(3) (3) A discontinuance of use of corporate name signed by all interested parties and verified may be recorded with the register of deeds where the original declaration was filed or recorded.
134.17(4) (4) For each recording, the register of deeds shall receive the fee specified for recording under s. 59.43 (2) (ag).
134.17 History History: 1981 c. 245; 1993 a. 301; 1995 a. 201; 2003 a. 206.
134.18 134.18 Use of, evidence of obtaining credit. The adoption of and advertising of any business under any name in its form corporate and not disclosing the name of one or more persons connected with said business, shall be legal evidence that such name is or was adopted or used for the purpose of obtaining credit.
134.19 134.19 Fraud on exemption laws. Any person who shall, whether as principal, agent or attorney, with intent thereby to deprive any bona fide resident of this state of the resident's rights under the statutes thereof relating to the exemption of property or earnings from sale or garnishment, send or cause to be sent out of this state any claim for debt for the purpose of having the same collected by proceedings in attachment, garnishment or other mesne process, when the creditor and debtor and the person or corporation owing the debtor the money intended to be reached by any such proceedings are within the jurisdiction of the courts of this state; or who directly or indirectly assigns or transfers any claim for debt against such a resident for the purpose of having the same collected by such proceedings or any of them out of the wages or personal earnings of the debtor or of the debtor's minor children, whose earnings contribute to the support of the debtor's family, in courts without this state, when the creditor and debtor and person or corporation owing the money intended to be reached by such proceedings are each and all within the jurisdiction of the courts of this state, shall be fined not more than $50 nor less than $10 for each offense.
134.19 History History: 1993 a. 482.
134.20 134.20 Fraudulent issuance or use of warehouse receipts or bills of lading.
134.20(1) (1) Whoever, with intent to defraud, does any of the following is guilty of a Class H felony:
134.20(1)(a) (a) Issues a warehouse receipt or bill of lading covering goods which, at the time of issuance of the receipt or bill, have not been received or shipped in accordance with the purported terms and meaning of such receipt or bill.
134.20(1)(b) (b) Issues a warehouse receipt or bill of lading which the person knows contains a false statement.
134.20(1)(c) (c) Issues a duplicate or additional warehouse receipt or bill of lading, knowing that a former receipt or bill for the same goods or any part of them is outstanding and uncanceled.
134.20(1)(d) (d) Issues a warehouse receipt covering goods owned by the warehouse keeper, either solely or jointly or in common with others, without disclosing such ownership in the receipt.
134.20(1)(e) (e) Delivers goods out of the possession of such warehouse keeper or carrier to a person who he or she knows is not entitled thereto or with knowledge that the goods are covered by a negotiable warehouse receipt or bill of lading which is outstanding and uncanceled and without obtaining possession of such receipt or bill at or before the time of delivery and either canceling it or conspicuously noting thereon any partial deliveries made.
134.20(1)(f) (f) In any manner removes beyond the immediate control of a warehouse keeper or carrier any goods covered by a warehouse receipt or bill of lading issued by such warehouse keeper or carrier, contrary to the terms and meaning of such receipt or bill and without the consent of the holder thereof.
134.20(1)(g) (g) Negotiates or transfers for value a warehouse receipt or bill of lading covering goods which he or she knows are subject to a lien or security interest, other than the warehouse keeper's or carrier's lien, or to which he or she does not have title or which he or she knows have not been received or shipped in accordance with the purported terms and meaning of the warehouse receipt or bill of lading and fails to disclose those facts to the purchaser thereof.
134.20(2) (2) In this section:
134.20(2)(a) (a) “Bill of lading" means a document evidencing the receipt of goods for shipment issued by a person engaged in the business of transporting or forwarding goods, and includes an airbill. “Airbill" means a document serving for air transportation as a bill of lading does for marine or rail transportation, and includes an air consignment note or air waybill.
134.20(2)(b) (b) “Warehouse receipt" means a receipt issued by a person engaged in the business of storing goods for hire.
134.205 134.205 Warehouse keepers to keep register; liability for damages; penalty for fraud.
134.205(1) (1) Every warehouse keeper shall keep in the office in which the business of the warehouse is transacted a register in which shall be entered with reference to each receipt issued, the facts specified in s. 407.202 (2). When the warehouse keeper ceases to be responsible for the delivery of the property described in the receipt, the fact and date of the delivery of the property and such other facts as may terminate liability on such receipt shall be entered in such register in connection with the original entry.
134.205(2) (2) Such register shall be open to the inspection of the owner or holder of any such receipt, or of any person who presents the same at the office of the warehouse keeper.
134.205(3) (3) The warehouse keeper shall be responsible to any person relying on such entries in good faith for any loss or damage which the person sustains through any failure to make the entries required by this section.
134.205(4) (4) Whoever, with intent to defraud, issues a warehouse receipt without entering the same in a register as required by this section is guilty of a Class H felony.
134.205 History History: 1983 a. 500 s. 43; 1993 a. 482; 1997 a. 283; 2001 a. 109.
134.21 134.21 Penalty for unauthorized presentation of dramatic plays, etc. Any person who sells a copy or a substantial copy, or who causes to be publicly performed or represented for profit, any unpublished or undedicated dramatic play or musical composition, known as an opera, without the written consent of its owner or proprietor, or, who, knowing that such dramatic play or musical composition is unpublished or undedicated, and, without the written consent of its owner or proprietor, permits, aids, or takes part in such a performance or representation, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than $5 nor more than $100, or by imprisonment not exceeding 60 days.
134.23 134.23 Motion picture fair practices.
134.23(1) (1)Definitions. As used in this section:
134.23(1)(a) (a) “Blind bidding" means offering, bidding for, negotiating for or agreeing to any term for the licensing or exhibition of a motion picture in this state prior to a trade screening of the motion picture.
134.23(1)(b) (b) “Distributor" means a person who rents, sells, licenses or otherwise distributes to an exhibitor a motion picture for exhibition in this state.
134.23(1)(c) (c) “License agreement" means a contract, agreement, understanding or condition between a distributor and an exhibitor relating to the exhibition of a motion picture in this state.
134.23(1)(d) (d) “Trade screening" means the showing of a motion picture by a distributor in one of the 3 largest cities in this state.
134.23(2) (2)Blind bidding prohibited. A person may not engage in blind bidding.
134.23(3) (3)Trade screening.
134.23(3)(a)(a) Every trade screening shall be open to any exhibitor.
134.23(3)(b) (b) A distributor shall provide reasonable and uniform notice to all exhibitors of all trade screenings.
134.23(4) (4)Guarantees prohibited. A license agreement created or renewed after May 18, 1984, which provides for a fee or other payment to a distributor based in whole or in part on the attendance at a theater or the box office receipts of a theater may not contain or be conditioned upon a guarantee of a minimum payment by an exhibitor to the distributor.
134.23(5) (5)Injunctive relief and damages. A person aggrieved by a violation of this section may bring a civil action to enjoin further or continuing violations or to recover actual damages sustained as a result of a violation, together with costs of the action. In an action under this subsection, the court shall award reasonable attorney fees, notwithstanding s. 814.04 (1), to a party who obtains injunctive relief or an award of damages.
134.23 History History: 1983 a. 454.
134.245 134.245 Definitions. In ss. 134.25 to 134.32:
134.245(1) (1) “Marked" means stamped, branded, engraved or imprinted upon, attached to a tag, card or label which is stamped, branded, engraved or imprinted upon, or contained in a box, package, cover or wrapper which is stamped, branded, engraved or imprinted upon.
134.245(2) (2) “Person" means an individual, firm, corporation or association.
134.245(3) (3) “Sells" includes making for sale, selling, offering to sell or dispose of, or possessing with intent to sell or dispose of.
134.245 History History: 1997 a. 254.
134.25 134.25 Misbranding of gold articles.
134.25(1) (1)
134.25(1)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b) and subject to sub. (3), any person who sells any article of merchandise made in whole or in part of gold or any alloy of gold which that is marked in any way indicating, or designed or intended to indicate, that the gold or alloy of gold in the article is of a greater degree of fineness than the actual fineness or quality of the gold or alloy, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
134.25(1)(b) (b) Paragraph (a) is not violated if the actual fineness of the gold or alloy in the article meets any of the following conditions:
134.25(1)(b)1. 1. The actual fineness is not less, by more than three one-thousandths parts in the case of flatware and watch cases, than the fineness actually marked on the article.
134.25(1)(b)2. 2. The actual fineness is not less, by more than one-half karat, than the fineness actually marked on the article in the case of all articles not specified in subd. 1.
134.25(2) (2) In any test to determine the fineness of the gold or its alloy in any article, according to the standards set forth in this section, the part of the gold or gold alloy taken for the test shall not contain or have attached to it any solder or alloy of inferior fineness used for brazing or uniting the parts of the article.
134.25(3) (3) The actual fineness of the entire quantity of gold and gold alloys contained in any article mentioned in this section, except watch cases and flatware, including all solder or alloy of inferior metal used for brazing or uniting the parts of the article, shall not be less, by more than one karat, than the fineness marked on the article. In determining the quality of gold and gold alloys for purposes of this subsection, the gold, alloys and solder being tested shall be tested as one piece.
134.25 History History: 1997 a. 254.
134.26 134.26 Misbranding of sterling silver articles.
134.26(1)(1) Except as provided in sub. (2) and s. 134.29, any person who sells any article of merchandise made in whole or in part of silver or of any alloy of silver marked with the words “sterling silver" or “sterling" or any colorable imitation of “sterling silver" or “sterling", unless nine hundred twenty-five one-thousandths of the component parts of the metal appearing or purporting to be silver are pure silver is guilty of a misdemeanor.
134.26(2) (2) In the case of all articles that are subject to sub. (1), there shall be allowed a divergence in fineness of four one-thousandths parts from the standards under sub. (1).
134.26 History History: 1997 a. 254.
134.27 134.27 Misbranding of coin silver articles.
134.27(1) (1) Except as provided in sub. (2) and s. 134.29, any person who sells any article of merchandise made in whole or in part of silver or of any alloy of silver marked with the words “coin" or “coin silver", or any colorable imitation of “coin" or “coin silver", unless nine hundred one-thousandths of the component parts of the metal appearing or purporting to be silver are pure silver is guilty of a misdemeanor.
134.27(2) (2) In the case of all articles that are subject to sub. (1), there shall be allowed a divergence in fineness of four one-thousandths parts from the standards under sub. (1).
134.27 History History: 1997 a. 254.
134.28 134.28 Misbranding of base silver articles. Except as provided in s. 134.29, any person who sells any article of merchandise made in whole or in part of silver or of any alloy of silver marked in way, other than with the word “sterling" or the word “coin", indicating, or designed or intended to indicate, that the silver or alloy of silver in the article is of a greater degree of fineness than the actual fineness or quality of the silver or alloy, unless the actual fineness of the silver or alloy of silver of which the article is composed is not less by more than four one-thousandths parts than the actual fineness, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
134.28 History History: 1997 a. 254.
134.29 134.29 Testing of silver articles.
134.29(1) (1) In any test to determine the fineness of any silver article mentioned in ss. 134.26 to 134.28, according to the standards contained in ss. 134.26 to 134.28, the part of the article taken for the test shall not contain or have attached to it any solder or alloy of inferior metal used for brazing or uniting the parts of the article.
134.29(2) (2) Notwithstanding sub. (1) and ss. 134.26 to 134.28, the actual fineness of the entire quantity of metal purporting to be silver contained in any article mentioned in ss. 134.26 to 134.28, including all solder or alloy of inferior fineness used for brazing or uniting the parts of the article, shall not be less by more than ten one-thousandths parts than the fineness marked on the article, according to the standards contained in ss. 134.26 to 134.28. In determining the fineness of metal for purposes of this subsection, the silver, alloy or solder being tested shall be tested as one piece.
134.29 History History: 1997 a. 254.
134.30 134.30 Misbranding of gold plated articles. Any person, firm, corporation or association, who or which makes for sale, or sells or offers to sell or dispose of, or has in his, her or its possession with intent to sell or dispose of, any article of merchandise made in whole or in part of inferior metal having deposited or plated thereon or brazed or otherwise affixed thereto a plate, plating, covering or sheet of gold or of any alloy of gold, and which article is known in the market as “rolled gold plate," “gold plate," “gold filled" or “gold electroplate," or by any similar designation, and having stamped, branded, engraved or imprinted thereon, or upon any tag, card or label attached thereto, or upon any box, package, cover or wrapper in which said article is encased or enclosed, any word or mark usually employed to indicate the fineness of gold, unless said word be accompanied by other words plainly indicating that such article or some part thereof is made of rolled gold plate, or gold plate, or gold electroplate, or is gold filled, as the case may be, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
134.31 134.31 Misbranding of silver-plated articles. Any person who sells any article of merchandise made in whole or in part of inferior metal, having deposited or plated on the inferior metal or brazed or otherwise affixed to the inferior metal, a plate, plating, covering or sheet of silver or of any alloy of silver known in the market as “silver plate" or “silver electroplate", or any similar designation, which is marked with the word “sterling" or the word “coin", either alone or in conjunction with any other words or marks, is guilty of a misdemeanor.
134.31 History History: 1997 a. 254.
134.32 134.32 Penalty for violations of ss. 134.25 to 134.31. Every person who violates any of the provisions of ss. 134.25 to 134.31, and every officer, manager, director or managing agent of any such person directly participating in or consenting to a violation of ss. 134.25 to 134.31, shall be fined not less than $25 nor more than $500 or imprisoned for not more than 3 months or both.
134.32 History History: 1997 a. 254.
134.33 134.33 Platinum stamping.
134.33(1) (1)Definitions. In this section unless the context otherwise requires:
134.33(1)(a) (a) “Apply" and “applied" include any method or means of application or attachment to, or of use on, or in connection with, or in relation to, an article, whether such application, attachment or use is to, on, by, in or with the article itself, or anything attached to the article, or anything to which the article is attached, or anything in or on which the article is, or anything so used or placed as to lead to a reasonable belief that the mark on that thing is meant to be taken as a mark on the article itself.
134.33(1)(b) (b) “Article" means any article of merchandise and includes any portion of such article, whether a distinct part thereof, or not, including every part thereof whether or not separable and also including material for manufacture.
134.33(1)(c) (c) “Mark" means any mark, sign, device, imprint, stamp, brand applied to any article, or to any tag, card, paper, label, box, carton, container, holder, package cover or wrapping attached to, used in conjunction with or enclosing such article or any bill, bill of sale, invoice, statement, letter, circular, advertisement, notice, memorandum or other writing or printing.
134.33(1)(d) (d) “Platinum," “ iridium," “palladium," “ruthenium," “rhodium" or “osmium," include any alloy or alloys of any one or more of said metals.
134.33(1)(e) (e) “Quality mark" is any mark as herein defined indicating, describing, identifying or referring to or appearing or seeming or purporting to indicate, describe, identify or refer to the partial or total presence or existence of or the quality of or the percentage of or the purity of or the number of parts of platinum, iridium, palladium, ruthenium, rhodium or osmium in any article.
134.33(2) (2)Application of quality mark.
134.33(2)(a)(a) When an article is composed of mechanism, works or movements and of a case or cover containing the mechanism, works or movements, a quality mark applied to the article shall be deemed not to be, nor to be intended to be, applied to the mechanism, works, or movements.
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