(c) For land acquisition, the department shall designate for expenditure $900,000 for urban river grants under
s. 30.277 and for grants under
s. 23.096 for the purposes under
s. 30.277 (2) (a).
23.0915(2)(a)(a) Beginning with fiscal year 1990-91, if the department expends in a given fiscal year an amount from the moneys appropriated under
s. 20.866 (2) (tz) for a purpose under
sub. (1) (a) or
(c) to
(k) that is less than the amount designated for that purpose for that given fiscal year under
sub. (1) (a) or
(c) to
(k), the department may adjust the expenditure limit under the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship program for that purpose by raising the expenditure limit, as it may have been previously adjusted under this paragraph and
par. (b), for the next fiscal year by the amount that equals the difference between the amount designated for that purpose and the amount expended for that purpose in that given fiscal year.
(b) Beginning with fiscal year 1990-91, if the department expends in a given fiscal year an amount from the moneys appropriated under
s. 20.866 (2) (tz) for a purpose under
sub. (1) (a) or
(c) to
(k) that is more than the amount designated for that purpose for that given fiscal year under
sub. (1) (a) or
(c) to
(k), the department shall adjust the expenditure limit under the Warren Knowles-Gaylord Nelson stewardship program for that purpose by lowering the expenditure limit, as it may have been previously adjusted under this paragraph and
par. (a), for the next fiscal year by an amount equal to the remainder calculated by subtracting the amount designated for that purpose from the amount expended, as it may be affected under
par. (c) or
(d), for that purpose in that given fiscal year.
(c) The department may not expend in a fiscal year an amount from the moneys appropriated under
s. 20.866 (2) (tz) for a purpose under
sub. (1) (a) or
(c) to
(k) that exceeds the amount equal to the expenditure limit for that purpose as it may have been previously adjusted under
pars. (a) and
(b), except as provided in
par. (d).
(d) In a given fiscal year, in addition to expending the amount designated for a purpose under
sub. (1) (a) or
(c) to
(k), or the amount equal to the expenditure limit for that purpose, as adjusted under
pars. (a) and
(b), whichever amount is applicable, the department may also expend for that purpose up to 50 percent of the designated amount for that purpose for the given fiscal year for a project or activity if the natural resources board determines all of the following:
2. That the property involved in the project or activity covers a large area or the property is uniquely valuable in conserving the natural resources of the state.
3. That delaying or deferring all or part of the cost to a subsequent fiscal year is not reasonably possible.
1. “Commit for expenditure" means to encumber, set aside or otherwise commit or to expend without having previously encumbered or otherwise committed.
2. “Moneys available for expenditure" means moneys that have not been committed for expenditure.
(b) If the amount of moneys available for expenditure for a purpose under
sub. (1) (a) to
(n) on July 1, 2000, is greater than zero, the department may expend for that purpose any portion of or all of the moneys available for expenditure in one or more subsequent fiscal years, subject to
par. (d).
(c) If the amount of moneys available for expenditure for a purpose under
sub. (1) (a) to
(k) is not sufficient for a given project or activity and if the project or activity is uniquely valuable in conserving the natural resources of the state, the department may expend for that project or activity moneys that are designated for any of the purposes under
sub. (1) (a) to
(k) in one or more subsequent years, subject to
par. (d).
(2g) Funds for Monona terrace project. If all of the money set aside under
s. 23.195 for the Frank Lloyd Wright Monona terrace project is not expended before July 1, 1998, the department shall make the unexpended moneys available for expenditure for land acquisition and for urban river grants under
s. 30.277. The moneys expended for the Frank Lloyd Wright Monona terrace project are expended as an amount for land acquisition.
23.0915(2j)(a)(a) From the moneys appropriated under
s. 20.866 (2) (tz), the department shall expend $100,000 for the Flambeau Mine Trail and Rusk County visitor center.
(b) For purposes of
sub. (1) and
s. 23.17, moneys expended under this subsection shall be treated as moneys expended for trails.
23.0915(2m)(a)(a) From the moneys appropriated under
s. 20.866 (2) (tz), the department shall set aside $400,000 to be used only for the development of the Hank Aaron State Trail.
(d) For purposes of adjusting expenditure limits under
sub. (2) (a) to
(c), the amount set aside under
par. (a) shall be treated as moneys that were expended in fiscal year 1990-91 for wildlife habitat restoration under
s. 23.092.
(e) From the moneys appropriated under
s. 20.866 (2) (tz), the department shall set aside $290,000 for the Hank Aaron State Trail.
(em) For purposes of
sub. (1), moneys expended under
par. (e) shall be treated as moneys expended for wildlife habitat restoration under
s. 23.092.
(f) From the moneys appropriated under
s. 20.866 (2) (tz), the department shall set aside $670,000 for the Hank Aaron State Trail. For purposes of
sub. (1) moneys expended under this paragraph shall be treated as follows:
(g) None of the moneys set aside under this subsection may be expended for stadium parking or for any other purpose not directly related to the development of the Hank Aaron State Trail.
(2p) Upper Whiting Park. From the appropriation under
s. 20.866 (2) (tz), the department shall provide to the village of Whiting $38,000 in fiscal year 1999-2000 for the development of Upper Whiting Park. Notwithstanding
s. 23.09 (20) (b), the 50 percent matching requirement under
s. 23.09 (20) (b) does not apply to the state aid provided under this subsection. For purposes of
sub. (1), moneys provided under this subsection shall be treated as moneys for local park aids.
(2r) Acquisition of Grandfather Falls Recreation Area. 23.0915(2r)(a)(a) Subject to
par. (b), from the appropriation under
s. 20.866 (2) (tz), the department shall expend the moneys necessary to purchase approximately 1,485 acres of land in Lincoln County that is commonly known as the Grandfather Falls Recreation Area.
(b) The department may not expend more than $2,138,000 for the land specified under
par. (a).
(c) For purposes of
sub. (1), moneys expended under
par. (a) may be treated as moneys expended for any of the purposes specified under
sub. (1) (a) to
(k) or any combination of those purposes.
(3) Horicon Marsh interpretative center. 23.0915(3)(a)(a) From the moneys appropriated under
s. 20.866 (2) (tz), the department shall set aside during fiscal year 1991-92 $250,000 for a project to develop a vacant building to be used as an interpretative and administrative center for the Horicon Marsh area. Expenditures under this paragraph shall be made in a manner that, for every $3 received by the department from private grants, gifts or bequests for the project, $1 will be expended from the moneys under this paragraph.
(b) The department shall expedite the planning, design and development of the interpretative and administrative center.
(3m) Crex Meadows Wildlife Area education center. 23.0915(3m)(a)(a) From the moneys appropriated under
s. 20.866 (2) (tz), the department shall set aside during fiscal year 1997-98 $250,000 for a project to construct and equip a wildlife education center for Crex Meadows Wildlife Area. Expenditures under this paragraph shall be made in a manner that, for every $3 received by the department from private grants, gifts or bequests for the project, $1 will be expended from the moneys under this paragraph.
(b) The department shall expedite the planning, design and development of the education center.
(c) For purposes of
sub. (1), moneys set aside by the department under this subsection shall be treated as moneys for general property development.
(4) Review by joint committee on finance. Beginning on December 31, 1995, the department may not encumber or expend from the appropriation under
s. 20.866 (2) (tz) for a given project or activity more than $250,000 unless the department first notifies the joint committee on finance in writing of the proposed encumbrance or expenditure. If the cochairpersons of the committee do not notify the department within 14 working days after the date of the department's notification that the committee has scheduled a meeting to review the proposed encumbrance or expenditure, the department may make the proposed encumbrance or expenditure. If, within 14 working days after the date of the department's notification, the cochairpersons of the committee notify the department that the committee has scheduled a meeting to review the proposed encumbrance or expenditure, the department may make the proposed encumbrance or expenditure only upon approval of the committee.
Stewardship land access. 23.0916(1)(a)
(a) “Former managed forest land" means land that was withdrawn from the managed forest land program under
subch. VI of ch. 77 on or after October 27, 2007.
(b) “Nature-based outdoor activity" means hunting, fishing, trapping, hiking, cross-country skiing, and any other nature-based outdoor activity designated by rule by the department for purposes of this section.
(c) “Stewardship grant" means a grant that consists in whole or in part of funding from the stewardship program under
s. 23.0917.
(2) Requirement of access; nondepartment land. 23.0916(2)(a)(a)
Earlier acquisitions. Except as provided in
par. (b) and
sub. (4), any person receiving a stewardship grant on or after October 27, 2007, and before July 1, 2011, that will be used to acquire land in fee simple or to acquire an easement on former managed forest land shall permit public access to the land for nature-based outdoor activities.
Later acquisitions. Except as provided in
par. (b) or
(c) and
sub. (4), any person receiving a stewardship grant on or after July 1, 2011, that will be used to acquire land in fee simple or to acquire an easement on former managed forest land shall permit public access to the land for nature-based outdoor activities.
Authority to prohibit access; earlier acquisitions; trails. Except as provided in
par. (c), the person receiving a stewardship grant subject to
par. (a) or
(am) may prohibit public access for one or more nature-based outdoor activities only if the natural resources board determines that it is necessary to do so in order to do any of the following:
3. Accommodate usership patterns, as defined by rule by the department.
Authority to prohibit access; later acquisitions. For acquisitions of land or easements that are not for state trails or the ice age trail the person receiving a stewardship grant subject to
par. (am) may prohibit public access for one or more nature-based outdoor activities only if the natural resources board determines that it is necessary to do so in order to do any of the following:
(3) Requirement of access; department land. 23.0916(3)(a)(a)
All acquisitions. Except as provided in
par. (b) and
sub. (4) and
ss. 29.089,
29.301 (1) (b), and
29.621 (4), the department shall permit public access for nature-based outdoor activities by others on land that is acquired by the department in fee simple or is an easement acquired by the department on former managed forest land.
Authority to prohibit access; earlier acquisitions; trails. The department may prohibit public access on land or an easement subject to
par. (a) for one or more nature-based outdoor activities if the natural resources board determines that it is necessary to do so to protect public safety, protect a unique animal or plant community, or accommodate usership patterns, as defined by rule by the department. This paragraph applies to all acquisitions of land in fee simple and easements on former managed forest land that occur on former managed forest land before July 1, 2011, and to the acquisition of easements on former managed forest land for state trails and the ice age trail that occur on or after July 1, 2011.
Authority to prohibit access; later acquisitions. The department may prohibit public access on land or an easement subject to
par. (a) for one or more nature-based outdoor activities only if the natural resources board determines that it is necessary to do so to protect public safety or to protect a unique animal or plant community. This paragraph applies to acquisitions of land in fee simple and easements on former managed forest land for purposes other than for state trails and the ice age trail that occur on or after July 1, 2011.
23.0916(3m)(a)(a) Except as provided in
par. (b), a determination by the natural resources board under
sub. (2) (b) or
(c) or
(3) (b) or
(c) with regard to public access on land or an easement requires 4 or more members of the natural resources board to concur in that determination if the land or easement was acquired on or after April 17, 2012.
(b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a determination by the natural resources board with regard to public access on an easement, if the primary purpose of the easement is to provide public access to a navigable water on which public fishing is allowed.
(4) Fish and game refuges. The department or an owner of land that is in a fish or game refuge and that is subject to
sub. (2) (a) or
(am) or
(3) (a) may prohibit hunting, fishing, or trapping, or any combination thereof.
(5) Rules. The natural resources board, by rule, shall develop all of the following:
(a) Provisions relating to public access for nature-based outdoor activities for all lands other than those subject to
sub. (2) (a) or
(am) or
(3) (a) that are acquired in whole or in part with funding from the stewardship programs under
ss. 23.0915 and
(6) Reporting requirement. The department shall prepare a biennial report that identifies all land subject to this section that has been acquired during the preceding fiscal biennium and upon which public access for any nature-based outdoor activity is prohibited. For each acquisition, the report shall specify for which of these nature-based outdoor activities public access is prohibited and shall include the reason for the prohibition. The department shall submit the report to the joint committee on finance and to the appropriate standing committees of the legislature in the manner provided under
s. 13.172 (3). The department shall submit the report no later than November 15 for the preceding fiscal biennium and shall submit the first biennial report no later than November 15, 2009.
Stewardship programs information and public access notice. 23.09165(1)(d)
(d) “Stewardship land" means land that is acquired in whole or in part with funding from one or both stewardship programs.
23.09165(2)(ac)(ac) Within 48 months after October 27, 2007, the department shall establish and maintain an interactive mapping tool at the department's Web site that identifies all stewardship land that is open for public access. Public access to the mapping tool at the Web site shall be available without charge.
(bc) Within 24 months after December 21, 2011, the department shall make available to the public a written directory of all stewardship land that is open for public access. The directory shall be organized by county and town and shall clearly show the location of the stewardship land and named or numbered roads. The directory shall be updated at least every 2 years. In lieu of the department itself making available the written directory, the department may make available a written directory that is published by a private entity and that meets the requirements of this paragraph. The department may charge a fee for either directory, but the fee may not exceed the cost of preparing and publishing the directory.
23.09165(3)(a)(a) An owner of stewardship land acquired on or after October 27, 2007, shall, within 6 months after the disbursement of the stewardship program funds, provide notice of public access to the stewardship land by the placement of signs adequate to give notice. The owner of stewardship land acquired before October 27, 2007, shall provide notice of public access to the stewardship land by the placement of signs adequate to give notice within 48 months after October 27, 2007. The area of each sign shall be at least 108 square inches, and each sign shall be made of a durable substance. The signs shall be placed at major access points to the stewardship land.
(b) If the stewardship land that is acquired on or after October 27, 2007, is surrounded by department land, the department shall, within 6 months after the disbursement of stewardship program funds, provide notice of public access to the stewardship land by the placement of signs adequate to give notice at the major access points to the department land. If the stewardship land that is acquired before October 27, 2007, is surrounded by department land, the department shall provide notice of public access to the stewardship land by the placement of signs adequate to give notice at the major access points to the department land within 48 months after October 27, 2007. The area of each sign shall be at least 108 square inches, and each sign shall be made of a durable substance.
(c) The signs required under
pars. (a) and
(b) shall list either the primary activities that are restricted or prohibited on the stewardship land or the primary activities that are permitted on the stewardship land. The signs shall include either the name of the owner of the stewardship land or a person to contact regarding the stewardship land. Signs shall also be placed at the specified major access points that give notice that the stewardship land was acquired in whole or in part using stewardship program funds. The department may specify the amount of detail that is required on the signs to assure that the signs provide sufficient and useful information.
(d) If the stewardship land described under
par. (a) or
(b) has a cumulative acreage of 10 acres or more, the signs under
par. (a) or
(b) shall also include one of the following:
1. The postal address or telephone number of the owner of the stewardship land.