(3) Natural resources board. The natural resources board is the body through which all governmental agencies and nongovernmental agencies may coordinate their policies, plans and activities with regard to Wisconsin outdoor recreation resources. To this end it shall:
(a) Consider and recommend to the governor and legislature broad policies and standards to guide the comprehensive development of all outdoor recreation resources in Wisconsin, including, without limitation because of enumeration, outdoor recreation development in relation to state population patterns, low-cost sewage system studies, the several outdoor recreation activities, outdoor recreation development to aid the state recreation industry, and policies and standards to coordinate the respective outdoor recreation development programs of federal, state and local governmental agencies and the recreation programs operated by private enterprise.
(b) Coordinate the development of a comprehensive long-range plan for the acquisition and development of areas necessary for a statewide system of recreational facilities. The comprehensive plan shall be based upon the outdoor recreation plans of the several state agencies and local governmental agencies, and shall be coordinated and modified as the board deems necessary to comply with its policies and standards.
(c) Recommend to the legislature outdoor recreation program appropriations and allocations which, in conjunction with other financial sources supporting outdoor recreation resources, are necessary to carry out plans coordinated by the board.
(d) Consider progress reports from state agencies to determine that all state appropriations for outdoor recreation are being so expended that the policies and plans formulated by the board will be accomplished.
(f) Advise federal agencies concerned of the pattern in which all federal outdoor recreation resources financial assistance and loan programs to state and local governmental agencies and to nongovernmental associations and private individuals will most completely implement the policies and plans of the board.
(g) Negotiate agreements between agencies concerned when in the board's judgment there is an overlap of authority or responsibilities in the completion of a project.
(h) Accept on behalf of the state and allocate to the appropriate state agency any gifts and grants of money, property or services made for the purposes of outdoor recreation in Wisconsin. The proceeds of such gifts and grants may be expended for the purpose of the gift or grant.
23.30 Cross-reference
Cross-reference: See also ch.
NR 50 and s.
NR 1.51, Wis. adm. code.
23.30 Annotation
ORAP funds may be used for the planting of trees and shrubs along state highways and to mark scenic easements as part of the state's beautification and outdoor recreation programs. 62 Atty. Gen. 135.
23.30 Annotation
ORAP funds may be used to restore deteriorated milldams provided a public use is evident. 63 Atty. Gen. 245.
23.30 Annotation
The department has no authority to construct spectator sport facilities in state forests, nor has it authority to lease state forest lands for such purpose. 63 Atty. Gen. 519.
Leasing of department land for recreational purposes. 23.305(1)(1) In this section, “spectator sports" means events or contests in which the general public spectates but does not participate, including without limitation because of enumeration:
(2) Notwithstanding
ss. 23.30 and
28.04, the department may lease state park land or state forest land to towns, villages or counties for outdoor recreational purposes associated with spectator sports.
(3) The lease shall be for a term not to exceed 15 years. The lease shall contain covenants to protect the department from all liability and costs associated with use of the land and to guard against trespass and waste. The rents arising from the lease shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to the proper fund.
23.305 History
History: 1985 a. 29.
Recreation resources facilities. 23.31(1)(a)(a) To provide and develop recreation resources facilities within this state, the natural resources board, subject to the limits provided in
s. 20.866 (2) (tp),
(ts) and
(tt), may direct that state debt be contracted for providing recreation resources facilities or making additions to existing recreation resources facilities.
(b) With their biennial budget request to the department of administration, the natural resources board shall include its request and plan for recreational acquisition and development funding under
s. 23.30. This plan shall be approved by the governor and shall contain the policies regarding the priority types of land to be acquired and the nature and categories of the developments to be undertaken. Changes in priority types of land to be acquired and in categories of developments may not be made without approval of the governor. Any deviation which the governor approves shall be reviewed by the joint committee on finance.
23.31(2)(a)(a) The debt shall be contracted for in the manner and form the legislature prescribes.
(b) It is the intent of the legislature that state debt not to exceed $56,055,000 in the 12-year period from 1969 to 1981 may be incurred for the comprehensive provision of outdoor recreation facilities as provided under
s. 23.30 but any unappropriated or uncommitted portion of this debt shall be continued beyond 1981.
(c) It is the intent of the legislature that state debt not to exceed $60,000,000 in the 10-year period from July 1, 1981 to July 1, 1991, may be incurred to support outdoor recreation land acquisition activities.
Wetlands mapping. 23.32(1)(1) In this section “wetland" means an area where water is at, near, or above the land surface long enough to be capable of supporting aquatic or hydrophytic vegetation and which has soils indicative of wet conditions.
23.32(2)(a)(a) For the purpose of advancing the conservation of wetland resources the department shall prepare or cause to be prepared maps that, at a minimum, identify as accurately as is practicable the individual wetlands in the state which have an area of 5 acres or more.
(b) Mapping priorities, technical methods and standards to be used in delineating wetlands and a long-term schedule which will result in completion of the mapping effort at the earliest possible date shall be developed by the department in cooperation with those other state agencies having mapping, aerial photography and comprehensive planning responsibilities.
(c) Wetland maps shall be prepared utilizing the best methods practicable with the funds available for that purpose and shall be based upon data such as soil surveys, aerial photographs and existing wetland surveys and may be supplemented by on-site surveys and other studies.
(d) The department shall cooperate with the department of administration under
s. 16.967 in conducting wetland mapping activities or any related land information collection activities.
23.32(3)(a)(a) The department may sell, and may enter into contracts to sell, wetland maps. The fees for the maps shall be as follows:
3. For each copy of a digital wetland database covering one township, $15.
(b) The department, by rule, may increase any fee specified in
par. (a). Any increased fee must at least equal the amount necessary to cover the costs of preparing, producing and selling the wetland maps.
23.32 Cross-reference
Cross-reference: See also s.
NR 1.95, Wis. adm. code.
Wetland identification and confirmation. 23.321(1)(1)
Definition. In this section, “wetland" has the meaning given in
s. 23.32 (1).
(2) Types of services. Any person who owns or leases land may request that the department provide any of the following services for the fee specified in
sub. (3):
(b) A wetland identification that consists of a written evaluation, based upon an on-site inspection of the land by the department, of whether a parcel of land contains a wetland. The department shall provide a wetland identification only for a parcel of land, or a part of a parcel of land, that does not exceed 5 acres.
(c) A wetland confirmation that consists of a written statement, based upon an on-site inspection of the land by the department, of whether the department concurs with the boundaries of a wetland as delineated by a 3rd person. The delineation prepared by the 3rd person shall include the exact location and boundaries of the wetland. If the department concurs with the boundaries of a wetland delineated by a 3rd person, the department's statement under this paragraph shall also include the exact location and boundaries of the wetland. The department may not provide a wetland confirmation under this paragraph before the earlier of the following:
1. The date on which the department enters into a memorandum of agreement with the U.S. army corps of engineers as specified in
sub. (2m).
(2g) Services for mining operations. In addition to those persons authorized to request a wetland identification or confirmation under
sub. (2) (b) or
(c), a holder of an easement may request such an identification or confirmation if the identification or confirmation is associated with an application for a wetland individual permit or other approval for which a wetland impact evaluation is required and that is subject to
s. 295.60.
(2m) Memorandum of agreement. The department shall negotiate with the U.S. army corps of engineers to enter into a memorandum of agreement that provides that the U.S. army corps of engineers will concur with any wetland confirmation provided by the department under
sub. (2) (c).
(3) Fees; generally. The department shall charge the following fee for services provided under
sub. (2):
(b) For a wetland identification under
sub. (2) (b), $300 for each acre inspected by the department.
(c) For a wetland confirmation under
sub. (2) (c), $300 for each 20 acres inspected by the department.
(3m) Fees; expedited service. The department may charge a supplemental fee for a type of service under
sub. (2) that is in addition to the fee charged under
sub. (3) if all of the following apply:
(a) The applicant requests in writing that the service be provided within a time period that is shorter than the time limit specified under
sub. (4) for that type of service.
(b) The department verifies that it will be able to comply with the request.
23.321(4)(a)(a) Except as provided under
par. (b), the department shall do all of the following:
2. Provide a wetland identification not later than 60 days after a person files a request, in the manner and form required by the department, for a wetland identification.
3. Provide a wetland confirmation not later than 60 days after a person files a request, in the manner and form required by the department, for a wetland confirmation.
(b) If adverse weather conditions, or other conditions at the site, prevent the department from conducting an accurate on-site inspection under
sub. (2) (b) or
(c) in sufficient time to comply with the deadline under
par. (a), the department shall provide a wetland identification under
sub. (2) (b) or a wetland confirmation under
sub. (2) (c) as soon as possible after weather conditions, or other conditions at the site, allow the department to conduct an accurate on-site inspection. Within 30 days after determining that adverse weather conditions, or other conditions at the site, will prevent the department from complying with the deadline under
par. (a), the department shall give notice to the person requesting the wetland identification or wetland confirmation that adverse weather conditions, or other conditions at the site, will prevent the department from complying with the deadline and giving notice to the person that the department will provide the wetland identification or wetland confirmation as soon as possible after weather conditions, or other conditions at the site, allow the department to conduct an accurate on-site inspection.
(5) Length of validity. A wetland identification provided by the department under
sub. (2) (b) and a wetland confirmation provided by the department under
sub. (2) (c) remain effective for 5 years from the date provided by the department.
(6) Included on maps. If the department determines under this section that a parcel of land is likely to or does contain a wetland, or that it concurs with the boundaries of a wetland as delineated by a 3rd person, the department shall include this information on wetland maps prepared under
s. 23.32.
Fees for computer accessible water resource management information. The department may charge a fee for providing any information that it maintains in a format that may be accessed by computer concerning the waters of this state, including maps and other water resource management information.
23.322 History
History: 1999 a. 9;
2001 a. 104.
Wetlands informational brochure. The department shall furnish an informational brochure to cities, villages, towns, and counties for distribution to the public that describes the laws that apply to wetlands.
23.323 History
History: 2009 a. 373.
Aerial photographic survey. 23.325(1)
(1) The department shall make, on a periodic basis, an aerial photographic survey of the state to provide the basis for state planning and resource and forestry management. In performing this duty, the department:
(a) Shall consult with the department of administration, the department of transportation, and the state cartographer, and may consult with other potential users of the photographic products resulting from the survey, to determine the scope and character of the survey.
(b) May contract with other state agencies or nongovernmental entities to carry out the photographic imagery acquisition phases of the survey and to prepare specific photographic products for use by federal, state and local agencies and the general public.
23.325(2)(a)(a) After consultation with the department of transportation and the state cartographer, the department of natural resources shall select the photographic products to be sold.
(b) The department of administration shall establish sale prices for the photographic products. The department of administration shall establish sale prices annually at a level that at least equals the amount necessary to cover the costs of photographic imagery acquisition and the production of photographic products and the costs of selling and reproducing the productions.
(3) The department of natural resources may sell and may enter into contracts to sell the photographic products.
(4) All income received by the department of natural resources and the department of transportation from the sale of the photographic products, less the amount retained by the department of transportation under
s. 85.10, shall be deposited in the conservation fund.
All-terrain vehicles and utility terrain vehicles.