292.11(9)(e)1m.e. e. The local governmental unit acquired the property through escheat.
292.11(9)(e)1m.f. f. The local governmental unit acquired the property using funds appropriated under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) or (tz).
292.11(9)(e)1s. 1s. Except as provided in subds. 2. and 4. to 6., an economic development corporation described in section 501 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code, as defined in s. 71.22 (4), that is exempt from federal taxation under section 501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code, or an entity wholly owned and operated by such a corporation, is exempt from subs. (3), (4) and (7) (b) and (c) with respect to property acquired before, on or after October 14, 1997, if the property is acquired to further the economic development purposes that qualify the corporation as exempt from federal taxation.
292.11(9)(e)2. 2. Subdivisions 1m. and 1s. do not apply to a discharge of a hazardous substance caused by any of the following:
292.11(9)(e)2.a. a. An action taken by the local governmental unit or corporation.
292.11(9)(e)2.b. b. A failure of the local governmental unit or corporation to take appropriate action to restrict access to the property in order to minimize costs or damages that may result from unauthorized persons entering the property.
292.11(9)(e)2.c. c. A failure of the local governmental unit or corporation to sample and analyze unidentified substances in containers stored aboveground on the property.
292.11(9)(e)2.d. d. A failure of the local governmental unit or corporation to remove and properly dispose of, or to place in a different container and properly store, any hazardous substance stored aboveground on the property in a container that is leaking or is likely to leak.
292.11(9)(e)4. 4. Subdivisions 1m. and 1s. do not apply if, after considering the intended development and use of the property, the department determines that action is necessary to reduce to acceptable levels any substantial threat to public health or safety when the property is developed or put to that intended use, the department directs the local governmental unit or corporation to take that necessary action and the local governmental unit or corporation does not take that action as directed.
292.11(9)(e)5. 5. Subdivision 1s. does not apply if the corporation fails to do any of the following:
292.11(9)(e)5.a. a. Respond to a discharge of a hazardous substance that poses an imminent threat to public health, safety or welfare or to the environment, on or off of the property.
292.11(9)(e)5.b. b. Enter into an agreement with the department to conduct any necessary investigation and remediation activities at the property no later than 3 years after acquiring the property.
292.11(9)(e)6. 6. Subdivisions 1m. and 1s. only apply if the local governmental unit or the economic development corporation agrees to allow the department, any authorized representatives of the department, any party that possessed or controlled the hazardous substance or caused the discharge of the hazardous substance and any consultant or contractor of such a party to enter the property to take action to respond to the discharge.
292.11(9)(e)7. 7. Subdivision 1m. does not apply to property described in subd. 1m. f. unless the local governmental unit enters into an agreement with the department to ensure that the conditions in subds. 2. and 4. are satisfied.
292.11(9)(f) (f) Any person discharging high-volume industrial waste used in a highway improvement project under s. 84.078 is exempted from the penalty requirements of this section.
292.11(10) (10)Waiver. The department may waive compliance with any requirement of this section to the extent necessary to prevent an emergency condition threatening public health, safety or welfare.
292.11(11) (11)Enforcement exclusions.
292.11(11)(a)(a) Any person proceeded against for a violation of this section shall not be subject to penalties under s. 291.97 for the same act or omission.
292.11(11)(b) (b) Any person who discharges a hazardous substance, where the responsibilities for such a discharge are prescribed by statute other than ch. 291, shall be subject to the penalty under either this section or the other section but not both.
292.11(12) (12)Applicability.
292.11(12)(a)(a) Action by the department under this section is not subject to s. 292.31.
292.11(12)(b) (b) This section applies to all releases of hazardous substances for which a notification must be made under s. 323.60 (5) (b).
292.11(13) (13)Lien. Any expenditures made by the department under sub. (4), (6) or (8) shall constitute a lien upon the property for which the expenses are incurred, as provided in s. 292.81.
292.11 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also chs. NR 702, 706, 708, 714, 716, 718, 720, 722, 724, 726, and 747, Wis. adm. code.
292.11 Annotation The owner of property from which a hazardous substance seeped into neighboring properties was required to take remedial action. The seepage was a “discharge" even though it was not related to current human activity. State v. Mauthe, 123 Wis. 2d 288, 366 N.W.2d 871 (1985).
292.11 Annotation Sub. (11) (b) allows the imposition of both a monetary penalty and an administrative clean-up order against a violator of this section. When another regulatory statute is implicated, the penalty imposed may be the penalty under this section or the other section, but not both. State v. Block Iron & Supply Co. 183 Wis. 2d 357, 515 N.W.2d 332 (Ct. App. 1994).
292.11 Annotation Sub. (3) is not a safety statute. A violation is not negligence per se. Grube v. Daun, 210 Wis. 2d 681, 563 N.W.2d 523 (1997), 95-2353.
292.11 Annotation This section is applicable in actions by the state to compel remediation of, and to impose penalties for, hazardous waste spills, which although initially caused by actions preceding the 1978 effective date of this section, continue to discharge after that date. State v. Chrysler Outboard Corp. 219 Wis. 2d 130, 580 N.W.2d 203 (1998), 96-1158.
292.12 292.12 Sites with residual contamination.
292.12(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
292.12(1)(a) (a) “Agency with administrative authority" means the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection with respect to a site over which it has jurisdiction under s. 94.73 (2) or the department of natural resources with respect to a site over which it has jurisdiction under ch. 289, 291, or 292.
292.12(1)(b) (b) “Case closure" means a determination by the agency with administrative authority, based on information available at the time of the review by the agency with administrative authority, that no further remedial action is necessary at a site.
292.12(1)(d) (d) “Remedial action" means action that is taken in response to a discharge of a hazardous substance and that is necessary to restore the environment to the extent practicable and to minimize the harmful effects of the discharge to the air, lands, and waters of this state.
292.12(1)(e) (e) “Site" means a waste site or any area where a hazardous substance has been discharged.
292.12(2) (2)Agency authority. The agency with administrative authority may do any of the following as a condition of approving an interim action, as defined by the agency with administrative authority by rule, or a remedial action or of issuing a case closure letter if residual contamination remains on a site after the conclusion of an interim action or a remedial action at the site:
292.12(2)(a) (a) Require maintenance of an engineering control on the site.
292.12(2)(b) (b) Require an investigation of the extent of residual contamination and the performance of any necessary remedial action if a building or other structural impediment is removed that had prevented a complete investigation or remedial action at the site.
292.12(2)(c) (c) Impose limitations or other conditions related to property, in accordance with rules promulgated by the department, to ensure that conditions at the site remain protective of public health, safety, and welfare and the environment, and, as applicable, to promote economic development.
292.12(2)(d) (d) If the site is one for which a person is required to take action under sub. (5m) (a), require submission to the agency with administrative authority of any of the following:
292.12(2)(d)1. 1. A satisfactory plan and compliance schedule for satisfying any requirements imposed under par. (a) or (b).
292.12(2)(d)2. 2. Proof of financial responsibility, as determined by the agency with administrative authority by rule, sufficient to pay the costs of complying with a plan approved under subd. 1.
292.12(3) (3)Database.
292.12(3)(a)(a) The department shall maintain a database listing sites for which an interim action that includes the use of an engineering control or a remedial action has been approved or a case closure letter has been issued and that have residual contamination and listing sites for which the department has directed that action be taken under s. 292.11 (9) (e) 4. The department shall make the database available to the public. The department shall include any requirements, limitations, or conditions imposed under sub. (2) (a) to (c), and any information required under sub. (2) (d), in the database, subject to modification under sub. (6), and shall include any action that the department has directed to be taken under s. 292.11 (9) (e) 4.
292.12(3)(b)1.1. If residual contamination remains on a site after the conclusion of an interim action that includes the use of an engineering control or a remedial action at the site, the agency with administrative authority shall request the department to list the site, and any requirements, limitations, or conditions imposed under sub. (2) (a) to (c), and any information required under sub. (2) (d), in the database maintained by the department under par. (a) and, as a condition of approving remedial action or of issuing a case closure letter, shall require the person requesting approval of remedial action or case closure to provide the information necessary for the listing and to pay a fee established by the department for the listing.
292.12(3)(b)2. 2. If the department has directed that a local governmental unit or economic development corporation take action under s. 292.11 (9) (e) 4. for a site, the department shall list the site, and the action that the department has directed, in the database maintained by the department under par. (a) and require the local governmental unit or the corporation to pay a fee established by the department for the listing.
292.12(4) (4)Notification of residual contamination. Before a person applies for case closure for a site that includes any property that has residual contamination and is not owned by the person, the person shall provide written notification of the residual contamination to the owner of that property. The person shall include in the notice, at a minimum, a description of the type of residual contamination and the location and description of any engineering control or sediment cover on the site.
292.12(5) (5)Compliance with requirements and limitations and prohibition on interference.
292.12(5)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (c) and sub. (5m) (a) and (b), a person who owns property, including a property or site that is listed under sub. (3) (b), shall comply with the requirements described in sub. (2) (a) and (b) that are imposed by an agency with administrative authority without regard to when the person obtained the property.
292.12(5)(b) (b) Except as provided in par. (c) and sub. (5m) (a) and (b), a person who owns or occupies property, including a property or site that is listed under sub. (3) (b), shall comply with the limitations or conditions described in sub. (2) (c) that are imposed by an agency with administrative authority without regard to when the person obtained or occupied the property.
292.12(5)(c) (c) If another person has entered into and is complying with a legally enforceable agreement to comply with any of the requirements, limitations, or conditions described in sub. (2) (a) to (c) that are applicable to the property and the agreement is included in the database maintained under sub. (3), the person who owns or occupies the property is not required to comply with the requirements, limitations, or conditions included in that agreement.
292.12(5)(d) (d) A person who owns or occupies property, including a property or site that is listed under sub. (3) (b), may not interfere with another person's actions on the property that are required under sub. (2) (a) to (c).
292.12(5m) (5m)Compliance with requirements and limitations related to contaminated sediment and prohibition on interference.
292.12(5m)(a)(a) Notwithstanding the requirements under sub. (5) (a) and (b), and except as provided in par. (b), a person who is required to take action under s. 292.11 (3), (4), or (7) (b) with respect to contaminated sediment and who takes action that includes the use of an engineering control shall do all of the following:
292.12(5m)(a)1. 1. Except as provided in par. (am), comply with the requirements, limitations, and conditions described in sub. (2) (a) to (d) that are imposed by an agency with administrative authority without regard to whether the person owns or occupies the property on which the engineering control is used.
292.12(5m)(a)2. 2. If the person does not own or occupy the property on which the engineering control is used, obtain access to the property that allows for the inspection, maintenance, and reinstallation of the engineering control or the removal of the engineering control and contaminated sediment.
292.12(5m)(am) (am) If another person has entered into and is complying with a legally enforceable agreement to comply with any of the requirements, limitations, or conditions described in par. (a) 1. and the agreement is included in the database maintained under sub. (3), the person who is required to take action under par. (a) is not required to comply with the requirements, limitations, or conditions included in that agreement.
292.12(5m)(ar) (ar) A person who owns or occupies property on which an engineering control is used may not interfere with another person's actions on the property that are required under par. (a).
292.12(5m)(b) (b) A person who owns property from which a hazardous substance was discharged is not required to comply with sub. (2) (a) to (d) with respect to any other property containing contaminated sediment as a result of that discharge if all of the following apply:
292.12(5m)(b)1. 1. The agency with administrative authority determines that the environment, including sediment, has been satisfactorily restored to the extent practicable with respect to the discharge and the harmful effects from the discharge have been minimized.
292.12(5m)(b)2. 2. The person is a bona fide prospective purchaser under 42 USC 9601 (40).
292.12(5m)(b)3. 3. Another person has entered into and is complying with a legally enforceable agreement to comply with any of the requirements, limitations, or conditions described under sub. (2) (a) to (d) with respect to any other property containing contaminated sediment as a result of that discharge.
292.12(5m)(b)4. 4. The agreement under subd. 3. is included in the database maintained under sub. (3).
292.12(5m)(b)5. 5. The person submits information that the agency with administrative authority determines is adequate to substantiate that subds. 1. to 4. are satisfied.
292.12(5m)(c) (c) The agency with administrative authority may negotiate and enter into an agreement containing a schedule for conducting actions required under sub. (2) with any person required to take action under sub. (2) with respect to contaminated sediment.
292.12(6) (6)Modification of requirements. A person may request the agency with administrative authority over a site to change or eliminate a requirement, limitation, or condition that it imposed under sub. (2) (a) to (d) with respect to a site. If the agency with administrative authority agrees to change or eliminate a requirement, limitation, or condition imposed under sub. (2) (a) to (d), it shall provide written approval to the person, shall request the department to change the listing under sub. (3) (b) for the site accordingly, and shall require the person to pay a fee established by the department for changing the listing.
292.12 History History: 2005 a. 418; 2011 a. 32; 2013 a. 20; 2015 a. 204.
292.13 292.13 Property affected by off-site discharge.
292.13(1)(1)Exemption from liability for groundwater contamination. A person is exempt from s. 292.11 (3), (4) and (7) (b) and (c) with respect to the existence of a hazardous substance in the groundwater on property possessed or controlled by the person if all of the following apply:
292.13(1)(a) (a) The discharge of the hazardous substance originated from a source on property that is not possessed or controlled by the person.
292.13(1)(b) (b) The person did not possess or control the hazardous substance on the property on which the discharge originated or cause the original discharge.
292.13(1)(c) (c) The person conducts an investigation or submits other information, that the department determines is adequate, to substantiate that pars. (a) and (b) are satisfied.
292.13(1)(d) (d) The person agrees to allow the department, any authorized representatives of the department, any party that possessed or controlled the hazardous substance or caused the discharge of the hazardous substance and any consultant or contractor of such a party to enter the property to take action to respond to the discharge.
292.13(1)(f) (f) The person agrees to avoid any interference with action undertaken to respond to the discharge and to avoid actions that worsen the discharge.
292.13(1)(g) (g) The person agrees to any other condition that the department determines is reasonable and necessary to ensure that the department or other person described in par. (d) can adequately respond to the discharge.
292.13(1m) (1m)Exemption from liability for soil contamination. A person is exempt from s. 292.11 (3), (4) and (7) (b) and (c) with respect to the existence of a hazardous substance in the soil, including sediments, on property possessed or controlled by the person if all of the following apply:
292.13(1m)(a) (a) The discharge of the hazardous substance originated from a source on property that is not possessed or controlled by the person.
292.13(1m)(b) (b) The person did not possess or control the hazardous substance on the property on which the discharge originated or cause the original discharge.
292.13(1m)(c) (c) The person conducts an investigation or submits other information, that the department determines is adequate, to substantiate that pars. (a) and (b) are satisfied.
292.13(1m)(d) (d) The person agrees to allow the department, any authorized representatives of the department, any party that possessed or controlled the hazardous substance or caused the discharge of the hazardous substance and any consultant or contractor of such a party to enter the property to take action to respond to the discharge.
292.13(1m)(e) (e) The person agrees to take one or more of the following actions at the direction of the department if, after the department has made a reasonable attempt to notify the party who caused the discharge of the hazardous substance about the party's responsibilities under s. 292.11, the department determines that the action or actions are necessary to prevent an imminent threat to human health, safety or welfare or to the environment:
292.13(1m)(e)1. 1. Limit public access to the property.
292.13(1m)(e)2. 2. Identify, monitor and mitigate fire, explosion and vapor hazards on the property.
292.13(1m)(e)3. 3. Visually inspect the property and install appropriate containment barriers.
292.13(1m)(f) (f) The person agrees to avoid any interference with action undertaken to respond to the discharge and to avoid actions that worsen the discharge.
292.13(1m)(g) (g) The person agrees to any other condition that the department determines is reasonable and necessary to ensure that the department or other person described in par. (d) can adequately respond to the discharge.
292.13(2) (2)Determinations concerning liability. The department shall, upon request, issue a written determination that a person who possesses or controls property on which a hazardous substance exists in the soil or groundwater is exempt from s. 292.11 (3), (4) and (7) (b) and (c) if the person satisfies the applicable requirements in subs. (1) and (1m). The department may revoke its determination if it determines that any of the requirements in sub. (1) or (1m) cease to be met.
292.13(3) (3)Fees. The department may, in accordance with rules that it promulgates, assess and collect fees to offset the costs of issuing determinations under sub. (2).
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2015. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?