322.0767(1)(f) (f) If the person is discharged from the military forces while subject to a commitment order under par. (a), the court-martial shall suspend or terminate the commitment order and may order that the person be delivered to a facility under s. 51.15 (2), an approved public treatment facility under s. 51.45 (2), or an appropriate medical or protective placement facility.
322.0767(2) (2) The following applies to persons who are found not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect:
322.0767(2)(a) (a) If a court-martial finds a person not guilty by reason of mental disease or defect, the court-martial shall commit the person to the custody of the department of health services for a period not to exceed that described under s. 971.17 (1).
322.0767(2)(b) (b) Using the standard under s. 971.17 (3) (a), the court-martial shall determine whether the commitment order under par. (a) shall specify institutional care or conditional release.
322.0767(2)(c) (c) The court-martial has the same authority as a circuit court has under s. 971.17 (2) to order the department of health services to conduct a predisposition investigation using the procedure in s. 972.15 or a mental examination as provided under s. 971.17 (2) (b), (c), and (e) to assist the court-martial in determining whether to place the person in institutional care or to conditionally release the person.
322.0767(2)(d) (d) If the court-martial specifies institutional care, the department of health services shall place the person in an institution as provided under s. 971.17 (3) (c). If the court-martial specifies conditional release, the department of health services, in conjunction with the person's county of residence, shall develop a plan for conditional release as provided under s. 971.17 (3) (d).
322.0767(2)(e) (e) After the court-martial enters an order under this subsection and transfers custody of a person to the department of health services, the person shall be subject to s. 971.17 and the circuit court for the county in which the person is institutionalized or where the person is placed on conditional release shall have jurisdiction in proceedings under s. 971.17.
322.0767 History History: 2007 a. 20 s. 9121 (6) (a); 2007 a. 200; 2009 a. 180, 276.
subch. X of ch. 322 SUBCHAPTER X
322.077 322.077 Article 77 — Principals. Any person who either commits an offense punishable by this code, or aids, abets, counsels, commands, or procures its commission, or causes an act to be done which if directly performed by him or her would be punishable is a principal.
322.077 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.078 322.078 Article 78 — Accessory after the fact. Any person who, knowing that an offense punishable by this code has been committed, receives, comforts, or assists the offender in order to hinder or prevent his or her apprehension, trial, or punishment shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
322.078 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.079 322.079 Article 79 — Conviction of lesser included offense. An accused may be found guilty of an offense necessarily included in the offense charged or of an attempt to commit either the offense charged or an offense necessarily included.
322.079 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.080 322.080 Article 80 — Attempts.
322.080(1) (1) An act, done with specific intent to commit an offense under this code, amounting to more than mere preparation and tending, even though failing, to effect its commission, is an attempt to commit that offense.
322.080(2) (2) Any person who attempts to commit any offense punishable by this code shall be punished as a court-martial may direct, unless otherwise specifically prescribed.
322.080(3) (3) Any person may be convicted of an attempt to commit an offense although it appears on the trial that the offense was consummated.
322.080 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.081 322.081 Article 81 — Conspiracy. Any person who conspires with any other person to commit an offense under this code shall, if one or more of the conspirators does an act to effect the object of the conspiracy, be punished as a court-martial may direct.
322.081 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.082 322.082 Article 82 — Solicitation.
322.082(1) (1) Any person who solicits or advises another or others to desert in violation of s. 322.085 or mutiny in violation of s. 322.094 shall, if the offense solicited or advised is attempted or committed, be punished with the punishment provided for the commission of the offense, but, if the offense solicited or advised is not committed or attempted, the person shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
322.082(2) (2) Any person who solicits or advises another or others to commit an act of misbehavior before the enemy in violation of s. 322.099 or sedition in violation of s. 322.094 shall, if the offense solicited or advised is committed, be punished with the punishment provided for the commission of the offense, but, if the offense solicited or advised is not committed, the person shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
322.082 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.083 322.083 Article 83 — Fraudulent enlistment, appointment, or separation. Any person who does any of the following shall be punished as a court-martial may direct:
322.083(1) (1) Procures his or her own enlistment or appointment in the state military forces by knowing false representation or deliberate concealment as to his or her qualifications for that enlistment or appointment and receives pay or allowances thereunder.
322.083(2) (2) Procures his or her own separation from the state military forces by knowing false representation or deliberate concealment as to his or her eligibility for that separation.
322.083 History History: 2007 a. 200; 2009 a. 179.
322.084 322.084 Article 84 — Unlawful enlistment, appointment, or separation. Any person who effects an enlistment or appointment in or a separation from the state military forces of any person who is known to him or her to be ineligible for that enlistment, appointment, or separation because it is prohibited by law, regulation, or order shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
322.084 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.085 322.085 Article 85 — Desertion.
322.085(1) (1) Any member of the state military forces is guilty of desertion if he or she does any of the following:
322.085(1)(a) (a) Without authority goes or remains absent from his or her unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to remain away therefrom permanently.
322.085(1)(b) (b) Quits his or her unit, organization, or place of duty with intent to avoid hazardous duty or to shirk important service.
322.085(1)(c) (c) Without being regularly separated from one of the state military forces enlists or accepts an appointment in the same or another one of the state military forces, or in one of the armed forces of the United States, without fully disclosing the fact that he or she has not been regularly separated, or enters any foreign armed service except when authorized by the United States.
322.085(2) (2) Any commissioned officer of the state military forces who, after tender of his or her resignation and before notice of its acceptance, quits his or her post or proper duties without leave and with intent to remain away therefrom permanently is guilty of desertion.
322.085(3) (3) Any person found guilty of desertion or attempt to desert shall be punished, if the offense is committed in time of war, by confinement of not more than 10 years or other punishment as a court-martial may direct, but if the desertion or attempt to desert occurs at any other time, by punishment as a court-martial may direct.
322.085 History History: 2007 a. 200; 2009 a. 179.
322.086 322.086 Article 86 — Absence without leave. Any person who, without authority, does any of the following shall be punished as a court-martial may direct:
322.086(1) (1) Fails to go to his or her appointed place of duty at the time prescribed.
322.086(2) (2) Goes from that place.
322.086(3) (3) Absents himself or herself or remains absent from his or her unit, organization, or place of duty at which he or she is required to be at the time prescribed.
322.086 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.087 322.087 Article 87 — Missing movement. Any person who through neglect or design misses the movement of a ship, aircraft, or unit with which he or she is required in the course of duty to move shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
322.087 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.088 322.088 Article 88 — Contempt toward officials. Any commissioned officer who uses contemptuous words against the president, the vice-president, members of congress, the secretary of defense, the secretary of a military department, the secretary of homeland security, or the governor or legislature of the state of Wisconsin shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
322.088 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.089 322.089 Article 89 — Disrespect toward superior commissioned officer. Any person who behaves with disrespect toward his or her superior commissioned officer shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
322.089 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.090 322.090 Article 90 — Assaulting or willfully disobeying superior commissioned officer. A court-martial may direct punishment on any person who does any of the following:
322.090(1) (1) Strikes his or her superior commissioned officer or draws or lifts up any weapon or offers any violence against him or her while he or she is in the execution of his or her office.
322.090(2) (2) Willfully disobeys a lawful command of his or her superior commissioned officer.
322.090 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.091 322.091 Article 91 — Insubordinate conduct toward warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer. Any warrant officer or enlisted member who does any of the following shall be punished as a court-martial may direct:
322.091(1) (1) Strikes or assaults a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer, while that officer is in the execution of his or her office.
322.091(2) (2) Willfully disobeys the lawful order of a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer.
322.091(3) (3) Treats with contempt or is disrespectful in language or deportment toward a warrant officer, noncommissioned officer, or petty officer, while that officer is in the execution of his or her office.
322.091 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.092 322.092 Article 92 — Failure to obey order or regulation. Any person who does any of the following shall be punished as a court-martial may direct:
322.092(1) (1) Violates or fails to obey any lawful general order or regulation.
322.092(2) (2) Having knowledge of any other lawful order issued by a member of the state military forces, which it is his or her duty to obey, fails to obey the order.
322.092(3) (3) Is derelict in the performance of his or her duties.
322.092 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.093 322.093 Article 93 — Cruelty and maltreatment. Any person who is guilty of cruelty toward, or oppression or maltreatment of, any person subject to his or her orders shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
322.093 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.094 322.094 Article 94 — Mutiny or sedition.
322.094(1) (1)
322.094(1)(a)(a) Any person who, with intent to usurp or override lawful military authority, refuses, in concert with any other person, to obey orders or otherwise do his or her duty or creates any violence or disturbance is guilty of mutiny.
322.094(1)(b) (b) Any person who, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of lawful civil authority, creates, in concert with any other person, revolt, violence, or other disturbance against that authority is guilty of sedition.
322.094(1)(c) (c) Any person who fails to do his or her utmost to prevent and suppress a mutiny or sedition being committed in his or her presence, or fails to take all reasonable means to inform his or her superior commissioned officer or commanding officer of a mutiny or sedition which he or she knows or has reason to believe is taking place, is guilty of a failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition.
322.094(2) (2) A person who is found guilty of attempted mutiny, mutiny, sedition, or failure to suppress or report a mutiny or sedition shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
322.094 History History: 2007 a. 200; 2009 a. 179.
322.095 322.095 Article 95 — Resistance, flight, breach of arrest, and escape. Any person who does any of the following shall be punished as a court-martial may direct:
322.095(1) (1) Resists apprehension.
322.095(2) (2) Flees from apprehension.
322.095(3) (3) Breaks arrest.
322.095(4) (4) Escapes from custody or confinement.
322.095 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.096 322.096 Article 96 — Releasing prisoner without proper authority. Any person who, without proper authority, releases any prisoner committed to his or her charge, or who through neglect or design causes any prisoner to escape, shall be punished as a court-martial may direct, whether or not the prisoner was committed in strict compliance with law.
322.096 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.097 322.097 Article 97 — Unlawful detention. Any person who, except as provided by law or regulation, apprehends, arrests, or confines any person shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
322.097 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.098 322.098 Article 98 — Noncompliance with procedural rules.
322.098(1)(1) Any person who is responsible for unnecessary delay in the disposition of any case of a person accused of an offense under this code shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
322.098(2) (2) Any person who knowingly and intentionally fails to enforce or comply with any provision of this code regulating the proceedings before, during, or after trial of an accused shall be punished as a court-martial may direct.
322.098 History History: 2007 a. 200; 2009 a. 179.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2015. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?