38.04(12) (12)Prison inmate educational program. The board may establish vocational educational programs for inmates within the state correctional system and contract with the departments of corrections and health services for reimbursement of that portion of the district program costs which exceeds amounts received as state and federal aid.
38.04(13) (13)Displaced homemakers' program.
38.04(13)(a)1.1. The board shall accept and process applications from district boards and local community organizations to provide services, which may include but are not limited to personal counseling and outreach, to or on behalf of displaced homemakers. The board may make grants for these purposes. Amounts awarded shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (f). Grants under this subsection may be distributed on a statewide basis and shall supplement rather than replace funds received under any other law to provide services to displaced homemakers. To the extent possible while maintaining statewide distribution, except as provided in subd. 2., in awarding grants preference shall be given to district boards. If a particular district board does not apply for a grant under this subsection, the board may award a grant to a local community organization located in that district which submits an application. No grant may equal more than 90 percent of approved expenditures. Any cost to the board of administering this subsection shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (a).
38.04(13)(a)2. 2. If the board receives an application from a local community organization offering a displaced homemakers' program in the 1981-83 biennium and from a district board, the board may not give preference to the district board's application.
38.04(13)(a)3. 3. If the board determines that a district board or local community organization awarded a grant under subd. 1. will not fully expend the grant before the end of a fiscal year, the board may reduce the amount of the grant awarded to the district board or local community organization and award the funds to another applicant.
38.04(13)(b) (b) No person may, on the ground of sex, age, race, color, religion or national origin, be excluded from participating in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity funded in whole or in part with funds made available under this subsection.
38.04(13)(c) (c) In this subsection, “ displaced homemaker" means an individual who:
38.04(13)(c)1. 1. Has worked in the home for a substantial number of years providing unpaid household services for family members;
38.04(13)(c)2. 2. Is not gainfully employed;
38.04(13)(c)3. 3. Has had, or would have, difficulty in securing employment; and
38.04(13)(c)4. 4. Has been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by such income, has been dependent on public assistance but is no longer eligible for such assistance, or is supported as the parent of minor children by public assistance or spousal support but whose children are within 2 years of reaching their majority.
38.04(14) (14)General district policies.
38.04(14)(a)(a) The board shall promulgate rules, applicable to all district boards, establishing general district policies and procedures on all of the following:
38.04(14)(a)1. 1. Employee and district board member travel and expenses. The policies and procedures established under this subdivision shall be similar to the provisions of ss. 16.53 (12) and 20.916, insofar as applicable.
38.04(14)(a)2. 2. Procurement.
38.04(14)(a)3. 3. Personnel, including the district director.
38.04(14)(a)4. 4. Contracts to provide services.
38.04(14)(b) (b) The board may direct the district boards to establish written policies relating to any matter not enumerated under par. (a).
38.04 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also chs. TCS 6 and 8, Wis. adm. code.
38.04(15) (15)Review of district board appointments. The board shall, by rule, establish criteria and procedures for the review of district board member appointments by the board.
38.04 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. TCS 2, Wis. adm. code.
38.04(16) (16)Accommodation of religious beliefs. The board shall promulgate rules, applicable to all district boards, providing for the reasonable accommodation of a student's sincerely held religious beliefs with regard to all examinations and other academic requirements.
38.04 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. TCS 14, Wis. adm. code.
38.04(17) (17)Information for tax bills. By October 1, the board shall provide to the department of revenue the information about aids distributed under ss. 38.28 and 38.32 to each technical college district that will enable the department of revenue to furnish to taxation districts the information required under s. 73.03 (31).
38.04(18) (18)Statewide guide. Annually, the board shall produce, and distribute to students, parents, high school personnel and others, a guide containing information on all of the technical colleges and their programs.
38.04(19) (19)Cooperative research on education programs. The board shall enter into a written agreement with the department of public instruction, the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System, and the Wisconsin Association of Independent Colleges and Universities to cooperatively conduct research on preschool through postsecondary education programs under s. 115.297, except as provided in s. 115.297 (5) (b).
38.04(20) (20)Basic skills instruction in jails and prisons. From the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (f), the board may award grants to district boards for providing basic skills instruction in jails and prisons.
38.04(21) (21)Pupils attending technical colleges; board report. Annually by the 3rd Monday in February the board shall submit a report to the department of administration, department of children and families, department of public instruction, and department of workforce development, and to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2). The report shall specify all of the following by school district:
38.04(21)(a) (a) The number of pupils who attended district schools under ss. 118.15 (1) (b), (cm) and (d) and 118.55 (7r) in the previous school year.
38.04(21)(b) (b) The type and number of credits earned by the pupils.
38.04(21)(c) (c) The number of persons who applied for admission to a technical college in the previous school year, who previously earned technical college credit under s. 118.55 (7r) and who applied for admission within one year of graduating from high school.
38.04(21)(d) (d) The courses given in high schools for which a pupil may receive technical college credit and the number of pupils enrolled in the courses for technical college credit in the previous school year.
38.04(21)(e) (e) Any other information considered relevant by the board.
38.04(22) (22)Technical college student organizations. The board shall assist district boards to operate technical college student organizations for students pursuing related instruction.
38.04(23) (23)Workplace Literacy Resource Center. The board shall operate a workplace literacy resource center. The workplace literacy resource center shall do all of the following:
38.04(23)(a) (a) Develop, purchase, review and evaluate materials on workplace literacy, including needs assessment instruments, and disseminate those materials to persons interested in supporting workplace literacy.
38.04(23)(b) (b) Refer any person that is interested in supporting workplace literacy, such as an employer, an employee, a labor organization or a community organization, to literacy service providers located in the person's community and other workplace literacy resources.
38.04(24) (24)Training of health professionals. The board shall promote public awareness of, access to and training of health professionals for rural and underserved urban areas.
38.04(26) (26)Technical preparation programs. In consultation with the state superintendent of public instruction, the board shall approve courses for technical preparation programs under s. 118.34. By July 1, 1994, and annually thereafter by July 1, the board shall publish a list of the approved courses that indicates the schools in which each course is taught and the credit equivalency available in each district for each course.
38.04(27) (27)School safety. The board shall work with school districts, private schools, tribal schools, and the department of public instruction to present to school districts, private schools, and tribal schools the results of research on models for and approaches to improving school safety and reducing discipline problems in schools and at school activities.
38.04(28) (28)Health care education programs. From the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (f), the board may award grants to district boards to expand health care education programs.
38.04(29) (29)Master logger apprenticeship grants. The board shall use the moneys appropriated under s. 20.292 (1) (km) to award grants to businesses that provide technical college students with forest product internships for the purpose of placing eligible apprentices with loggers who are certified by the Great Lakes Timber Professionals Association as master loggers.
38.04(31) (31)Truck driver training. From the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (hm), subject to 2001 Wisconsin Act 16, section 9148 (1f), the board shall award grants to the district boards governing Chippewa Valley Technical College, Fox Valley Technical College, and Waukesha County Technical College for truck driver training.
38.04(32) (32)Grants; report.
38.04(32)(a)(a) The board may award grants to district boards for the development of apprenticeship curricula and for activities the board determines are related to the performance criteria specified in s. 38.28 (2) (be) 1. To the extent practicable, the board shall ensure that such grants are awarded annually to all districts. Amounts awarded shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (f).
38.04(32)(b) (b) Annually, the board shall submit a report to the department of administration, the joint committee on finance, and the appropriate standing committees of the legislature under s. 13.172 (3) that describes how the moneys appropriated under s. 20.292 (1) (f) will be distributed to the district boards in the current fiscal year and the programs that the moneys will fund.
38.04 Annotation Vocational, technical and adult education (technical college) districts are subject to city equal employment opportunity ordinances, but only within the geographic boundaries of the city. 70 Atty. Gen. 226.
38.04 Annotation A VTAE (technical college) district is a “school district" under s. 19.21 (7) [now s. 19.21 (6)], governing destruction of obsolete school records. 71 Atty. Gen. 9.
38.04 Annotation The state board may by rule require that the record concerning appointment of district board members show compliance with statutory procedural requirements, and the state board may disapprove appointments because of procedural irregularities except those involving the Open Meetings Law. 73 Atty. Gen. 108.
38.06 38.06 District boundaries.
38.06(1) (1) Each district shall include one or more counties, municipalities or school districts in any contiguous combination.
38.06(2) (2) In this section, “reorganization" means any alteration, dissolution, creation or merger of any district.
38.06(3) (3)
38.06(3)(a)(a) Upon its own motion or upon approval of a petition filed under sub. (4), the board may issue a district reorganization order. Prior to issuing an order under this subsection, the board shall conduct such studies, investigations and hearings as it deems necessary.
38.06(3)(b) (b) Any reorganization order issued by the board shall take effect on the July 1 next succeeding the date of the order.
38.06(3)(c) (c) Three months prior to the effective date of any reorganization order, the board shall report to the joint committee on finance the fiscal and educational impact of the reorganization order upon the affected districts.
38.06(4) (4)
38.06(4)(a)(a) The governing body of a county, municipality or school district may file a petition with the board requesting that its territory be detached from the district in which it lies and attached to a district to which such territory is contiguous, or if portions of its territory lie in more than one district, by requesting that all such portions be placed within one of such districts.
38.06(4)(b) (b) Immediately upon receipt of the petition, the board shall notify each district board affected of the receipt of the petition and the boundary reorganization requested therein. Such district boards shall within 45 days notify the board of their recommendations on the petition.
38.06(4)(c) (c) Within 90 days of the receipt of the petition, the board shall notify the governing body filing the petition and the district boards affected of its approval or disapproval of the proposed detachment and attachment of territory.
38.06(5) (5) If school district boundaries are changed in accordance with chs. 115 to 121, the board may act to change district boundaries to coincide with school district boundaries without holding a public hearing.
38.06 History History: 1971 c. 154; 1973 c. 333; 1989 a. 56.
38.06 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. TCS 1, Wis. adm. code.
38.08 38.08 Composition and organization of district board.
38.08(1)(a)1.1. A district board shall administer the district and, except as provided in subd. 1g., shall be composed of 9 members who are residents of the district, consisting of the following:
38.08(1)(a)1.a. a. Two employers.
38.08(1)(a)1.b. b. Two employees.
38.08(1)(a)1.c. c. Three additional members.
38.08(1)(a)1.d. d. One school district administrator, as defined under s. 115.001 (8).
38.08(1)(a)1.e. e. One elected official who holds a state or local office, as defined in s. 5.02.
38.08(1)(a)1g. 1g. The district board governing the Milwaukee area technical college shall be composed of 9 members who are residents of the district, 7 of whom are residents of Milwaukee County, consisting of the following:
38.08(1)(a)1g.a. a. Five persons representing employers. Three of the members shall represent employers with 15 or more employees, 2 of the members shall represent employers with 100 or more employees, and at least 2 of the members shall represent employers who are manufacturing businesses. A person representing an employer shall have at least 2 years of experience managing a business entity, nonprofit organization, credit union, or cooperative association with at least 15 employees or at least 2 years of experience managing the finances or the hiring of personnel of a business entity, nonprofit organization, credit union, or cooperative association with at least 100 employees.
38.08(1)(a)1g.b. b. One school district administrator, as defined in s. 115.001 (8).
38.08(1)(a)1g.c. c. One elected official who holds a state or local office, as defined in s. 5.02.
38.08(1)(a)1g.d. d. Two additional members.
38.08(1)(a)1r. 1r. The board shall by rule define “employer" and “employee" for the purpose of subd. 1. a. and b. For purposes of subd. 1g. a., “employer" means a business entity, as defined in s. 13.62 (5), nonprofit organization that provides health care services, credit union, or cooperative association.
38.08(1)(a)2. 2. The employer and employee members of the district board shall be representative of the various businesses and industries in the district. The school district administrator shall be employed by the school board of a school district located in the district. Of the 3 additional members, no more than 2 may be employers, no more than 2 may be employees, no more than 3 may be school district administrators and no more than 3 may be elected officials. No 2 members of the district board may be officials of the same governmental unit nor may any district board member be a member of the school board that employs the school district administrator member.
38.08(1)(b) (b) District board members shall take office on July 1 and shall serve staggered 3-year terms.
38.08(2) (2) Members of a district board shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. A vacancy shall be filled for any unexpired term of more than 90 days in the manner provided for the making of original appointments in s. 38.10, except that if a vacancy occurs within 120 days preceding a spring election, the vacancy need not be filled until 60 days after the spring election, in the manner provided in s. 38.10.
38.08(2m) (2m) Any member of a district board serving as an elected official under sub. (1) (a) 1. e. or 1g. c. shall cease to be a member upon vacating his or her office as an elected official.
38.08(3) (3) The district board shall hold its annual organizational meeting on the 2nd Monday in July at which it shall elect from among its members a chairperson, vice chairperson, secretary and treasurer. If a vacancy occurs in any of the district board officer positions after the annual organizational meeting, the district board may elect an officer to fill the vacancy at any subsequent district board meeting. No person may serve as chairperson for more than 2 successive annual terms.
38.08(4) (4) District board members shall receive their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
38.08(5) (5) Where a function is assigned to the clerk of a governmental unit and a district is one of such governmental units, the function shall be performed by the district board secretary.
38.08 Annotation The office of commissioner on a policy board of a consortium of counties under the federal comprehensive employment and training act and the office of president of a district VTAE (technical college) board, which would be an applicant and competitor for funds allocated, are incompatible. 63 Atty. Gen. 453.
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