49.687(1m)(a)(a) A person is not eligible to receive benefits under
s. 49.68 or
49.683 unless before the person applies for benefits under
s. 49.68 or
49.683, the person first applies for benefits under all other health care coverage programs specified by the department by rule for which the person reasonably may be eligible.
(b) The department shall promulgate rules that specify other health care coverage programs for which a person must apply before applying for benefits under
s. 49.685. The department may waive the requirement under this paragraph for an applicant who requests a waiver for religious reasons.
(c) Using the procedure under
s. 227.24, the department may promulgate rules under
par. (b) for the period before the effective date of any permanent rules promulgated under
par. (b), but not to exceed the period authorized under
s. 227.24 (1) (c) and
(2). Notwithstanding
s. 227.24 (1) (a),
(2) (b), and
(3), the department is not required to provide evidence that promulgating a rule under
par. (b) as an emergency rule is necessary for the preservation of the public peace, health, safety, or welfare and is not required to make a finding of emergency for promulgating a rule under
par. (b) as an emergency rule.
(2) The department shall develop and implement a sliding scale of patient liability for kidney disease aid under
s. 49.68, cystic fibrosis aid under
s. 49.683, and hemophilia treatment under
s. 49.685, based on the patient's ability to pay for treatment. The department shall continuously review the sliding scale for patient liability and revise it as needed to ensure that the amounts budgeted under
s. 20.435 (4) (e) and
(je) are sufficient to cover treatment costs.
(2m) If a pharmacy directly bills the department or an entity with which the department contracts for a drug supplied to a person receiving benefits under
s. 49.68,
49.683, or
49.685 and prescribed for treatment covered under
s. 49.68,
49.683, or
49.685, the person shall pay a $7.50 copayment amount for each such generic drug and a $15 copayment amount for each such brand name drug.
(3) The department or an entity with which the department contracts shall provide to a drug manufacturer that sells drugs for prescribed use in this state documents designed for use by the manufacturer in entering into a rebate agreement with the department or entity that is modeled on the rebate agreement specified under
42 USC 1396r-8. The department or entity may enter into a rebate agreement under this subsection that shall include all of the following as requirements:
(a) That, as a condition of coverage for prescription drugs of a manufacturer under
s. 49.68,
49.683, or
49.685, the manufacturer shall make rebate payments for each prescription drug of the manufacturer that is prescribed for and purchased by persons who meet eligibility criteria under
s. 49.68,
49.683, or
49.685, to the secretary of administration to be credited to the appropriation under
s. 20.435 (4) (je), each calendar quarter or according to a schedule established by the department.
(4) The department may adopt managed care methods of cost containment for the programs under
ss. 49.68,
49.683, and
(6) The department shall obtain and share information about individuals who receive benefits under
s. 49.68,
49.683, or
49.685 as provided in
s. 49.475.
49.687 Cross-reference
Cross-reference: See also ch.
DHS 154, Wis. adm. code.
Prescription drug assistance for elderly persons. 49.688(1)(b)
(b) “Poverty line" means the nonfarm federal poverty line for the continental United States, as defined by the federal department of labor under
42 USC 9902 (2).
(c) “Prescription drug" means a prescription drug, as defined in
s. 450.01 (20), that is included in the drugs specified under
s. 49.46 (2) (b) 6. h. and that is manufactured by a drug manufacturer that enters into a rebate agreement in force under
sub. (6).
(e) “Program payment rate" means the rate of payment made for the identical drug specified under
s. 49.46 (2) (b) 6. h. plus a dispensing fee that is equal to the dispensing fee permitted to be charged for prescription drugs for which coverage is provided under
s. 49.46 (2) (b) 6. h.
49.688(2)(a)(a) A person to whom all of the following applies is eligible to purchase a prescription drug for the amounts specified in
sub. (5) (a) 1. and
3. The person is not a recipient of medical assistance or, as a recipient, does not receive prescription drug coverage.
4. The person's annual household income, as determined by the department, does not exceed 240 percent of the federal poverty line for a family the size of the person's eligible family.
(b) A person to whom
par. (a) 1. to
3. and
5. applies, but whose annual household income, as determined by the department, exceeds 240 percent of the federal poverty line for a family the size of the persons' eligible family, is eligible to purchase a prescription drug at the amounts specified in
sub. (5) (a) 4. only during the remaining amount of any 12-month period in which the person has first paid the annual deductible specified in
sub. (3) (b) 2. a. in purchasing prescription drugs at the retail price and has then paid the annual deductible specified in
sub. (3) (b) 2. b.
(3) Program participants shall pay all of the following:
(a) For each 12-month benefit period, a program enrollment fee of $30.
49.688(3)(b)1.1. For each 12-month benefit period, for a person specified in
sub. (2) (a), a deductible for prescription drugs that is based on the percentage that a person's annual household income, as determined by the department, is of the federal poverty line for a family the size of the person's eligible family, as follows:
2. For each 12-month benefit period, for a person specified in
sub. (2) (b), a deductible for prescription drugs that equals all of the following:
a. The difference between the person's annual household income and 240 percent of the federal poverty line for a family the size of the person's eligible family.
(c) After payment of any applicable deductible under
par. (b), all of the following:
1. A copayment of $5 for each prescription drug that bears only a generic name.
2. A copayment of $15 for each prescription drug that does not bear only a generic name.
(d) If a person who is eligible under this section has other available coverage for payment of a prescription drug, this section applies only to costs for prescription drugs for the person that are not covered under the person's other available coverage.
(4) The department shall devise and distribute a form for application for the program under
sub. (2), shall determine eligibility for each 12-month benefit period of applicants and shall issue to eligible persons a prescription drug card for use in purchasing prescription drugs, as specified in
sub. (5). The department shall promulgate rules that specify the criteria to be used to determine household income under
sub. (2) (a) 4. and
(b) and
(3) (b) 1.
49.688(5)(a)(a) Beginning on September 1, 2002, except as provided in
sub. (7) (b), as a condition of participation by a pharmacy or pharmacist in the program under
s. 49.45,
49.47, or
49.471, the pharmacy or pharmacist may not charge a person who presents a valid prescription order and a card indicating that he or she meets eligibility requirements under
sub. (2) an amount for a prescription drug under the order that exceeds the following:
2. After any applicable deductible under
subd. 1. is charged, the copayment, as applicable, that is specified in
sub. (3) (c) 1. or
2. No dispensing fee may be charged to a person under this subdivision.
4. After the deductible under
subd. 3. is charged, the copayment, as applicable, that is specified in
sub. (3) (c) 1. or
2. No dispensing fee may be charged to a person under this subdivision.
(b) The department shall calculate and transmit to pharmacies and pharmacists that are certified providers of medical assistance amounts that may be used in calculating charges under
par. (a). The department shall periodically update this information and transmit the updated amounts to pharmacies and pharmacists.
(6) The department, or an entity with which the department contracts, shall provide to a drug manufacturer that sells drugs for prescribed use in this state documents designed for use by the manufacturer in entering into a rebate agreement with the department or entity that is modeled on the rebate agreement specified under
42 USC 1396r-8. A rebate agreement under this subsection shall include all of the following as requirements:
(a) That, except as provided in
sub. (7) (b), the manufacturer shall make rebate payments for each prescription drug of the manufacturer that is prescribed for and purchased by persons who meet criteria under
sub. (2) (a) and persons who meet criteria under
sub. (2) (b) and have paid the deductible under
sub. (3) (b) 2. a., to the secretary of administration to be credited to the appropriation account under
s. 20.435 (4) (j), each calendar quarter or according to a schedule established by the department.
49.688(7)(a)(a) Except as provided in
par. (b), from the appropriation accounts under
s. 20.435 (4) (bv),
(j), and
(pg), beginning on September 1, 2002, the department shall, under a schedule that is identical to that used by the department for payment of pharmacy provider claims under medical assistance, provide to pharmacies and pharmacists payments for prescription drugs sold by the pharmacies or pharmacists to persons eligible under
sub. (2) who have paid the deductible specified under
sub. (3) (b) 1. or
2. or who, under
sub. (3) (b) 1., are not required to pay a deductible. The payment for each prescription drug under this paragraph shall be at the program payment rate, minus any copayment paid by the person under
sub. (5) (a) 2. or
4., and plus, if applicable, incentive payments that are similar to those provided under
s. 49.45 (8v). The department shall devise and distribute a claim form for use by pharmacies and pharmacists under this paragraph and may limit payment under this paragraph to those prescription drugs for which payment claims are submitted by pharmacists or pharmacies directly to the department. The department may apply to the program under this section the same utilization and cost control procedures that apply under rules promulgated by the department to medical assistance under
subch. IV of ch. 49.
(b) During any period in which funding under
s. 20.435 (4) (bv) and
(pg) is completely expended for the payments specified in
par. (a), the requirements of
par. (a) and
subs. (3) (c),
(5), and
(6) (a) and
(b) do not apply to drugs purchased during that period, but the department shall continue to accept applications and determine eligibility under
sub. (4) and shall indicate to applicants that the eligibility of program participants to purchase prescription drugs as specified in
sub. (3), under the requirements of
sub. (5), is conditioned on the availability of funding under
s. 20.435 (4) (bv) and
(8m) The department shall obtain and share information about participants in the program under this section as provided in
s. 49.475.
49.688(9)(a)(a) The department shall promulgate rules relating to prohibitions on fraud that are substantially similar to applicable provisions under
s. 946.91 (2).
(b) A person who is convicted of violating a rule promulgated by the department under
par. (a) in connection with that person's furnishing of prescription drugs under this section is guilty of a Class H felony, except that, notwithstanding the maximum fine specified in
s. 939.50 (3) (h), the person may be fined not more than $25,000.
(c) A person other than a person specified in
par. (b) who is convicted of violating a rule promulgated by the department under
par. (a) may be fined not more than $10,000, or imprisoned in the county jail for not more than one year, or both.
(10) If federal law is amended to provide coverage for prescription drugs for outpatient care as a benefit under medicare or to provide similar coverage under another program, the department shall submit to appropriate standing committees of the legislature under
s. 13.172 (3) a report that contains an analysis of the differences between such a federal program and the program under this section and that provides recommendations concerning alignment, if any, of the differences.
(11) The department shall request from the federal secretary of health and human services a waiver, under
42 USC 1315 (a), of federal medicaid laws necessary to permit the department of health services to conduct a project, under all of the requirements of this section, to expand eligibility for medical assistance, for purposes of receipt of prescription drugs as a benefit, to include individuals who are eligible under
sub. (2). The department may implement a waiver requested under this subsection only if the conditions of the waiver are consistent with the requirements of this section. The department shall implement the program under this section regardless of whether a waiver, as specified in this subsection, is received.
(12) Except as provided in
subs. (8m) to
(11) and except for the department's rule-making requirements and authority, the department may enter into a contract with an entity to perform the duties and exercise the powers of the department under this section.
49.688 Cross-reference
Cross-reference: See also ch.
DHS 109, Wis. adm. code.
County home; establishment. 49.70(1)
(1) Each county may establish a county home for the relief and support of dependent persons pursuant to
s. 46.17.
(2) In all counties whose population is less than 250,000 such county home shall be governed pursuant to
ss. 46.18,
46.19 and
(3) No county in which a county home is established shall contract to conduct the same or to support and maintain the inmates thereof; and all agreements in violation of this subsection are void.
(4) The trustees or any person employed by the county board pursuant to
subs. (1) and
(2), may administer oaths concerning any matter submitted to the trustees or person employed by the county board, in connection with their functions.
(5) The uniform accounting system established by
s. 50.03 (10) shall be used by each county home and shall be subject to the conditions enumerated therein.
49.70 History
History: 1971 c. 125;
1975 c. 413 s.
1977 c. 26 s.
1991 a. 316;
1995 a. 27 ss.
2810 to
2815; Stats. 1995 s. 49.70.
49.70 Annotation
A county did not violate sub. (3) by terminating county home operations, conveying the home's assets, and leasing the physical plant to a private operator. Local Union 2490 v. Waukesha County,
143 Wis. 2d 438,
422 N.W.2d 117 (Ct. App. 1988).
County homes; commitments; admissions. 49.703(1)(1) Any person upon his or her application to the board of trustees may be admitted to the county home upon such terms as may be prescribed by the board. If the person or his or her relatives are unable to pay for his or her care and maintenance the person may be admitted as a charge of the county of his or her residence.
(3) The county board of any county may by resolution provide that the county shall bear the expense of maintaining all dependent persons committed or admitted to the county home, and may repeal any resolution adopted under this subsection.
49.703 History
History: 1977 c. 428,
1985 a. 29;
1995 a. 27 ss.
2819; Stats. 1995 s. 49.703.
County hospitals; establishment. 49.71(1)
(1) Each county may establish a county hospital for the treatment of dependent persons, under
s. 46.17, and other persons authorized under
s. 46.21 (4m).
(2) In counties with a population of 750,000 or more, an institution established under
sub. (1) shall be governed under
s. 46.21 or
59.79 (10), but in all other counties it shall be governed under
ss. 46.18,
46.19, and
(3) The uniform accounting system established by
s. 50.03 (10) shall be used by each county hospital and shall be subject to the conditions enumerated therein.
County hospitals; admissions. 49.713(1)
(1) Any person upon application to the board of trustees may be admitted to the county hospital upon such terms as may be prescribed by the board. If the person or his or her relatives are unable to pay for his or her care and maintenance the person may be admitted as a charge of the county of his or her residence.
(3) The county board of any county may by resolution provide that the county shall bear the expense of maintaining all dependent persons admitted to the county hospital, and may repeal any resolution adopted under this subsection.
49.713 History
History: 1985 a. 29;
1995 a. 27 ss.
2827; Stats. 1995 s. 49.713.
County infirmaries; establishment. 49.72(1)
(1) Each county, or any 2 or more counties jointly, may establish, pursuant to
s. 46.17 or
46.20 a county infirmary for the treatment, care and maintenance of the aged infirm.