66.0915(3)(d) (d) If the governing body determines that the public interest requires that any building erected in the leased space be removed so that a street, road, alley or public place may be restored to its original condition, the lessor city, village or town may condemn the lessee's interest in the leased space by proceeding under ch. 32. After payment of any damages in the condemnation proceedings, the city, village or town may remove all buildings or other structures from the leased space and restore the buildings adjoining the leased space to their original condition.
66.0915(4) (4)Sale or lease of space over or below public place.
66.0915(4)(a)(a) A city, village or town may sell or lease the space over or below ground level of any street, road, alley or public place or municipally owned real estate to any person, if the governing body determines by resolution and states the reasons that the action is in the best public interest and the prospective purchaser or lessee has provided for the removal and relocation expense for any facilities devoted to a public use where relocation is necessary for the purposes of the purchaser or lessee. Leases shall be granted by ordinance and shall not exceed 99 years in length. No lease may be granted or use authorized which substantially interferes with the public purpose for which the surface of the land is used.
66.0915(4)(b) (b) A lease shall specify purposes for which the leased space is to be used. If the purpose is to erect in the space a building or a structure attached to the lot, the lease shall contain a reasonably accurate description of the building to be erected and of the manner in which it will impose upon or around the lot. The lease shall also provide for use by the lessee of those areas of the real estate that are essential for ingress and egress to the leased space, for the support of the building or other structures to be erected and for the connection of essential public or private utilities to the building or structure.
66.0915(4)(c) (c) Any building erected in the space leased shall be operated, as far as practicable, separately from the municipal use. The structure shall conform to all state and municipal regulations.
66.0915(4)(d) (d) A lease under this subsection is subject to sub. (3) (c) and (d).
66.0915 History History: 1971 c. 43; 1983 a. 192 s. 303 (2); 1991 a. 316; 1993 a. 246; 1999 a. 150 s. 117; Stats. 1999 s. 66.0915; 2005 a. 387.
66.0915 Annotation A statute authorizing cities and villages to lease space over a parking lot would be constitutional. 58 Atty. Gen. 179.
66.0917 66.0917 Art museums. A city, village or town may establish, purchase land and erect buildings for, and equip, manage and control an art museum. A city, village or town may enter into a contract with any art museum or art institute located in the city, village or town for the education of the people in art, for compensation determined by the governing body of the city, village or town. A city, village or town may levy taxes, issue bonds, or appropriate money for the purposes in this section.
66.0917 History History: 1971 c. 152 s. 28; 1993 a. 246; 1999 a. 150 s. 484; Stats. 1999 s. 66.0917.
66.0919 66.0919 Civic centers.
66.0919(1)(1)Recreation and amusement. A city, village or town may by ordinance, enacted by a majority of all the members-elect, as defined in s. 59.001 (2m), of the board or council, provide for the erection, maintenance and operation of a public auditorium, opera house, or other recreation and amusement building. The erection and contracts are governed by the provisions of law applicable to other public buildings in the city, village or town. The board or council shall adopt regulations for maintenance and operation.
66.0919(2) (2)Rest rooms. A city, village or town may erect, purchase, lease, or take by gift or devise, land and buildings for public rest rooms, and may equip, maintain and operate them.
66.0919(3) (3)Comfort stations. A city, village or town may provide and maintain a sufficient number of public comfort stations for both sexes. The department of health services shall establish regulations governing their location, construction, equipment and maintenance and may prescribe minimum standards that shall be uniform throughout the state. The board or council may establish further regulations.
66.0919(4) (4)Comfort stations and rest rooms. The state or a county, city, village or town maintaining places of public assemblage or camp sites may provide and maintain a sufficient number of suitable and adequate public comfort stations for both sexes and may establish rest rooms separate or in connection with the comfort stations.
66.0919(5) (5)Public concerts. A town, village or city may conduct public concerts in auditoriums and such other public places within its boundaries as the board or council determines. The concerts shall be conducted by the department having charge of the place and expenses in excess of receipts, if any, shall be paid out of a fund determined by the board or council. A fee to attend the concerts may be charged for the purpose of defraying expenses in whole or in part.
66.0919 History History: 1971 c. 152 s. 30; Stats. 1971 s. 66.49; 1993 a. 246; 1995 a. 27, s. 9126 (19); 1999 a. 150 s. 485; Stats. 1999 s. 66.0919; 2007 a. 20 s. 9121 (6) (a).
66.0921 66.0921 Joint civic buildings.
66.0921(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
66.0921(1)(a) (a) “Municipality" means a county, city, village, town, technical college district and school district.
66.0921(1)(b) (b) “Nonprofit corporation" means a nonstock corporation organized under ch. 181 that is a nonprofit corporation, as defined in s. 181.0103 (17).
66.0921(2) (2)Facilities authorized. A municipality may enter into a joint contract with a nonprofit corporation organized for civic purposes and located in the municipality to construct or otherwise acquire, equip, furnish, operate and maintain a facility to be used for municipal and civic activities if a majority of the voters voting in a referendum at a special election or at a spring primary or election or partisan primary or general election approve the question of entering into the joint contract.
66.0921(3) (3)Financing. A municipality may borrow money, appropriate funds and levy taxes needed to carry out the purposes of this section. Funds to be used for the purposes specified in this section may be provided by a municipality by general obligation bonds issued under ch. 67. Funds to be used for the purposes specified in this section may be provided by a county, city, village or town by revenue bonds issued under s. 66.0621. Any bonds issued under this section shall be executed on behalf of the municipality by its chief executive officer and clerk.
66.0921(4) (4)Cost sharing. Any contract under this section shall provide that all of the cost of construction or other acquisition, equipment, furnishing, operation and maintenance of a facility shall be paid by the municipality and nonprofit corporation on an agreed percentage basis.
66.0921 History History: 1983 a. 27; 1985 a. 39; 1993 a. 399; 1997 a. 79; 1999 a. 150 s. 488; Stats. 1999 s. 66.0921; 2011 a. 75.
66.0923 66.0923 County-city auditoriums.
66.0923(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
66.0923(1)(a) (a) “Auditorium" includes a building of arena or music hall type construction or a combination of both, including facilities for sports, dances, convention exhibitions, trade shows, meetings, rallies, theatrical exhibitions, concerts and other events attracting spectators and participants.
66.0923(1)(b) (b) “Board" means the joint county-city auditorium board established under this section.
66.0923(1)(c) (c) “Ordinance" means an ordinance adopted by the governing body of a city or county and concurred in by the other governing body.
66.0923(2) (2)County-city auditoriums. Any county and city partly or wholly within the county may by ordinance jointly construct or otherwise acquire, equip, furnish, operate and maintain a county-city auditorium.
66.0923(3) (3)Financing. The governing bodies of the respective county and city or cities may borrow money, appropriate funds, and levy taxes needed to carry out the purposes of this section. Funds to be used for the purposes specified in this section may be provided by the respective county, city or cities by general obligation bonds issued under ch. 67 or by revenue bonds issued under s. 66.0913 or by the issuance of both general obligation bonds under ch. 67 and revenue bonds issued under s. 66.0913. Bonds issued under this section shall be executed on behalf of the county by the county board chairperson and the county clerk and on behalf of a city by its mayor or other chief executive officer and by the city clerk.
66.0923(4) (4)Cost sharing. The ordinance shall provide for a sharing of all of the cost of construction or other acquisition, equipment, furnishing, operation and maintenance of an auditorium on an agreed percentage basis.
66.0923(5) (5)Auditorium board.
66.0923(5)(a)(a) The ordinance shall provide for the establishment of a joint county-city auditorium board to be composed of all of the following:
66.0923(5)(a)1. 1. The mayor or chief executive of the city, and the chairperson of the county board, who shall serve as members of the board during their respective terms of office.
66.0923(5)(a)2. 2. Four members to be appointed by the county board chairperson and confirmed by the county board.
66.0923(5)(a)3. 3. Four members to be appointed by the mayor or other chief executive officer of the city and confirmed by the city council.
66.0923(5)(b) (b) Under par. (a) 2. and 3., the initial term of one member shall be one year, the initial term of one member shall be 2 years, the initial term of one member shall be 3 years and the initial term of one member shall be 4 years. The respective successors of the members under par. (a) 2. and 3. shall be appointed and confirmed for terms of 4 years. All appointees shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. Terms shall begin as specified in the ordinance. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term in the manner in which the original appointment was made.
66.0923(5)(c) (c) The mayor or chief executive of the city, and the county board chairperson, each may appoint not more than 2 public officials to the board under par. (a).
66.0923(6) (6)Organization of boards; officers; compensation; oaths; bonds.
66.0923(6)(a)(a) When all members have qualified the board shall meet at the place designated in the ordinance and organize by electing from its membership a president, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer, each to hold office for one year. The board may combine the offices of secretary and treasurer. Members may receive compensation as provided in the ordinance and shall be reimbursed their actual and necessary expenses for their services. However, members serving on the board because of holding another office or position shall not receive compensation other than any actual and necessary expenses for their services. With the approval of the board, the treasurer may appoint an assistant secretary and assistant treasurer, who need not be members of the board, to perform services specified by the board.
66.0923(6)(b) (b) Members, and any assistant secretary and assistant treasurer, shall qualify by taking the official oath, and the treasurer and any assistant treasurer shall furnish a bond in a sum specified by the board and in the form and conditioned as provided in s. 19.01 (2) and (3). The oaths and bonds shall be filed with the county clerk. The cost of the bond shall be paid by the board.
66.0923(7) (7)Powers of board. The board may, subject to provisions of the ordinance, do all of the following:
66.0923(7)(a) (a) Contract for the construction or other acquisition, equipping or furnishing of an auditorium; accept and use donated services and gifts, grants or donations of money or property for the purposes given and consistent with this section; and contract for and authorize the installation of equipment and furnishings in all or part of the auditorium by private individuals, persons or corporations by donations, loan, lease or concession.
66.0923(7)(b) (b) Contract for the construction or other acquisition of additions or improvements to, or alterations in, an auditorium and the equipment or furnishing of any addition; and contract for or authorize the installation of equipment and furnishings in all or part of the addition by private individuals, persons or corporations by donation, loan or concession.
66.0923(7)(c) (c) Employ a manager of an auditorium and other necessary personnel and fix their compensation.
66.0923(7)(d) (d) Enact, amend and repeal rules and regulations for the leasing of, charges for admission to, and government of audiences and participants in events at an auditorium, for the regulation of the board's meetings and deliberations, and for the government, operation and maintenance of the auditorium and the auditorium's employees.
66.0923(7)(e) (e) Contract for, purchase or hire all fuel, equipment, furnishings, and supplies, services and help reasonably necessary for the proper operation and maintenance of an auditorium; contract for, purchase, hire, promote, conduct and operate, either by lease of all or part of an auditorium building or by direct operation by an auditorium board, meetings, concerts, theatricals, sporting events, conventions and other entertainment or events suitable to be held at the auditorium; and handle and make all proper arrangements for the sale and disposition of admission tickets to auditorium events and the establishment of seating arrangements and priorities.
66.0923(7)(f) (f) Audit all accounts and claims against an auditorium or against the board, and, if approved, pay the accounts and claims from the fund specified in sub. (9). All expenditures made pursuant to this section shall be within the limits of the ordinance.
66.0923(7)(g) (g) Sue and be sued, and collect or compromise any obligations due to an auditorium. All money received shall be paid into the joint auditorium fund.
66.0923(7)(h) (h) Make studies and recommendations to the county board and city council relating to the operation of an auditorium as the board considers advisable or the governing bodies request.
66.0923(7)(i) (i) Employ counsel on either a temporary or permanent basis.
66.0923(8) (8)Budget. The board shall annually, before the time of the preparation of either the county or city budget under s. 65.90, prepare a budget of its anticipated receipts and expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year and determine the proportionate cost to the county and the participating city under the terms of the ordinance. A certified copy of the budget, which shall include a statement of the net amount required from the county and city, shall be delivered to the clerks of the respective municipalities. The county board and the common council of the city shall consider the budget, and determine the amount to be raised by the respective municipalities in the proportions determined by the ordinance. After this determination, the county and city respectively shall levy a tax sufficient to produce the amount to be raised by the county and city.
66.0923(9) (9)Auditorium fund. A joint county-city auditorium fund shall be created and established in a public depository to be specified in the ordinance. The treasurer of the respective county and city shall pay into the fund the amounts specified by the ordinance and resolutions of the respective municipalities when the amounts have been collected. All of the moneys which come into the fund are appropriated to the board for the execution of its functions as provided by the ordinance and the resolutions of the respective municipalities. The moneys in the fund shall be paid out by the treasurer of the auditorium board only upon the approval or direction of the board.
66.0923(10) (10)Correlation of laws.
66.0923(10)(a)(a) If a bid is a prerequisite to contract in connection with a county or city auditorium under s. 66.0901, it is also a prerequisite to a valid contract by the board. For this purpose the board is a municipality and the contract a public contract under s. 66.0901.
66.0923(10)(b) (b) All statutory requirements, not inconsistent with the provisions of this section and applicable to city auditoriums, apply to auditoriums provided for in this section.
66.0923(11) (11)Reports. The board shall report its activities to the county board and the city council annually, or oftener as either of the municipalities requires.
66.0923 History History: 1979 c. 110; 1983 a. 189; 1983 a. 192 s. 303 (1); 1999 a. 150 ss. 261, 489, 490; Stats. 1999 s. 66.0923; 2001 a. 30 s. 45.
66.0925 66.0925 County-city safety building.
66.0925(1) (1)Definitions. In this section:
66.0925(1)(a) (a) “Board" means the joint county-city safety building board established under this section.
66.0925(1)(b) (b) “Ordinance" means an ordinance adopted by the governing body of a city or county and concurred in by the other governing body.
66.0925(2) (2)County-city safety building. Any county and city partly or wholly within the county may by ordinance jointly construct or otherwise acquire, equip, furnish, operate and maintain a county-city safety building.
66.0925(3) (3)Financing. The governing bodies of the respective county and city may borrow money, appropriate funds, and levy taxes needed to carry out the purposes of this section. Funds to be used for the purposes specified in this section may be provided by the respective county or city by general obligation bonds issued under ch. 67 or by revenue bonds issued under s. 66.0913 or by the issuance of both general obligation bonds under ch. 67 and revenue bonds issued under s. 66.0913. Bonds issued under this section shall be executed on behalf of the county by the county board chairperson and the county clerk and on behalf of a city by its mayor or other chief executive officer and by the city clerk.
66.0925(4) (4)Cost sharing. The ordinance shall provide for a sharing of all of the cost of construction or other acquisition, equipment, furnishing, operation and maintenance of a safety building on an agreed percentage basis.
66.0925(5) (5)Safety building board. The ordinance shall provide for the establishment of a joint county-city safety building board to be composed of 3 members to be appointed by the county board, one for a one-year, one for a 2-year and one for a 3-year term; 3 members to be appointed by the city council, one for a one-year, one for a 2-year and one for a 3-year term; and one additional member appointed by the other members for a 3-year term. The membership of the board shall include the chairperson of the county board and the mayor of the city, who shall be initially designated as members for the 3-year terms. Their respective successors shall be appointed and confirmed in like manner for terms of 3 years. All appointees shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. Terms shall begin as specified in the ordinance. If a member of the board ceases to hold a city or county office, membership on the board also terminates. Vacancies shall be filled for the unexpired term in the manner in which the original appointment was made. Members of the board shall be officials of the county or city.
66.0925(6) (6)Organization of boards; officers; compensation; oaths; bonds.
66.0925(6)(a)(a) When all members have qualified the board shall meet at the place designated in the ordinance and organize by electing from its membership a president, a vice president, a secretary and a treasurer, each to hold office for one year. The board may combine the offices of secretary and treasurer. Members may receive compensation as provided in the ordinance and shall be reimbursed their actual and necessary expenses for their services. The board may appoint an assistant secretary and assistant treasurer, who need not be members of the board, to perform services specified by the board.
66.0925(6)(b) (b) Members, and any assistant secretary and assistant treasurer, shall qualify by taking the official oath, and the treasurer and any assistant treasurer shall furnish a bond in a sum specified by the board and in the form and conditioned as provided in s. 19.01 (2) and (3). The oaths and bonds shall be filed with the county clerk. The cost of the bond shall be paid by the board.
66.0925(7) (7)Powers of board. The board may, subject to provisions of the ordinance:
66.0925(7)(a) (a) Contract for the construction or other acquisition, equipping or furnishing of a county-city safety building; accept and use donated services and gifts, grants or donations of money or property for the purposes given and consistent with this section; and contract for and authorize the installation of equipment and furnishings in all or part of the safety building by private individuals, persons or corporations by donations, loan, lease or concession.
66.0925(7)(b) (b) Contract for the construction or other acquisition of additions or improvements to, or alterations in, a safety building and the equipment or furnishing of all or part of the addition; and contract for or authorize the installation of equipment and furnishings in all or part of the addition by private individuals, persons or corporations by donation, loan or concession.
66.0925(7)(c) (c) Employ a superintendent of a safety building and other necessary personnel and fix their compensation.
66.0925(7)(d) (d) Enact, amend and repeal rules and regulations, not inconsistent with law, for the regulation of the board's meetings and deliberations, and for the government, operation and maintenance of a safety building and the safety building's employees.
66.0925(7)(e) (e) Contract for, purchase or hire all fuel, equipment, furnishings, and supplies, services and help reasonably necessary for the proper operation and maintenance of a safety building.
66.0925(7)(f) (f) Audit all accounts and claims against a safety building or against a board, and, if approved, pay the accounts or claims from the fund specified in sub. (9). All expenditures made pursuant to this section shall be within the limits of the ordinance.
66.0925(7)(g) (g) Sue and be sued, and collect or compromise any obligations due to a safety building. All money received shall be paid into the joint safety building fund.
66.0925(7)(h) (h) Make studies and recommendations to the county board and city council relating to the operation of a safety building as the board considers advisable or the governing bodies request.
66.0925(7)(i) (i) Employ counsel on either a temporary or permanent basis.
66.0925(8) (8)Budget. The board shall annually, before the time of the preparation of either the county or city budget under s. 65.90, prepare a budget of its anticipated receipts and expenditures for the ensuing fiscal year and determine the proportionate cost to the county and the city pursuant to the terms of the ordinance. A certified copy of the budget, which shall include a statement of the net amount required from the county and city, shall be delivered to the clerks of the respective municipalities. The county board and the common council of the city shall consider the budget, and determine the amount to be raised by the respective municipalities in the proportions determined by the ordinance. After this determination, the county and city respectively shall levy a tax sufficient to produce the amount to be raised by the county and city.
66.0925(9) (9)Safety building fund. A joint county-city safety building fund shall be created and established in a public depository to be specified in the ordinance. The treasurer of the respective county and city shall pay into the fund the amounts specified by the ordinance and resolutions of the respective municipalities when the amounts have been collected. All of the moneys which come into the fund are appropriated to the board for the execution of its functions as provided by the ordinance and the resolutions of the respective municipalities. The moneys in the fund shall be paid out by the treasurer of the safety building board only upon the approval or direction of the board.
66.0925(10) (10)Correlation of laws. In any case where a bid is a prerequisite to contract in connection with a county or city safety building under s. 66.0901, it is also a prerequisite to a valid contract by the board. For this purpose the board is a municipality and the contract a public contract under s. 66.0901.
66.0925(11) (11)Reports. The board shall report its activities to the county board and the city council annually, or oftener as either of the municipalities may require.
66.0925(13) (13)Insurance. The board may procure and enter contracts for any type of insurance and indemnity against loss or damage to property from any cause, including loss of use and occupancy, against death or injury of any person, against employers' liability, against any act of any member, officer or employee of the board in the performance of his or her duties, or any other insurable risk.
66.0925(14) (14)Construction. Nothing in this section shall be construed as relieving, modifying, or interfering with the responsibilities for operating jails which are vested in sheriffs under s. 59.27 (1) and chiefs of police or chiefs of combined protective services departments under s. 62.09 (13) (b).
66.0925 History History: 1983 a. 189; 1983 a. 192 ss. 151, 303 (1); 1991 a. 316; 1995 a. 201; 1999 a. 150 s. 491; Stats. 1999 s. 66.0925; 2011 a. 32.
66.0927 66.0927 County-city hospitals; village and town powers.
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