106.27(3) (3)Annual report. Annually, by December 31, the department shall submit a report to the governor and the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance providing an account of the department's activities and expenditures under this section during the preceding fiscal year and detailing the amounts allocated to and expended for each of the programs, grants, and services specified in s. 20.445 (1) (b) and (bm) for that fiscal year. The report shall include information on the number of unemployed and underemployed workers and incumbent employees who participate in training programs under sub. (1) or (1j); the number of unemployed workers who obtain gainful employment, underemployed workers who obtain new employment, and incumbent employees who receive increased compensation after participating in such a training program; and the wages earned by those workers and employees both before and after participating in such a training program. The report shall also include information on the extent to which waiting lists for enrollment in courses and programs provided by technical colleges in high-demand fields are reduced as a result of grants under sub. (1g) (a), on the number of students who participate in certification or training programs under sub. (1) (a) or (e) or (1g) (b), on the building modifications funded under sub. (1) (f) and the effect of those building modifications on the school districts' technical education programs, and on the number of persons with disabilities who participate in employment enhancement activities under sub. (1g) (c). In addition, the report shall provide information on the number of student interns who are placed with employers as a result of the coordination activities conducted under sub. (1r) or the grants awarded under sub. (1) (d).
106.27 History History: 2013 a. 9, 139; 2015 a. 283, 348; 2017 a. 59.
106.271 106.271 Worker training and employment program.
106.271(1)(1)Program. Of the amounts appropriated under s. 20.445 (1) (bg) in the 2019-21 fiscal biennium, the department shall allocate $20,000,000 to provide funding, through grants or other means, to facilitate worker training and employment in this state.
106.271(1m) (1m)Eligible grant recipients. The persons eligible to apply for and receive grants made by the department under this section shall include institutions of higher education, as defined in s. 106.57 (1) (c).
106.271(2) (2)Powers of department. The department shall have all other powers necessary and convenient to implement this section, including the power to audit and inspect the records of grant recipients.
106.271(3) (3)Consultation. The department shall consult with the technical college system board and the Wisconsin Economic Development Corporation in implementing this section.
106.271(4) (4)Approval of joint finance committee. Prior to expending any funds appropriated under s. 20.445 (1) (bg), the department shall submit to the joint committee on finance a plan for implementing the program under this section. The department may not expend any funds appropriated under s. 20.445 (1) (bg) except in accordance with the plan as approved by the committee.
106.271(5) (5)Annual report. Annually, by December 31, the department shall submit a report to the governor and the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance providing an account of the department's activities and expenditures under this section during the preceding fiscal year.
106.271 History History: 2017 a. 58.
106.272 106.272 Teacher development program grants.
106.272(1)(1)From the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (dg), the department shall award grants to the school board of a school district or to the governing body of a private school, as defined under s. 115.001 (3d), or to a charter management organization that has partnered with an educator preparation program approved by the department of public instruction and headquartered in this state to design and implement a teacher development program.
106.272(2) (2)In awarding a grant under this section, the department shall do all of the following:
106.272(2)(a) (a) Consult with the department of public instruction to confirm that the teacher development program satisfies the requirements under s. 118.196 (2).
106.272(2)(b) (b) Consider the methods by which the school board, governing body, or charter management organization and the educator preparation program under sub. (1) will make the teacher development program affordable to participating employees.
106.272(2)(c) (c) Consider whether the school board, governing body, or charter management organization has agreed to contribute matching funds towards the teacher development program.
106.272 History History: 2017 a. 59, 370.
106.273 106.273 Career and technical education incentive grants and completion awards.
106.273(1)(1)Identification of workforce shortages. The department shall annually confer with the department of public instruction and the Wisconsin technical college system to identify industries and occupations within this state that face workforce shortages or shortages of adequately trained, entry-level workers. The state superintendent of public instruction shall annually notify school districts of the identified industries and occupations and make this information available on the Internet site of the department of public instruction.
106.273(2) (2)Approval of programs. The department shall approve industry-recognized certification programs designed to do any of the following:
106.273(2)(a) (a) Mitigate workforce shortages in any of the industries or occupations identified under sub. (1).
106.273(2)(b) (b) Prepare individuals for occupations as fire fighters, emergency medical responders, as defined in s. 256.01 (4p), or emergency medical services practitioners, as defined in s. 256.01 (5).
106.273(3) (3)Incentive grants to school districts.
106.273(3)(a)(a) From the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (bz), the department shall annually award all of the following incentive grants to school districts:
106.273(3)(a)1m. 1m. An incentive grant to a school district that has an industry-recognized certification program approved by the department under sub. (2) (a). Subject to pars. (am) and (b), the amount of the incentive grant under this subdivision is equal to $1,000 for each student in the school district to whom all of the following apply:
106.273(3)(a)1m.a. a. In the prior school year, the student obtained a high school diploma or a technical education high school diploma from a school in the school district.
106.273(3)(a)1m.b. b. The student successfully completed the program in a school year in which the program was approved by the department under sub. (2) (a).
106.273(3)(a)2m. 2m. An incentive grant to a school district that has an industry-recognized certification program approved by the department under sub. (2) (b). Subject to par. (b), for each such program the school district has, the amount of the incentive grant under this subdivision is equal to $1,000 for each student in the school district who successfully completed the program in a school year in which the program was approved by the department under sub. (2) (b).
106.273(3)(am) (am) The department may not make a per student award of $1,000 to a school district under par. (a) 1m. if the industry-recognized certification program completed by the student as a condition of the award under par. (a) 1m. b. is an information technology instructional program developed under s. 115.455.
106.273(3)(b) (b) If the amount available in the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (bz) in any fiscal year is insufficient to pay the full amount per student under par. (a) 1m. and 2m., the department may prorate the amount of the department's payments among school districts eligible for incentive grants under this subsection.
106.273(4) (4)Completion awards for students. From the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (c), the department shall annually award a completion award to a student in the amount of $500 for each industry-recognized certification program approved by the department under sub. (2) (b) that the student successfully completed in a school year in which the program was approved by the department under sub. (2) (b).
106.273(5) (5)Memorandum of understanding. The department and the department of public instruction shall enter into a memorandum of understanding setting forth their respective responsibilities in administering this section. The memorandum of understanding shall provide that the department of workforce development will annually furnish funds to the department of public instruction to make the payments under subs. (3) and (4).
106.273 History History: 2015 a. 55. ss. 3193b, 3193be to 3193bi; 2017 a. 59, 336, 370.
106.275 106.275 Technical education equipment grants.
106.275(1)(1)Awarding of grants.
106.275(1)(a)(a) From the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (cg), the department may award technical education equipment grants under this section in the amount of not more than $50,000 to school districts whose grant applications are approved under sub. (2) (b).
106.275(1)(b) (b) A school district that is awarded a grant under this section shall use the grant moneys awarded for the acquisition of equipment that is used in advanced manufacturing fields in the workplace, together with any software necessary for the operation of that equipment and any instructional material necessary to train pupils in the operation of that equipment.
106.275(1)(c) (c) As a condition of receiving a grant under this section, a school district shall provide matching funds equal to 200 percent of the grant amount awarded. The match may be in the form of money, or the monetary value of equipment, contributed from private sources, the school district, or both.
106.275(2) (2)Grant application process.
106.275(2)(a) (a) A school district that wishes to receive a grant under this section shall apply for the grant in accordance with procedures and requirements established by the department under rules promulgated under sub. (4) (b) 1. A grant application shall describe the purpose and need for the grant, the projected outcomes that the school district is seeking to achieve as a result of receiving the grant, the amount and source of the matching funds required under sub. (1) (c), and any other information that the department may require under rules promulgated under sub. (4) (b) 1.
106.275(2)(b) (b) The department shall review and evaluate a grant application submitted under par. (a) in accordance with procedures and criteria established by the department under rules promulgated under sub. (4) (b) 2. After completing that review and evaluation, the department shall notify the school district of the department's decision on the grant application.
106.275(3) (3)Reporting requirements. Each school district that receives a grant under this section shall file a report with the department by September 1 of each of the first 3 fiscal years following the fiscal year in which the grant was received. The report shall describe how the grant moneys were expended, describe the outcomes achieved as a result of receiving the grant, share the best practices employed by the school district regarding the training of pupils in the use of the equipment acquired with the grant moneys, include a plan for sustainability of that training, and provide such other information as the department may require under rules promulgated under sub. (4) (b) 3.
106.275(4) (4)Implementation of grant program.
106.275(4)(b)(b) The department shall promulgate rules to implement this section. Those rules shall include all of the following:
106.275(4)(b)1. 1. Rules establishing the procedures and requirements for applying for a grant under sub. (2) (a), including the information that must be submitted with a grant application.
106.275(4)(b)2. 2. Rules establishing the procedures and criteria for awarding a grant under sub. (2) (b).
106.275(4)(b)3. 3. Rules governing the reporting requirements under sub. (3), including the information that must be provided in a report submitted under sub. (3).
106.275 History History: 2017 a. 59, 370.
106.277 106.277 Grants for teacher training and recruitment.
106.277(1)(1)From the appropriation under s. 20.445 (1) (bt), the department shall award a grant to a nonprofit organization that applies on a form prepared by the department to receive a grant under this section if all of the following apply:
106.277(1)(a) (a) The organization is described under section 501 (c) (3) or (4) of the Internal Revenue Code and exempt from taxation under section 501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code.
106.277(1)(b) (b) The organization operates a program to recruit and prepare individuals to teach in public or private schools located in low-income or urban school districts in this state.
106.277(1)(c) (c) The organization submits an application no later than January 15 in the year for which the organization seeks a grant under this section and includes with its application a description of the organization and its program and the manner in which grant funding will benefit the organization or has benefited the organization in the past.
106.277(2) (2)The department shall establish a process for evaluating and assigning a score to each organization eligible to receive a grant under sub. (1). If the amount appropriated under s. 20.445 (1) (bt) is insufficient to make the payments required under sub. (1), the department shall give preference in evaluating grants under this section to a nonprofit organization for each of the following:
106.277(2)(a) (a) The program trains future teachers who are enrolled in an accredited college or university in this state concurrent with the training.
106.277(2)(b) (b) The program focuses on future teachers who plan to teach in public or private schools in this state as a profession.
106.277(2)(c) (c) The program provides continuing education and professional development.
106.277(2)(d) (d) The program attempts to place a majority of its total participants in public or private schools located in low-income or urban school districts in this state.
106.277(3) (3)When awarding a grant under this section, the department may not consider the religious affiliation, if any, of the nonprofit organization or whether the organization has received funding from the state in the past.
106.277(4) (4)By February 15 of each year, the department shall make its determination regarding successful applicants and shall notify those applicants that will receive a grant under this section.
106.277 History History: 2017 a. 59.
106.30 106.30 Nursing workforce survey and grant.
106.30(1)(1)Definition. In this section, “nurse" means a registered nurse licensed under s. 441.06 or permitted under s. 441.08, a licensed practical nurse licensed or permitted under s. 441.10, an advanced practice nurse prescriber certified under s. 441.16 (2), or a nurse-midwife licensed under s. 441.15.
106.30(2) (2)Survey form. Each odd-numbered year, the department of workforce development shall develop and submit to the department of safety and professional services a survey form to gather data under s. 441.01 (7) (a) 1. to assist the department of workforce development in evaluating the supply of, demand for, and turnover among nurses in this state and in determining whether there are any regional shortages of nurses, shortages of nurses in any speciality areas, or impediments to entering the nursing profession in this state.
106.30(3) (3)Survey results. Beginning in 2011, by September 30 of each odd-numbered year, the department shall compile, process, and evaluate the survey results and submit a report of its findings to the speaker of the assembly and the president of the senate under s. 13.172 (3) and to the governor, the secretary of health services, and the nurse resource center described in sub. (5).
106.30(4) (4)Costs of survey. The department may use no more than 12 percent of the amount received under s. 20.445 (1) (km) for costs incurred by the department under subs. (2) and (3).
106.30(5) (5)Nursing workforce grants.
106.30(5)(a) (a) From the appropriation account under s. 20.445 (1) (km), the department of workforce development shall award grants equal to the amount appropriated under s. 20.445 (1) (km) minus the amount expended under sub. (4) to a nonprofit statewide nursing center that is comprised of and led by nurses and that has demonstrated coordination with constituent groups within the nursing community, including professional nursing organizations; organizations representing nurse educators, staff nurses, and nurse managers or executives; labor organizations representing nurses; the department of safety and professional services; the department of health services; and legislators who are concerned with issues affecting the nursing profession.
106.30(5)(b) (b) A statewide nursing center that receives a grant under par. (a) shall use the grant moneys to develop strategies to ensure that there is a nursing workforce that is adequate to meet the current and future health care needs of this state. The statewide nursing center may use those moneys to fund activities that are aimed at ensuring such a nursing workforce, including monitoring trends in the applicant pool for nursing education programs; evaluating the effectiveness of nursing education programs in increasing access to those programs and in enhancing career mobility for nurses, especially for populations that are underrepresented in the nursing profession; and facilitating partnerships between the nursing community and other health care providers, the department of safety and professional services, the business community, the legislature, and educators to promote diversity within the nursing profession, enhance career mobility and leadership development for nurses, and achieve consensus regarding policies aimed at ensuring an adequate nursing workforce in this state.
106.30 History History: 2009 a. 28; 2011 a. 32.
106.36 106.36 Offender reentry initiative.
106.36(1)(1)In this section, “offender" has the meaning given in 29 USC 3102 (38).
106.36(2) (2)The department shall align its workforce development activities under the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, 29 USC 3101 to 3361, with the department of corrections' initiatives to reintegrate offenders into the community by doing all of the following:
106.36(2)(a) (a) Training staff of the department of corrections in the use of assessment tools to assess the educational and vocational needs and skills of offenders who are incarcerated.
106.36(2)(b) (b) Providing in its guidelines for the development of local plans under 29 USC 3123 a specific requirement that local workforce development boards established under 29 USC 3122 outline in their local plans how they will work with local and statewide offender reentry initiatives supported by the department of corrections.
106.36(2)(c) (c) Appointing a representative of the department of corrections to serve on any subcommittee of the state workforce development board established under 29 USC 3111 that is responsible for the planning and operation of, and other issues relating to, the state workforce development system to ensure that workforce development programs made available through that system provide workforce development activities serving offenders.
106.36(2)(d) (d) Integrating offender reentry initiatives supported by the department of corrections with the job center network under s. 106.14 (1) to ensure that offenders are aware of the comprehensive career planning, job placement, job training, and other resources available to them through the job center network.
106.36 History History: 2015 a. 55.
106.38 106.38 Hire Heroes program.
106.38(1)(1)Definition. In this section, “program” means the Hire Heroes program established under this section.
106.38(2) (2)Establishment. The department shall establish a Hire Heroes program to provide transitional jobs to veterans.
106.38(3) (3)Program components. The program under this section shall include all of the following features and requirements:
106.38(3)(a) (a) An individual may participate in the program for a maximum of 1,040 hours actually worked.
106.38(3)(b) (b) The employer of record shall pay the individual for hours actually worked at not less than the federal or state minimum wage that applies to the individual.
106.38(3)(c) (c) The department may reimburse an employer that employs an individual participating in the program for a minimum of 20 hours per week at a location in this state for any of the following costs that are attributable to the employment of the individual under the program:
106.38(3)(c)1. 1. A wage subsidy that is equal to an amount negotiated between the department and the employer, that is paid for each hour the individual actually worked, not to exceed 40 hours per week, and that is not more than the federal or state minimum wage that applies to the individual.
106.38(3)(c)2. 2. Federal social security and Medicare taxes.
106.38(3)(c)3. 3. State and federal unemployment insurance contributions or taxes, if any.
106.38(3)(c)4. 4. Worker's compensation insurance premiums, if any.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2017. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?