114.136 Annotation This section is a limited grant of power to carry out a valid state police power to promote public safety along airport approaches. It does not violate the “one man, one vote" principle. Schmidt v. City of Kenosha, 214 Wis. 2d 527, 571 N.W.2d 892 (Ct. App. 1997), 96-2380.
114.136 Annotation The authority to regulate use and location of structures within the vicinity of airports is broad enough to encompass a restriction limiting individual residential units to a minimum of one acre. The restriction does not violate equal protection. Northwest Properties v. Outagamie County, 223 Wis. 2d 483, 589 N.W.2d 683 (Ct. App. 1998), 97-3653.
114.14 114.14 Equipment, control of airport; expense; regulations.
114.14(1)(1)The governing body of a city, village, town or county which has established an airport or landing field, or landing and take-off strip, and acquired, leased or set apart real property for such purpose may construct, improve, equip, maintain and operate the same, or may vest jurisdiction for the construction, improvement, equipment, maintenance and operation thereof in any suitable officer, board or body of such city, village, town or county. The expenses of such construction, improvement, equipment, maintenance and operation shall be a city, village, town or county charge as the case may be. The governing body of a city, village, town or county may adopt regulations, and establish fees or charges for the use of such airport or landing field, or may authorize an officer, board or body of such village, city, town or county having jurisdiction to adopt such regulations and establish such fees or charges, subject however to the approval of such governing body before they shall take effect.
114.14(2) (2)
114.14(2)(a)(a) The governing body of a city, village, town or county which has established an airport may vest jurisdiction for the construction, improvement, equipment, maintenance and operation of the airport in an airport commission. The governing body of such a city, village, town or county may determine the number of commissioners on the commission. The commissioners shall be persons especially interested in aeronautics. In the case of a county, the commissioners shall be appointed by the chairperson of the county board, subject to the approval of the county board; in the case of cities, villages and towns by the mayors or city managers, village presidents and town chairpersons, respectively.
114.14(2)(b) (b) The terms of the commissioners shall be determined by the governing body.
114.14(2)(c) (c) The commissioners' compensation and allowance for expenses shall be fixed by the governing body.
114.14(2)(d) (d) The airport commission shall elect one member chairperson and one secretary who shall keep an accurate record of all its proceedings and transactions and report those proceedings and transactions to the governing body.
114.14(2)(e) (e) The commission shall have complete and exclusive control and management over the airport for which it has been appointed.
114.14(2)(f) (f) All moneys appropriated for the construction, improvement, equipment, maintenance or operation of an airport, managed as provided by this subsection, or earned by the airport or made available for its construction, improvement, equipment, maintenance or operation in any manner whatsoever, shall be deposited with the treasurer of the city, village, town or county where it shall be kept in a special fund and paid out only on order of the airport commission, drawn and signed by the secretary and countersigned by the chairperson.
114.14(2)(g) (g) In case of union airports owned by 2 or more governmental units, each governmental unit shall appoint an equal number of commissioners to serve for terms that are determined by each of the governmental units that appoint the respective commissioners. The moneys available for union airports shall be kept in the manner provided in this subsection in the treasury of one of the governmental units selected by the commission, and paid out in like manner.
114.14(3) (3)
114.14(3)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), in carrying out its duties the airport commission may do any of the following:
114.14(3)(a)1. 1. Employ a manager, who may be a member of the commission, and fix the manager's compensation.
114.14(3)(a)2. 2. Employ and fix the compensation of employees other than a manager that the commission considers necessary.
114.14(3)(a)3. 3. Make contracts or other arrangements that the commission considers necessary for the construction, improvement, equipment, maintenance or operation of the airport.
114.14(3)(a)4. 4. Contract with the United States or any agency.
114.14(3)(a)5. 5. Contract with private parties for a term not to exceed 10 years for the operation of the airport, including all necessary arrangements for the improvement, equipment and successful operation of the airport.
114.14(3)(b) (b) The exercise of authority by the airport commission under par. (a) shall be subject to all of the following conditions:
114.14(3)(b)1. 1. The public may in no case be deprived of equal and uniform use of the airport.
114.14(3)(b)2. 2. No act, contract, lease or any activity of the airport commission shall be or become a binding contract on any government unit unless expressly authorized, and then only to the extent so expressly authorized.
114.14(3)(b)3. 3. No member of the commission may vote on the question of his or her selection as manager nor on any question as to his or her compensation.
114.14 Annotation Under sub. (3) (b) 1., arbitrarily excluding members of the public, whether private or commercial, from the use of an airport constitutes depriving the public of equal and uniform use of airports. Precluding taxis without airport permits from providing prearranged services, when limousines were not required to have permits to provide the same service, conflicts with sub. (3) (b) 1. and was an invalid exercise of county authority. County of Milwaukee v. Williams, 2007 WI 69, 301 Wis. 2d 134, 732 N.W.2d 770, 05-2686.
114.14 Annotation This section does not provide a private right of action. Miller Aviation v. Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, 273 F.3d 722 (2001).
114.15 114.15 Appropriation, taxation for airports. The local authorities of a city, village, town or county to which this chapter is applicable having power to appropriate money therein may annually appropriate and cause to be raised by taxation in such city, village, town or county, a sum sufficient to carry out the provisions of this chapter.
114.151 114.151 Union airports and spaceports. All powers conferred upon any county, city, village or town by ss. 114.11 to 114.15, relating to the acquisition, establishment, construction, ownership, control, lease, equipment, improvement, maintenance, operation and regulation of airports or landing fields, or spaceports or spacecraft launch or landing areas, may be exercised by any 2 or more municipalities in the establishment, acquisition, equipment and operation of joint airports or landing fields, or spaceports or spacecraft launch or landing areas. The governing body of any county, city, village or town participating in the ownership or operation of a joint airport or spaceport as provided in this section may by resolution withdraw from such joint operation or control and may relinquish its interest in the airport or spaceport.
114.151 History History: 2005 a. 335.
114.16 114.16 Pilots; federal license or permit. It shall be unlawful for any person to pilot within this state any civil aircraft, unless such person is the holder of a currently effective pilot's license or student's permit issued by the government of the United States; but this restriction shall not apply to any person operating any aircraft licensed by a foreign country with which the United States has a reciprocal agreement covering the operation of such licensed aircraft.
114.17 114.17 Mechanic's license, issue, presentation. Any person repairing, adjusting, inspecting or overhauling aircraft or aircraft engines within this state shall be in possession of a mechanic's license issued to the person by the federal government, which must be presented for inspection upon demand of any passenger, peace officer of this state, or any official, manager or person in charge of any airport or landing field in this state.
114.17 History History: 1971 c. 192; 1993 a. 492.
114.18 114.18 Aircraft; airworthiness; federal license. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate, pilot or navigate, or cause or authorize to be operated, piloted or navigated within this state any civil aircraft, unless such aircraft has a currently effective license issued by the government of the United States or has been duly identified by the government of the United States but this restriction shall not apply to aircraft licensed by a foreign country with which the United States has a reciprocal agreement covering the operations of such licensed aircraft, or to a nonpassenger-carrying flight solely for inspection or test purposes authorized by the United States to be made without such license.
114.19 114.19 Display of licenses. The certificate of the license or permit respectively required of a pilot or a student shall be kept in the personal possession of the licensee or permittee when the licensee or permittee is operating an aircraft within this state. The certificate of the license required for an aircraft shall be carried in the aircraft at all times and shall be conspicuously posted therein in clear view of passengers. Such certificate of pilot's license, student's permit or aircraft license shall be presented for inspection upon the demand of any passenger, any peace officer of this state, any authorized official, or any official, manager or person in charge of any airport in this state upon which it shall land, or upon the reasonable request of any other person. In any criminal prosecution under any of the provisions of this chapter, a defendant who relies upon a license or permit of any kind shall have the burden of proving that he or she is properly licensed or is the possessor of a proper license or permit. The fact of nonissuance of such license or permit may be evidenced by a certificate signed by the official having power of issuance, or the official's deputy, under seal of office, stating that the official or deputy has made diligent search in the records of the official's office and that from the records it appears that no such license or permit was issued.
114.19 History History: 1993 a. 492.
114.195 114.195 Ultralight identification.
114.195(1)(1)In this section, “ultralight aircraft" means an aircraft which meets all of the following requirements:
114.195(1)(a) (a) Is used or intended to be used for manned operation in the air by a single occupant.
114.195(1)(b) (b) Is used or intended to be used for recreation or sport purposes only.
114.195(1)(c) (c) Does not have any U.S. or foreign air-worthiness certificate.
114.195(1)(d) (d) If unpowered weighs less than 155 pounds or if powered weighs less than 254 pounds empty weight excluding floats and safety devices which are intended for use in catastrophic situation, has a fuel capacity not exceeding 5 gallons, is not capable of more than 55 knots calibrated air speed at full power in level flight and has a power-off stall-speed which does not exceed 24 knots calibrated air speed.
114.195(2) (2)No person may operate an ultralight aircraft within this state unless the aircraft displays an identification number assigned by an organization, approved by the department, which issues identification numbers for ultralight aircraft. The department shall maintain a list of organizations which qualify under this subsection. Any industry registration program approved by the federal aviation administration shall be approved by the department.
114.195(3) (3)Any person violating sub. (2) shall be required to forfeit not more than $500.
114.195 History History: 1983 a. 151.
114.20 114.20 Aircraft registration.
114.20(1)(1)Registration required.
114.20(1)(a)(a) Except as provided under sub. (2), all aircraft based in this state shall be registered by the owner of the aircraft with the department annually on or before November 1 or, for aircraft with a maximum gross weight of not more than 3,000 pounds that are not subject to sub. (10), biennially on or before the first November 1. Annual registration fees shall be determined in accordance with sub. (9) or (10). Biennial registration fees shall be determined in accordance with sub. (9m).
114.20(1)(b) (b) Aircraft determined by the department to be based in this state shall be subject to the annual or biennial registration fees under sub. (9) or (9m). Aircraft which are determined to be not based in this state shall be exempt from the annual or biennial registration fees.
114.20(1)(c) (c) An aircraft is presumed to be based in this state if it is kept in the state for a period of 30 consecutive days or for a cumulative period of 60 days in any calendar year. An aircraft is not based in this state if it is brought into the state solely for the purpose of repair, maintenance or restoration.
114.20(2) (2) Exceptions to registration requirements. The registration requirements under sub. (1) do not apply to aircraft based in this state that are:
114.20(2)(a) (a) Aircraft, as defined in s. 76.02 (1);
114.20(2)(b) (b) Antique aircraft registered under sub. (6);
114.20(2)(d) (d) Museum aircraft designated under sub. (4);
114.20(2)(e) (e) Unairworthy aircraft designated under sub. (5);
114.20(2)(f) (f) Amateur built aircraft registered under sub. (8); or
114.20(2)(g) (g) Ultralight aircraft as defined in s. 114.195 (1).
114.20(3) (3) Fees in lieu of property taxes. Fees paid on aircraft under this section are in lieu of general property taxes.
114.20(4) (4) Museum aircraft. Any museum desiring to designate aircraft as museum aircraft shall, on or before November 1 of each year, submit to the department an inventory of all aircraft held by the museum for display or other museum purposes. The inventory shall identify the owner of the aircraft and whether it is being held by the museum under loan or other arrangements. The aircraft designated as museum aircraft are exempt from registration under this section during the time they are owned or held by the museum for display or other museum purposes and are not flown for any purpose except to and from displays. The museum shall promptly notify the department of any additions or deletions to the annual inventory of designated museum aircraft.
114.20(5) (5) Unairworthy aircraft. Any person desiring to have an aircraft designated as an unairworthy aircraft may apply to the department in the manner the department prescribes. No application may be acted upon unless all information requested is supplied. Upon receipt of an application and a registration fee to be established by rule and after determining from the facts submitted and investigation that the aircraft qualifies as an unairworthy aircraft, the department shall issue an unairworthy aircraft certificate. The certificate shall expire upon transfer of ownership or restoration. An aircraft is presumed restored if it is capable of operation. The annual or biennial registration fee is due on the date of restoration. Operation of the aircraft is conclusive evidence of restoration. A late payment charge to be established by rule shall be assessed on all applications filed later than 30 days after the date of restoration.
114.20(6) (6) Antique aircraft. Any antique aircraft may be registered upon receipt of the proper application and payment of a $50 registration fee. The registration remains effective without payment of an additional fee while the aircraft is owned by the registrant.
114.20(8) (8) Amateur built aircraft. Any amateur built aircraft may be registered upon receipt of the proper application and payment of a $50 registration fee. The registration remains effective without payment of an additional fee while the aircraft is owned by the registrant.
114.20(9) (9) Annual registration fees. Except as provided in sub. (10), the owner of an aircraft subject to the annual registration requirements under sub. (1) shall pay an annual registration fee established in accordance with the following gross weight schedule:
[Maximum gross weight in pounds]   [Annual fee]
114.20(9)(d) (d) Not more than 3,500   $ 70
114.20(9)(e) (e) Not more than 4,000   95
114.20(9)(f) (f) Not more than 5,000   135
114.20(9)(g) (g) Not more than 6,000   190
114.20(9)(h) (h) Not more than 7,000   240
114.20(9)(i) (i) Not more than 8,000   300
114.20(9)(j) (j) Not more than 9,000   375
114.20(9)(k) (k) Not more than 10,000   525
114.20(9)(L) (L) Not more than 11,000   690
114.20(9)(m) (m) Not more than 12,500   940
114.20(9)(n) (n) Not more than 15,000   1,125
114.20(9)(o) (o) Not more than 20,000   1,310
114.20(9)(p) (p) Not more than 25,000   1,500
114.20(9)(q) (q) Not more than 30,000   1,690
114.20(9)(r) (r) Not more than 35,000   1,875
114.20(9)(s) (s) Not more than 40,000   2,190
114.20(9)(t) (t) Not more than 100,000   2,500
114.20(9)(u) (u) More than 100,000   3,125
114.20(9m) (9m) Biennial registration fees. Except as provided in sub. (10), the owner of an aircraft subject to the biennial registration requirements under sub. (1) shall pay a biennial registration fee established in accordance with the following gross weight schedule:
[Maximum gross weight in pounds]   [Biennial fee]
114.20(9m)(a) (a) Not more than 2,000   $ 60
114.20(9m)(b) (b) Not more than 2,500   78
114.20(9m)(c) (c) Not more than 3,000   100
114.20(10) (10) Municipal and civil air patrol aircraft. Aircraft owned and operated exclusively in the public service by this state, by any county or municipality or by the civil air patrol shall be registered annually on or before November 1, by the department upon receipt of the proper application accompanied by payment of $5 for each aircraft.
114.20(11) (11) Issuance of certificate of registration; display of certificate; refunds. Upon payment of a registration fee or transfer of registration fee, the department shall issue evidence of registration which shall be displayed at all times in the manner prescribed by the department. A refund may be made for aircraft registration fees paid in error as determined by the department.
114.20(12) (12) Initial registration. For new aircraft, aircraft not previously registered in this state or unregistered aircraft for which annual registration is required under sub. (9), the fee for the initial year of registration shall be computed from the date of purchase, restoration, completed construction or entry of the aircraft into this state on the basis of one-twelfth of the registration fee specified in sub. (9) multiplied by the remaining number of months in the current registration year which are not fully expired. For new aircraft, aircraft not previously registered in this state or unregistered aircraft for which biennial registration is required under sub. (9m), the fee for the initial 2-year period of registration shall be computed from the date of purchase, restoration, completed construction or entry of the aircraft into this state on the basis of one twenty-fourth of the registration fee specified in sub. (9m) multiplied by the remaining number of months in the current 2-year registration period which are not fully expired. Application for registration shall be filed within 30 days from the date of purchase, restoration, completed construction or entry of the aircraft into this state and if filed after that date an additional administrative fee of $5 shall be charged. If the date of purchase, restoration, completed construction or entry into this state is not provided by the applicant, the full annual or biennial registration fee provided in sub. (9) or (9m) shall be charged for registering the aircraft.
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