229.74(6) (6)Valuation of securities. In computing the amount of a special debt service reserve fund for the purposes of this section, securities in which all or a portion of the special debt service reserve fund is invested shall be valued at par, or, if purchased at less than par, at their cost to the district.
229.74(7) (7)State moral obligation pledge. If at any time of valuation the special debt service reserve fund requirement under sub. (5) for a special debt service reserve fund exceeds the amount of moneys in the special debt service reserve fund, the district board shall certify to the secretary of administration, the governor, the joint committee on finance and the governing body of each county in the district the amount necessary to restore the special debt service reserve fund to an amount equal to the special debt service reserve fund requirement under sub. (5) for the special debt service reserve fund. If this certification is received by the secretary of administration in an even-numbered year prior to the completion of the budget compilation under s. 16.43, the secretary shall include the certified amount in the budget compilation. In any case, the joint committee on finance shall introduce in either house, in bill form, an appropriation of the amount so certified to the appropriate special debt service reserve fund of the district. Recognizing its moral obligation to do so, the legislature hereby expresses its expectation and aspiration that, if ever called upon to do so, it shall make this appropriation.
229.74(8) (8)Information to joint committee on finance. The district shall provide to the cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance information concerning the district's projected cashflows and security features underlying each issuance of bonds under this subchapter.
229.74 History History: 1995 a. 56; 1999 a. 150 s. 672.
229.75 229.75 Bonds not public debt.
229.75(1)(1)The state and each county in the district's jurisdiction are not liable on bonds and the bonds are not a debt of the state or any county in the district. All bonds shall contain a statement to this effect on the face of the bond. A bond issue does not, directly or indirectly or contingently, obligate the state or a political subdivision of the state to levy any tax or make any appropriation for payment of the bonds.
229.75(2) (2)Nothing in this subchapter authorizes a district to create a debt of the state or a county in the district's jurisdiction, and all bonds issued by a district are payable, and shall state that they are payable, solely from the funds pledged for their payment in accordance with the bond resolution authorizing their issuance or in any trust indenture or mortgage or deed of trust executed as security for the bonds. The state and each county in the district's jurisdiction are not liable for the payment of the principal of or interest on a bond or for the performance of any pledge, mortgage, obligation or agreement that may be undertaken by a district. The breach of any pledge, mortgage, obligation or agreement undertaken by a district does not impose pecuniary liability upon the state or a county in the district's jurisdiction or a charge upon its general credit or against its taxing power.
229.75(3) (3)Bonds issued by the district shall be secured only by the district's interest in any baseball park facilities, including any interest in a lease with the department of administration under s. 16.82 (7); by income from these facilities; by proceeds of bonds issued by the district and other amounts placed in a special redemption fund and investment earnings on such amounts; and by the taxes imposed by the district under subch. V of ch. 77. The district may not pledge its full faith and credit on the bonds and the bonds are not a liability of the district.
229.75 History History: 1995 a. 56.
229.76 229.76 State pledge. The state pledges to and agrees with the bondholders, and persons that enter into contracts with a district under this subchapter, that the state will not limit or alter the rights and powers vested in a district by this subchapter, including the rights and powers under s. 229.68 (15), before the district has fully met and discharged the bonds, and any interest due on the bonds, and has fully performed its contracts, unless adequate provision is made by law for the protection of the bondholders or those entering into contracts with a district.
229.76 History History: 1995 a. 56.
229.77 229.77 Trust funds. All moneys received under this subchapter, whether as proceeds from the sale of bonds or from any other source, are trust funds to be held and applied solely as provided in this subchapter. Any officer with whom, or any bank or trust company with which, those moneys are deposited shall act as trustee of those moneys and shall hold and apply the moneys for the purposes of this subchapter, subject to this subchapter and the bond resolution authorizing issuance of the bonds.
229.77 History History: 1995 a. 56.
229.79 229.79 Budgets; rates and charges; audit. A district shall adopt a calendar year as its fiscal year for accounting purposes. The district board shall annually prepare a budget for the district. Rates and other charges received by the district shall be used for the general expenses and capital expenditures of the district and to pay interest, amortization, and retirement charges on bonds. A district shall maintain an accounting system in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles and shall have its financial statements and debt covenants audited annually by an independent certified public accountant.
229.79 History History: 1995 a. 56.
229.81 229.81 Assistance by state agencies.
229.81(1)(1)Definition. In this section, “state agency" has the meaning given in s. 20.001 (1).
229.81(2) (2)Assistance with respect to granted land or property. All state agencies may provide assistance to a district if the district has entered into a lease agreement with the department of administration under s. 16.82 (7).
229.81 History History: 1995 a. 56.
subch. IV of ch. 229 SUBCHAPTER IV
229.820 229.820 Legislative declaration.
229.820(1)(1)The legislature determines that the provision of assistance by state agencies to a district under this subchapter, any appropriation of funds to a district under this subchapter and the moral obligation pledge under s. 229.830 (7) serve a statewide public purpose by assisting the development of professional football stadium facilities in the state for providing recreation, by encouraging economic development and tourism, by reducing unemployment and by bringing needed capital into the state for the benefit and welfare of people throughout the state. The legislature determines that the taxes that may be imposed by a district under subch. V of ch. 77 are special taxes that are generated apart from any direct annual tax on taxable property.
229.820(2) (2)The legislature determines that a district serves a public purpose in the district's jurisdiction by providing recreation, by encouraging economic development and tourism, by reducing unemployment and by bringing needed capital into the district's jurisdiction for the benefit of people in the district's jurisdiction.
229.820 History History: 1999 a. 167.
229.821 229.821 Definitions. In this subchapter:
229.821(1) (1)“Bond" means any bond, note, or other obligation issued under s. 66.0621 by a district.
229.821(2) (2)“Bond resolution" means a resolution of the district board authorizing the issuance of, or providing terms and conditions related to, bonds and includes, where appropriate, any trust agreement, trust indenture, indenture of mortgage or deed of trust providing terms and conditions for bonds.
229.821(3) (3)“Chief elected official" means the mayor of a city or, if the city is organized under subch. I of ch. 64, the president of the council of that city, the village president of a village, the town board chair of a town or the county executive of a county or, if the county does not have a county executive, the chairperson of the county board of supervisors.
229.821(4) (4)“District" means a special purpose district created under this subchapter.
229.821(5) (5)“District board" means the governing board of a district.
229.821(6) (6)“Football stadium" means a stadium that is principally used as the home stadium of a professional football team described in s. 229.823 at the time that a district is created, or if no home stadium exists at the time that a district is created, “football stadium" means a stadium that includes the site of a proposed home stadium of such a team.
229.821(7) (7)“Football stadium facilities" means football stadium property, tangible or intangible, including spectator seating of all types, practice facilities, parking lots and structures, garages, restaurants, parks, concession facilities, entertainment facilities, facilities for the display or sale of memorabilia, transportation facilities, and other functionally related or auxiliary facilities or structures.
229.821(8) (8)“Home stadium" means a stadium approved as provided in s. 229.823.
229.821(9) (9)“Members-elect" means those members of the governing body of a municipality or county, at a particular time, who have been duly elected or appointed for a current regular or unexpired term and whose service has not terminated by death, resignation or removal from office.
229.821(10) (10)“Municipality" means a city, village or town.
229.821(11) (11)“Political subdivision" means a city, village, town or county.
229.821(12) (12)“Related party" means a corporation or business entity that is owned, controlled or operated by, or under common control with, a professional football team.
229.821 History History: 1999 a. 167; 2001 a. 38.
229.822 229.822 Creation and organization.
229.822(1)(1)There is created, for each jurisdiction under s. 229.823, a special district that is a local governmental unit, that is a body corporate and politic, that is separate and distinct from, and independent of, the state and the political subdivisions within its jurisdiction, that has the powers under s. 229.824 and the name of which includes “Professional Football Stadium District".
229.822(2) (2)A district is governed by its district board. Subject to sub. (3), the district board shall consist of the following members who shall be appointed not later than 30 days after the creation of a district:
229.822(2)(a) (a) Three persons appointed by the chief elected official of the most populous city located wholly or partly within the jurisdiction of the district. A person appointed under this paragraph serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority and may take his or her seat immediately upon appointment and qualification, subject to confirmation or rejection by a majority of the members-elect of the common council or council.
229.822(2)(b) (b) Three persons appointed by the chief elected official of the county in which the football stadium is located. A person appointed under this paragraph serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority and may take his or her seat immediately upon appointment and qualification, subject to confirmation or rejection by a majority of the members-elect of the county board.
229.822(2)(c) (c) One person appointed by the chief elected official of any municipality located wholly or partly within the jurisdiction of the district, other than the most populous city located wholly or partly within the jurisdiction of the district, that has a boundary at the time of creation of the district that is contiguous to a boundary of the site of the football stadium. A person appointed under this paragraph serves at the pleasure of the appointing authority and may take his or her seat immediately upon appointment and qualification, subject to confirmation or rejection by a majority of the members-elect of the governing body of the municipality.
229.822(3) (3)Upon appointment under sub. (2), the appointing authorities shall certify the appointees to the secretary of administration. The terms of office of the persons appointed under sub. (2) shall be 2 years expiring on July 1, except that the initial terms shall expire on July 1 of the 4th year beginning after the year of creation of a district. Persons appointed under sub. (2) serve at the pleasure of their appointing authorities, and may be removed before the expiration of their terms. Vacancies shall be filled by the appointing authority who appointed the person whose office is vacant. A person appointed to fill a vacancy under sub. (2) shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term to which he or she is appointed unless removed at an earlier time. The appointing authorities shall confer with one another regarding their appointments with a view toward achieving diversity on the district board.
229.822(4) (4)
229.822(4)(a)(a) The district board shall elect from its membership a chairperson, a vice chairperson, a secretary and a treasurer. The secretary shall act as clerk of the district.
229.822(4)(b) (b) A majority of the current membership of the district board constitutes a quorum to do business. The district may take action based on the affirmative vote of a majority of those members of the district board who are present at a meeting of the district board.
229.822(5) (5)The members of the district board shall be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties.
229.822(6) (6)Upon the appointment and qualification of a majority of the members of a district board, the district board may exercise the powers and duties of a district board under this subchapter.
229.822(7) (7)The district board shall name the district, and the name shall include “Professional Football Stadium District".
229.822 History History: 1999 a. 167.
229.823 229.823 Jurisdiction. A district's jurisdiction is any county with a population at the date of the district's creation of more than 150,000 that includes the principal site of a stadium that is home to a professional football team, that is a member of a league of professional football teams that have home stadiums in at least 10 states and a collective average attendance for all league members of at least 40,000 persons per game over the 5 years immediately preceding the year in which a district is created, and that is approved by that league for use as a home stadium for that professional football team. Once created, the district's jurisdiction remains fixed even if population or attendance figures subsequently decline below the minimums described in this section.
229.823 History History: 1999 a. 167.
229.824 229.824 Powers of a district. A district has all of the powers necessary or convenient to carry out the purposes and provisions of this subchapter. In addition to all other powers granted by this subchapter, a district may do all of the following:
229.824(1) (1)Adopt bylaws to govern the district's activities, subject to this subchapter.
229.824(2) (2)Sue and be sued in its own name, plead and be impleaded.
229.824(3) (3)Maintain an office.
229.824(4) (4)In connection with football stadium facilities:
229.824(4)(a) (a) Acquire, construct, equip, maintain, improve, operate and manage the football stadium facilities as a revenue-generating enterprise, or engage other persons to do these things.
229.824(4)(b) (b) Acquire; lease, as lessor or lessee; use; transfer; or accept transfers of property.
229.824(4)(c) (c) Improve, maintain and repair property, and fund reserves for maintenance, depreciation and capital improvements. Reserves for depreciation and capital improvements may not be created in the special fund maintained under s. 229.825 (1) or the fund established under s. 229.8257.
229.824(4)(d) (d) Enter into contracts, subject to such standards as may be established by the district board. The district board may award any such contract for any combination or division of work it designates and may consider any factors in awarding a contract, including price, time for completion of work and qualifications and past performance of a contractor.
229.824(4)(e) (e) Grant concessions.
229.824(4)(f) (f) Sell or otherwise dispose of unneeded or unwanted property.
229.824(5) (5)Employ personnel, and fix and regulate their compensation; and provide, either directly or subject to an agreement under s. 66.0301 as a participant in a benefit plan of another governmental entity, any employee benefits, including an employee pension plan.
229.824(6) (6)Purchase insurance, establish and administer a plan of self-insurance or, subject to an agreement with another governmental entity under s. 66.0301, participate in a governmental plan of insurance or self-insurance.
229.824(7) (7)Mortgage, pledge or otherwise encumber the district's property or funds.
229.824(8) (8)Subject to s. 229.8245, issue revenue bonds under s. 66.0621, subject to ss. 229.829 to 229.834, and enter into agreements related to the issuance of bonds, including liquidity and credit facilities, remarketing agreements, insurance policies, guaranty agreements, letter of credit or reimbursement agreements, indexing agreements, interest exchange agreements, and currency exchange agreements.
229.824(9) (9)Maintain funds and invest the funds in any investment that the district board considers appropriate.
229.824(10) (10)Promote, advertise and publicize its football stadium facilities and related activities.
229.824(11) (11)Set standards governing the use of, and the conduct within, its football stadium facilities in order to promote public safety and convenience and to maintain order.
229.824(12) (12)Establish and collect fees or other charges for the use of its football stadium facilities or for services rendered by the district.
229.824(13) (13)Establish and collect fees or other charges for the right to purchase admission to events at the football stadium if the proceeds from any amount that is collected under this subsection are used for purposes related to football stadium facilities.
229.824(14) (14)Enter into partnerships, joint ventures, common ownership or other arrangements with other persons to further the district's purposes.
229.824(15) (15)Impose, by the adoption of a resolution, the taxes under subch. V of ch. 77, except that the taxes imposed by the resolution may not take effect until the resolution is approved by a majority of the electors in the district's jurisdiction voting on the resolution at a referendum, to be held at the first spring primary or partisan primary following by at least 45 days the date of adoption of the resolution. Two questions shall appear on the ballot. The first question shall be: “Shall a sales tax and a use tax be imposed at the rate of 0.5 percent in .... County for purposes related to football stadium facilities in the .... Professional Football Stadium District?" The 2nd question shall be: “Shall excess revenues from the 0.5 percent sales tax and use tax be permitted to be used for property tax relief purposes in .... County?" Approval of the first question constitutes approval of the resolution of the district board. Approval of the 2nd question is not effective unless the first question is approved. The clerk of the district shall publish the notices required under s. 10.06 (4) (c), (f) and (i) for any referendum held under this subsection. Notwithstanding s. 10.06 (4) (c), the type A notice under s. 10.01 (2) (a) relating to the referendum is valid even if given and published late as long as it is given and published prior to the election as early as practicable. A district may not levy any taxes that are not expressly authorized under subch. V of ch. 77. The district may not levy any taxes until the professional football team and the governing body of the municipality in which the football stadium facilities are located agree on how to fund the maintenance of the football stadium facilities. The district may not levy any taxes until the professional football team and the governing body of the municipality in which the football stadium facilities are located agree on how to distribute the proceeds, if any, from the sale of naming rights related to the football stadium facilities. If a district board adopts a resolution that imposes taxes and the resolution is approved by the electors, the district shall deliver a certified copy of the resolution to the secretary of revenue at least 120 days before its effective date. If a district board adopts a resolution that imposes taxes and the resolution is not approved by the electors, the district is dissolved.
229.824(16) (16)Accept gifts, loans and other aid.
229.824(17) (17)Administer the receipt of revenues, and oversee the payment of bonds issued by the district.
229.824(18) (18)Adopt and alter an official seal.
229.824(19) (19)Subject to the limitation in this subsection, sell engraved tiles or bricks, which may be placed in or around football stadium facilities. The net proceeds from the sale of engraved tiles or bricks shall be deposited by the district into the fund under s. 229.8257. No tiles or bricks may be sold under this subsection if the net proceeds from such sales would exceed the amount that would jeopardize the federal tax-exempt status of the bonds.
229.824 History History: 1999 a. 167; 2001 a. 38; 2009 a. 2; 2011 a. 75.
229.8245 229.8245 Limitations on district.
229.8245(1)(1)The name of a football stadium may not be changed without the written consent of the municipality in which it is located and the professional football team described in s. 229.823.
229.8245(2) (2)The district may not issue bonds under s. 229.824 (8) unless all of the following apply:
229.8245(2)(a) (a) The district has entered into a lease with a professional football team, as described in s. 229.823, under which the team agrees to be the principal tenant of the football stadium for a term of not less than 30 years.
229.8245(2)(b) (b) A professional football team, as described in s. 229.823, certifies to the district that it has applied to the league of professional football teams to which it belongs for approval of a policy that allows a person who paid a onetime license or similar right, as described in s. 77.54 (45), to receive a payment in an amount that is equal to the amount of the license or right from any person who subsequently receives that license or right.
229.8245(2)(c) (c) The district and a professional football team, as described in s. 229.823, enter into an agreement, which may not be amended, under which the team agrees that if the team is sold, if its assets are liquidated or if the team is transferred to a new owner before the certification is made under s. 229.825 (3) (a), the terms of the sale, liquidation or transfer of the team shall require the immediate retirement of all outstanding bonds, including bonds issued to fund or refund those bonds.
229.8245(2)(d) (d) The district and a professional football team, as described in s. 229.823, enter into an agreement under which the team agrees that no engraved tiles or bricks, which may be placed in or around football stadium facilities, may be sold by the team and that engraved tiles or bricks may be sold only by the district, as provided in s. 229.824 (19).
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