30.208(3) (3)Notice of complete application; request for public hearing; decision.
30.208(3)(a) (a) Within 15 days after the date of closure, as determined under sub. (2) (a) or (b), the department shall provide notice of pending application to interested members of the public, as determined by the department. If the applicant has requested a public hearing as part of the submitted application, a notice of public hearing shall be part of the notice of pending application.
30.208(3)(b) (b) If the notice of pending application does not contain a notice of public hearing, any person may request a public hearing in writing or the department may decide to hold a public hearing with or without a request being submitted if the department determines that there is a significant public interest in holding a hearing.
30.208(3)(c) (c) A request for a public hearing under par. (b) must be submitted to the department or the department's decision to hold a public hearing must occur within 20 days after the department provides the notice of pending application. The department shall provide notice of public hearing within 15 days after the request for public hearing is submitted or the department makes its decision to hold a public hearing.
30.208(3)(d) (d) The department shall hold a public hearing within 30 days after the notice of hearing has been provided under par. (a) or (c).
30.208(3)(e) (e) Within 20 days after the period for public comment under sub. (4) (b) has ended or, if no public hearing is held, within 30 days of the 30-day comment period under sub. (4) (a), the department shall render a decision issuing, denying, or modifying the permit or approving or disapproving the contract that is the subject of the application submitted under sub. (1). If the application is to modify a permit to allow an activity necessary to maintain or repair a utility facility that is owned or operated by a public utility, as defined in s. 196.01 (5), or a cooperative association organized under ch. 185 for the purpose of producing or furnishing heat, light, water, or power to its members only, the department may not modify the permit to require the relocation of the facility.
30.208(3)(eg)1.1. The department and the applicant may agree to extend the 20-day or 30-day time period specified in par. (e) one time for a specific number of additional days. The extension may not exceed 30 days.
30.208(3)(eg)2. 2. The department may also extend the 20-day or 30-day time period specified in par. (e) if adverse weather conditions prevent the department from conducting an accurate on-site inspection during the 20-day or 30-day time period. The department shall give notice to the applicant of this extension. The department shall complete the inspection as soon as weather conditions permit, but the extension may not exceed 30 days under any circumstances.
30.208(3)(er) (er) If the decision rendered by the department under par. (e) is a denial or disapproval, the department shall include in the decision the specific grounds and reasons as to how the applicable provisions of this subchapter were not met. If the denial or disapproval is based on an incomplete application, the department shall inform the applicant of the areas of the application that were incomplete.
30.208(3)(f) (f) If the department fails to comply with the time periods under par. (e), a decision issuing the permit, modifying the permit, or approving the contract shall be considered to be rendered. The permit that is issued or is modified, or the contract that is approved, shall authorize the activity as proposed by the applicant, but the department may impose terms and conditions on the permit or contract that are consistent with the applicant's basic proposal.
30.208(3m) (3m)Notice to downstream communities. When the department receives an application for an individual permit under s. 30.12 for a structure through which water transferred from the Great Lakes basin would be returned to the source watershed through a stream tributary to one of the Great Lakes, the department shall provide notice of the application to the governing body of each city, village, and town through which the stream flows or that is adjacent to the stream downstream from the point at which the water would enter the stream.
30.208(4) (4)Public comment.
30.208(4)(a) (a) The department shall provide a period for public comment after the department has provided a notice of pending application under sub. (3) (a), during which time any person may submit written comments with respect to the application for the permit or contract. The department shall retain all of the written comments submitted during this period and shall consider all of the comments in the formulation of the final decision on the application. The period for public comment shall end on the 30th day following the date on which the department completes providing the notice of pending application, except as provided in par. (b).
30.208(4)(b) (b) If a public hearing is held, the period for public comment shall end on the 10th day following the date on which the public hearing is completed.
30.208(4)(d) (d) The department shall promulgate rules to establish procedures for the conduct of public hearings held under this subsection. Notwithstanding s. 227.42, a public hearing held under this subsection shall be an informational hearing and may not be treated as, nor converted to, a contested case under s. 227.01 (3).
30.208(5) (5)Notice requirements.
30.208(5)(a) (a) The department shall, by rule, establish procedures for providing notices of pending applications and notices of public hearings to be provided under sub. (3), and notices of administrative hearings to be provided under s. 30.209 (1m). The procedures shall require all of the following:
30.208(5)(a)1. 1. That the notice be published as a class 1 notice under ch. 985.
30.208(5)(a)2. 2. That the notice be mailed to any person or group upon request.
30.208(5)(a)3. 3. That the notice be published on the department's Internet website.
30.208(5)(b) (b) The department shall, by rule, prescribe the form and content of notices of pending applications and notices of public hearings to be provided under sub. (3), and notices of administrative hearings to be provided under s. 30.209 (1m). Each notice shall include all of the following information:
30.208(5)(b)1. 1. The name and address of each applicant or permit holder.
30.208(5)(b)2. 2. A brief description of each applicant's activity or project that requires the permit.
30.208(5)(b)3. 3. The name of the waterway in or for which the activity or project is planned.
30.208(5)(b)3m. 3m. For a notice of public hearing under sub. (3), the time, date, and location of the hearing.
30.208(5)(b)3r. 3r. For a notice of pending application and a notice of public hearing under sub. (3), a brief, precise, easily understandable, plain language description of the subject matter of the pending application and information indicating where the pending application may be viewed on the department's Internet website.
30.208(5)(b)4. 4. For a notice of pending application and a notice of public hearing under sub. (3), a statement of the tentative determination to issue, modify, or deny a permit, or to approve or disapprove a contract, for the activity or project described in the application.
30.208(5)(b)5. 5. For a notice of pending application and a notice of public hearing under sub. (3), a brief description of the procedures for the formulation of final determinations, including a description of the comment period required under sub. (4).
30.208(5)(bm) (bm) For the purpose of determining the date on which notice is provided under this subsection, the date of the notice shall be the date on which the department first publishes the notice on its Internet website.
30.208(5)(c)1m.1m. The department may delegate the department's requirement to provide notice under sub. (3) in the manner specified under par. (a) 1. or 2. or to provide notice under s. 30.209 (1m) by doing any of the following:
30.208(5)(c)1m.a. a. Requiring that the applicant for the permit or contract provide by publication, mailing, or other distribution one or more of the notices.
30.208(5)(c)1m.b. b. Requiring that the applicant for the permit or contract pay for the publication, mailing, or any other distribution costs of providing one or more of the notices.
30.208(5)(c)2m. 2m. If, under subd. 1m., the department delegates to an applicant the requirement to provide notice under sub. (3) by publishing a class 1 notice under ch. 985, the applicant may in lieu of publishing the class 1 notice request that the department publish the class 1 notice. The department shall charge the applicant a fee for publishing the class 1 notice in an amount that equals the average cost to the department for publishing under this chapter class 1 notices under ch. 985.
30.209 30.209 Contracts and individual permits; administrative and judicial review.
30.209(1)(1)Definition. In this section, “applicant" means any person applying to receive a permit or contract under this subchapter or any person who has received a permit or contract under this subchapter.
30.209(1m) (1m)Request for administrative review.
30.209(1m)(a)(a) Any interested person may file a petition with the department for administrative review within 30 days after any of the following decisions given by the department:
30.209(1m)(a)1. 1. The issuance, denial, or modification of any individual permit issued or contract entered into under this subchapter.
30.209(1m)(a)2. 2. The imposition of, or failure to impose, a term or condition on any individual permit issued or contract entered into under this subchapter.
30.209(1m)(b) (b) If the petitioner is not the applicant, the petition shall describe the petitioner's objection to the permit or contract and shall contain all of the following:
30.209(1m)(b)1. 1. A description of the objection that is sufficiently specific to allow the department to determine which provisions of this subchapter may be violated if the proposed activity or project under the permit or contract is allowed to proceed.
30.209(1m)(b)2. 2. A description of the facts supporting the petition that is sufficiently specific to determine how the petitioner believes the activity or project, as proposed, may result in a violation of the provisions of this subchapter.
30.209(1m)(b)3. 3. A commitment by the petitioner to appear at the administrative hearing and present information supporting the petitioner's objection.
30.209(1m)(c) (c) The activity or project shall be stayed pending an administrative hearing under this section, if the petition contains a request for the stay showing that a stay is necessary to prevent significant adverse impacts or irreversible harm to the environment.
30.209(1m)(d) (d) If a stay is requested under par. (c), the stay shall be in effect until either the department denies the request for an administrative hearing or the hearing examiner determines that the stay is not necessary.
30.209(1m)(e) (e) The petitioner shall file a copy of the petition with the department. If the petitioner is not the applicant, the petitioner shall simultaneously provide a copy of the petition to the applicant. The applicant may file a response to the petition with the department. If the applicant files a response under this paragraph, it shall be filed within 15 days after the petition is filed.
30.209(1m)(f) (f) The department shall grant or deny the petition within 30 days after the petition is filed. The failure of the department to dispose of the petition within this 30-day period is a denial. The department shall deny the petition if any of the following applies:
30.209(1m)(f)1. 1. The petitioner is not the applicant and the petition does not comply with the requirements of par. (b).
30.209(1m)(f)2. 2. The objection contained in the petition is not substantive. The department shall determine that an objection is substantive if the supporting facts contained in the objection appear to be substantially true and raise reasonable grounds to believe that the provisions of this subchapter may be violated if the activity or project is undertaken.
30.209(1m)(fm) (fm) If the department denies the petition, the department shall send the petitioner the denial in writing, stating the reasons for the denial.
30.209(1m)(g) (g) If the department grants a petition under this subsection, the department shall refer the matter to the division of hearings and appeals in the department of administration within 15 days after granting the petition unless the petitioner and the applicant agree to an extension.
30.209(2) (2)Administrative hearings.
30.209(2)(a) (a) An administrative hearing under this section shall be treated as a contested case under ch. 227.
30.209(2)(b) (b) If a stay under sub. (1m) (c) is in effect, the hearing examiner shall, within 30 days after receipt of the referral under sub. (1m) (g), determine whether continuation of the stay is necessary to prevent significant adverse impacts or irreversible harm to the environment pending completion of the administrative hearing. The hearing examiner shall make the determination based on the request under sub. (1m) (c), any response from the applicant under sub. (1m) (e), and any testimony at a public hearing or any public comments. The determination shall be made without a hearing.
30.209(2)(c) (c) An administrative hearing under this section shall be completed within 90 days after receipt of the referral of the petition under sub. (1m) (g), unless all parties agree to an extension of that period. In addition, a hearing examiner may grant a one-time extension for the completion of the hearing of up to 60 days on the motion of any party and a showing of good cause demonstrating extraordinary circumstances justifying an extension.
30.209(2)(d) (d) Notwithstanding s. 227.44 (1), the department shall provide a notice of the administrative hearing at least 30 days before the date of the hearing to all of the following:
30.209(2)(d)1. 1. The applicant.
30.209(2)(d)2. 2. Each petitioner, if other than the applicant.
30.209(2)(d)3. 3. Any other persons required to receive notice under the rules promulgated under s. 30.208 (5).
30.209(2)(e) (e) In an administrative hearing under this section, the petitioner shall proceed first with the presentation of evidence and shall have the burden of proof.
30.209(3) (3)Judicial review.
30.209(3)(a) (a) Any person whose substantial interest is affected by a decision of the department under sub. (1m) (a) 1. or 2. may commence an action in circuit court to review that decision.
30.209(3)(b) (b) Any party aggrieved by a decision of a hearing examiner under sub. (2) may commence an action in circuit court to review that decision.
30.209 History History: 2003 a. 118, 326, 327; 2011 a. 167.
30.2095 30.2095 Limits and conditions for permits and contracts.
30.2095(1)(a) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), every permit or contract issued under ss. 30.01 to 30.29 for which a time limit is not provided by s. 30.20 (2) is void unless the activity or project is completed within 3 years after the permit or contract was issued.
30.2095(1)(b) (b) The department may specify a time limit of less than 3 years for an individual permit or contract issued under ss. 30.01 to 30.29. The department shall extend the time limit for an individual permit or contract issued under ss. 30.01 to 30.29 for no longer than an additional 5 years if the grantee requests an extension prior to expiration of the initial time limit.
30.2095(2) (2)For good cause, the department may modify or rescind any permit or contract issued under ss. 30.01 to 30.29 before its expiration.
30.2095 History History: 1987 a. 374; 2003 a. 118 s. 15; Stats. 2003 s. 30.2095; 2011 a. 167.
30.21 30.21 Use of beds of Great Lakes by public utilities.
30.21(1)(1)Water intake facilities. Upon compliance with such applicable regulations as may be imposed by the government of the United States and subject to chs. 196 and 197 and rules and orders of the public service commission issued pursuant thereto, any public utility may, pursuant to permit granted by resolution of the governing body of any city, village or town situated on any waters of Lake Michigan or Lake Superior or in the Great Lakes basin, construct, maintain and operate, upon and under the bed thereof adjoining such city, village or town, all cribs, intakes, basins, pipes and tunnels necessary or convenient for securing an adequate supply of water suitable for the purposes of such utility, provided only, that concurrently with the construction of facilities for the withdrawal of water from the lakes, the city, town or village must construct sewage treatment and disposal works adequate to treat completely all sewage of the municipality. Any city, village or town, the limits of which are within 50 miles of any such waters and any public utility serving the same shall be deemed to be situated on such waters within the meaning of this section and such municipality or public utility serving the same shall, subject to this section, have authority to acquire and own or lease sufficient real estate, not to exceed 50 miles beyond the corporate limits of such municipality, for the purpose of constructing, maintaining and operating thereon or thereunder, transmission facilities and structures, including cribs, intakes, basins, pipes and tunnels, necessary or convenient for securing an adequate supply of water suitable for the purposes of such municipality or utility. Such facilities shall be so constructed, maintained and operated as to avoid material obstruction to existing navigation or the use of private property not owned by such utility.
30.21(2) (2)Harbor facilities; public utility structures. Pursuant to the authority and conditions specified in sub. (1), any such utility may also:
30.21(2)(a) (a) Improve the navigability of any of the waters specified in sub. (1) and construct upon the shore and the adjoining bed of such waters, harbor facilities adapted for the reception, docking, unloading and loading of vessels carrying supplies required for the operation of such utility.
30.21(2)(b) (b) Place any public utility structure, including all or part of any plant for the generation of electricity and the appurtenances, upon the bed of any of the waters specified in sub. (1), provided the utility first obtains approval under this chapter and obtains the approval of the public service commission as required by s. 196.49 or rules or orders of the public service commission issued pursuant thereto, and also obtains the approval of the department to the making of any payment to be made to the municipality with respect to the erection of such structure.
30.21(3) (3)Compliance with other permit requirements.
30.21(3)(a)(a) Each public utility operating under a permit under this section on January 1, 1986, shall comply with s. 281.35 (2), if applicable.
30.21(3)(b) (b) On and after January 1, 1986, no city, village or town may issue a permit under sub. (1) unless the public utility applying for the permit complies with s. 30.18 (2) (b), if applicable.
30.21 History History: 1985 a. 60; 1995 a. 227.
30.24 30.24 Bluff protection.
30.24(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
30.24(1)(a) (a) “Obligate" has the meaning given in s. 23.0917 (1) (e).
30.24(1)(b) (b) “Protect" includes to restore.
30.24(2) (2)Authorization. For the purposes of protecting bluff land, the department may expend money from the appropriation under s. 20.866 (2) (ta) for a program under which the department may do all of the following:
30.24(2)(a) (a) Acquire bluff land or interests in bluff land along the Great Lakes.
30.24(2)(b) (b) Award grants to nonprofit conservation organizations to acquire these lands or interests under s. 23.096.
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