59.69 Annotation
When a village eliminated the selling of cars as a conditional use in general business districts a previously granted conditional use permit (CUP) was voided, the property owner was left with a legal nonconforming use to sell cars, and the village could not enforce the strictures of the CUP against the property owner. Therefore, the owner could continue to sell cars in accordance with the historical use of the property, but if the use were to go beyond the historical use of the property, the village could seek to eliminate the property's status as a legal nonconforming use. Hussein v. Village of Germantown Board of Zoning Appeals,
2011 WI App 96,
334 Wis. 2d 764,
800 N.W.2d 551,
59.69 Annotation
A county has the authority under both subs. (1) and (4) and s. 59.70 (22) to enact ordinances regulating billboards and other similar structures. When a town approves a county zoning ordinance under sub. (5) (c) that includes a billboard ordinance, the town's billboard ordinance adopted under s. 60.23 (29) does not preempt a county's authority to regulate billboards in that town. Adams Outdoor Advertising, L.P. v. County of Dane,
2012 WI App 28,
340 Wis. 2d 175,
811 N.W.2d 421,
59.69 Annotation
A municipality has the flexibility to regulate land use through zoning up until the point when a developer obtains a building permit. Once a building permit has been obtained, a developer may make expenditures in reliance on a zoning classification. Wisconsin follows the bright-line building permit rule that a property owner's rights do not vest until the developer has submitted an application for a building permit that conforms to the zoning or building code requirements in effect at the time of application. McKee Family I, LLC v. City of Fitchburg,
2017 WI 34,
366 Wis. 2d 329,
873 N.W.2d 99,
59.69 Annotation
The building permit rule is a bright-line rule vesting the right to use property consistent with current zoning at the time a building permit application that strictly conforms to all applicable zoning regulations is filed. The rule extends to all land specifically identified in a building permit application as part of the project. Golden Sands Dairy LLC v. Town of Saratoga,
2018 WI 61,
381 Wis. 2d 704,
913 N.W.2d 118,
59.69 Annotation
The fact that a county is within a regional planning commission does not affect county zoning power. 61 Atty. Gen. 220.
59.69 Annotation
The authority of a county to regulate mobile homes under this section and other zoning questions are discussed. 62 Atty. Gen. 292.
59.69 Annotation
Zoning ordinances utilizing definitions of “family" to restrict the number of unrelated persons who may live in a single family dwelling are of questionable constitutionality. 63 Atty. Gen. 34.
59.69 Annotation
Under s. 59.97 [now s. 59.69] (5) (c), town board approval of a comprehensive county zoning ordinance must extend to the ordinance in its entirety and may not extend only to parts of the ordinance. 63 Atty. Gen. 199.
59.69 Annotation
A county that has enacted a countywide comprehensive zoning ordinance under this section may not authorize the withdrawal of town approval of the ordinance or exclude any town from the ordinance. 67 Atty. Gen. 197.
59.69 Annotation
The office of county planning and zoning commission member is incompatible with the position of executive director of the county housing authority.
81 Atty. Gen. 90.
59.69 Annotation
An amendment to a county zoning ordinance adding a new zoning district does not necessarily constitute a comprehensive revision requiring town board approval of the entire ordinance under s. 59.97 [now s. 59.69] (5) (d).
81 Atty. Gen. 98.
59.69 Annotation
A county's power under sub. (4) is broad enough to encompass regulation of the storage of junked, unused, unlicensed, or abandoned motor vehicles on private property. Because sub. (10) protects “trade or industry," a county zoning ordinance could prohibit an existing non-commercial, nonconforming use or a use that is “casual and occasional."
OAG 2-00.
59.69 Annotation
A county's minimum lot size zoning ordinance applies to parcels created by a court through division in a partition or probate action, even if such division would be exempted from a municipality's subdivision authority under s. 236.45 (2) (am) 1.
OAG 1-14.
59.69 Annotation
Architectural Appearances Ordinances and the 1st Amendment. Rice. 76 MLR 439 (1992).
Required notice on certain approvals. 59.691(2)(a)(a) Except as provided in par.
(b), a county that issues a building permit or other approval for construction activity, shall give the applicant a written notice as specified in subs.
(3) and
(4) at the time the building permit is issued.
59.691(2)(b)1.1. A county is not required to give the notice under par.
(a) at the time that it issues a building permit if the county issues the building permit on a standard building permit form prescribed by the department of safety and professional services.
2. A county is not required to give the notice under par.
(a) at the time that it issues a building permit or other approval if the building permit or other approval is for construction activity that does not involve any land disturbing activity including removing protective ground cover or vegetation, or excavating, filling, covering, or grading land.
(4) The notice required in sub.
(2) (a) shall contain the electronic website address that gives the recipient of the notice direct contact with that website.
(5) A county in issuing a notice under this section shall require that the applicant for the building permit sign a statement acknowledging that the person has received the notice.
Zoning of shorelands on navigable waters. 59.692(1)(a)
(a) “Department" means the department of natural resources.
(b) “Shorelands" means the area within the following distances from the ordinary high-water mark of navigable waters, as defined under s.
281.31 (2) (d):
1. One thousand feet from a lake, pond or flowage. If the navigable water is a glacial pothole lake, this distance shall be measured from the high-water mark of the lake.
2. Three hundred feet from a river or stream or to the landward side of the floodplain, whichever distance is greater.
(bn) “Shoreland setback area" means an area in a shoreland that is within a certain distance of the ordinary high-water mark in which the construction or placement of structures has been limited or prohibited under an ordinance enacted under this section.
(c) “Shoreland zoning standard" means a standard for ordinances enacted under this section that is promulgated as a rule by the department.
(e) “Structure" means a principal structure or any accessory structure including a garage, shed, boathouse, sidewalk, stairway, walkway, patio, deck, retaining wall, porch, or fire pit.
(1c) To effect the purposes of s.
281.31 and to promote the public health, safety and general welfare, each county shall zone by ordinance all shorelands in its unincorporated area. This ordinance may be enacted separately from ordinances enacted under s.
59.692(1d)(a)(a) An ordinance enacted under this section may not regulate a matter more restrictively than the matter is regulated by a shoreland zoning standard.
(b) Paragraph
(a) does not prohibit a county from enacting a shoreland zoning ordinance that regulates a matter that is not regulated by a shoreland zoning standard.
59.692(1f)(a)(a) A county shoreland zoning ordinance may not require a person to do any of the following:
1. Establish a vegetative buffer zone on previously developed land.
(b) A county shoreland zoning ordinance may require a person to maintain a vegetative buffer zone that exists on July 14, 2015, if the ordinance also does all of the following:
1. Allows the buffer zone to contain a viewing corridor that is at least 35 feet wide for every 100 feet of shoreline frontage.
2. Allows a viewing corridor to run contiguously for the entire maximum width established under subd.
1. 59.692(1h)
(1h) If a professional land surveyor licensed under ch.
443, in measuring a setback from an ordinary high-water mark of a navigable water as required by an ordinance enacted under this section, relies on a map, plat, or survey that incorporates or approximates the ordinary high-water mark in accordance with s.
236.025, the setback measured is the setback with respect to a structure constructed on that property if all of the following apply:
(a) The map, plat, or survey is prepared by a professional land surveyor, licensed under ch.
443, after April 28, 2016. The same professional land surveyor may prepare the map, plat, or survey and measure the setback.
(b) The department has not identified the ordinary high-water mark on its Internet site as is required under s.
30.102 at the time the setback is measured.
59.692(1k)(a)(a) The department may not impair the interest of a landowner in shoreland property by establishing a shoreland zoning standard, and a county may not impair the interest of a landowner in shoreland property by enacting or enforcing a shoreland zoning ordinance, that does any of the following:
1. Requires any approval to install or maintain outdoor lighting in shorelands, imposes any fee or mitigation requirement to install or maintain outdoor lighting in shorelands, or otherwise prohibits or regulates outdoor lighting in shorelands if the lighting is designed or intended for residential use.
2. Except as provided in par.
(b), requires any approval or imposes any fee or mitigation requirement for, or otherwise prohibits or regulates, the maintenance, repair, replacement, restoration, rebuilding, or remodeling of all or any part of any of the following if the activity does not expand the footprint of the structure:
b. A structure of which any part is legally located in the shoreland setback area by operation of a variance granted before July 13, 2015.
c. A building or structure in violation of a county shoreland zoning ordinance that, under sub.
(1t), may not be enforced.
2m. Except as provided in pars.
(b) and
(bm), requires any approval or imposes any fee or mitigation requirement for, or otherwise prohibits or regulates, the maintenance, repair, replacement, restoration, rebuilding, or remodeling of all or any part of a structure listed under sub.
(1n) (d) that was legally constructed wholly or partially within the shoreland setback area if the activity does not expand the footprint of the existing structure.
3. Requires any inspection or upgrade of a structure before the sale or other transfer of the structure may be made.
4. Requires any approval or imposes any fee or mitigation requirement for, or otherwise prohibits or regulates, the vertical expansion of a nonconforming structure or a structure of which any part is legally located in the shoreland setback area by operation of a variance granted before July 13, 2015, unless the vertical expansion would extend more than 35 feet above grade level.
6. Prohibits placement in a shoreland setback area of a device or system authorized under par.
(am) 1. 59.692(1k)(am)
(am) The department may not impair the interest of a landowner in shoreland property by establishing a shoreland zoning standard, and a county may not impair the interest of a landowner in shoreland property by enacting or enforcing a shoreland zoning ordinance, that establishes standards for impervious surfaces unless all of the following apply:
1. The standards provide that a surface is considered pervious if the runoff from the surface is treated by a device or system, or is discharged to an internally drained pervious area, that retains the runoff on or off the parcel to allow infiltration into the soil.
2. If the standards allow a greater amount of impervious surface on areas with highly developed shorelines than areas with shorelines that are not highly developed, as determined by the department, the standards also require an area with highly developed shorelines to include at least 500 feet of shoreline and require that one of the following applies:
a. The area is composed of a majority of lots with more than 30 percent impervious surface area, as calculated by the county and approved by the department.
b. The area is composed of a majority of lots that are less than 20,000 square feet in area.
(b) A county shoreland zoning ordinance shall allow an activity specified under par.
(a) 2. and
2m. to expand the footprint of a nonconforming structure, a structure listed under sub.
(1n) (d), or a structure of which any part is legally located in the shoreland setback area by operation of a variance granted before July 13, 2015, if the expansion is necessary for the structure to comply with applicable state or federal requirements.
(bm) A county shoreland zoning ordinance may prohibit an activity specified under par.
(a) 2m. from expanding a structure listed under sub.
(1n) (d) beyond the 3-dimensional building envelope of the existing structure.
59.692(1k)(c)1.1. Nothing in this section prohibits the department from establishing a shoreland zoning standard that allows the vertical or lateral expansion of a nonconforming structure.
2. Nothing in this section prohibits a county from enacting a shoreland zoning ordinance that allows the vertical or lateral expansion of a nonconforming structure if the ordinance does not conflict with shoreland zoning standards established by the department.
59.692(1n)(a)(a) In this subsection, “setback" means the distance that a shoreland setback area extends from the ordinary high-water mark.
(am) Except as provided under pars.
(c), and
(d), a county shoreland zoning ordinance shall establish a setback of 75 feet.
(b) Except as provided in pars.
(bm) and
(c), if the closest principal structure in each direction along the shoreline to a proposed principal structure exists on an adjacent lot and within 250 feet of the proposed principal structure and both of the existing principal structures are set back less than 75 feet from the ordinary high-water mark, a county shoreland zoning ordinance shall establish a setback equal to the average of the distances that those structures are set back from the ordinary high-water mark but no less than 35 feet.
(bm) If a principal structure exists on an adjacent lot and within 250 feet of a proposed principal structure in only one direction along the shoreline, is the closest principal structure to the proposed principal structure, and is set back less than 75 feet from the ordinary high-water mark, a county shoreland zoning ordinance may establish a setback equal to the average of 75 feet and the distance that the existing structure is set back from the ordinary high-water mark but no less than 35 feet.
59.692(1n)(c)1.1. Except as provided in subd.
2., if the closest principal structure in each direction along the shoreline to a proposed principal structure exists on an adjacent lot and within 200 feet of the proposed principal structure and both of the existing principal structures are set back more than 75 feet from the ordinary high-water mark at or farther landward from the setback that was required at the time each structure was built, a county shoreland zoning ordinance may establish a setback equal to the average of the setbacks required for those structures at the time they were built.
2. Subdivision
1. does not apply if the resulting setback limits the placement of the proposed principal structure to an area on which the structure cannot be built.
(d) A county shoreland zoning ordinance may not prohibit the construction of any of the following structures within the 75-foot setback requirement under par.
4. A broadcast signal receiver, including a satellite dish, or an antenna that is no more than one meter in diameter and a satellite earth station antenna that is no more than 2 meters in diameter.
5. A utility transmission line, utility distribution line, pole, tower, water tower, pumping station, well pumphouse cover, private on-site wastewater treatment system that complies with ch.
145, and any other utility structure for which no feasible alternative location outside of the setback exists and which is constructed and placed using best management practices to infiltrate or otherwise control storm water runoff from the structure.
6. A walkway, stairway, or rail system that is necessary to provide pedestrian access to the shoreline and is no more than 60 inches in width.
(1o) The department may not promulgate a standard and a county may not enact an ordinance under this section that prohibits the owner of a boathouse in the shoreland setback area that has a flat roof from using the roof as a deck if the roof has no side walls or screens or from having or installing a railing around that roof if the railing is not inconsistent with standards promulgated by the department of safety and professional services under ch.
(1p) This section does not authorize a county to impose a requirement, condition, or restriction on land that is not shoreland within the county.