66.0420(7)(e)2. 2. An action regarding a dispute over the amount of a video service provider fee paid or allegedly due under this subsection shall be commenced within 4 years following the end of the calendar quarter to which the disputed amount relates or be barred, unless the parties agree in writing to an extension of time. Notwithstanding ss. 814.01, 814.02, 814.03, and 814.035, no costs may be allowed in the action to either party.
66.0420(7)(em) (em) PEG channel monetary support.
66.0420(7)(em)1.1. This subdivision applies to an incumbent cable operator whose cable franchise is terminated under sub. (3) (b) 2. b. The obligation that is actually imposed by a municipality prior to April 18, 2007, on such an incumbent cable operator to provide monetary support for access facilities for PEG channels and that is contained in a cable franchise existing on January 9, 2008, shall continue until January 1, 2011.
66.0420(7)(em)2. 2. The duty of an interim cable operator to provide monetary support for access facilities for PEG channels that is contained in a cable franchise existing on January 9, 2008, shall continue until January 1, 2011.
66.0420(7)(em)3. 3. Each video service provider providing video service in a municipality shall have the same obligation to provide monetary support for access facilities for PEG channels as the incumbent cable operator with the most subscribers in the municipality as of January 9, 2008. To the extent that such incumbent cable operator provides such support in the form of a percentage of gross revenues or a per subscriber fee, any other video service provider shall pay the same percentage of gross revenues or per subscriber fee to the municipality as the incumbent cable operator. To the extent that such incumbent cable operator provides such support in the form of a lump sum payment without an offset to its franchise fee or video service provider fee, any other video service provider that commences service in the municipality shall pay the municipality a sum equal to the pro rata amount of such lump sum payment based on its proportion of video service customers in such municipality. The obligation to provide monetary support required under this subdivision shall continue until January 1, 2011.
66.0420(7)(em)4. 4. For purposes of this paragraph, the proportion of video service customers of a video service provider shall be determined based on the relative number of subscribers as of the end of the prior calendar year as reported by all incumbent cable operators and holders of video service authorizations.
66.0420(7)(f) (f) Itemization. A video service provider may identify and collect the amount related to a video service provider fee and any fee imposed for monetary support for access facilities for PEG channels as described in par. (em) as a separate line item on customer bills.
66.0420(7)(g) (g) Other fees. A municipality may require the video service provider to pay any compensation under s. 66.0425, or, except as provided in a regulation under s. 182.017 (1r), any permit fee, encroachment fee, degradation fee, or any other fee, for the occupation of or work within public rights-of-way.
66.0420(8) (8) Discrimination; access to services.
66.0420(8)(ag) (ag) Definition. In this subsection, “department" means the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
66.0420(8)(am) (am) Discrimination prohibited.
66.0420(8)(am)1.1. No video service provider may deny access to video service to any group of potential residential customers in the video service provider's video franchise area because of the race or income of the residents in the local area in which the group resides.
66.0420(8)(am)2. 2. It is a defense to an alleged violation of subd. 1. based on income if the video service provider has met the following:
66.0420(8)(am)2.a. a. No later than 3 years after the date on which the video service provider began providing video service under this section, at least 30 percent of the households with access to the video service provider's video service are low-income households.
66.0420(8)(b) (b) Access.
66.0420(8)(b)1.1. A large telecommunications video service provider shall provide access to its video service to the following percentages of households within the large telecommunications video service provider's basic local exchange service area:
66.0420(8)(b)1.a. a. Not less than 35 percent no later than 3 years after the date on which the large telecommunications video service provider began providing video service under this section.
66.0420(8)(b)1.b. b. Not less than 50 percent no later than 5 years after the date on which the large telecommunications video service provider began providing video service under this section, or no later than 2 years after at least 30 percent of households with access to the large telecommunications video service provider's video service subscribe to the service for 6 consecutive months, whichever occurs later.
66.0420(8)(b)2. 2. A large telecommunications video service provider shall file an annual report with the department regarding the large telecommunications video service provider's progress in complying with subd. 1.
66.0420(8)(c) (c) Extensions and waivers. A video service provider may apply to the department for an extension of any time limit specified in par. (am) 2. or (b) or a waiver of a requirement to comply with par. (b). The department shall grant the extension or waiver if the video service provider demonstrates to the satisfaction of the department that the video service provider has made substantial and continuous efforts to comply with the requirements of this subsection and that the extension or waiver is necessary due to one or more of the following factors:
66.0420(8)(c)1. 1. The video service provider's inability to obtain access to public and private rights-of-way under reasonable terms and conditions.
66.0420(8)(c)2. 2. Developments and buildings that are not subject to competition because of exclusive service arrangements.
66.0420(8)(c)3. 3. Developments and buildings that are not accessible using reasonable technical solutions under commercially reasonable terms and conditions.
66.0420(8)(c)4. 4. Natural disasters.
66.0420(8)(c)5. 5. Other factors beyond the control of the video service provider.
66.0420(8)(d) (d) Alternative technologies. A video service provider may satisfy the requirements of this subsection through the use of an alternative technology, other than satellite service, that does all of the following:
66.0420(8)(d)1. 1. Offers service, functionality, and content demonstrably similar to the service, functionality, and content provided through the video service provider's video service network.
66.0420(8)(d)2. 2. Provides access to PEG channels and messages broadcast over the emergency alert system.
66.0420(8)(e) (e) Limitations. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a telecommunications video service provider is not required to provide video service outside the provider's basic local exchange service area, and a video service provider that is an incumbent cable operator is not required to provide video service outside the area in which the incumbent cable operator provided cable service at the time the department of financial institutions issued a video service franchise to the incumbent cable operator.
66.0420(9) (9) Customer service standards.
66.0420(9)(a) (a) Except as provided in par. (b), upon 90 days' advance notice, a municipality may require a video service provider to comply with the customer service standards specified in 47 CFR 76.309 (c) in its provision of video service. Neither the department nor any municipality shall have the authority to impose additional or different customer service standards that are specific to the provision of video service.
66.0420(9)(b) (b) Except as provided in s. 100.209, no video service provider that provides video service in a municipality may be subject to any customer service standards if there is at least one other person offering cable or video service in the municipality or if the video service provider is subject to effective competition, as determined under 47 CFR 76.905, in the municipality. This paragraph does not apply to any customer service standards promulgated by rule by the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection.
66.0420(9m) (9m) Local broadcast stations.
66.0420(9m)(a)(a) In this subsection, a “noncable video service provider" means a video service provider that is not a cable operator.
66.0420(9m)(b) (b) If a local broadcast station is authorized to exercise against a cable operator the right to require mandatory carriage under 47 USC 534, or the right to grant or withhold retransmission consent under 47 USC 325 (b), the local broadcast station may exercise the same right against a noncable video service provider to the same extent as the local broadcast station may exercise such right against a cable operator under federal law.
66.0420(9m)(c) (c) A noncable video service provider shall transmit, without degradation, the signals that a local broadcast station delivers to the noncable video service provider, but is not required to utilize the same or similar reception technology as the local broadcast station or the programming providers of the local broadcast station.
66.0420(9m)(d) (d) A noncable video service provider may not do any of the following:
66.0420(9m)(d)1. 1. Discriminate among or between local broadcast stations, or programming providers of local broadcast stations, with respect to the transmission of their signals.
66.0420(9m)(d)2. 2. Delete, change, or alter a copyright identification transmitted as part of a local broadcast station's signal.
66.0420(10) (10) Limitation on rate regulation. The department or a municipality may not regulate the rates charged for any video service by an interim cable operator or video service provider that provides video service in a municipality if at least one other interim cable operator or video service provider is providing video service in the municipality and the other interim cable operator or video service provider is not an affiliate of the interim cable operator or video service provider. This subsection applies regardless of whether any affected interim cable operator or video service provider has sought a determination from the FCC regarding effective competition under 47 CFR 76.905.
66.0420(11) (11) Transfer of video service franchise. A person who is issued a video service franchise may transfer the video service franchise to any successor-in-interest, including a successor-in-interest that arises through merger, sale, assignment, restructuring, change of control, or any other transaction. No later than 15 days after the transfer is complete, the successor-in-interest shall apply for a video service franchise under sub. (3) (d) and comply with sub. (3) (e) 1. The successor-in-interest may provide video service in the video franchise area during the period that the department reviews the application.
66.0420(12) (12) Municipal cable system costs.
66.0420(12)(a) (a) Except for costs for any of the following, a municipality that owns and operates a cable system, or an entity owned or operated, in whole or in part, by such a municipality, may not require nonsubscribers of the cable system to pay any of the costs of the cable system:
66.0420(12)(a)1. 1. PEG channels.
66.0420(12)(a)2. 2. Debt service on bonds issued under s. 66.0619 to finance the construction, renovation, or expansion of a cable system.
66.0420(12)(a)3. 3. The provision of broadband service by the cable system, if the requirements of s. 66.0422 (3d) (a), (b), or (c) are satisfied.
66.0420(12)(am) (am) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a municipality that, on March 1, 2004, was providing cable service to the public.
66.0420(12)(b) (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to a municipality if all of the following conditions apply:
66.0420(12)(b)1. 1. On November 1, 2003, the public service commission has determined that the municipality is an alternative telecommunications utility under s. 196.203.
66.0420(12)(b)2. 2. A majority of the governing board of the municipality votes to submit the question of supporting the operation of a cable system by the municipality to the electors in an advisory referendum and a majority of the voters in the municipality voting at the advisory referendum vote to support the operation of a cable system by the municipality.
66.0420(13) (13) Rule-making; enforcement.
66.0420(13)(a)(a) The department of financial institutions may promulgate rules interpreting or establishing procedures for this section and the department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection may promulgate rules interpreting or establishing procedures for sub. (8).
66.0420(13)(b) (b) Except as provided in sub. (7) (e), a municipality, interim cable operator, or video service provider that is affected by a failure to comply with this section may bring an action to enforce this section. If a court finds that a municipality, interim cable operator, or video service provider has not complied with this section, the court shall order the municipality, interim cable operator, or video service provider to comply with this section. Notwithstanding ss. 814.01, 814.02, 814.03, and 814.035, no costs may be allowed in an action under this paragraph to any party.
66.0420(13)(c) (c) The department shall enforce this section, except sub. (8). The department may bring an action to recover any fees that are due and owing under this section or to enjoin a violation of this section, except sub. (8), or any rule promulgated under sub. (3) (f) 4. An action shall be commenced under this paragraph within 3 years after the occurrence of the unlawful act or practice or be barred.
66.0420 History History: 2007 a. 42 ss. 6, 8; 2009 a. 178, 180; 2013 a. 173 s. 33.
66.0420 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. DFI-CCS 20, Wis. adm. code.
66.0421 66.0421 Access to video service.
66.0421(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
66.0421(1)(c) (c) “Video service" has the meaning given in s. 66.0420 (2) (y).
66.0421(1)(d) (d) “Video service provider" has the meaning given in s. 66.0420 (2) (zg), and also includes an interim cable operator, as defined in s. 66.0420 (2) (n).
66.0421(2) (2) Interference prohibited. The owner or manager of a multiunit dwelling under common ownership, control or management or of a mobile home park or the association or board of directors of a condominium may not prevent a video service provider from providing video service to a subscriber who is a resident of the multiunit dwelling, mobile home park or of the condominium or interfere with a video service provider providing video service to a subscriber who is a resident of the multiunit dwelling, mobile home park or of the condominium.
66.0421(3) (3) Installation in multiunit building. Before installation, a video service provider shall consult with the owner or manager of a multiunit dwelling or with the association or board of directors of a condominium to establish the points of attachment to the building and the methods of wiring. A video service provider shall install facilities to provide video service in a safe and orderly manner and in a manner designed to minimize adverse effects to the aesthetics of the multiunit dwelling or condominium. Facilities installed to provide video service may not impair public safety, damage fire protection systems or impair fire-resistive construction or components of a multiunit dwelling or condominium.
66.0421(4) (4) Repair responsibility. A video service provider is responsible for any repairs to a building required because of the construction, installation, disconnection or servicing of facilities to provide video service.
66.0421 History History: 1989 a. 143; 1999 a. 9; 1999 a. 150 ss. 252 to 254; Stats. 1999 s. 66.0421; 2007 a. 42; 2017 a. 364.
66.0422 66.0422 Video service, telecommunications, and broadband facilities.
66.0422(1)(1)In this section:
66.0422(1)(b) (b) “Local government" means a city, village, or town.
66.0422(1)(c) (c) “Telecommunications service" has the meaning given in s. 196.01 (9m).
66.0422(1)(d) (d) “Video service" has the meaning given in s. 66.0420 (2) (y).
66.0422(2) (2)Except as provided in subs. (3), (3d), (3m), and (3n), no local government may enact an ordinance or adopt a resolution authorizing the local government to construct, own, or operate any facility for providing video service, telecommunications service, or broadband service, directly or indirectly, to the public, unless all of the following are satisfied:
66.0422(2)(a) (a) The local government holds a public hearing on the proposed ordinance or resolution.
66.0422(2)(b) (b) Notice of the public hearing is given by publication of a class 3 notice under ch. 985 in the area affected by the proposed ordinance or resolution.
66.0422(2)(c) (c) No less than 30 days before the public hearing, the local government prepares and makes available for public inspection a report estimating the total costs of, and revenues derived from, constructing, owning, or operating the facility and including a cost-benefit analysis of the facility for a period of at least 3 years. The costs that are subject to this paragraph include personnel costs and costs of acquiring, installing, maintaining, repairing, or operating any plant or equipment, and include an appropriate allocated portion of costs of personnel, plant, or equipment that are used to provide jointly both telecommunications services and other services.
66.0422(3) (3)Subsection (2) does not apply to a local government if all of the following conditions apply:
66.0422(3)(a) (a) On November 1, 2003, the public service commission has determined that the local government is an alternative telecommunications utility under s. 196.203.
66.0422(3)(b) (b) A majority of the governing board of the local government votes to submit the question of supporting the operation of the facility for providing video service, telecommunications service, or Internet access service, directly or indirectly to the public, by the local government to the electors in an advisory referendum and a majority of the voters in the local government voting at the advisory referendum vote to support operation of such a facility by the local government.
66.0422(3d) (3d)Subsection (2) does not apply to a facility for providing broadband service to an area within the boundaries of a local government if any of the following are satisfied:
66.0422(3d)(a) (a) The local government asks, in writing, each person that provides broadband service within the boundaries of the local government whether the person currently provides broadband service to the area or intends to provide broadband service within 9 months to the area and within 60 days after receiving the written request no person responds in writing to the local government that the person currently provides broadband service to the area or intends to provide broadband service to the area within 9 months.
66.0422(3d)(b) (b) The local government determines that a person who responded to a written request under par. (a) that the person currently provides broadband service to the area did not actually provide broadband service to the area and no other person makes the response to the local government described in par. (a).
66.0422(3d)(c) (c) The local government determines that a person who responded to a written request under par. (a) that the person intended to provide broadband service to the area within 9 months did not actually provide broadband service to the area within 9 months and no other person makes the response to the local government described in par. (a).
66.0422(3m) (3m)Subsection (2) does not apply to a facility for providing broadband service if all of the following apply:
66.0422(3m)(a) (a) The municipality offers use of the facility on a nondiscriminatory basis to persons who provide broadband service to end users of the service.
66.0422(3m)(b) (b) The municipality itself does not use the facility to provide broadband service to end users.
66.0422(3m)(c) (c) The municipality determines that, at the time that the municipality authorizes the construction, ownership, or operation of the facility, whichever occurs first, the facility does not compete with more than one provider of broadband service.
66.0422(3n) (3n)Subsection (2) does not apply to a local government that, on March 1, 2004, was providing video service to the public.
66.0422(4) (4)Notwithstanding sub. (2), a local government may enact an ordinance or adopt a resolution authorizing the local government to prepare a report specified in sub. (2) (c).
66.0422(5) (5)If a local government enacts an ordinance or adopts a resolution that complies with the requirements of sub. (2), the local government must determine the cost incurred in preparing the report specified in sub. (2) (c). As soon as practicable after the local government generates revenue from a facility specified in sub. (2) (intro.), the local government shall use the revenues to reimburse the treasury of the local government for the cost determined under this subsection.
66.0422 History History: 2003 a. 278, 327; 2007 a. 42.
66.0423 66.0423 Transient merchants.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2017. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?