115.30(4)(d) (d) The work done by the department in the performance of its duties.
115.30(4)(e) (e) Plans for improving the schools and advancing education.
115.30(4)(f) (f) A summary of the receipts and disbursements of all schools under the state superintendent's jurisdiction.
115.30(4)(g) (g) Such other matters as the state superintendent deems appropriate.
115.30(5) (5)The department shall make certified copies, when required, of any papers deposited or filed or records kept in the department, and of any act or decision made by it. The fee therefor shall be 15 cents per page.
115.31 115.31 License or permit revocation; reports; investigation.
115.31(1)(1)In this section:
115.31(1)(a) (a) “Administrator" means the chief administrative officer of an educational agency. If the chief administrative officer is the subject of a report under this section, “administrator" means the presiding officer of the governing board of the educational agency or the secretary of the department in which the educational agency is located.
115.31(1)(b) (b) “Educational agency" means a school district, cooperative educational service agency, state correctional institution under s. 302.01, juvenile correctional facility, as defined in s. 938.02 (10p), secured residential care center for children and youth, as defined in s. 938.02 (15g), the Wisconsin Center for the Blind and Visually Impaired, the Wisconsin Educational Services Program for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, the Mendota Mental Health Institute, the Winnebago Mental Health Institute, a state center for the developmentally disabled, a private school, or a private, nonprofit, nonsectarian agency under contract with a school board under s. 118.153 (3) (c).
115.31(1)(c)1.1. “Immoral conduct" means conduct or behavior that is contrary to commonly accepted moral or ethical standards and that endangers the health, safety, welfare, or education of any pupil. “Immoral conduct" includes all of the following:
115.31(1)(c)1.a. a. The intentional use of an educational agency's equipment to download, view, solicit, seek, display, or distribute pornographic material.
115.31(1)(c)1.b. b. Assisting a school employee, contractor, or agent to obtain a new job in a school or with a local educational agency, as defined in 20 USC 7801 (30), if the individual knows or has a reasonable suspicion to believe that the school employee, contractor, or agent committed a sex offense, as defined in s. 301.45 (1d) (b), and the victim was a minor or a pupil.
115.31(1)(c)2. 2. It is not immoral conduct under subd. 1. b. if any of the following apply:
115.31(1)(c)2.a. a. The assistance is the transmittal of administrative and personnel files.
115.31(1)(c)2.b. b. The information the individual knows or that is the basis of the individual's reasonable suspicion has been properly reported to law enforcement and law enforcement has closed any resulting case or investigation without a conviction.
115.31(2) (2)Except as provided under sub. (2g), after written notice of the charges and of an opportunity for defense, any license granted by the state superintendent may be revoked by the state superintendent for incompetency or immoral conduct on the part of the licensee.
115.31(2g) (2g)Notwithstanding subch. II of ch. 111, the state superintendent shall revoke a license granted by the state superintendent, without a hearing, if the licensee is convicted of any Class A, B, C, or D felony under ch. 940 or 948, except ss. 940.08 and 940.205, for a violation that occurs on or after September 12, 1991, or any Class E, F, G, or H felony under ch. 940 or 948, except ss. 940.08 and 940.205, for a violation that occurs on or after February 1, 2003.
115.31(2r) (2r)
115.31(2r)(a)(a) Except as provided under par. (b), the state superintendent may not reinstate a license revoked under sub. (2g) for 6 years following the date of the conviction, and may reinstate a license revoked under sub. (2g) only if the licensee establishes by clear and convincing evidence that he or she is entitled to reinstatement.
115.31(2r)(b) (b) The state superintendent shall reinstate a license revoked under sub. (2g), prior to the expiration of the 6-year period following the conviction, if he or she receives from the court in which the conviction occurred a certificate stating that the conviction has been reversed, set aside or vacated.
115.31(3) (3)An administrator shall do all of the following:
115.31(3)(a) (a) Report to the state superintendent the name of any person employed by the educational agency and licensed by the state superintendent, and include a complete copy of the licensee's personnel file and all records related to any investigation of the licensee conducted by or on behalf of the educational agency, if any of the following occurs:
115.31(3)(a)1. 1. The person is charged with a crime under ch. 948, including a crime specified under s. 948.015, a felony with a maximum term of imprisonment of at least 5 years or a crime in which the victim was a child.
115.31(3)(a)2. 2. The person is convicted of a crime described under subd. 1. or of 4th degree sexual assault under s. 940.225 (3m).
115.31(3)(a)3. 3. The person is dismissed, or his or her contract is not renewed, by the employer based in whole or in part on evidence that the person engaged in immoral conduct.
115.31(3)(a)4. 4. The person resigns and the administrator has a reasonable suspicion that the resignation relates to the person having engaged in immoral conduct.
115.31(3)(b) (b) Report to the state superintendent the name of any person employed by the educational agency who is not licensed by the state superintendent if the person is convicted of a crime described under par. (a) 1. or of 4th degree sexual assault under s. 940.225 (3m).
115.31(3)(c) (c) Send a copy of any report that is made to the state superintendent under par. (a) or (b) to the person who is the subject of the report.
115.31(4) (4)If an administrator requests a person who is employed by an educational agency and licensed by the state superintendent to resign, and the administrator has a reasonable suspicion that the person engaged in immoral conduct, the administrator shall inform the person of the duty to report to the state superintendent under sub. (3) (a) 4.
115.31(5) (5)
115.31(5)(a)(a) A report under sub. (3) shall be made within 15 days after the administrator becomes aware of the charge, conviction, dismissal, nonrenewal or resignation.
115.31(5)(b) (b) Any administrator who in good faith reports or fails to report information under sub. (3), and any other person who reports information under sub. (3) to the state superintendent, is immune from civil liability for such acts or omissions.
115.31(6) (6)
115.31(6)(a)(a) Upon receiving a report under sub. (3) (a) 2. or (b) indicating that a person was convicted of a crime, the state superintendent shall verify the conviction.
115.31(6)(b) (b) Upon receiving a report under sub. (3) relating to a person licensed by the state superintendent, the state superintendent shall investigate to determine whether to initiate revocation proceedings. The state superintendent shall post on the department's Internet site the name of the licensee who is under investigation. During the investigation the state superintendent shall keep confidential all information pertaining to the investigation except the fact that an investigation is being conducted and the date of the revocation hearing.
115.31(6)(c) (c) The department shall maintain a record of all investigations conducted under par. (b) that indicates the name of the licensee, the date the investigation began, the reason for the investigation, and the result of the investigation. Whenever an investigation results in the revocation of a license, the department shall post on its Internet site the name of the person whose license was revoked.
115.31(6m) (6m)The department of public instruction shall, without a hearing, revoke a license or permit granted by the department of public instruction if the department of revenue certifies under s. 73.0301 that the licensee or permit holder is liable for delinquent taxes or if the department of workforce development certifies under s. 108.227 that the licensee or permit holder is liable for delinquent unemployment insurance contributions.
115.31(7) (7)Any person who intentionally fails to report as required under this section may be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned for not more than 6 months or both.
115.31(8) (8)The state superintendent shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this section.
115.31 Annotation A woman attempting to protect the lives of her daughter and granddaughters by shooting their potential attacker after issuing numerous warnings and taking actions in an apparent attempt to avoid shooting did not act contrary to commonly accepted moral or ethical standards. That she was convicted of carrying a concealed weapon did not necessarily show moral turpitude or bad purpose. Epstein v. Benson, 2000 WI App 195, 238 Wis. 2d 717, 618 N.W.2d 224, 99-1338.
115.315 115.315 Memorandum of understanding; license restriction and suspension. As provided in the memorandum of understanding under s. 49.857, the department shall restrict or suspend a license or permit granted by the department if the licensee or permit holder is delinquent in making court-ordered payments of child or family support, maintenance, birth expenses, medical expenses or other expenses related to the support of a child or former spouse or if the licensee or permit holder fails to comply, after appropriate notice, with a subpoena or warrant issued by the department of children and families or a county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5) and related to paternity or child support proceedings.
115.315 History History: 1997 a. 191; 2007 a. 20.
115.33 115.33 Inspection of school buildings.
115.33(1)(1)In this section:
115.33(1)(a) (a) “In compliance" means in compliance with subchs. I and IV of ch. 101, ch. 145 and ss. 254.11 to 254.178 and the rules promulgated under subchs. I and IV of ch. 101, ch. 145 and ss. 254.11 to 254.178.
115.33(1)(b) (b) “Proposed use" means a function that the school board has indicated by resolution that it intends to pursue within the current school year or the next 2 succeeding school years.
115.33(2) (2)
115.33(2)(a)(a) The state superintendent may request the department of safety and professional services to inspect a public school if any of the following occurs:
115.33(2)(a)1. 1. Any elector in the school district complains in writing to the state superintendent that the school is inadequate or is otherwise unfit for school purposes.
115.33(2)(a)2. 2. The school board of the school district in which the school is located requests the state superintendent to do so. The school board may also request an opinion as to whether the school is adequate for a proposed use.
115.33(2)(a)3. 3. The state superintendent determines there is significant evidence that the school is not in compliance.
115.33(2)(b) (b) The department of safety and professional services shall inspect the school within 30 days after receiving a request from the state superintendent under par. (a).
115.33(3) (3)
115.33(3)(a)(a) If the state superintendent determines that a school is not in compliance, and the department of safety and professional services, based on its inspection of the school, concurs in the determination, the state superintendent may order the school board to repair, improve, remodel or close the school by a stated date. An order issued under this paragraph constitutes a preliminary finding of noncompliance with the standard under s. 121.02 (1) (i).
115.33(3)(b)1.1. If the state superintendent determines that a school is not in compliance and is not worth repairing, and the department of safety and professional services, based on its inspection of the school, concurs in the determination, the state superintendent may order the school board to develop a plan that describes how the school board will achieve compliance with the standard under s. 121.02 (1) (i). The plan shall specify the time within which compliance with the standard under s. 121.02 (1) (i) shall be achieved. The state superintendent shall hold a public hearing on the plan in the school district and may, as a result of the hearing, recommend changes to the plan. The state superintendent may withhold up to 25 percent of the school district's state aid if the school district fails to achieve compliance with the standard under s. 121.02 (1) (i) within the period specified in the plan.
115.33(3)(b)2. 2. Section 121.02 (3) does not apply to determinations under subd. 1. or to orders issued under subd. 1.
115.34 115.34 School lunch program.
115.34(1)(1)The department may contract for the operation and maintenance of school lunch programs and for the distribution, transportation, warehousing, processing and insuring of food products provided by the federal government. The form and specifications of such contracts shall be determined by the department. Amounts remaining unpaid for 60 days or more after they become payable under the terms of such contracts shall be deemed past due and shall be certified to the department of administration on October 1 of each year and included in the next apportionment of state special charges to local units of government as special charges against the school districts and municipalities charged therewith.
115.34(2) (2)The state superintendent shall make payments to school districts, private schools, charter schools under s. 118.40 (2r) and (2x), tribal schools, the program under s. 115.52, and the center under s. 115.525 for school lunches served to children in the prior year as determined by the state superintendent from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cn). Payments shall equal the state's matching obligation under 42 USC 1751 et seq. Payments in the current year shall be determined by prorating the state's matching obligation based on the number of school lunches served to children in the prior year. In this subsection, “private school" means any school defined in s. 115.001 (3r) which complies with the requirements of 42 USC 2000d.
115.34 Annotation The U.S. and Wisconsin Constitutions do not prohibit the state from disbursing state matching funds under the National School Lunch Act to private as well as public schools. 69 Atty. Gen. 109.
115.341 115.341 School breakfast program.
115.341(1)(1)From the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cm), the state superintendent shall reimburse each school board 15 cents for each breakfast served at a school that meets the requirements of 7 CFR 220.8 or 220.8a, whichever is applicable, and shall reimburse each governing body of a private school or tribal school 15 cents for each breakfast served at the private school or tribal school that meets the requirements of 7 CFR 220.8 or 220.8a, whichever is applicable.
115.341(2) (2)If the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cm) in any fiscal year is insufficient to pay the full amount of aid under this section, the state superintendent shall prorate state aid payments among the school boards and governing bodies of private schools and tribal schools entitled to the aid.
115.343 115.343 Wisconsin school day milk program.
115.343(1)(1)The department shall establish a school day milk program. A public, private, or tribal school participating in the program shall offer each eligible child one half-pint of Wisconsin-produced whole milk, 2 percent milk, 1.5 percent milk, one percent milk, 0.5 percent milk, skim milk or chocolate milk on each day in which school is in session. If a child is allergic to milk or has metabolic disorders or other conditions which prohibit him or her from drinking milk, the child shall be offered juice as a substitute. Any school that participates in the program is encouraged to consider bids from local milk suppliers. The school shall keep all information related to the identity of the pupils who receive a beverage under the program confidential. In this subsection, “Wisconsin-produced" means that all or part of the raw milk used by the milk processor was produced in this state. In this section, “public, private, or tribal school” includes a charter school under s. 118.40 (2r) or (2x), the program under s. 115.52, the center under s. 115.525, or a residential care center for children and youth, as defined in s. 115.76 (14g).
115.343(2) (2)A child who is enrolled in a school in prekindergarten classes to grade 5 is eligible to receive a beverage specified in sub. (1) if all of the following apply:
115.343(2)(a) (a) The child does not receive the beverage through the federal special milk program under 42 USC 1772 (b).
115.343(2)(b) (b) The child meets the income eligibility standard for a free or reduced-price lunch in the federal school lunch program under 42 USC 1758 (b) (1).
115.343(2)(c) (c) The child does not receive the beverage during the school's breakfast or lunch period.
115.343(3) (3)The department shall pay each participating school the full cost of beverages under sub. (1) served to children eligible under sub. (2) in the prior school year from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cp).
115.343(4) (4)If the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cp) in any fiscal year is insufficient to pay the full amount of aid under this section, state aid payments shall be prorated among the schools entitled to such aid.
115.343(5) (5)The department shall maintain a count of the number of children who are served beverages under this section.
115.345 115.345 Nutritional improvement for elderly.
115.345(1)(1)Any school district approved by the state superintendent may establish a system to provide the opportunity for authorized elderly persons to participate in its school lunch program. If a school board desires to establish such a service, it shall develop a plan for the provision of food services for elderly persons and submit the plan to the state superintendent. Upon petition of 5 percent of the voters in the school district who voted in the last school board election, the school board shall formulate a food services plan, provided that hot food service facilities are available to school children in the district.
115.345(2) (2)Each plan shall provide at least one meal per day for each day that school is in regular session. The school board may provide additional service at other times in its discretion, if the number of eligible persons in the district or adjacent districts is of sufficient size, in the opinion of the state superintendent, so that unwarranted production expense is not incurred.
115.345(3) (3)Any school board which operates a food services plan for elderly persons under this section shall make facilities available for service to elderly persons at every high school and junior high school in the district which provides hot food service to its students. Upon application, the state superintendent may grant exceptions from compliance with this subsection for reasons of safety, convenience or insufficient interest in a given neighborhood. The school board may, in addition, provide service at elementary schools if desired.
115.345(4) (4)Meals may be served at schools where they are served to students or at any site more convenient to the majority of authorized elderly persons interested in the service. Food may be transported to authorized elderly persons who are unable to leave their homes or distributed to nonprofit organizations for such purposes. However, no state funds under this section may be used for food delivery to individual homes. The state superintendent may require consolidation of programs between districts and between schools if such a procedure will be convenient and economical.
115.345(5) (5)The school board may file a claim with the department for reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred, excluding capital equipment costs, but not to exceed 15 percent of the cost of the meal or 50 cents per meal, whichever is less. Any cost in excess of the lesser amount may be charged to participants. If the department approves the claim, it shall certify that payment is due and the secretary of administration shall pay the claim from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cn).
115.345(6) (6)All meals served must meet the approval of the state superintendent who shall establish minimum nutritional standards not inconsistent with federal standards and reasonable expenditure limits such that the average cost per meal is not excessive. The state superintendent shall give special consideration to dietary problems of elderly persons in formulating a nutritional plan. However, no school board shall be required to provide special foods for individual persons with allergies or medical disorders.
115.345(7) (7)Participants in a program under this section may be required to document their Wisconsin residency in a manner approved by the department. The state superintendent may issue identification cards to such persons if necessary.
115.345(7m) (7m)A private school or tribal school may establish a food services plan for elderly persons. If the plan meets all of the requirements of this section and is approved by the state superintendent, the private school or tribal school is eligible for reimbursement in the same manner as school districts under sub. (5).
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