13.68(1)(d) (d) The name of any agency official, legislative employee, elective state official or candidate for elective state office to whom the principal or any lobbyist for the principal provided reimbursement authorized under s. 13.625 (7) and the date and amount reimbursed.
13.68(1)(e) (e) The total lobbying expenditures made and obligations incurred for personal travel and living expenses, except for expenditures made or obligations incurred for the travel and living expenses of unpaid volunteers if the primary purpose of the travel is for reasons unrelated to lobbying.
13.68(2) (2) Reporting procedure.
13.68(2)(a)(a) If the principal compensates or reimburses a lobbyist or employee both for lobbying activities or expenses which are not exempt under s. 13.621 and for other activities or expenses, for the purposes of sub. (1) (a) 1. or 6., the lobbyist or principal shall estimate and report the portion of the compensation and reimbursements paid for nonexempt lobbying activities or expenses or, if 85 percent or more of the total compensation and reimbursements paid to the lobbyist or employee relate to lobbying or expenses which are not exempt under s. 13.621, the lobbyist or principal may report the entire amount of the compensation and reimbursements paid to the lobbyist or employee.
13.68(2)(b) (b) Any reasonable estimate or allocation made in good faith under sub. (1) (a) 3. or (bn) or this subsection fulfills the requirements of this section.
13.68(2)(c) (c) A principal may employ any reasonable method, acting in good faith, to record daily the information required under sub. (1) (c).
13.68(3) (3) Exempt activities. Lobbying expenditures made and obligations incurred for activities identified under s. 13.621 (1) (a) to (f) and (3) are not required to be reported under sub. (1), regardless of whether the principal or a lobbyist for the principal also engages in lobbying activities which are not identified in s. 13.621 (1) (a) to (f) and (3).
13.68(4) (4) Reports by lobbyist. A lobbyist whose activities and expenditures are required to be reported by a principal under sub. (1) shall provide to the principal information which the principal determines is needed to prepare the statement. The principal shall file a copy of the information, signed by the lobbyist under the penalty for making false statements provided in s. 13.69 (6m), with the commission at the time of filing the statement under sub. (1).
13.68(5) (5) Records. Each principal and each lobbyist engaged by a principal shall obtain, organize and preserve all accounts, bills, receipts, books, papers and other documents necessary to substantiate the expense statement, including an account identifying the amount of time that a principal and each of its authorized lobbyists spend on lobbying each day, for 3 years after the date of filing the expense statement. A principal may permit its authorized lobbyist to maintain any of the records identified in this subsection on its behalf.
13.68(6) (6) Suspension for failure to file a complete expense statement. If a principal fails to timely file a complete expense statement under this section, the commission may suspend the privilege of any lobbyist to lobby on behalf of the principal. Upon failure of a principal to file the required expense statement, the commission shall mail written notices to the principal and to any lobbyist for whom a written authorization has been filed under s. 13.65 to act as a lobbyist for the principal informing them that unless the principal files the delinquent statement within 10 business days after the date of mailing of the notices, no lobbyist may lobby on behalf of the principal. The privilege of any lobbyist to lobby on behalf of the principal shall be restored immediately upon filing the delinquent statement. The notices shall be sent by certified mail to the last-known addresses of the principal and lobbyist. Any principal or lobbyist who is aggrieved by a suspension of lobbying privileges under this subsection may request a hearing under s. 227.42 regarding the suspension.
13.68 History History: 1977 c. 278; 1989 a. 338 ss. 19, 27 to 32; 1997 a. 186; 1999 a. 9; 2015 a, 118 s. 266 (10).
13.685 13.685 Duties of the ethics commission.
13.685(1)(1)The commission shall prescribe forms and instructions for preparing and filing license applications under s. 13.63 (1), registration applications under s. 13.64 and the statements required under ss. 13.68 and 13.695.
13.685(2) (2)The commission shall prepare and publish a manual setting forth recommended uniform methods of accounting and reporting for use by persons who are required to provide information under s. 13.68 (4) or to file statements under s. 13.68 or 13.695.
13.685(3) (3)The commission shall examine each statement filed under s. 13.68.
13.685(4) (4)The commission shall, by rule, define what constitutes a “topic" for purposes of ss. 13.67 and 13.68 (1) (bn).
13.685(7) (7)Beginning with the 3rd Tuesday following the beginning of any regular or special session of the legislature and on every Tuesday thereafter for the duration of such session, the commission shall, from its records, submit to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature, for distribution to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), a report of the names of lobbyists licensed under s. 13.63 and the names of officers and employees of agencies filed under s. 13.695 who were not previously reported, the names of the principals or agencies whom they represent and the general areas of legislative and administrative action which are the object of their lobbying activity. Such reports shall be incorporated into the journal of the senate and a copy filed in the office of the chief clerk of the assembly. The commission shall also notify the chief clerk of each house that a copy of each statement which is required to be filed under ss. 13.68 and 13.695 is available upon request. Such copy shall be open to public inspection but shall not be incorporated in the journal unless the chief clerk so orders. The commission shall include in its report under s. 15.04 (1) (d), a summary of the statements it has received under ss. 13.68 and 13.695.
13.69 13.69 Enforcement and penalties.
13.69(1)(1)Except as provided in sub. (2m), any principal violating ss. 13.61 to 13.68 or a rule of the commission promulgated under those sections may be required to forfeit not more than $5,000. In the case of a partnership other than a foreign or domestic limited liability partnership, each of the partners is jointly and severally liable for any forfeiture imposed under this subsection.
13.69(2) (2)Any lobbyist violating ss. 13.61 to 13.68 or a rule of the commission promulgated under such sections may be required to forfeit not more than $1,000.
13.69(2m) (2m)Any principal who fails to comply with s. 13.67 (1) and who has not been found to have committed the same offense within the 3-year period preceding the date of the violation may be required to forfeit not more than $25. Any principal who fails to comply with s. 13.67 (1) a 2nd time within a period of 3 years from the date of the first violation may be required to forfeit not more than $100 for the 2nd offense.
13.69(3) (3)Any lobbyist who falsifies information provided under s. 13.68 (4) or any principal who files or any person who files or causes to be filed on behalf of any principal a falsified statement under s. 13.68 may be fined not more than $1,000 or imprisoned in the county jail for not more than one year.
13.69(4) (4)Any lobbyist who procures his or her license by fraud or perjury or any person who acts as a lobbyist without being licensed may be required to forfeit not more than $1,000 and shall not be eligible to be licensed as a lobbyist for the period of 3 years from the date of such conviction.
13.69(5) (5)Any officer or employee of an agency identified in a statement filed under s. 13.695 who violates s. 13.695 (4) may be required to forfeit not more than $1,000.
13.69(6) (6)Any candidate for an elective state office, elective state official, agency official, or legislative employee of the state who, or any candidate committee which, violates s. 13.625 (3) may be required to forfeit not more than $1,000.
13.69(6m) (6m)Any principal, lobbyist or other individual acting on behalf of a principal who files a statement under s. 13.63 (1), 13.64, 13.65, 13.67 or 13.68 which he or she does not believe to be true is guilty of a Class H felony.
13.69(7) (7)In addition to the penalties imposed for violation of ss. 13.61 to 13.68, the license of any lobbyist who is convicted of a violation may be revoked for a period not to exceed 3 years and a lobbyist who is convicted of a criminal violation is ineligible for licensure for a period of 5 years from the date of conviction.
13.695 13.695 Legislative activities of state agencies.
13.695(1)(1)Each agency shall file with the commission on or before January 31 and July 31 a statement which identifies the officers and employees of the agency who are paid a salary and whose regular duties include attempting to influence legislative action. The statement shall be attested by the agency head or such person's designee. Each statement shall contain the following information, which shall be current to within 30 days of the filing deadline, and cover the period since the last date covered in the previous statement:
13.695(1)(a) (a) The name of the agency filing the statement;
13.695(1)(b) (b) The name, title and salary, which is paid by the state, of each officer or employee engaged in such legislative activity, the proportionate amount of time spent on legislative activity and the general area of legislative action which the officer or employee has attempted to influence.
13.695(2) (2)Any change in the name of an officer or employee or a general area of legislative action which is disclosed in a statement required under sub. (1) shall be reported in writing to the commission within 10 days of the change.
13.695(3) (3)Any officer or employee of an agency who attempts to influence legislative action which affects the financial interests of such employee, other than a regular or periodic adjustment in salary, wages or other benefits paid by the state, shall disclose the nature of such interest to any member or employee of the legislature with whom such person has a direct communication concerning such legislation.
13.695(4) (4)No officer or employee of an agency who is identified in a statement filed under this section may engage in the prohibited practices set forth in s. 13.625 (1) (a) or (d), or use state funds to engage in the practices set forth in s. 13.625 (1) (b) or to make a contribution. This subsection does not prohibit an agency official who is identified in a statement filed under this section from authorizing salaries and other payments authorized by law to be paid to state officers, employees, consultants, or contractors, or candidates for state office, or from authorizing property or services of the agency to be provided for official purposes or other purposes authorized by law, whenever that action is taken in the normal course of affairs.
13.71 13.71 Lobbyists restricted during daily sessions. It is unlawful for any person lobbying to go onto the floor of the chamber of either house of the legislature during the daily sessions, except upon the invitation of such house.
13.74 13.74 Auditing.
13.74(1)(1)The commission shall cause to have made an examination of all statements which are required to be filed with it under this subchapter and may examine any of the documents used to develop such statements. The commission shall make official note in the file of a principal of any error or other discrepancy which the commission discovers. The commission shall inform the person submitting the report of the error.
13.74(2) (2)In the discharge of its duties under this subchapter and upon notice to the party or parties being investigated, the commission may subpoena and bring before it any person in the state and require the production of any papers, books or other records relevant to an investigation. A circuit court may by order permit the inspection and copying of the accounts and the depositor's and loan records at any financial institution as defined in s. 705.01 (3) doing business in the state to obtain evidence of any violation of this subchapter upon showing of probable cause to believe there is a violation and that such accounts and records may have a substantial relation to such violation. In the discharge of its duties, the commission may cause the deposition of witnesses to be taken in the manner prescribed for taking depositions in civil actions in circuit court.
13.74 History History: 1977 c. 278; 1989 a. 338; 2015 a. 118 s. 266 (10).
13.75 13.75 Fees.
13.75(1g)(1g)The commission shall charge and collect for the following purposes the following amounts:
13.75(1g)(a) (a) Obtaining a license under s. 13.63 (1) to act on behalf of one principal, $250, except that no fee is required for an individual who is eligible for the veterans fee waiver program under s. 45.44.
13.75(1g)(am) (am) Obtaining a license under s. 13.63 (1) to act on behalf of 2 or more principals, $400, except that no fee is required for an individual who is eligible for the veterans fee waiver program under s. 45.44.
13.75(1g)(b) (b) Filing the principal registration form under s. 13.64, $375.
13.75(1g)(c) (c) Filing a verified statement under s. 13.621 (5), $10.
13.75(1g)(d) (d) Filing an authorization statement under s. 13.65, $125.
13.75(1g)(e) (e) Registering an interest in a legislative proposal, proposed administrative rule, budget bill subject or other topic under s. 13.67 (2), $10, except that no fee is required for an individual who is eligible for the veterans fee waiver program under s. 45.44.
13.75(1r) (1r)The commission may accept payment under this section by credit card, debit card, or other electronic payment mechanism, and may charge a surcharge to recover the actual cost associated with the acceptance of that electronic payment.
subch. IV of ch. 13 SUBCHAPTER IV
13.80 13.80 Legislative organization, joint committee on.
13.80(1)(1)There is created a joint committee on legislative organization with such powers and authority as are provided by law or by the legislature.
13.80(2) (2)The committee shall consist of the speaker of the assembly, the president of the senate, and the majority and minority leaders and assistant majority and minority leaders of the 2 houses.
13.80(3) (3)The committee shall supervise and make policy for all legislative staff services.
13.80 History History: 1977 c. 3, 325, 449; 1979 c. 34.
13.81 13.81 Joint legislative council.
13.81(1)(1)Creation. There is created a joint legislative council of 22 members consisting of the speaker of the assembly and the president of the senate, the speaker pro tempore of the assembly and the president pro tempore of the senate, the senate and assembly majority and minority leaders, the 2 cochairpersons of the joint committee on finance, the ranking minority member of the joint committee on finance from each house, and 5 senators and 5 representatives to the assembly appointed as are the members of standing committees in their respective houses. The speaker of the assembly and the president of the senate, or the designee of each from within the membership of that house on the council, shall serve as cochairpersons of the council. The speaker of the assembly or the president of the senate may decline to serve as member of the joint legislative council and, instead, appoint a replacement member of his or her house to the joint legislative council.
13.81(2) (2) Meetings. The council upon the call of the cochairpersons, or any committee under s. 13.82 or 13.83 upon the call of the respective chairperson, may meet at any time and place it determines, but when one-third of the total voting membership of the council or of any such committee requests that a meeting be held at a specific time and place, the cochairpersons of the council or the respective chairperson of the committee shall call a meeting for the specific time and place. No committee may meet at a place outside this state without the prior consent of the majority of the officers of the council.
13.81(3) (3) Reports. The council shall prepare a biennial report of its activities for the governor and the legislature. The council may issue reports concerning any phase of its work or the work of any of its committees under ss. 13.82 and 13.83, and shall provide for adequate distribution of such reports. A committee may submit legislation recommended for passage to be introduced in the legislature by the council if a majority of the membership of the council votes to introduce such legislation.
13.81(5) (5) Expenditures. All expenditures for the council shall be by voucher signed either by the cochairpersons or by the director of the council staff.
13.81(6) (6) Reimbursement for special studies. At the end of each fiscal year, the general fund shall be reimbursed, from any other state fund, the amounts actually expended by the joint legislative council under s. 20.765 (3) (e) for the cost of making and publishing surveys and analyses of activities and policies related to such funds. The council shall bill such state funds at the end of each fiscal year for the costs so incurred, in accordance with cost records maintained by the council.
13.81(8) (8) Conference on legislative procedures. Following each general election, the joint legislative council shall sponsor a conference to acquaint new legislators or legislators-elect with legislative procedures. Expenses for the conference shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.765 (3) (e).
13.81 Annotation The one man-one vote principle is inapplicable to legislative committees since that principle applies only to the exercise of legislative powers and those powers cannot constitutionally be delegated to these committees. There has been no unconstitutional delegation to the joint legislative council. 63 Atty. Gen. 173.
13.82 13.82 Committees appointed by council. For the purpose of providing information to the legislature, the joint legislative council may appoint committees consisting of members of the legislature and of citizens having special knowledge on the subject assigned by the council to be studied. Any vacancy on a committee shall be filled by the council. The director of the legislative council staff shall certify to the secretary of state the names of the membership of such committees. Citizen members may be reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses incurred in performing their duties from the appropriations provided by s. 20.765.
13.82(1) (1) Studies. Every subject proposed by the legislature for study or investigation during the interim between legislative sessions shall be referred to the council and considered by the appropriate committee of the council. If the council determines that the proposed study or investigation is feasible and is not within a subject already assigned, it shall appoint a committee to conduct such study or investigation. The council, through its committees, may also make such surveys and studies, and compile such data, information and records, on any question, as in its judgment will be beneficial to the general welfare of this state. To this end the council:
13.82(1)(a) (a) Shall maintain liaison with federal, state and local officials and agencies.
13.82(1)(b) (b) May conduct research and secure information or data on any subject concerning the government and general welfare of the state and of its political subdivisions.
13.82(1)(c) (c) Shall make recommendations for legislative or administrative action on any subject or question it has considered and, with the approval of a majority of its membership, submit, for introduction, legislation recommended for passage by one of its committees under this section or s. 13.83.
13.82(2) (2) Public hearings. The council or any committee thereof when so authorized by the council may hold public hearings at such times and places within the state as are determined, and make such investigations and surveys as are deemed advisable or necessary to accomplish the purposes and intent of this section. Any member of the council or any legislative member of one of its committees may administer oaths to persons testifying before the council or any committee. By subpoena, issued over the signature of its chairperson or acting chairperson and served in the manner in which circuit court subpoenas are served, the council or any committee when authorized by the council, may summon and compel the attendance of witnesses. If any witness subpoenaed to appear before the council, or any committee thereof, refuses to appear or to answer inquiries propounded, the council or committee shall report the facts to the circuit court for Dane County, and that court shall compel obedience to the subpoena by attachment proceedings for contempt as in the case of disobedience of the requirements of a subpoena issued from that court or a refusal to testify therein.
13.82 History History: 1979 c. 34; 1989 a. 31; 1993 a. 52, 184.
13.83 13.83 Permanent council committees. The joint legislative council shall in each biennium create the committees enumerated in this section.
13.83(1) (1) Law revision committee.
13.83(1)(a)(a) Prior to June 1 of each odd-numbered year, the joint legislative council shall appoint a law revision committee consisting of members of the senate and assembly, including at least one member of the majority party and at least one member of the minority party from each house.
13.83(1)(b) (b) The committee shall be assisted by the legislative council staff. The joint legislative council may request staff assistance from other legislative service agencies where appropriate.
13.83(1)(c) (c) The committee shall:
13.83(1)(c)1. 1. Consider decisions and opinions referred to it by the legislative reference bureau under s. 13.92 (2) (j) to determine whether revisions are needed in the statutes or session laws.
13.83(1)(c)2. 2. Consider bills referred to it by the legislative reference bureau under s. 13.92 (2) (L).
13.83(1)(c)3. 3. Consider bills referred to it by the legislative reference bureau under s. 13.92 (1) (bm) and (2) (i).
13.83(1)(c)4. 4. Consider minor substantive remedial measures proposed by state agencies to improve the administration of their agencies or proposed by the committee, a standing committee of the legislature or a legislative service agency to improve the language or organization of the statutes or session laws.
13.83(1)(c)5. 5. Introduce legislation prepared under this paragraph directly into the legislature. Each such proposal shall include a note or series of notes providing an explanation of the proposed changes and an analysis by the legislative reference bureau.
13.83(1)(d) (d) The committee may submit to the joint legislative council recommendations for major law revision projects. In developing the recommendations, the committee shall consider changes in the law suggested by the American law institute, the council of state governments, the U.S. advisory commission on intergovernmental relations, the commission on uniform state laws created under s. 13.55, legislative committees and service agencies, state agencies, local governments and interested persons. The committee may specify in its recommendations which of the committees or agencies under par. (e) should undertake the proposed law revision project.
13.83(1)(e) (e) If the joint legislative council approves a major law revision project recommended under par. (d), it shall specify which of the following should conduct the project:
13.83(1)(e)1. 1. The law revision committee or a subcommittee thereof established by the committee for this purpose.
13.83(1)(e)2. 2. A special or permanent committee appointed by the joint legislative council.
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