233.03(15) (15)Acquire, design, construct or improve any facility that is not located on state-owned land.
233.03(16) (16)Buy, sell and lease real estate.
233.03 History History: 1995 a. 27; 2007 a. 109; 2011 a. 10.
233.03 Annotation The Authority is a private entity without sovereign immunity. Takle v. University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Authority, 402 F.3d 768 (2005).
233.04 233.04 Duties of authority. The authority shall do all of the following:
233.04(1) (1)By October 1, 1997, and annually thereafter, submit to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature under s. 13.172 (2), the president of the board of regents, the secretary of administration and the governor a report on the patient care, education, research and community service activities and accomplishments of the authority and an audited financial statement, certified by an independent auditor, of the authority's operations.
233.04(2) (2)Subject to s. 233.10, develop and implement a personnel structure and other employment policies for employees of the authority.
233.04(3) (3)Contract for any legal services required for the authority.
233.04(3b) (3b)
233.04(3b)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), maintain, control and supervise the use of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics, for the purposes of:
233.04(3b)(a)1. 1. Delivering high-quality health care to patients using the hospitals and to those seeking care from its programs, including a commitment to provide such care for the medically indigent.
233.04(3b)(a)2. 2. Providing an environment suitable for instructing medical and other health professions students, physicians, nurses and members of other health-related disciplines.
233.04(3b)(a)3. 3. Sponsoring and supporting research in the delivery of health care to further the welfare of the patients treated and applying the advances in health knowledge to alleviate human suffering, promote health and prevent disease.
233.04(3b)(a)4. 4. Assisting health programs and personnel throughout the state and region in the delivery of health care.
233.04(3b)(b) (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply unless a lease agreement under sub. (7) or (7g) and an affiliation agreement under sub. (7m) or (7p) are in effect that comply with all applicable requirements of those provisions. In the event either of these agreements are not in effect, the on-campus facilities and any improvements, modifications or other facilities specified in sub. (7) (c) shall transfer to the board of regents.
233.04(5) (5)Establish the authority's annual budget and monitor the fiscal management of the authority.
233.04(6) (6)Procure liability insurance covering its officers, employees and agents and procure insurance against any loss in connection with its property and other assets.
233.04(7) (7)Subject to s. 233.05 (1) and 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, section 9159 (2) (k), negotiate and enter into a lease agreement with the board of regents to lease the on-campus facilities beginning on June 29, 1996, for an initial period of not more than 30 years. The lease agreement shall include all of the following:
233.04(7)(a) (a) A provision that requires the authority to pay the state an amount determined under this paragraph for the lease of the on-campus facilities that are leased under the agreement. The amount of the rental payment for the on-campus facilities may not be less than the greater of the following:
233.04(7)(a)1. 1. An amount equal to the debt service accruing during the term of the lease agreement on all outstanding bonds issued by the state for the purpose of financing the acquisition, construction or improvement of on-campus facilities that are leased under the agreement, regardless of whether these bonds are issued before or after the lease agreement is entered into. The definition of “bond" under s. 233.01 (4) does not apply to this subdivision.
233.04(7)(a)2. 2. A nominal amount determined by the parties to be necessary to prevent the lease agreement from being unenforceable because of a lack of consideration.
233.04(7)(b) (b) A provision that requires the authority to conduct its operations in such a way so that it will not adversely affect the exclusion of interest on bonds issued by the state from gross income under 26 USC 103 for federal income tax purposes.
233.04(7)(c) (c) A provision that gives the state ownership of all of the following:
233.04(7)(c)1. 1. Any improvements or modifications made by the authority to on-campus facilities that are leased to the authority under the lease agreement.
233.04(7)(c)2. 2. Any facility that the authority constructs on state-owned land.
233.04(7)(d) (d) A provision that specifies an amount and that exempts any construction or improvement project on state-owned land that costs less than the amount from review and approval under s. 16.85 (14).
233.04(7)(e) (e) Any provision necessary to ensure that the general management and operation of the on-campus facilities are consistent with the mission and responsibilities of the University of Wisconsin System specified in ss. 36.01 and 36.09.
233.04(7)(g) (g) A provision that protects the board of regents from all liability associated with the management, operation, use or maintenance of the on-campus facilities. No such provision shall make the authority liable for the acts or omissions of any officer, employee or agent of the board of regents, including any student who is enrolled at an institution within the University of Wisconsin System, unless the officer, employee or agent acts at the direction of the authority.
233.04(7)(h) (h) A provision on a mechanism for the resolution of disputes.
233.04(7g) (7g)
233.04(7g)(a)(a) Submit any modification, extension or renewal of the lease agreement under sub. (7) to the joint committee on finance. No extension or renewal of the lease agreement may be for a period of more than 30 years. Modification, extension or renewal of the agreement may be made as proposed by the authority and the board of regents only upon approval of the committee.
233.04(7g)(b) (b) If the committee does not approve an extension or renewal of the agreement, the on-campus facilities and any improvements, modifications or other facilities specified in sub. (7) (c) shall transfer to the board of regents.
233.04(7g)(c) (c) This subsection does not apply to an automatic extension of the lease agreement under s. 233.05 (1).
233.04(7m) (7m)Subject to 1995 Wisconsin Act 27, section 9159 (2) (k), negotiate and enter into an affiliation agreement with the board of regents. The affiliation agreement shall take effect on June 29, 1996. The initial period of the affiliation agreement shall run concurrently with the initial period of the lease agreement under sub. (7), and the affiliation agreement shall include all of the following:
233.04(7m)(a) (a) A provision that ensures the authority retains cash reserves at a level not lower than the level recommended by the independent auditor specified under sub. (1).
233.04(7m)(b) (b) Provisions that ensure support of the educational, research and clinical activities of the University of Wisconsin-Madison by the authority.
233.04(7m)(c) (c) A provision that requires the development of standards relating to the selection and financing by the authority of any corporation or partnership that provides health-related services. The standards shall be consistent with the missions of the authority and the board of regents.
233.04(7m)(d) (d) A provision that requires the board of regents to make reasonable charges for any services provided by the board of regents to the authority.
233.04(7m)(e) (e) A provision establishing a mechanism for the resolution of disputes.
233.04(7p) (7p)
233.04(7p)(a)(a) Submit any modification, extension or renewal of the affiliation agreement under sub. (7m) to the joint committee on finance. No extension or renewal of the affiliation agreement may be for a period of more than 30 years. Modification, extension or renewal of the agreement may be made as proposed by the authority and the board of regents only upon approval of the committee.
233.04(7p)(b) (b) If the committee does not approve an extension or renewal of the agreement, the on-campus facilities and any improvements, modifications or other facilities specified in sub. (7) (c) shall transfer to the board of regents.
233.04(7p)(c) (c) This subsection does not apply to an automatic extension of the affiliation agreement under s. 233.05 (2).
233.04(9) (9)Provide, on a monthly basis, the secretary of administration with such financial and statistical information as is required by the secretary of administration.
233.04(10) (10)If Children's Hospital and Health System ceases to operate a poison control center under s. 255.35, administer a statewide poison control program.
233.05 233.05 Lease and affiliation agreements.
233.05(1)(a) (a) Beginning on July 1, 1997, and any July 1 thereafter, a lease agreement under s. 233.04 (7) and an affiliation agreement under s. 233.04 (7m) are automatically extended for one year unless all of the following occur in the one-year period immediately preceding such date:
233.05(1)(a)1. 1. The board of directors or the board of regents adopts a resolution opposing the automatic extensions or the joint committee on finance takes action opposing the automatic extensions.
233.05(1)(a)2. 2. The party opposing the automatic extensions under subd. 1. provides written notice of its opposition to the other parties specified in subd. 1.
233.05(1)(b) (b) If a lease agreement and an affiliation agreement are not automatically extended on any July 1 under par. (a), the lease and affiliation agreements are not automatically extended on any subsequent July 1 unless in the one-year period immediately preceding such date each party that opposed the automatic extensions withdraws its opposition and notifies the other parties specified in par. (a) 1. of such withdrawal.
233.05(2) (2)
233.05(2)(a)(a) Beginning on July 1, 1997, and any July 1 thereafter, a lease agreement under s. 233.04 (7g) or an affiliation agreement under s. 233.04 (7p) is automatically extended for one year unless all of the following occur in the one-year period immediately preceding such date:
233.05(2)(a)1. 1. The board of directors or the board of regents adopts a resolution opposing the automatic extension or the joint committee on finance takes action opposing the automatic extension.
233.05(2)(a)2. 2. The party opposing the automatic extension under subd. 1. provides written notice of its opposition to the other parties specified in subd. 1.
233.05(2)(b) (b) If a lease or affiliation agreement is not automatically extended on any July 1 under par. (a), the lease or affiliation agreement is not automatically extended on any subsequent July 1 unless in the one-year period immediately preceding such date each party that opposed the automatic extension withdraws its opposition and notifies the other parties specified in par. (a) 1. of such withdrawal.
233.05 History History: 1995 a. 216; 2007 a. 109.
233.10 233.10 Appointment of employees; employee compensation and benefits.
233.10(1)(1)The authority shall employ such employees as it may require and shall determine the qualifications and duties of its employees. Appointments to and promotions in the authority shall be made according to merit and fitness.
233.10(2) (2)Subject to subs. (3), (3r) and (3t) and ch. 40, the authority shall establish any of the following:
233.10(2)(a) (a) The compensation of the employees of the authority.
233.10(2)(b) (b) The kinds of leave to which an employee of the authority is entitled, including paid annual leave of absence, paid sick leave, and unpaid leave of absence, except that unused sick leave accumulated prior to July 1, 1997, shall be carried over and made available for the employee's use for appropriate sick leave purposes or for conversion as provided under s. 40.05 (4) (b), (be), (bm), or (bp).
233.10(2)(c) (c) Any other employment benefits to which an employee of the authority is entitled.
233.10(3) (3)
233.10(3)(a)(a) In this subsection and sub. (4), “carry-over employee" means an employee of the authority who satisfies all of the following:
233.10(3)(a)1. 1. The employee is offered employment by the authority on or before June 29, 1996.
233.10(3)(a)2. 2. Immediately prior to beginning employment with the authority, the employee was employed by the state other than in an academic staff appointment.
233.10(3)(a)3. 3. The position in which the employee was employed under subd. 2. was at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics.
233.10(3)(c) (c) If an employee of the authority is a carry-over employee, the authority shall, when setting the terms of the carry-over employee's employment during the period beginning on June 29, 1996, and ending on June 30, 1997, do all of the following:
233.10(3)(c)1. 1. Pay to the carry-over employee the same compensation that the employee would have received if he or she were employed by the state in the position at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics on June 29, 1996.
233.10(3)(c)2. 2. Grant to the carry-over employee, except when he or she is on an unpaid leave of absence, a paid holiday on each of the days specified in s. 230.35 (4) (a) as of the last day of the employee's employment as a state employee and holiday compensatory time off as specified in s. 230.35 (4) (b) as of the last day of the employee's employment as a state employee if the employee was entitled to those benefits on that day.
233.10(3)(c)3. 3. Grant to the carry-over employee the same paid annual leave of absence, paid sick leave and unpaid leave of absence that the employee received as of the last day of his or her employment as a state employee.
233.10(3)(c)4. 4. Grant to the carry-over employee military leave, treatment of military leave, jury service leave and voting leave in accordance with s. 230.35 (3) and (4) (e) and, to the extent applicable, rules of the division of personnel management in the department of administration governing such leaves for employees in the classified service as of the last day of the employee's employment as a state employee if the employee was entitled to those benefits on that day.
233.10(3)(c)5. 5. Grant to the carry-over employee the same opportunity for employee training provided under s. 230.046 as of the last day of his or her employment as a state employee if the employee was entitled to those benefits on that day.
233.10(3)(d) (d) If an employee of the authority is not a carry-over employee, the authority shall, from June 29, 1996, to June 30, 1997, provide that employee the same rights, benefits and compensation provided to a carry-over employee under par. (c) who holds a position at the authority with similar duties.
233.10(3r) (3r)
233.10(3r)(a)(a) In this subsection and sub. (3t), “carry-over employee" means an employee of the authority who satisfies all of the following:
233.10(3r)(a)1. 1. The employee is offered employment by the authority on or before June 29, 1996.
233.10(3r)(a)2. 2. Immediately prior to beginning employment with the authority, the employee was employed in an academic staff appointment.
233.10(3r)(a)3. 3. The position in which the employee was employed under subd. 2. was at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics.
233.10(3r)(b) (b) If an employee of the authority is a carry-over employee, the authority shall, when setting the terms of the carry-over employee's employment for the period beginning on June 29, 1996, and ending on June 30, 1997, do all of the following:
233.10(3r)(b)1. 1. Enter into an employment contract for such period with the carry-over employee. For such period, the contract shall provide the carry-over employee with the same procedural guarantees provided to persons having academic staff appointments under s. 36.15 on June 29, 1996.
233.10(3r)(b)2. 2. Pay to the carry-over employee the same compensation that the employee would have received if he or she were employed by the state in his or her academic staff appointment at the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics on June 29, 1996.
233.10(3r)(b)3. 3. Grant to the carry-over employee, except when he or she is on an unpaid leave of absence, a paid holiday on each of the days specified as a holiday in policies and procedures established by the board of regents under s. 36.15 (2) as of the last day of the employee's employment as a state employee and any holiday compensatory time off that may be specified in policies and procedures established by the board of regents under s. 36.15 (2) as of the last day of the employee's employment in the academic staff appointment.
233.10(3r)(b)4. 4. Grant to the carry-over employee the same paid annual leave of absence, paid sick leave and unpaid leave of absence that the employee received as of the last day of his or her employment in the academic staff appointment.
233.10(3r)(b)5. 5. Grant to the carry-over employee military leave, treatment of military leave, jury service leave and voting leave in accordance with policies and procedures established by the board of regents under s. 36.15 (2) and, as of the last day of the employee's employment in the academic staff appointment.
233.10(3r)(b)6. 6. Grant to the carry-over employee the same opportunity for any employee training that may be provided under policies and procedures established by the board of regents under s. 36.15 (2) as of the last day of his or her employment in the academic staff appointment.
233.10(3t) (3t)Unless expressly prohibited under ch. 40 or under federal law, the authority shall, from June 29, 1996, to June 30, 1997, not change to the detriment of a carry-over employee any employee benefit plan provided to the carry-over employee as of the last day of the employee's employment in the academic staff appointment.
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