38.29(3) (3)Each district board receiving a grant under this section shall, by September 1 of the fiscal year following receipt of the grant, file a report with the board. The report shall evaluate the district board's performance in attaining the goals specified in the application submitted under sub. (2) (a).
38.29 History History: 1985 a. 29; 1997 a. 27; 2013 a. 20.
38.30 38.30 Special aid for veterans.
38.30(1)(a) (a) District boards may receive payments from the U.S. department of veterans affairs for tuition to cover the cost of training for resident and nonresident students who are enrolled in district schools and are veterans eligible for benefits under federal law.
38.30(1)(b) (b) District boards may receive payments from the department of workforce development under s. 47.02 to cover the cost of training for resident and nonresident students who are enrolled in district schools and are veterans ineligible for benefits under par. (a).
38.30(1)(c) (c) District boards shall not receive payments under this subsection which, together with other receipts for the same purpose exclusive of the funds provided under s. 38.16, would exceed the full cost of training provided such veterans.
38.30(1)(d) (d) The amounts received for nonresidents under this subsection shall not be less than the amounts specified in s. 38.24 (3) but may exceed such amounts.
38.30(2) (2)Upon the authorization of a school board or district board, the board may enter into contracts with the U.S. department of veterans affairs for training in vocational agriculture to be provided by such school board or district board to veterans eligible for benefits under federal law. The board shall receive from the U.S. department of veterans affairs payments granted to cover the cost of administration by the board and, to be paid to the school board or district board, payments granted to cover the cost of such training.
38.31 38.31 Veteran grant jobs pilot program.
38.31(1)(a) (a) The board shall establish a veteran grant jobs pilot program. Under this program, the board shall, subject to par. (b), award grants to district boards that request funding to support programs or services for veterans. Grants awarded under this section shall be awarded through a competitive grant process and paid from the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (r). No grant may be awarded under this section after June 30, 2017.
38.31(1)(b) (b) Before awarding any grant under par. (a), the board shall secure additional funding commitments of at least $500,000 to match grant awards by the board under par. (a). No new state moneys may be contributed toward the matching funds required under this paragraph.
38.31(2) (2)Programs or services eligible for a grant under sub. (1) include programs or services related to any of the following:
38.31(2)(a) (a) Recruiting, training, or graduating veterans in high-demand fields, as identified by the department of workforce development.
38.31(2)(b) (b) Providing specialized support services for veterans, including career pathway planning, case management, advising by experts in military education related to obtaining credit for prior learning, early alert interventions, and referrals to or subcontracting with external organizations to provide specialized support services.
38.31(2)(c) (c) Collaborations with employers.
38.31(2)(d) (d) Work-based learning activities, such as internships, service learning, mentoring, job coaching, and job shadowing.
38.31(2)(e) (e) Specialized instructional methodologies that have been demonstrated to be helpful for veterans to enhance student retention and completion.
38.31(2)(f) (f) Creating, expanding, or implementing innovative methods that provide direct services to veterans, with a goal to support students through specific completion points such as completion of courses, semesters, programs, or certificates.
38.31(2)(g) (g) Counseling or career services, which may include personal, educational, and career development support as well as proactive behavior and crisis intervention services.
38.31(2)(h) (h) Targeted services based on student need such as financial literacy, career assessment and planning services, career workshops, computer skills and study skills workshops, veterans peer support groups, or tutoring or supplemental instruction.
38.31(2)(i) (i) Accommodation and transition services, including assistive technology such as adaptive equipment, instructional aids and devices, and related services for injured veterans.
38.31(2)(j) (j) Providing access or referrals to emergency dependent care and transportation assistance.
38.31(2)(k) (k) Any other program or service for veterans.
38.31(3) (3)Not later than September 1, 2017, the board shall submit a report to the joint committee on finance that includes all of the following information:
38.31(3)(a) (a) The technical colleges that received grant funding under this section and the amount of funding received by each.
38.31(3)(b) (b) The programs or services funded through the grant program under this section.
38.31(3)(c) (c) The total number of veterans supported through the grant program under this section.
38.31(3)(d) (d) The amount of unencumbered funds, if any, that lapsed to the veterans trust fund from the appropriation account under s. 20.292 (1) (r) at the end of the 2015-17 fiscal biennium.
38.31 History History: 2015 a. 55.
38.32 38.32 Technical college instructor occupational competency program.
38.32(1)(1)The board shall establish a technical college instructor occupational competency program. The program shall be designed to provide technical college instructors in district schools with temporary work experiences in business and industry in order to improve their knowledge and skills in the subjects they teach.
38.32(2) (2)The board shall review proposals submitted by district boards that are consistent with sub. (1). From the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (f), the board may award grants to district boards to partially pay the salaries of teachers participating in approved proposals. Any funds received by a district board under this subsection shall be equally matched by the district board.
38.32(3) (3)To the extent possible, grants awarded under sub. (2) shall be equally distributed on a statewide basis.
38.33 38.33 Professional development grants.
38.33(1)(1)From the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (f), the board may award grants to district boards to establish professional development programs. The programs shall promote all of the following:
38.33(1)(a) (a) Instructor awareness of and expertise in a wide variety of newly emerging technologies.
38.33(1)(b) (b) The integration of learning technologies in curriculum and instruction.
38.33(1)(c) (c) The use of instructional methods that involve emerging technologies.
38.33(1m) (1m)The board may not award a grant to a district board under this section unless there is a matching fund contribution from the district board equal to at least 50 percent of the grant amount.
38.33 History History: 1997 a. 27; 2013 a. 20; 2015 a. 329.
38.36 38.36 Nutritional improvement for elderly.
38.36(1)(1)In this section, “authorized elderly person" means any resident of this state who is 60 years of age or older, and the spouse of any such person.
38.36(2) (2)Any district approved by the board may establish a system to provide the opportunity for authorized elderly persons to participate in its meal program. If a district board desires to establish such a service, it shall develop a plan for the provision of food services for elderly persons and submit the plan to the board. Annually, the board shall notify the department of public instruction of the approved districts.
38.36(3) (3)Each plan shall provide at least one meal per day for each day that school is in regular session. The district board may provide additional service at other times in its discretion, if the number of eligible persons in the district or adjacent districts is of sufficient size, in the opinion of the board, so that unwarranted production expense is not incurred.
38.36(4) (4)Any district board that operates a food services plan for elderly persons under this section shall make facilities available for service to elderly persons at every technical college in the district that provides hot food service to its students. Upon application, the board may grant exceptions from compliance with this subsection for reasons of safety, convenience or insufficient interest in a given neighborhood.
38.36(5) (5)Meals may be served at schools where they are served to students or at any site more convenient to the majority of authorized elderly persons interested in the service. Food may be transported to authorized elderly persons who are unable to leave their homes or distributed to nonprofit organizations for such purposes. However, no state funds under this section may be used for food delivery to individual homes. The board may require consolidation of programs between districts and between schools if such a procedure will be convenient and economical.
38.36(6) (6)The district board may file a claim with the department of public instruction for reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred, excluding capital equipment costs, but not to exceed 15 percent of the cost of the meal or 50 cents per meal, whichever is less. Any cost in excess of the lesser amount may be charged to participants. If the department of public instruction approves the claim, it shall certify that payment is due and the secretary of administration shall pay the claim from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cn).
38.36(7) (7)All meals served must meet the approval of the board, which shall establish minimum nutritional standards and reasonable expenditure limits consistent with the standards and limits established by the state superintendent of public instruction under s. 115.345 (6). The board shall give special consideration to the dietary problems of elderly persons in formulating a nutritional plan. However, no district board may be required to provide special foods for individual persons with allergies or medical disorders.
38.36(8) (8)Participants in a program under this section may be required to document their Wisconsin residency in a manner approved by the board. The board may issue identification cards to such persons if necessary. A district board may admit nonresidents who would otherwise qualify into its program, but no state funds under this section may be used to subsidize any portion of the meals served to such persons.
38.36(9) (9)The board shall adopt reasonable rules necessary to implement this section.
38.38 38.38 Services for students with disabilities. Annually the board may award a grant to each district board, from the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (f), to assist in funding transitional services for students with disabilities. Each district board shall contribute matching funds equal to 25 percent of the amount awarded.
38.38 History History: 1991 a. 39; 1997 a. 27; 2013 a. 20; 2019 a. 9.
38.40 38.40 Technical preparation, school-to-work, and work-based learning programs.
38.40(1)(1)Employment and education program administration. The board shall plan, coordinate, administer, and implement the technical preparation, school-to-work, and work-based learning programs under sub. (1m) and such other employment and education programs as the governor may by executive order assign to the board. Notwithstanding any limitations placed on the use of state employment and education funds under this section or under an executive order assigning an employment and education program to the board, the board may issue a general or special order waiving any of those limitations on finding that the waiver will promote the coordination of employment and education services.
38.40(1m) (1m)Technical preparation, school-to-work and work-based learning programs. The board shall provide all of the following programs:
38.40(1m)(a) (a) A technical preparation program that includes the technical preparation programs under s. 118.34.
38.40(1m)(b) (b) A school-to-work program that includes the school-to-work program for children at risk under sub. (4m).
38.40(1m)(c) (c) A work-based learning program under which the board awards grants to tribal colleges that are recognized as land grant colleges under 7 USC 301 to fund programs that provide occupational training and work-based learning experiences to youths and adults.
38.40(2) (2)Interagency assistance. The council on workforce investment established under 29 USC 2821 and the department of public instruction shall assist the board in providing the technical preparation, school-to-work, and work-based learning programs under sub. (1m).
38.40(2m) (2m)Skill standards. The board shall approve statewide skill standards for the school-to-work program under sub. (1m) (b).
38.40(4m) (4m)School-to-work for children-at-risk.
38.40(4m)(a)(a) The board may approve an innovative school-to-work program provided by a nonprofit organization for children at risk, as defined in s. 118.153 (1) (a), in a county having a population of 750,000 or more to assist those children at risk in acquiring employability skills and occupational-specific competencies before leaving high school. If the board approves a program under this paragraph, the board may award a grant, from the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (f), to the nonprofit organization providing the program and the nonprofit organization shall use the funds received under the grant to provide the program.
38.40(4m)(b) (b) The board shall establish requirements for the operation of the grant program under this subsection. Notwithstanding sub. (5), those requirements are not required to be promulgated as rules.
38.40(4r) (4r)Publications and seminars. The board may provide publications and seminars relating to the employment and education programs administered by the board and may establish a schedule of fees for those publications and seminars. Fees established under this subsection for publications and seminars provided by the board may not exceed the actual cost incurred in providing those publications and seminars. The fees collected under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation account under s. 20.292 (1) (ga).
38.40(5) (5)Rules. The board shall promulgate rules to implement this section.
38.40 History History: 2003 a. 33 ss. 946d to 946m, 1868p, 1868r, 1876t; 2005 a. 25 ss. 714d to 719d, 1835m; 2013 a. 20; 2017 a. 207 s. 5.
38.41 38.41 Training program.
38.41(1)(1)The board may award a grant to a district board for skills training or other education related to the needs of business.
38.41(2) (2)The board may award a grant to a district board to provide skills training or other education or market expansion or business diversification assistance to a business if the business is located in this state and the applicant submits to the board an affidavit stating that the business has no more than 250 employees or had no more than $10,000,000 in gross annual income in its most recent fiscal year.
38.41(3) (3)
38.41(3)(a)(a) Amounts awarded under this section shall be paid from the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (f).
38.41(3)(c) (c) The board may award no more than $500,000 in any fiscal year under sub. (2).
38.41(4) (4)The board shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this section.
38.41 History History: 2005 a. 25; 2007 a. 20; 2009 a. 2, 28, 265; 2013 a. 20, 328.
38.41 Cross-reference Cross-reference: See also ch. TCS 17, Wis. adm. code.
38.42 38.42 Grants to meet emergency financial need.
38.42(1)(1)In this section:
38.42(1)(a) (a) “Eligible student" means a student enrolled in a technical college whose expected family contribution, as defined in s. 39.437 (3) (a), is less than $5,000.
38.42(1)(b) (b) “Financial emergency" means an unplanned event causing an unanticipated expense, such as charges for medical treatment or vehicle repair, that would cause an eligible student to not complete that term if a grant were not available to cover the expense, but does not include such expenses as those for tuition, textbooks, student fees, alcohol or tobacco, groceries, entertainment, legal services, or fines or forfeitures resulting from legal violations.
38.42(2) (2)From the appropriation under s. 20.292 (1) (e), no later than September 1, 2016, and by September 1 of each year thereafter, the board shall distribute funds to the districts for payment of grants under this section. These funds may not be used by the districts for any other purpose. The amount distributed by the board to each district shall be determined by the board based on the anticipated need and demand for grants at each technical college.
38.42(3) (3)
38.42(3)(a)(a) Subject to pars. (b) to (d), each technical college may award grants to eligible students to pay the student's expense resulting from a financial emergency. In evaluating a grant application, the technical college shall, in its discretion and based on its best judgment, determine whether the student has incurred a legitimate financial emergency.
38.42(3)(b) (b) No grant may be awarded to a student unless the student has submitted with the grant application written proof, such as a bill, identifying the nature and amount of the expense and the 3rd party to whom this amount is owed.
38.42(3)(c) (c) A technical college may not award more than 2 grants under this section to the same student in any academic year. The total of all grants made to a student under this section in the same academic year may not exceed $500.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 2019. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?