322.052(2) (2)All other questions to be decided by the members of a general or special court-martial shall be determined by a majority vote, but a determination to reconsider a sentence, with a view toward decreasing it, may be made by any lesser vote which indicates that the reconsideration is not opposed by the number of votes required for that finding or sentence. A tie vote on a challenge disqualifies the member challenged. A tie vote on a motion relating to the question of the accused's mental disease or defect is a determination against the accused. A tie vote on any other question is a determination in favor of the accused.
322.052 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.053 322.053 Article 53 — Court to announce action. A court-martial shall announce its findings and sentence to the parties as soon as determined.
322.053 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.054 322.054 Article 54 — Record of trial.
322.054(1)(1)Each general and special court-martial shall keep a separate record of the proceedings in each case brought before it, and the record shall be authenticated by the signature of the military judge. If the record cannot be authenticated by the military judge by reason of his or her death, disability, or absence, it shall be authenticated by the signature of the trial counsel or by that of a member, if the trial counsel is unable to authenticate it by reason of his or her death, disability, or absence. In a court-martial consisting of only a military judge, the record shall be authenticated by the court reporter under the same conditions which would impose a duty on a member under this subsection.
322.054(2) (2)A complete verbatim record of the proceedings and testimony shall be prepared in each general and special court-martial case resulting in a conviction, and in all other court-martial cases, the record shall contain matters as may be prescribed by regulations.
322.054(3) (3)Each summary court-martial shall keep a separate record of the proceedings in each case, and the record shall be authenticated in the manner as may be prescribed by regulations.
322.054(4) (4)A copy of the record of the proceedings of each general and special court-martial shall be given to the accused as soon as it is authenticated.
322.054 History History: 2007 a. 200.
subch. VIII of ch. 322 SUBCHAPTER VIII
322.055 322.055 Article 55 — Cruel and unusual punishments prohibited. Punishment by flogging, or by branding, marking, or tattooing on the body, or any other cruel or unusual punishment may not be adjudged by a court-martial or inflicted upon any person subject to this code. The use of irons, single or double, except for the purpose of safe custody, is prohibited.
322.055 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.056 322.056 Article 56 — Maximum limits.
322.056(1)(1)The punishment which a court-martial may direct for an offense may not exceed 10 years confinement.
322.056(2) (2)A conviction by a general court-martial of any military offense for which an accused may receive a sentence of confinement for more than 1 year is a felony offense.
322.056(3) (3)Except for convictions by a summary court-martial, all other offenses are misdemeanors.
322.056(4) (4)A conviction by a summary court-martial is not a criminal conviction.
322.056(5) (5)The limits of punishment for violations of the punitive sections under Subch. X shall be prescribed by the governor according to ss. 322.018 to 322.020, but under no instance shall any punishment exceed that authorized by this code.
322.056 History History: 2007 a. 200; 2013 a. 165 s. 115.
322.057 322.057 Article 57 — Effective date of sentences.
322.057(1)(1)Whenever a sentence of a court-martial as lawfully adjudged and approved includes a forfeiture of pay or allowances in addition to confinement not suspended, the forfeiture may apply to pay or allowances becoming due on or after the date the sentence is approved by the convening authority. No forfeiture may extend to any pay or allowances accrued before that date.
322.057(2) (2)Any period of confinement included in a sentence of a court-martial begins to run from the date the sentence is adjudged by the court-martial, but periods during which the sentence to confinement is suspended or deferred shall be excluded in computing the service of the term of confinement.
322.057(3) (3)All other sentences of courts-martial are effective on the date ordered executed.
322.057 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.0575 322.0575 Article 57a — Deferment of sentences.
322.0575(1)(1)On application by an accused who is under sentence to confinement that has not been ordered executed, the convening authority or, if the accused is no longer under that person's jurisdiction, the person exercising general court-martial jurisdiction over the command to which the accused is currently assigned, may in that person's sole discretion defer service of the sentence to confinement. The deferment shall terminate when the sentence is ordered executed. The deferment may be rescinded at any time by the person who granted it or, if the accused is no longer under that person's jurisdiction, by the person exercising general court-martial jurisdiction over the command to which the accused is currently assigned.
322.0575(2)(a)(a) In any case in which a court-martial sentences an accused referred to in par. (b) to confinement, the convening authority may defer the service of the sentence to confinement, without the consent of the accused, until after the accused has been permanently released to the state military forces by a state, the United States, or a foreign country referred to in that paragraph.
322.0575(2)(b) (b) Paragraph (a) applies to a person subject to this code who meets all of the following:
322.0575(2)(b)1. 1. While in the custody of a state, the United States, or a foreign country, is temporarily returned by that state, the United States, or a foreign country to the state military forces for trial by court-martial.
322.0575(2)(b)2. 2. After the court-martial, is returned to that state, the United States, or a foreign country under the authority of a mutual agreement or treaty, as the case may be.
322.0575(3) (3)In any case in which a court-martial sentences an accused to confinement and the sentence to confinement has been ordered executed, but in which review of the case under s. 322.0675 is pending, the adjutant general may defer further service of the sentence to confinement while that review is pending.
322.0575(4) (4)A sentence of confinement shall address work release privileges.
322.0575 History History: 2007 a. 200; 2009 a. 179.
322.058 322.058 Article 58 — Conditions of confinement.
322.058(1)(1)A sentence of confinement adjudged by a court-martial, whether or not the sentence includes discharge or dismissal, and whether or not the discharge or dismissal has been executed, may be carried into execution by confinement in any place authorized by this code. Persons so confined are subject to the same discipline and treatment as persons regularly confined or committed to that place of confinement.
322.058(2) (2)The omission of hard labor as a sentence authorized under this code does not deprive the state confinement facility from employing it, if it otherwise is within the authority of that facility to do so.
322.058(3) (3)No place of confinement may require payment of any fee or charge for receiving or confining a person except as otherwise provided by law.
322.058 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.0585 322.0585 Article 58a — Sentences: reduction in enlisted grade upon approval.
322.0585(1)(1)A court-martial sentence of an enlisted member in a pay grade above E-1, as approved by the convening authority, that includes a dishonorable or bad-conduct discharge, or confinement, reduces that member to pay grade E-1, effective on the date of that approval.
322.0585(2) (2)If the sentence of a member who is reduced in pay grade under sub. (1) is set aside or disapproved, or, as finally approved, does not include any punishment named in sub. (1), the rights and privileges of which the person was deprived because of that reduction shall be restored, including pay and allowances.
322.0585 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.0587 322.0587 Article 58b — Sentences: forfeiture of pay and allowances during confinement.
322.0587(1)(1)A court-martial sentence described in sub. (2) shall result in the forfeiture of pay, or of pay and allowances, due that member during any period of confinement or parole. The forfeiture subject to this section shall take effect on the date determined under s. 322.057 (1) and may be deferred as provided by that subsection. The pay and allowances forfeited, in the case of a general court-martial, shall be all pay and allowances due that member during the period and, in the case of a special court-martial, shall be two-thirds of all pay due that member during the period.
322.0587(2) (2)A sentence covered by this section is any sentence that includes any of the following:
322.0587(2)(a) (a) Confinement for more than 6 months.
322.0587(2)(b) (b) Confinement for 6 months or less and a dishonorable or bad-conduct discharge or dismissal.
322.0587(3) (3)In a case involving an accused who has dependents, the convening authority or other person acting under s. 322.060 may waive any or all of the forfeitures of pay and allowances required by sub. (1) for a period not to exceed 6 months. Any amount of pay or allowances that, except for a waiver under this subsection, would be forfeited shall be paid, as the convening authority or other person taking action directs, to the dependents of the accused.
322.0587(4) (4)If the sentence of a member who forfeits pay and allowances under sub. (1) is set aside or disapproved or, as finally approved, does not provide for a punishment referred to in sub. (2), the member shall be paid the pay and allowances that the member would have been paid, except for the forfeiture, for the period during which the forfeiture was in effect.
322.0587 History History: 2007 a. 200; 2009 a. 180.
subch. IX of ch. 322 SUBCHAPTER IX
322.059 322.059 Article 59 — Error of law; lesser included offense.
322.059(1)(1)A finding or sentence of a court-martial may not be held incorrect on the ground of an error of law unless the error materially prejudices the substantial rights of the accused.
322.059(2) (2)Any reviewing authority with the power to approve or affirm a finding of guilty may approve or affirm, instead, so much of the finding as includes a lesser included offense.
322.059 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.060 322.060 Article 60 — Action by the convening authority.
322.060(1)(1)The findings and sentence of a court-martial shall be reported promptly to the convening authority after the announcement of the sentence.
322.060(2) (2)The accused may submit to the convening authority matters for consideration by the convening authority with respect to the findings and the sentence. Any submission shall be in writing. Except in a summary court-martial case, a submission shall be made within 10 days after the accused has been given an authenticated record of trial and, if applicable, the recommendation of a judge advocate under sub. (9). In a summary court-martial case, a submission shall be made within 7 days after the sentence is announced.
322.060(3) (3)If the accused shows that additional time is required for the accused to submit matters, the convening authority or other person taking action under this section, for good cause, may extend the applicable period for not more than an additional 20 days.
322.060(4) (4)In a summary court-martial case, the accused shall be promptly provided a copy of the record of trial for use in preparing a submission.
322.060(5) (5)The accused may waive the right to make a submission to the convening authority under sub. (2). A waiver must be made in writing and may not be revoked. The time within which the accused may make a submission under this subsection shall be deemed to have expired upon the submission of a waiver to the convening authority.
322.060(6) (6)The authority under this section to modify the findings and sentence of a court-martial is a matter of command prerogative involving the sole discretion of the convening authority. If it is impractical for the convening authority to act, the convening authority shall forward the case to a person exercising general court-martial jurisdiction who may take action under this section.
322.060(7) (7)Action on the sentence of a court-martial shall be taken by the convening authority or by another person authorized to act under this section. Action may be taken only after consideration of any matters submitted by the accused under sub. (2) or after the time for submitting matters expires, whichever is earlier. The convening authority or other person taking action, in that person's sole discretion may approve, disapprove, commute, or suspend the sentence in whole or in part.
322.060(8) (8)Action on the findings of a court-martial by the convening authority or other person acting on the sentence is not required. However, the person, in the person's sole discretion may do any of the following:
322.060(8)(a) (a) Dismiss any charge or specification by setting aside a finding of guilty.
322.060(8)(b) (b) Change a finding of guilty to a charge or specification to a finding of guilty to an offense that is a lesser included offense of the offense stated in the charge or specification.
322.060(9) (9)Before acting under this section on any general or special court-martial case in which there is a finding of guilt, the convening authority or other person taking action under this section shall obtain and consider the written recommendation of a judge advocate. The convening authority or other person taking action under this section shall refer the record of trial to the judge advocate, and the judge advocate shall use the record in the preparation of the recommendation. The recommendation of the judge advocate shall include matters as may be prescribed by regulation and shall be served on the accused, who may submit any matter in response. Failure to object in the response to the recommendation or to any matter attached to the recommendation waives the right to object.
322.060(10) (10)The convening authority or other person taking action under this section, in the person's sole discretion, may order a proceeding in revision or a rehearing.
322.060(11) (11)A proceeding in revision may be ordered if there is an apparent error or omission in the record or if the record shows improper or inconsistent action by a court-martial with respect to the findings or sentence that can be rectified without material prejudice to the substantial rights of the accused. In no case, however, may a proceeding in revision perform any of the following:
322.060(11)(a) (a) Reconsider a finding of not guilty of any specification or a ruling which amounts to a finding of not guilty.
322.060(11)(b) (b) Reconsider a finding of not guilty of any charge, unless there has been a finding of guilty under a specification laid under that charge, which sufficiently alleges a violation of some section of this code.
322.060(11)(c) (c) Increase the severity of the sentence unless the sentence prescribed for the offense is mandatory.
322.060(12) (12)A rehearing may be ordered by the convening authority or other person taking action under this section if that person disapproves the findings and sentence and states the reasons for disapproval of the findings. If a person disapproves the findings and sentence and does not order a rehearing, that person shall dismiss the charges. A rehearing as to the findings may not be ordered where there is a lack of sufficient evidence in the record to support the findings. A rehearing as to the sentence may be ordered if the convening authority or other person taking action under this subsection disapproves the sentence.
322.060 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.061 322.061 Article 61 — Withdrawal of appeal.
322.061(1)(1)In each case subject to appellate review under this code, the accused may file with the convening authority a statement expressly withdrawing the right of the accused to appeal. A withdrawal shall be signed by both the accused and his or her defense counsel and must be filed in accordance with appellate procedures under ch. 809.
322.061(2) (2)The accused may withdraw an appeal at any time in accordance with appellate procedures under ch. 809.
322.061 History History: 2007 a. 200.
322.062 322.062 Article 62 — Appeal by the state.
322.062(1)(1)In a trial by court-martial in which a punitive discharge may be adjudged, the state may appeal any of the following, other than a finding of not guilty with respect to the charge or specification by the members of the court-martial, or by a judge in a bench trial, so long as it is not made in reconsideration:
322.062(1)(a) (a) An order or ruling of the military judge which terminates the proceedings with respect to a charge or specification.
322.062(1)(b) (b) An order or ruling which excludes evidence that is substantial proof of a fact material in the proceeding.
322.062(1)(c) (c) An order or ruling which directs the disclosure of classified information.
322.062(1)(d) (d) An order or ruling which imposes sanctions for nondisclosure of classified information.
322.062(1)(e) (e) A refusal of the military judge to issue a protective order sought by the State to prevent the disclosure of classified information.
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