895.4802 History History: 2005 a. 155 ss. 45, 47; 2005 a. 347 s. 55.
895.4802 Note NOTE: 2005 Wis. Act 347, which affected this section, contains extensive explanatory notes.
895.4803 895.4803 Civil liability exemption; information concerning paternity. Any member of the staff of a hospital who is designated by the hospital and trained by the department of children and families under s. 69.14 (1) (cm) and who in good faith provides to a child's available parents written information that is provided by the department of children and families and oral information or an audio or video presentation about statements acknowledging paternity as prescribed by the state registrar under s. 69.15 (3) (b) 3. and about the significance and benefits of, and alternatives to, establishing paternity, under the requirements of s. 69.14 (1) (cm), is immune from civil liability for his or her acts or omissions in providing that oral information or audio or video presentation and written information.
895.4803 History History: 2005 a. 155 ss. 46, 48; 2007 a. 20; 2017 a. 334.
895.481 895.481 Civil liability exemption; equine activities.
895.481(1)(1)In this section:
895.481(1)(a) (a) “Equine" means a donkey, hinny, horse, mule or pony.
895.481(1)(b) (b) “Equine activity" means any of the following:
895.481(1)(b)1. 1. Shows, fairs, competitions, performances or parades that involve any breeds of equines and any equine disciplines, including combined training, competitive trail riding, cutting, dressage, driving, endurance trail riding, English or western performance riding, grand prix jumping, horse racing, hunter and jumper shows, hunting, polo, pulling, rodeos, 3-day events and western games.
895.481(1)(b)2. 2. Equine training or teaching.
895.481(1)(b)3. 3. Boarding of equines.
895.481(1)(b)4. 4. Riding, inspecting or evaluating an equine belonging to another, regardless of whether the owner of the equine receives monetary or other consideration for the use of the equine or permits the riding, inspection or evaluation of the equine.
895.481(1)(b)5. 5. Riding, training or driving an equine or being a passenger on an equine.
895.481(1)(b)5d. 5d. Equine-assisted learning.
895.481(1)(b)5r. 5r. Equine-assisted psychotherapy.
895.481(1)(b)6. 6. Riding, training or driving a vehicle pulled by an equine or being a passenger on a vehicle pulled by an equine.
895.481(1)(b)7. 7. Assisting in the medical treatment of an equine.
895.481(1)(b)8. 8. Shoeing of an equine.
895.481(1)(b)9. 9. Assisting a person participating in an activity listed in subds. 1. to 8.
895.481(1)(c) (c) “Equine activity sponsor" means a person, whether operating for profit or nonprofit, who organizes or provides the facilities for an equine activity, including owners or operators of arenas, clubs, fairs, schools, stables and therapeutic riding programs.
895.481(1)(d) (d) “Equine professional" means a person engaged for compensation in the rental of equines or equine equipment or tack or in the instruction of a person in the riding or driving of an equine or in being a passenger upon an equine.
895.481(1)(e) (e) “Inherent risk of equine activities" means a danger or condition that is an integral part of equine activities, including all of the following:
895.481(1)(e)1. 1. The propensity of an equine to behave in a way that may result in injury or death to a person on or near it.
895.481(1)(e)2. 2. The unpredictability of an equine's reaction to a sound, movement or unfamiliar object, person or animal.
895.481(1)(e)3. 3. A collision with an object or another animal.
895.481(1)(e)4. 4. The potential for a person participating in an equine activity to act in a negligent manner, to fail to control the equine or to not act within his or her ability.
895.481(1)(e)5. 5. Natural hazards, including surface and subsurface conditions.
895.481(1)(f) (f) “Property" means real property and buildings, structures and improvements on the real property.
895.481(1)(g) (g) “Spectator" means a person who attends or watches an equine activity but does not participate in the equine activity or perform any act or omission related to the equine activity that contributes to the injury or death of a participant in the equine activity.
895.481(2) (2)Except as provided in subs. (3) and (6), a person, including an equine activity sponsor or an equine professional, is immune from civil liability for acts or omissions related to his or her participation in equine activities if a person participating in the equine activity is injured or killed as the result of an inherent risk of equine activities.
895.481(3) (3)The immunity under sub. (2) does not apply if the person seeking immunity does any of the following:
895.481(3)(a) (a) Provides equipment or tack that he or she knew or should have known was faulty and the faulty equipment or tack causes the injury or death.
895.481(3)(b) (b) Provides an equine to a person and fails to make a reasonable effort to determine the ability of the person to engage safely in an equine activity or to safely manage the particular equine provided based on the person's representations of his or her ability.
895.481(3)(c) (c) Fails to conspicuously post warning signs of a dangerous inconspicuous condition known to him or her on the property that he or she owns, leases, rents or is otherwise in lawful control of or possession.
895.481(3)(d) (d) Acts in a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of the person.
895.481(3)(e) (e) Intentionally causes the injury or death.
895.481(3m) (3m)A person whose only involvement in an equine activity is as a spectator shall not be considered to be participating in the equine activity.
895.481(4) (4)Every equine professional shall post and maintain signs in a clearly visible location on or near stables, corrals or arenas owned, operated or controlled by the equine professional. The signs shall be white with black lettering, each letter a minimum of one inch in height, and shall contain the following notice: “Notice: A person who is engaged for compensation in the rental of equines or equine equipment or tack or in the instruction of a person in the riding or driving of an equine or in being a passenger upon an equine is not liable for the injury or death of a person involved in equine activities resulting from the inherent risks of equine activities, as defined in section 895.481 (1) (e) of the Wisconsin Statutes."
895.481(5) (5)If an equine professional uses a written contract for the rental of equines or equine equipment or tack or for the instruction of a person in the riding, driving or being a passenger upon an equine, the contract shall contain the notice set forth in sub. (4) in clearly readable bold print of not less than the same size as the print used in the remainder of the contract.
895.481(6) (6)This section does not limit the liability of a person under any applicable products liability laws.
895.481(7) (7)This section does not limit the immunity created under s. 895.52.
895.481 History History: 1995 a. 256; 2015 a. 66.
895.481 Annotation The application of this section is not limited to equine professionals. The exception to immunity under sub. (3) (a) for faulty equipment did not apply when no connection between the equipment and the plaintiff's injuries was shown. Kangas v. Perry, 2000 WI App 234, 239 Wis. 2d 392, 620 N.W.2d 429, 00-0001.
895.481 Annotation “Provides an equine" in sub. (3) (b) means to make available for use an equine that the provider either owns or controls and does not encompass an equine previously sold or given to the individual claiming damages. Barritt v. Lowe, 2003 WI App 185, 266 Wis. 2d 863, 669 N.W.2d 189, 03-0034.
895.481 Annotation A person asserting that he or she has immunity because he or she was “riding," as an “equine activity," at the time of the injury-producing accident need not show that he or she was on the back of a horse at the moment of the accident. The statute is worded in terms of immunity for acts or omissions “related to" participation in an equine activity and not only for the act of the activity itself. Hellen v. Hellen, 2013 WI App 69, 348 Wis. 2d 223, 831 N.W.2d 430, 12-1916.
895.481 Annotation While it is true that a person who already owns or controls an equine can participate in an equine activity without being provided with an equine, in order for a person who does not own or control an equine to participate in an equine activity, someone must provide an equine within the meaning of sub. (3) (b). It is immaterial whether the person who allegedly provides the equine retains sole or primary control of the equine. Hellen v. Hellen, 2013 WI App 69, 348 Wis. 2d 223, 831 N.W.2d 430, 12-1916.
895.481 Annotation The exception under sub. (3) (b) centers on the assessment by a provider of a horse of a rider's abilities based on the rider's representations of his or her ability. The exception does not abrogate immunity for a provider's negligent management of a horse, and the exception does not require an actual demonstration of riding ability or a test ride. Dilley v. Holiday Acres Properties, Inc., 905 F.3d 508 (2018).
895.481 Annotation Under Barritt, 2003 WI App 185, “providing an equine," for purposes of the exception under sub. (3) (b), means that the defendant owns or controls the equine in question and makes it available for the plaintiff's use. A riding instructor does not “provide" a horse owned by the riding student merely by exercising control over the riding lesson. Dilley v. Holiday Acres Properties, Inc., 905 F.3d 508 (2018).
895.481 Annotation The Exculpatory Contract and Public Policy. Anzivino. 102 MLR 747 (2019).
895.482 895.482 Civil liability exemption; ski patrol members.
895.482(1)(1)In this section:
895.482(1)(a) (a) “Compensation" means wages, salary, commission or bonuses paid for services rendered, but does not include the provision, at a discounted price or without charge, of food, beverages, clothing, passes or other incidental benefits to ski patrol members.
895.482(1)(b) (b) “Ski patrol member" means a registered member of the national ski patrol who serves in that capacity without compensation.
895.482(2) (2)Except as provided in sub. (3), a ski patrol member is immune from civil liability for his or her acts or omissions while he or she is acting in his or her capacity as a ski patrol member, including the rendering of emergency care.
895.482(3) (3)The immunity under this section does not apply if the act or omission of the ski patrol member involves reckless, wanton or intentional misconduct.
895.482 History History: 1991 a. 318.
895.483 895.483 Civil liability exemption; regional and local emergency response teams and their sponsoring agencies.
895.483(1)(1)A regional emergency response team, a member of such a team, and a local agency, as defined in s. 323.70 (1) (b), that contracts with the division of emergency management in the department of military affairs for the provision of a regional emergency response team, are immune from civil liability for acts or omissions related to carrying out responsibilities under a contract under s. 323.70 (2).
895.483(2) (2)A local emergency response team, a member of such a team and the county, city, village, or town that contracts to provide the emergency response team to the county are immune from civil liability for acts or omissions related to carrying out responsibilities pursuant to a designation under s. 323.61 (2m) (e).
895.483(3) (3)A local emergency planning committee created under s. 59.54 (8) (a) 1. that receives a grant under s. 323.61 is immune from civil liability for acts or omissions related to carrying out responsibilities under s. 323.61.
895.483(4) (4)An urban search and rescue task force, a member of such a task force, and a local agency, as defined in s. 323.70 (1) (b), that contracts with the division of emergency management in the department of military affairs for the provision of emergency services, are immune from civil liability for acts or omissions related to carrying out responsibilities under a contract under s. 323.72 (1).
895.483 Annotation A town that responds to a Level B hazardous waste release in its own capacity in the absence of a county wide agreement does not receive immunity from civil liability under former sub. (2), 1997 Stats., but other statutory and common law immunities apply. OAG 1-99.
895.484 895.484 Civil liability exemption; entering a vehicle to render assistance.
895.484(1)(1)In this section:
895.484(1)(a) (a) “Domestic animal" means a dog, cat, or other animal that is domesticated and kept as a household pet, but does not include a farm animal, as defined in s. 951.01 (3).
895.484(1)(b) (b) “Vehicle" means a motor vehicle, or any other vehicle, that is used to transport persons or cargo and that is enclosed.
895.484(2) (2)A person is immune from civil liability for property damage or injury that results from his or her forcible entry into a vehicle if all of the following are true:
895.484(2)(a) (a) A person or a domestic animal was present in the vehicle and the actor had a good faith belief that the person or domestic animal was in imminent danger of suffering bodily harm unless he or she exited or was removed from the vehicle.
895.484(2)(b) (b) The actor determined that the vehicle was locked and that forcible entry was necessary to enable the actor to enter the vehicle or to enable the person or domestic animal to be removed from or to exit the vehicle.
895.484(2)(c) (c) The actor dialed the telephone number “911" or otherwise contacted law enforcement, emergency medical services, or animal control before he or she forcibly entered the vehicle.
895.484(2)(d) (d) The actor remained with the person or domestic animal until a law enforcement officer, emergency medical service provider, animal control officer, or other emergency medical responder, as defined in s. 256.01 (4p), arrived at the scene.
895.484(2)(e) (e) The actor used no more force than he or she reasonably believed necessary to enter the vehicle in order to remove the person or domestic animal or to allow the person or domestic animal to exit the vehicle.
895.484(2)(f) (f) If the actor left the scene before the owner or operator of the vehicle returned to the scene, the actor placed a notice on the windshield of the vehicle that included his or her name, telephone number, and mailing address, the reason he or she entered the vehicle, and the location, if known, of the person or domestic animal when the actor left the scene.
895.484 History History: 2015 a. 103; 2017 a. 12.
895.485 895.485 Civil liability exemption; out-of-home care providers and child-placing agencies.
895.485(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
895.485(1)(ag) (ag) “Age or developmentally appropriate activities" has the meaning given in s. 48.02 (1dm).
895.485(1)(b) (b) “Foster home" has the meaning given in s. 48.02 (6).
895.485(1)(c) (c) “Out-of-home care provider" has the meaning given in s. 48.02 (12r).
895.485(1)(d) (d) “Reasonable and prudent parent standard" has the meaning given in s. 48.02 (14r).
895.485(2) (2) Foster parents; liability exemption. Except as provided in ss. 167.10 (7) and 343.15 (2), any foster parent licensed under s. 48.62 is immune from civil liability for any of the following:
895.485(2)(a) (a) An act or omission of the foster parent while that parent is acting in his or her capacity as a foster parent.
895.485(2)(b) (b) An act or omission of a child who is placed in a foster home while the child is in the foster parent's care.
895.485(3) (3) Foster parents; exceptions to liability exemption. The immunity specified in sub. (2) does not apply if the act or omission of a foster parent was not done in good faith or was not in compliance with any written instructions received from the agency that placed the child regarding specific care and supervision of the child. The good faith of a foster parent and the compliance of the foster parent with any written instructions received from the agency that placed the child are presumed in a civil action. Any person who asserts that a foster parent did not act in good faith, or did not comply with written instructions received from the agency that placed the child, has the burden of proving that assertion.
895.485(4) (4) Child-placing agencies; liability exemption; exceptions. Any agency that acts in good faith in placing a child with a foster parent is immune from civil liability for any act or omission of the agency, the foster parent, or the child unless all of the following occur:
895.485(4)(a) (a) The agency has failed to provide the foster parent with any information relating to a medical, physical, mental, or emotional condition of the child that the agency is required to disclose under this paragraph. The department of children and families shall promulgate rules specifying the kind of information that an agency shall disclose to a foster parent that relates to a medical, physical, mental, or emotional condition of the child.
895.485(4)(b) (b) Bodily injury to the child or any other person or damage to the property of the child or any other person occurs as a direct result of the failure under par. (a).
895.485(5) (5) Out-of-home care providers; liability exemption. Except as provided in ss. 167.10 (7) and 343.15 (2), an out-of-home care provider who grants permission for a child in the care of the out-of-home care provider to participate in an age or developmentally appropriate activity is immune from civil liability for any act or omission of the out-of-home care provider in granting that permission if in granting that permission the out-of-home care provider applied the reasonable and prudent parent standard in accordance with the requirements of ss. 48.383 (1) and 938.383 (1) and the rules promulgated under ss. 48.383 (3) and 938.383 (3). The immunity provided under this subsection applies only to the decision granting that permission itself and does not extend to any other act or omission of the out-of-home care provider, including any act or omission relating to the out-of-home care provider's duty to comply with any provision of licensure under s. 48.70, rule promulgated under s. 48.67, or any other statute, rule, or regulation that is applicable to the out-of-home care provider's duty to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the child. The immunity provided under this subsection does not affect any immunity from, limitation on, or defense to liability that is available under any other statute or the common law.
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