25.167 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 274; 2021 a. 177. 25.1725.17 Powers and duties of board. The “State of Wisconsin Investment Board” shall be a body corporate with power to sue and be sued in said name. The board shall have a seal with the words, “State of Wisconsin Investment Board”. Subject to s. 25.183, the board shall: 25.17(1)(1) Have exclusive control of the investment and collection of the principal and interest of all moneys loaned or invested from any of the following funds: 25.17(1)(pg)(pg) State building trust fund (s. 25.30), except for the purpose and extent of loans to the Wisconsin State Public Building Corporation, the Wisconsin University Building Corporation, and the Wisconsin State Colleges Building Corporation, which are subject to sub. (2) (b); 25.17(1)(zm)(zm) All other funds of the state or of any state department or institution, except funds which are required by specific provision of law to be controlled and invested by any other authority, and moneys in the University of Wisconsin trust funds, and in the trust funds of the state universities. 25.17(2)(a)(a) Invest any of the funds specified in sub. (1), except operating funds, the capital improvement fund and the bond security and redemption fund, in loans to the Wisconsin University Building Corporation, the Wisconsin State Colleges Building Corporation or the Wisconsin State Public Building Corporation, but only if the loans are secured by mortgages upon property owned by the respective corporations producing sufficient income to retire the mortgage over the term of the loan or are secured by the pledge of rentals sufficient in amount to retire the indebtedness. The board shall make no loans to any building corporation described in this subsection except under the conditions prescribed in this paragraph, or except as otherwise provided in par. (b). These loans shall be made only when in the judgment of the board it is to the interest of the funds to do so, except that loans made under par. (b) shall be made at the direction of the building commission. 25.17(2)(b)(b) Invest the state building trust fund in loans to the Wisconsin State Public Building Corporation, to the Wisconsin University Building Corporation, and to the Wisconsin State Colleges Building Corporation. Except for interim loans for construction, or other temporary financing for the purchase of lands, planning, including both engineering and financing, and all other expenses incidental to any of the foregoing, loans under this paragraph shall be secured by a pledge and assignment of net revenues derived from the operation of buildings by the borrowing corporation on lands leased or conveyed to the corporation. Any loan under this paragraph shall be made upon the direction of the building commission. 25.17(2)(c)(c) Invest the State Housing Authority reserve fund as directed by the Wisconsin Housing and Economic Development Authority in housing rehabilitation loan program bonds of the authority including subordinated bonds that may also be special obligations of the authority. In making the investment, the board shall accept the terms and conditions as the authority specifies and is relieved of any obligations relative to prudent investment of the fund, including those set forth under ch. 881. 25.17(2)(d)(d) Invest the environmental improvement fund, and collect the principal and interest of all moneys loaned or invested from the environmental improvement fund, as directed by the department of administration under s. 281.59 (2m). In making investments under this paragraph, the board shall accept any reasonable terms and conditions that the department of administration specifies and is relieved of any obligations relevant to prudent investment of the fund, including those set forth under ch. 881. 25.17(2)(e)(e) Invest the transportation infrastructure loan fund, and collect the principal and interest of all moneys loaned or invested from the transportation infrastructure loan fund, as directed by the department of administration under s. 85.52 (4m). In making investments under this paragraph, the board shall accept any reasonable terms and conditions that the department of administration specifies and is relieved of any obligations relevant to prudent investment of the fund, including those set forth under ch. 881. 25.17(2)(f)(f) Invest the moneys belonging to the college savings program trust fund, the college savings program bank deposit trust fund, and the college savings program credit union deposit trust fund in a manner consistent with the guidelines established under s. 224.50 (2) (c), unless the moneys are under the management and control of a vendor selected under s. 224.51. In making investments under this paragraph, the investment board shall accept any reasonable terms and conditions that the college savings program board specifies and is relieved of any obligations relevant to prudent investment of the fund, including the standard of responsibility under s. 25.15 (2). 25.17(2)(g)(g) Notwithstanding any other provision of this chapter, invest any funds that the building commission directs the board to invest by resolution under s. 18.04 (6) (c) as specified by such resolution. In making investments under this paragraph, the board shall accept the terms and conditions specified in the resolution and is relieved of any obligations relevant to prudent investment of the fund, including those set forth under s. 25.15 (2).
Chs. 23-34, Public Domain and the Trust Funds