221.0901(8)(a)(a) Except as provided in pars. (b), (c), and (d), the division may not approve an application under sub. (3) (a), other than an application by an in-state bank holding company or in-state bank, unless the in-state bank to be acquired, or all in-state bank subsidiaries of the in-state bank holding company to be acquired, have as of the proposed date of acquisition been in existence and in continuous operation for at least 5 years.
221.0901(8)(b)(b) Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, the division may approve an application under sub. (3) (a) for an acquisition of an in-state bank holding company that owns one or more in-state banks that have been in existence for less than 5 years, if the applicant divests itself of those in-state banks within 2 years after the date of acquisition of the in-state bank holding company by the applicant. This paragraph does not apply if the applicant is an in-state bank holding company or in-state bank.
221.0901(8)(c)(c) Paragraphs (a) and (b) do not apply to an in-state bank that is the surviving bank of a merger with an in-state bank that had been in existence and continuous operation for at least 5 years at the time of the merger or would have been in existence and in continuous operation for at least 5 years as of the proposed date of acquisition, if the merger had not taken place.
221.0901(8)(d)(d) Paragraph (a) does not apply to the merger or acquisition by an out-of-state banking organization of all or substantially all of the assets of an in-state bank, or of an in-state bank holding company that owns one or more in-state banks, if all of the following apply:
221.0901(8)(d)1.1. The laws of the home state of the out-of-state banking organization allow an in-state bank or in-state bank holding company to acquire an out-of-state banking organization in the home state.
221.0901(8)(d)2.2. The division determines under par. (e) that the laws of the home state of the out-of-state banking organization are reciprocal with respect to mergers and acquisitions.
221.0901(8)(e)1.1. The division shall periodically publish a list of states that the division has found have laws that are reciprocal for purposes of par. (d) 2. An out-of-state banking organization with a home state for which the division has made no such determination may request, on a form prescribed by the division, that the division make a determination regarding the home state.
221.0901(8)(e)2.2. The division shall make determinations under subd. 1. in writing. The division may not determine that the laws of a state are reciprocal under subd. 1. unless the division finds that the laws of that state allow an in-state bank or in-state bank holding company to merge with or acquire an out-of-state banking organization under terms and conditions that are substantially similar to the terms and conditions under this section. In making such a finding, the division shall consider, at a minimum, whether the laws of that state discriminate in any way against an in-state bank or in-state bank holding company and whether the laws of that state impose regulatory burdens that are substantially more restrictive than the requirements under this section that apply to an out-of-state banking organization seeking to merge or acquire an in-state bank or in-state bank holding company.
221.0901(9)(9)Reports. Each bank holding company that controls an in-state bank or an in-state bank holding company shall submit to the division reports under s. 221.0526.
221.0901(10)(10)Penalties. The division may enforce the provisions of this section pursuant to s. 220.04 (9).
221.0901 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 336; 1997 a. 146; 2003 a. 293; 2005 a. 217.
221.0901 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also chs. DFI-Bkg 3, 4, and 19, Wis. adm. code.
221.0903221.0903In-state branches maintained by out-of-state banks.
221.0903(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
221.0903(1)(ag)(ag) “Bank” has the meaning given in 12 USC 1841 (c).
221.0903(1)(ar)(ar) “Bank supervisory agency” means any of the following:
221.0903(1)(ar)1.1. An agency of another state with primary responsibility for chartering and supervising banks.
221.0903(1)(ar)2.2. The U.S. office of the comptroller of the currency.
221.0903(1)(ar)3.3. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
221.0903(1)(ar)4.4. The system of governors of the federal reserve board.
221.0903(1)(b)(b) “Home state” means:
221.0903(1)(b)1.1. With respect to a state-chartered bank, the state in which the bank is chartered.
221.0903(1)(b)2.2. With respect to a national bank, the state in which the main office of the bank is located.
221.0903(1)(b)3.3. With respect to a foreign bank, the state determined to be the home state of the foreign bank under 12 USC 3103 (c).
221.0903(1)(c)(c) “In-state branch” means a branch under s. 221.0302 located in this state.
221.0903(1)(d)(d) “Out-of-state bank” means a bank with a home state other than this state.
221.0903(1)(dm)(dm) “Out-of-state state bank” means a bank chartered under the laws of any state other than this state.
221.0903(1)(e)(e) “State bank” means a bank chartered under this chapter.
221.0903(2)(2)Notice and filing requirements. Each out-of-state state bank that has an in-state branch shall give the division notice of any merger, consolidation or other transaction that would cause a change of control with respect to the out-of-state state bank or a bank holding company of the out-of-state state bank, such that a filing would be required under 12 USC 1817 (j) or 12 USC 1841 to 1850. The notice required under this subsection shall be provided at least 30 days prior to date that the transaction is to become effective, unless the division determines that a transaction is an emergency transaction.
221.0903(3)(3)Reporting requirements. The division may promulgate rules establishing periodic reporting requirements for out-of-state banks maintaining an in-state branch. Any reporting requirements established by rules promulgated under this subsection shall be consistent with all of the following:
221.0903(3)(a)(a) Reporting requirements applicable to state banks.
221.0903(3)(b)(b) The division’s regulatory responsibilities with respect to that out-of-state bank and its in-state branch.
221.0903(4)(a)(a) Examination power of division. The division may examine an in-state branch maintained by an out-of-state state bank, if the division considers the examination necessary to determine whether the in-state branch is being operated in compliance with the laws of this state and in accordance with safe and sound banking practices. The provisions of ch. 220, as they apply to examinations of state banks, apply to the examinations of in-state branches of out-of-state banks.
221.0903(4)(b)(b) Contracts for examination services. The division may enter into contracts with any bank supervisory agency with concurrent jurisdiction over a state bank or an in-state branch of an out-of-state state bank to engage the services of the agency’s examiners at a reasonable rate of compensation, or to provide the services of the division’s examiners to the agency at a reasonable rate of compensation. Contracts entered into under this paragraph are exempt from ss. 16.70 to 16.752, 16.754 to 16.76, and 16.767 to 16.82.
221.0903(5)(5)Enforcement. If the division determines that an in-state branch of an out-of-state state bank is being operated in violation of the laws of this state or is being operated in an unsafe or unsound manner, the division may take any enforcement action against the in-state branch that it would be able to take if the in-state branch were a state bank.
221.0903(6)(6)Joint examination and enforcement actions. The division may enter into joint examinations and joint enforcement actions with other bank supervisory agencies having concurrent jurisdiction over a state bank with an out-of-state branch, or an in-state branch of an out-of-state state bank. This subsection does not prevent the division from making examinations or taking enforcement actions independently, if the division considers it appropriate to carry out its responsibilities or to ensure compliance with the laws of this state.
221.0903(7)(7)Assessments. The division may promulgate rules establishing assessments for in-state branches of out-of-state state banks.
221.0903 HistoryHistory: 1997 a. 146; 2005 a. 217, 410.
221.0904221.0904Out-of-state banks establishing branches.
221.0904(1)(1)Definitions. In this section:
221.0904(1)(ac)(ac) “Affiliate” has the meaning given in s. 221.0302 (1g) (a).
221.0904(1)(ag)(ag) “Commercial activities” has the meaning given in s. 221.0302 (1g) (c).
221.0904(1)(am)(am) “Home state” has the meaning given in s. 221.0903 (1) (b).
221.0904(1)(b)(b) “Out-of-state bank” means any bank, as defined in 12 USC 1813 (a) (1), with a home state other than this state.
221.0904(1)(c)(c) “State bank” has the meaning given in s. 221.0903 (1) (e).
221.0904(2)(2)In general. No out-of-state bank may establish a branch in this state unless all of the following apply:
221.0904(2)(a)(a) The laws of the home state of the out-of-state bank allow the out-of-state bank to establish a branch in this state.
221.0904(2)(b)(b) The division determines under sub. (3) (b) that the laws of the home state of the out-of-state bank are reciprocal with respect to a state bank establishing a branch in that state.
221.0904(2)(c)(c) The out-of-state bank complies with the notice requirements under sub. (4).
221.0904(3)(a)(a) The division shall periodically publish a list of states that the division has found have laws that are reciprocal for purposes of sub. (2) (b). An out-of-state bank with a home state for which the division has made no such determination may request, on a form prescribed by the division, that the division make a determination regarding the home state.
221.0904(3)(b)(b) The division shall make determinations under par. (a) in writing. The division may not determine that the laws of a state are reciprocal under par. (a) unless the division finds that the laws of that state allow a state bank to establish a branch in the state under terms and conditions that are substantially similar to the terms and conditions under this section. In making such a finding, the division shall consider, at a minimum, whether the laws of that state discriminate in any way against a state bank and whether the laws of that state impose regulatory burdens that are substantially more restrictive than the requirements under this section that apply to an out-of-state bank seeking to establish a branch in this state.
221.0904(4)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), an out-of-state bank may not establish a branch in this state without providing prior notice to the division. The division shall promulgate rules specifying the requirements and procedures for making such notice. The rules shall allow an out-of-state bank to provide notice by submitting to the division a copy of any notice or application regarding the proposed branch that the out-of-state bank submits to the regulatory authority of its home state or the appropriate federal regulatory authority.
221.0904(4)(b)(b) If an out-of-state bank establishes a branch in this state pursuant to this section, the out-of-state bank is not required to provide notice for any subsequent branches established in this state.
221.0904(4m)(4m)Location restrictions for branches of out-of-state banks.
221.0904(4m)(a)(a) General. Except as provided in par. (c), no out-of-state bank may directly or indirectly establish or maintain in this state a branch that is located within a 1.5-mile radius of premises or property owned, leased, or otherwise controlled, directly or indirectly, by an affiliate of the out-of-state bank that engages in commercial activities. No out-of-state bank may circumvent the prohibition in this paragraph by first establishing a branch and then locating, or attempting to influence or facilitate the location of, an office of the out-of-state bank’s affiliate engaged in commercial activities within a 1.5-mile radius of the branch location.
221.0904(4m)(b)(b) Certification of compliance. Each out-of-state bank that establishes or maintains a branch in this state shall certify to the division that the location of any such branch complies with par. (a).
221.0904(4m)(c)(c) Exemptions. This subsection does not apply to any branch of an out-of-state bank that was approved by the division on or before April 2, 2008.
221.0904(5)(5)Additional branching authority. An out-of-state bank that establishes a branch in this state pursuant to this section may establish additional branches in this state to the same extent as a state bank.
221.0904 HistoryHistory: 2005 a. 217; 2007 a. 112.
221.1001221.1001Stock book. Every bank shall keep a stock book. The stock book shall be subject to the inspection of officers, directors and shareholders of the bank during the usual hours for transacting business. The stock book shall show the name, residence and number of shares held by each shareholder. A refusal by the officers of such bank to exhibit the stock book to any person rightfully demanding inspection of the book, may be required to forfeit not more than $50. In all actions, suits and proceedings, the stock book is presumptive evidence of the facts contained in the book.
221.1001 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 336.
221.1002(1)(1)Reporting requirements. A bank shall make to the division not less than 2 reports during each calendar year. The reports shall be made at the times required by the division on forms prescribed and furnished by the division. The forms shall conform as nearly as practicable to that required of national banks, including any schedules.
221.1002(2)(2)Attestation. The reports under sub. (1) shall be signed and verified by the oath or affirmation of one of the officers of the bank, and shall be attested by at least 2 of the directors. If by reason of absence or other inability it is impracticable to obtain the signature of 2 directors, the report shall specify the reason why it is impracticable and the attestation by the director so absent or under disability is not required.
221.1002(3)(3)Resources and liabilities. The report under sub. (1) shall exhibit in detail and under the proper headings, the resources and liabilities of the bank at the close of the business of any past day specified by the division. The bank shall transmit the report to the division within 30 days after the receipt of request for the report from the division.
221.1002(4)(4)List of shareholders. When requested by the division, any bank shall report to the division a list of its shareholders, their residences, and the amount of stock held by each. The shareholder list shall be signed and verified by the oath or affirmation of one of the officers of the bank.
221.1002(5)(5)Special reports. The division may require special reports from a bank, if the division determines that the reports are necessary to inform the division fully of the bank’s condition.
221.1002 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 336.
221.1003221.1003Forfeiture. A bank failing to make and transmit to the division a report or proof of publication required under this chapter may be required to forfeit to the division not more than $100 for each day after the report or proof of publication was required. If a bank fails or refuses to pay the forfeiture under this section, the division may institute proceedings for the recovery of the forfeiture.
221.1003 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 336.
221.1004221.1004False statements.
221.1004(1)(1)Prohibition. An officer, director or employee of a bank may not do any of the following:
221.1004(1)(a)(a) Willfully and knowingly subscribe to or make, or cause to be made, any false statement or false entry in the books of the bank.
221.1004(1)(b)(b) Knowingly subscribe to or exhibit false papers with the intent to deceive any person authorized to examine the affairs of the bank.
221.1004(1)(c)(c) Knowingly make, state, or publish any false report or statement of the bank.
221.1004(2)(2)Penalties. Any person who violates sub. (1) is guilty of a Class F felony.
221.1004 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 336; 1997 a. 283; 2001 a. 109.
221.1005221.1005Refusal to permit inspection. If an officer in charge of a bank refuses to submit the books, papers and concerns of the bank to the inspection of the division, or refuses to be examined under oath touching the concerns of the bank, the division may inform the attorney general. The department of justice shall then institute an action to procure a judgment dissolving the bank. In order to carry out this section, the division may commence and maintain in the division’s name any action necessary or proper to enforce this section.
221.1005 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 336.
221.1006221.1006Fees for certified copies. If a certified copy of a record filed in the division is lawfully required to be furnished by the division, the division may assess a reasonable fee as determined by the banking institutions review board. These fees shall be deposited in the general fund.
221.1006 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 336; 2019 a. 65.
221.1007221.1007Legal process; how served. Legal process against a bank may be served upon the bank in the manner provided by law for service on other corporations organized under the laws of this state.
221.1007 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 336.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)