229.44(5)(5)Employ personnel, and fix and regulate their compensation; and provide, either directly or subject to an agreement under s. 66.0301 or 229.47 (1) as a participant in a benefit plan of another governmental entity, any employee benefits, including an employee pension plan.
229.44(6)(6)Purchase insurance, establish and administer a plan of self-insurance or, subject to an agreement with another governmental entity under s. 66.0301 or 229.47 (1), participate in a governmental plan of insurance or self-insurance.
229.44(7)(7)Mortgage, pledge or otherwise encumber the district’s property or funds.
229.44(8)(8)Issue bonds under ss. 229.48 to 229.56 and enter into agreements related to the issuance of bonds, including liquidity and credit facilities, remarketing agreements, insurance policies, guaranty agreements, letter of credit or reimbursement agreements, indexing agreements, interest exchange agreements and currency exchange agreements.
229.44(9)(9)Maintain funds and invest the funds in any investment that the board considers appropriate.
229.44(10)(10)Direct its agents or employees, if properly identified in writing, to enter upon real property within its jurisdiction to make surveys and examinations before locating or constructing an exposition center or exposition center facilities, without incurring liability by the district, its agents or employees except for actual damage done. Before directing anyone to enter real property under this subsection, the district shall give the owner and occupant of the property at least 5 days’ written notice.
229.44(11)(11)Promote, advertise and publicize its exposition center, exposition center facilities and related activities.
229.44(12)(12)Set standards governing the use of, and the conduct within, its exposition center and exposition center facilities in order to promote public safety and convenience and to maintain order.
229.44(13)(13)Establish rates or other charges for the use of its exposition center and exposition center facilities or for services rendered by the district.
229.44(14)(14)Enter into partnerships, joint ventures or other arrangements with other persons, including other districts created under this subchapter, to further the district’s purposes.
229.44(15)(15)If the district’s sponsoring municipality adopts a resolution described under s. 229.50 (1) (a), and if the district’s sponsoring municipality agrees to stop imposing and collecting its room tax under s. 66.0615 (1m) (a), adopt a resolution to impose the taxes under ss. 66.0615 (1m), 77.98 and 77.99, except that, if a district adopts a resolution under this subsection, it shall deliver a certified copy of the resolution to the secretary of revenue at least 120 days before its effective date.
229.44 HistoryHistory: 1993 a. 263; 1999 a. 150 s. 672; 2015 a. 60.
229.445229.445Ticket surcharge. The board of directors shall require the sponsor of an event held at a sports and entertainment arena to impose a $2 surcharge on each ticket that is sold to the event. The event sponsor shall forward to the board of directors any surcharges collected under this section. The board of directors shall submit 25 percent of the amount received under this section to the department of administration for deposit into the general fund and shall retain the remainder for the district.
229.445 HistoryHistory: 2015 a. 60.
229.45229.45Powers granted to sponsoring municipality. In addition to any powers that it may otherwise have, a sponsoring municipality may do any of the following:
229.45(1)(1)Make grants or loans to a district upon terms that the sponsoring municipality considers appropriate.
229.45(2)(2)Expend public funds to subsidize a district.
229.45(3)(3)Borrow money under ss. 67.04 and 67.12 (12) for exposition center facilities or to fund grants, loans or subsidies to a district.
229.45 HistoryHistory: 1993 a. 263.
229.46229.46Certain contracting requirements.
229.46(1)(1)In this section:
229.46(1)(ag)(ag) “Disabled veteran-owned business” means a business certified by the department of administration under s. 16.283 (3).
229.46(1)(am)(am) “Minority business” has the meaning given in s. 200.49 (1) (a).
229.46(1)(b)(b) “Minority group member” has the meaning given in s. 16.287 (1) (f).
229.46(1)(c)(c) “Women’s business” means a sole proprietorship, partnership, joint venture or corporation that is at least 51 percent owned, controlled and actively managed by women.
229.46(2)(2)A person who is awarded a contract by a district shall agree, as a condition to receiving the contract, that at least 25 percent of the employees hired because of the contract will be minority group members, at least 5 percent of the employees hired because of the contract will be women, and at least 1 percent of the employees hired because of the contract will be employees of a disabled veteran-owned business, if any of the following applies:
229.46(2)(a)(a) The contract is for the construction of any part of an exposition center.
229.46(2)(b)(b) The contract results in the hiring of individuals who will work at the exposition center.
229.46(3)(3)At least 25 percent of the aggregate dollar value of contracts awarded by the district in the following areas shall be awarded to minority businesses, at least 5 percent of the aggregate dollar value of contracts awarded by the district in the following areas shall be awarded to women’s businesses, and at least 1 percent of the aggregate dollar value of contracts awarded by the district in the following areas shall be awarded to disabled veteran-owned businesses:
229.46(3)(a)(a) Contracts for the construction of an exposition center.
229.46(3)(b)(b) Contracts entered into by the district for the purchase of services to be performed at the exposition center.
229.46(3)(c)(c) Contracts for the underwriting of bonds.
229.46(3m)(3m)It shall be a goal of a district, with regard to each of the contracts described under sub. (3) (a), (b) and (c), to award at least 25 percent of the dollar value of such contracts to minority businesses.
229.46(4)(4)This section applies only to an exposition center that is being constructed under contracts that are funded by the proceeds of a bond issue that is secured by a special debt service reserve fund under s. 229.50.
229.46(5)(5)Before a district initially constructs an exposition center or exposition center facilities, or enters into contracts for such initial construction, the district shall do all of the following:
229.46(5)(a)(a) Adopt or revise a program statement that includes all of the following:
229.46(5)(a)1.1. An identification of the functions to be conducted in the exposition center or exposition center facilities.
229.46(5)(a)2.2. An estimate of the space requirements for the functions described under subd. 1.
229.46(5)(a)3.3. Minimum design requirements for the spaces described under subd. 2.
229.46(5)(a)4.4. Site development requirements for the exposition center and exposition center facilities.
229.46(5)(a)5.5. A maximum cost of the project.
229.46(5)(b)(b) Prescribe criteria for the preparation of requests for proposals for the initial construction of the exposition center and exposition center facilities. The criteria shall include all of the following:
229.46(5)(b)1.1. The scope of responsibilities of the person or group of persons submitting the proposal.
229.46(5)(b)2.2. The contractual relationships between a group of persons submitting a proposal.
229.46(5)(b)3.3. General architectural elements.
229.46(5)(b)4.4. Electrical systems.
229.46(5)(b)5.5. Mechanical systems.
229.46(5)(b)6.6. Plumbing systems.
229.46(5)(b)7.7. Structural elements.
229.46(5)(c)(c) Solicit competitive sealed proposals for the design and initial construction of the exposition center and exposition center facilities. The panel described under sub. (6) shall evaluate the proposals using a 2-phase selection process. Under the first phase, offerors shall submit information responding to the district’s request for proposals, including the experience and past performance of the offerors, a management plan, general concept design features and a price analysis. An offeror may be eliminated from further consideration by the panel without discussion if any minimum requirements of the request for proposal are not met. The panel shall evaluate all first-phase proposals and select not more than 3 offerors to submit 2nd-phase proposals. All 2nd-phase proposals shall include all of the following:
229.46(5)(c)1.1. Responses to any comments or questions by the panel relating to first phase submissions.
229.46(5)(c)2.2. Refined initial design concepts, management plan and materials relating to experience and past performance.
229.46(5)(c)3.3. A development schedule.
229.46(5)(c)4.4. A guaranteed maximum price for the design and initial construction of the exposition center and exposition center facilities.
229.46(5)(c)5.5. Detail of any fees, including all professional service and development fees.
229.46(5)(c)6.6. Evidence that is satisfactory to the panel of the offeror’s ability to obtain bonds guaranteeing the offeror’s performance and bonds guaranteeing the payment for labor and materials by the offeror in amounts specified by the panel.
229.46(5)(c)7.7. Any other information and materials requested by the panel.
229.46(5)(d)(d) Publish a class 2 notice under ch. 985 requesting the first-phase proposals described under par. (c). The advertisement shall include the date by which the proposals must be submitted, which shall be at least 7 days after the date of the last insertion of the notice.
229.46(5)(e)(e) Forward to the panel described under sub. (6), for its recommendations, all first-phase and 2nd-phase proposals received under par. (c).
229.46(6)(a)(a) The district shall convene an evaluation panel to make recommendations concerning the competitive sealed proposals that the district solicits and receives under sub. (5). The panel shall consist of the following members:
229.46(6)(a)1.1. A representative appointed by the chief executive officer of the city with the largest population within the district’s jurisdiction, as that term is used in s. 229.43.
229.46(6)(a)2.2. Two representatives appointed by the secretary of administration, one of whom shall be a registered engineer and one of whom shall be a registered architect.
229.46(6)(a)3.3. A representative appointed by the district who has experience in the construction of major facilities.
229.46(6)(a)4.4. The comptroller of the sponsoring municipality with the largest population within the district’s jurisdiction, as that term is used in s. 229.43, except that if the sponsoring municipality does not have a comptroller the representative shall be the chief financial officer of the sponsoring municipality.
229.46(6)(b)(b) The panel under par. (a) shall evaluate the proposals and make its recommendations based on the adequacy of the responses to the information solicited in the district’s request for proposals, including the following factors:
229.46(6)(b)1.1. The guaranteed maximum price.
229.46(6)(b)2.2. The qualifications of the persons submitting the bids or proposals.
229.46(6)(b)3.3. The time schedule contained in the proposals.
229.46(6)(b)4.4. The design quality and suitability of the construction or remodeling plans contained in the proposals.
229.46(7)(7)The district may retain the department of administration or any other consultant to assist in the preparation of the program statement required under sub. (5) (a), the criteria required under sub. (5) (b) or the request for proposals required under sub. (5) (c).
229.461229.461Development agreement, non-relocation agreement, lease.
229.461(1)(1)A district shall enter into a development agreement with a professional basketball team or its affiliate to require the professional basketball team or affiliate to develop and construct sports and entertainment arena facilities that will be financed in part by the district and, subject to sub. (3) (d), leased to the professional basketball team or its affiliate as provided in this subchapter. Before a district may sign the development agreement, the secretary of administration shall certify that the professional basketball team or its affiliate has agreed to fund at least $250,000,000 to the development and construction of the sports and entertainment arena facilities. In addition, the professional basketball team or its affiliate must have entered into the non-relocation agreement under sub. (2) before the district may sign the development agreement.
229.461(2)(2)In consideration of the district, this state, a sponsoring municipality, and the most populous county in which the sponsoring municipality is located promising to commit $250,000,000 of financial assistance to the development and construction of the sports and entertainment arena facilities and granting a professional basketball team, or its affiliate, the right to operate and manage the sports and entertainment arena facilities, the professional basketball team shall enter into a non-relocation agreement with the district, before it or its affiliate enters into a development agreement with the district under sub. (1), that contains all of the following provisions and commitments during the term of the lease:
229.461(2)(a)(a) The professional basketball team shall play substantially all of its home games at the sports and entertainment arena, once it is constructed.
229.461(2)(b)(b) The professional basketball team shall maintain its membership in the National Basketball Association or a successor league.
229.461(2)(c)(c) The professional basketball team shall maintain its headquarters in this state.
229.461(2)(d)(d) The professional basketball team shall maintain in its official team name the name of the sponsoring municipality.
229.461(2)(e)(e) The professional basketball team shall not relocate to another political subdivision during the term of the lease.
229.461(2)(f)(f) If the professional basketball team is sold or ownership is transferred to another person, the professional basketball team shall ensure that any person who acquires the professional basketball team, including upon foreclosure, commits to acquire the professional basketball team subject to the team’s obligations under the non-relocation agreement.
229.461(2)(g)(g) During the last 5 years of the original 30-year lease, and during any 5-year extension of the lease, the professional basketball team may negotiate, and enter into agreements, with 3rd parties regarding the professional basketball team playing its home games at a site different from the site to which the lease applies after the conclusion of the lease.
229.461(3)(3)The lease between the district and the professional basketball team or its affiliate shall contain at least all of the following:
229.461(3)(a)(a) The term of the lease shall be for 30 years, plus 2 extensions of 5 years each, both extensions at the professional basketball team’s or its affiliate’s option.
229.461(3)(b)(b) The lease shall contain provisions concerning the transfer of the Bradley Center and the land on which it is located from the district to the professional basketball team or its affiliate and, following that transfer, subsequent demolition of the Bradley Center arena structure, consistent with s. 229.47 (2) (c). The district shall convey fee title to the professional basketball team or its affiliate free and clear of all liens, encumbrances, and obligations, except for easements or similar restrictions that do not include a monetary component. Provided that the Bradley Center arena structure is transferred as provided under this paragraph, the lease shall require the professional basketball team or its affiliate to pay for all costs related to the demolition of the Bradley Center arena structure.
229.461(3)(c)(c) The professional basketball team or its affiliate shall be responsible for equipping, maintaining, operating, improving, and repairing sports and entertainment arena facilities that are constructed pursuant to a development agreement entered into under sub. (1). If the professional basketball team or its affiliate breaches the development agreement or non-relocation agreement, the parent company of the professional basketball team shall be jointly and severally responsible with the professional basketball team or its affiliate for the costs of equipping, maintaining, operating, and repairing the sports and entertainment arena facilities during the term of the lease. In addition, the professional basketball team or its affiliate shall be entitled to receive all revenues, other than surcharges collected under s. 229.445, related to the operation or use of the sports and entertainment arena facilities, including, but not limited to, ticket revenues, licensing or user fees, sponsorship revenues, revenues generated from events that are held on the plaza that is part of the sports and entertainment arena facilities, revenues from the sale of food, beverages, merchandise, and parking, and revenues from naming rights.
229.461(3)(d)(d) The lease shall allow for a separate agreement between the sponsoring municipality and the professional basketball team or its affiliate that addresses the development and construction, leasing, operation, maintenance, and repair of a parking structure constructed as part of the sports and entertainment arena facilities and the ownership of and revenues from the parking structure.
229.461(4)(a)(a) If the professional basketball team or its affiliate breaches the lease, the district may enforce the lease.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)