29.185(6)(a)4.4. Bait that does not involve animal parts or animal byproducts, other than liquid scents.
29.185(6)(b)(b) Firearms and ammunition. A wolf harvesting license authorizes hunting with a rifle, a muzzle-loading firearm, a handgun, a shotgun that fires slugs or shotshells, an airgun, and any other firearm that is loaded with a single slug or ball. A wolf harvesting license authorizes hunting with shot that is larger than size BB.
29.185(6)(c)(c) Use of dogs.
29.185(6)(c)1.1. A person may hunt wolves using dogs beginning with the first Monday that follows the last day of the regular season that is open to hunting deer with firearms and ending on the last day of February of the following year.
29.185(6)(c)2.2. No more than 6 dogs in a single pack may be used to trail or track a wolf, regardless of the number of hunters assisting the holder of the wolf harvesting license.
29.185(6)(e)(e) Inapplicability of restrictions. A person who is hunting as authorized under a wolf harvesting license is not subject to any restrictions relating to hunting seasons, zones, or times that the department imposes on the hunting of coyote.
29.185(6)(f)(f) Trapping; types of traps. The types of traps that shall be authorized by the department for trapping wolves shall include cable restraints.
29.185(7)(7)Tags; registration.
29.185(7)(a)(a) The department shall issue one wolf carcass tag to each person who is issued a wolf harvesting license under sub. (3). Each holder of a wolf harvesting license who kills a wolf shall immediately validate the carcass tag. No person may possess, control, store, or transport a wolf carcass unless the carcass tag has been validated in the manner required by the department. A person who kills a wolf shall register the carcass with the department on a telephone registration system or through an electronic notification system established by the department, except as provided in par. (am).
29.185(7)(am)(am) In lieu of registering carcasses by telephone or through an electronic notification system, the department may require that the person who kills a wolf physically present the entire carcass to the department for registration.
29.185(7)(b)(b) A person who harvests a wolf that has an attached or implanted radio telemetry device shall return the device to the department. The department shall inform the person, upon his or her request, of any information that has been collected through the telemetry device or otherwise by the department that relates to the wolf that was harvested.
29.19129.191Hunting stamps.
29.191(1)(1)Waterfowl hunting stamp.
29.191(1)(a)(a) Requirement; issuance; exceptions.
29.191(1)(a)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 3., no person may hunt waterfowl unless he or she is issued a conservation patron license or unless he or she is issued a waterfowl hunting stamp which, in the manner required by the rule promulgated under s. 29.024 (5) (a) 3., is attached to or imprinted on the person’s hunting license which authorizes the hunting of small game or to the person’s sports license.
29.191(1)(a)2.2. The waterfowl hunting stamp shall be issued by the department subject to s. 29.024.
29.191(1)(a)3.3. Any person who is under 16 years of age is exempt from the requirements of this paragraph. Any person who is exempt from the requirement to have a hunting license or who is not required to pay a fee for a hunting license is exempt from the requirements of subd. 1.
29.191(1)(b)(b) Use of money from fees.
29.191(1)(b)1.1. ‘Habitat.’ The department shall expend 67 percent of the money received from fees for waterfowl hunting stamps for developing, managing, preserving, restoring and maintaining wetland habitat and for producing waterfowl and ecologically related species of wildlife.
29.191(1)(b)2.2. ‘Propagation.’ The department shall expend 33 percent of the money received from fees for waterfowl hunting stamps for the development of waterfowl propagation areas within Canada which will provide waterfowl for this state and the Mississippi flyway. Money for the development of waterfowl propagation areas shall be provided only to nonprofit organizations. Before providing any money the department shall obtain evidence that the proposed waterfowl propagation project is acceptable to the appropriate provincial and federal governmental agencies of Canada.
29.191(2)(2)Pheasant hunting stamp.
29.191(2)(a)(a) Requirement.
29.191(2)(a)1.1. Except as provided in subds. 2. to 4., no person may hunt pheasant unless he or she has a valid conservation patron license, or has a valid pheasant hunting stamp which, in the manner required by the rule promulgated under s. 29.024 (5) (a) 3., is attached to or imprinted on the person’s hunting license which authorizes the hunting of small game or to the person’s sports license.
29.191(2)(a)2.2. Any person who is exempt from the requirement to have a license authorizing the hunting of small game or who is not required to pay a fee for a license authorizing the hunting of small game is exempt from the requirements under subd. 1.
29.191(2)(a)3.3. Any person hunting pheasant under s. 29.195 is exempt from the requirements under subd. 1.
29.191(2)(a)4.4. Any person hunting pheasant outside of a pheasant management zone, as established by the department, is exempt from the requirements under subd. 1.
29.191(2)(b)(b) Issuance. The pheasant hunting stamp shall be issued by the department subject to s. 29.024.
29.191(2)(c)(c) Use of moneys from fees.
29.191(2)(c)1.1. Forty percent of the fees collected under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation under s. 20.370 (1) (hr).
29.191(2)(c)2.2. Sixty percent of the fees collected under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation under s. 20.370 (1) (hw).
29.191 HistoryHistory: 1997 a. 248 ss. 195 to 211, 352 to 355, 357 to 362, 365 to 367, 406 to 408; 2001 a. 56; 2005 a. 25.
29.191 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. NR 8 and ss. NR 10.12 and 10.125, Wis. adm. code.
29.19229.192Regulation of takings of certain wild animals.
29.192(1)(1)The department may regulate and limit the number of hunters and the maximum harvest of Canada geese in any area, by doing any of the following:
29.192(1)(a)(a) Requiring hunters to tag each goose killed with a tag issued by the department.
29.192(1)(b)(b) Requiring registration of each farm on which Canada goose hunting is allowed.
29.192(1)(c)(c) Prohibiting the hunting of Canada geese without a valid permit issued by the department.
29.192(1m)(1m)The department may not do any of the following:
29.192(1m)(a)(a) Require a person to indicate on his or her hunting permit or otherwise record each Canada goose killed by the person.
29.192(1m)(b)(b) Require a person to report to the department more than once annually each Canada goose killed by the person.
29.192(2)(2)The department may establish by rule sharp-tailed grouse hunting zones where sharp-tailed grouse hunting is permitted. The department may establish by rule closed zones where sharp-tailed grouse hunting is prohibited. The department may regulate and limit the number of hunters and the maximum harvest of sharp-tailed grouse in any sharp-tailed grouse hunting zone or any other area, by doing any of the following:
29.192(2)(a)(a) Requiring hunters to validate a carcass tag in the manner required by the department for each sharp-tailed grouse killed.
29.192(2)(b)(b) Prohibiting the hunting of sharp-tailed grouse without a valid permit issued by the department.
29.192(3)(3)The department may limit the number of trappers and the maximum harvest of wild fisher or otters in any area. The department may limit the number of hunters or trappers, or both, and may limit the maximum harvest of bobcats or beaver in any area. The department may limit the number of persons fishing for sturgeon by hook and line or by spear, or both, and may limit the maximum harvest of sturgeon in any area. The department may impose any limitation under this subsection by establishing a permit system.
29.192(4)(a)(a) If the department decides to limit the number of persons taking Canada geese or sharp-tailed grouse by issuing permits and if the number of persons seeking the permits exceeds the number of available permits, the department shall issue the permits according to a cumulative preference system established by the department. The department shall give a preference point to each applicant for each previous season for which the applicant applied but was not issued a permit. The system shall establish preference categories for these applicants, with higher priority given to those categories with more points than those with fewer points. Applicants who fail to apply at least once during any 3 consecutive years shall lose all previously accumulated preference points. If the number of applicants within a preference category or subcategory exceeds the number of permits available in the category or subcategory, the department shall select at random within the category or subcategory the applicants to be issued the permits.
29.192(4)(b)1.1. If the department decides to issue permits to limit the number of persons taking fishers, otters, bobcats, or sturgeon and if the number of persons seeking the permits exceeds the number of available permits, the department shall issue the permits according to a cumulative preference system established by the department. The system shall establish preference categories for those applicants who applied for but were not issued the applicable permits, with higher priority given to those categories with more points than those with fewer preference points. For each season, the department shall allow each applicant under the system to apply for a preference point or for a permit. The department shall give a preference point to each applicant who applies for a preference point and to each applicant who applies for a permit but who is not issued a permit. Applicants who fail to apply for either a preference point or a permit at least once during any 3 consecutive years shall lose all previously accumulated preference points. If the number of applicants within a preference category or subcategory exceeds the number of permits available in the category or subcategory, the department shall select at random within the category or subcategory the applicants to be issued the permits.
29.192(4)(b)2.2. A person who applies for a preference point or a permit under subd. 1. shall pay the processing fee under s. 29.553 at the time of application.
29.192(4)(b)3.3. The department shall issue a permit to those qualified applicants selected to receive a permit under subd. 1.
29.192(4c)(a)(a) Notwithstanding sub. (4), the department may issue permits authorizing the hunting of Canada geese without requiring that the permits be issued pursuant to a cumulative preference system under sub. (4) to members of the U.S. armed forces who are all of the following:
29.192(4c)(a)1.1. Residents.
29.192(4c)(a)2.2. In active service with the U.S. armed forces outside this state.
29.192(4c)(a)3.3. On furlough or leave within the state.
29.192(4c)(b)(b) The department may not impose any deadline or other restriction on the timing for permit applications or issuing permits under this subsection. If a permit under this subsection is issued during the applicable hunting season, the permit shall authorize hunting beginning on the date of issuance.
29.192(4c)(c)(c) An applicant for a Canada goose hunting permit under this subsection shall be eligible for the same number of tags, if any are required, for each season as an applicant who is issued a Canada goose hunting permit under the cumulative preference system under sub. (4).
29.192(4m)(4m)If the department establishes a permit system under sub. (3) or (4) (b) that affects the trapping of bobcats, fishers, or otters, the department may do any of the following:
29.192(4m)(a)(a) Impose greater or stricter limitations on trapping by nonresidents than on trapping by residents.
29.192(4m)(b)(b) Give greater preference to residents over nonresidents in issuing permits.
29.192(5)(5)The department shall establish the open season for hunting raccoon 2 weeks earlier for persons with resident licenses than for persons with nonresident licenses.
29.192(6)(6)The department shall establish a year-round open season for hunting and trapping woodchucks. The department may not impose a bag or possession limit for this season.
29.192 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ss. NR 10.12, 10.125, 10.13, 10.145, 10.26, 10.31, 10.32, and 10.33, Wis. adm. code.
29.19329.193Approvals for disabled persons.
29.193(1b)(1b)Definition. In this section, “nongovernmental issuing agent” means a person who is appointed under s. 29.024 (6) (a) 3.
29.193(1m)(1m)Trolling permits.
29.193(1m)(a)(a) The department shall, after an investigation and without charging a fee, issue a trolling permit to any person who meets any of the following requirements:
29.193(1m)(a)1.1. Has an amputation or other loss of one or more arms above the wrist.
29.193(1m)(a)2.2. Has a permanent substantial loss of function in one or both arms or one or both hands and fails to meet the minimum standards of any one of the following standard tests, administered under the direction of a licensed physician, a licensed physician assistant, a licensed chiropractor, or a certified advanced practice nurse prescriber:
29.193(1m)(a)2.a.a. Upper extremity pinch.
29.193(1m)(a)2.c.c. Nine-hole peg.
29.193(1m)(a)3.3. Produces a certificate from a licensed physician or optometrist stating that his or her sight is impaired to the degree that he or she cannot read ordinary newspaper print with or without corrective glasses.
29.193(1m)(b)(b) A disabled person who holds a current fishing license issued under this chapter or who is exempt from holding a fishing license under this chapter and who holds either a trolling permit issued under par. (a) or a Class A permit issued under sub. (2) may fish or troll in the waters of this state using an electric motor. A person who assists the disabled person in the same boat may also fish or troll if he or she also holds a current fishing license or is exempt from holding a license. A person may use an electric motor under this subsection notwithstanding any ordinances enacted under s. 30.77 (3) that prohibit the use of motor boats on navigable waters. The use of such motor is subject to any rules promulgated by the department regarding the use of electric motors for fishing or trolling by disabled persons.
29.193(2)(2)Hunting permits.
29.193(2)(a)(a) Definitions. As used in this subsection:
29.193(2)(a)1.1. “Accompanied” means being subject to continuous visual or voice contact without the aid of any mechanical or electronic amplifying device other than a hearing aid.
29.193(2)(a)5.5. “Visually handicapped” means blind, as defined in s. 47.01 (1).
29.193(2)(b)(b) Issuance of permit.
29.193(2)(b)1.1. The department shall, after investigation and without charging a fee, except for the costs of review in par. (c) 3. or (e), issue a Class A, Class B, Class C, or Class D permit to any person, as provided in this subsection.
29.193(2)(b)2.2. An applicant shall submit an application on a form prepared and furnished by the department, which shall include a written statement or report prepared and signed by a licensed physician, a licensed physician assistant, a licensed chiropractor, a licensed podiatrist, or a certified advanced practice nurse prescriber prepared no more than 6 months preceding the application and verifying that the applicant is physically disabled.
29.193(2)(b)3.3. As part of the application for a Class A, Class B, or Class D permit under this subsection, the applicant shall authorize the department by written release to examine all medical records regarding the applicant’s physical disability.
29.193(2)(c)(c) Eligibility.
29.193(2)(c)1.1. The department shall issue a Class A permit under this subsection to an applicant who is permanently disabled, as determined by the department, in any of the following ways:
29.193(2)(c)1.a.a. Has a permanent or irreversible physical disability, is unable to ambulate and requires a wheelchair, walker, one leg brace or external prosthesis above the knee, 2 leg braces or external prostheses below the knees, 2 crutches or 2 canes for mobility.
29.193(2)(c)1.b.b. Suffers significantly from lung disease, to the extent that forced expiratory volume for one second when measured by spirometry is less than one liter or the arterial oxygen tension is less than 60 millimeters of mercury on room air at rest.
29.193(2)(c)1.c.c. Suffers significantly from cardiovascular disease, to the extent that functional limitations are classified in severity as class 3 or 4, according to standards accepted by the American heart association on May 3, 1988, and where ordinary physical activity causes discomfort, fatigue, palpitation, dyspnea or anginal pain.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)