293.26(7)(a)(a) Applications for individual approvals identified under sub. (4) or (4m) (ar).
293.26(7)(b)(b) Applications for coverage under general permits or registration permits identified under sub. (4) or (4m) (ar).
293.26(7)(c)(c) Applications for waivers, exemptions, or exceptions identified under sub. (4) or (4m) (ar).
293.26(7)(d)(d) A bond, as provided in sub. (9).
293.26(8)(a)(a) Notwithstanding any provision in ch. 23, 29, 30, 31, 169, 281, 283, 285, 289, or 291 or in a rule promulgated under those chapters that is applicable to an approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m), the application for any approval, for a waiver, exemption, or exception to an approval, or for a determination that the proposed bulk sampling activity is below the threshold that requires an approval, is considered to be complete on the 30th day after the department receives the application, unless, before that day, the department provides the applicant with written notification that the application is not complete, stating the reason for the determination and describing the specific information necessary to make the application complete.
293.26(8)(b)(b) If the department provides a notice under par. (a), the applicant shall supplement the application by providing the specified information. The application is complete when the applicant provides the information.
293.26(8)(c)(c) If the department determines that the issuance of an approval is contingent upon the issuance of a permit under s. 29.604 (6m), and if the application for the permit under s. 29.604 (6m) is filed with the approval application, the department may not determine that the approval application is incomplete on the basis that the department has not yet issued the permit under s. 29.604 (6m).
293.26(9)(a)(a) A person who intends to engage in bulk sampling shall submit with the bulk sampling plan a bond in the amount of $5,000 that is conditioned on faithful performance of the requirements of this section, that is issued by a surety company licensed to do business in this state, and that provides that the bond may not be canceled by the surety, except after not less than 90 days’ notice to the department in writing by registered or certified mail.
293.26(9)(b)(b) If the surety for a bond submitted under par. (a) issues a cancellation notice, the person who filed the bulk sampling plan shall deliver a replacement bond at least 30 days before the expiration of the 90-day notice period. If the person fails to submit a replacement bond, the person may not engage in bulk sampling until the person submits a replacement bond.
293.26(9)(c)(c) If the license of the surety company for a bond submitted under par. (a) is revoked or suspended, the person who filed the bulk sampling plan, within 30 days after receiving written notice from the department, shall deliver a replacement bond. If the person fails to submit a replacement bond, the person may not engage in bulk sampling until the person submits a replacement bond.
293.26(9)(d)(d) The department may require that the amount of the bond submitted under this subsection be increased at any time, if the department determines that it is unlikely that the bond would be adequate to fund the cost to this state of completing the revegetation plan.
293.26(9)(e)(e) The department shall release a bond submitted under this subsection one year after the time for completing the bulk sampling and the revegetation set forth in the bulk sampling plan if the department determines that the person who engaged in bulk sampling has complied with this section.
293.26(10)(10)Notwithstanding any provision in ch. 23, 29, 30, 31, 169, 281, 283, 285, 289, or 291 or a rule promulgated under those chapters applicable to an approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m), the department shall require the bulk sampling activity for which the approval is issued to be conducted at locations that result in the fewest overall adverse environmental impacts.
293.26(11)(a)(a) In determining whether to approve or deny an application for an approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m), the department shall consider the site-specific erosion control plan, the revegetation plan, and any wetland mitigation program.
293.26(11)(b)(b) The department may modify the application for an approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m) in order to meet the requirements applicable to the approval, and, as modified, approve the application.
293.26(12)(12)Notwithstanding any inconsistent period in ch. 23, 29, 30, 31, 169, 281, 283, 285, 289, or 291 or in a rule promulgated under those chapters that is applicable to an approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m), the department shall approve or deny an application within 30 days after the day on which the application is considered to be complete under sub. (8) if any of the following applies:
293.26(12)(a)(a) The application is for a waiver, exemption, or exception to an approval for a bulk sampling activity or for a determination that the proposed bulk sampling activity is below the threshold that requires an approval.
293.26(12)(b)(b) The application is for a determination of eligibility for coverage or authorization to proceed under a general permit or a registration permit.
293.26(13)(a)(a) Notwithstanding any inconsistent period in ch. 23, 29, 30, 31, 169, 281, 283, 285, 289, or 291 or in a rule promulgated under those chapters that is applicable to an approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m), the department shall approve or deny any application for an approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m) to which sub. (12) does not apply within 60 days after the date on which the application is considered to be complete under sub. (8), unless the application is for an individual permit for which federal law requires the opportunity for public comment or the ability to request a public hearing prior to issuance of the approval.
293.26(13)(b)(b) The department shall publish a class 1 notice, under ch. 985, and shall publish notice on the department’s Internet site, that describes the availability of information concerning the activity for which an approval described in par. (a) is required, its proposed decision, its draft approval, information or summaries related to the approval, the department’s analyses and preliminary determinations relating to the approval, any additional information that a law concerning the approval requires to be made available, and the opportunity to submit written comments within 30 days after the date of the publication of the notice. The date on which the department first publishes the notice on its Internet site shall be considered the date of the publication of the notice required to be published under this paragraph.
293.26(13)(c)(c) In the notice under par. (b), the department shall also specify the date, time, and location of the public informational hearing under par. (e). The department shall send the notice to any person to whom the department is required to give notice of any proposed determination, application, or hearing concerning an approval described in par. (a) under the laws relating to the issuance of the approval and to any person who has requested notice. The department’s notice to interested persons under this paragraph may be given through an electronic notification system established by the department.
293.26(13)(d)(d) If there is more than one approval described in par. (a), the department shall issue one notice and coordinate the public comment period for all of the approvals. If possible, the department shall coordinate the notice and the public comment period for an approval that is an individual permit for which federal law requires the opportunity for public comment or the ability to request a public hearing prior to issuance of the approval with notice and the public comment period for the approvals described in par. (a).
293.26(13)(e)(e) The department shall hold a public informational hearing within 30 days after the date of the publication of the notice under par. (b). The department shall hold the public informational hearing in the county where the majority of the proposed bulk sampling site is located. If there is more than one approval described in par. (a), the department shall hold a single public informational hearing covering all of the approvals. If possible, the department shall include consideration of an approval that is an individual permit for which federal law requires the opportunity for public comment or the ability to request a public hearing prior to issuance of the approval in the public informational hearing under this paragraph. The public informational hearing under this paragraph is not a contested case hearing under ch. 227.
293.26(14)(a)(a) If it is not possible to coordinate the public comment period and public informational hearing for an approval that is an individual permit for which federal law requires the opportunity for public comment or the ability to request a public hearing prior to issuance of the approval with the public comment period and public informational hearing under sub. (13), the department shall issue a separate public notice and hold a separate public informational hearing for the approval in accordance with the law governing the approval.
293.26(14)(b)(b) The department shall approve or deny the application for an approval that is an individual permit for which federal law requires the opportunity for public comment or the ability to request a public hearing prior to issuance of the approval within 180 days after the date on which the application is considered to be complete under sub. (8).
293.26(14m)(14m)Upon issuing all of the approvals required by the department to engage in bulk sampling under subs. (13) and (14), the department shall issue the applicant a bulk sampling license.
293.26(15)(15)An approval identified under sub. (4) or (4m) or a bulk sampling license is issued upon mailing and is final and effective upon issuance.
293.26(16)(16)The department is not required to prepare an environmental impact statement or an environmental assessment for a bulk sampling license or for an approval required for bulk sampling.
293.26(17)(17)The department may revoke or suspend a bulk sampling license issued under this section if it determines, after a hearing, that the license holder has failed to comply with statutes or rules of the department or with the terms of the license, or has failed to increase bond amounts to adequate levels as specified by the department.
293.26 HistoryHistory: 2017 a. 134; 2017 a. 364 s. 48.
Subch. IV of ch. 293 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also chs. NR 130, 132, and 182, Wis. adm. code.
293.31293.31Preapplication notification; data collection.
293.31(1)(1)At least 12 months before filing an application for a prospecting permit under s. 293.35 or a mining permit under s. 293.37, a person proposing to engage in a prospecting or mining project shall notify the department in writing of the intention to apply for a prospecting or mining permit. A person who intends to give notice of intent to apply for a prospecting or mining permit may, prior to obtaining, collecting, or generating environmental data intended to be used to support the permit application, submit to the department the methodology that the person intends to use in obtaining, collecting, or generating the data. The department shall review the proposed methodology and shall either inform the person that the proposed methodology will be accepted by the department or provide the person with the methodology that the department requires to be used. The department may assess the person submitting the proposed methodology a fee equal to the department’s costs for reviewing the proposed methodology. If a person obtains, collects, or generates data or information intended to be used to support a prospecting or mining permit application without obtaining department approval of the person’s methodology under sub. (4), the department may not exclude any of the data or information that consists of general environmental information such as soil characteristics, hydrologic conditions, and air and water data contained in publications, maps, documents, studies, reports, and similar sources, whether public or private, not prepared by or for the applicant.
293.31(2)(2)Upon receipt of notification under sub. (1), the department shall give public notice of the notification in the same manner as provided under s. 293.43 (2m) (b).
293.31(3)(3)The department shall also receive and consider any comments from interested persons received within 45 days after public notice is given under sub. (2) as to the information which they believe should be requested from the person giving notice of intent to apply for a prospecting or mining permit and the information which they believe the department should seek through independent studies. If the department holds a public informational hearing to receive comments from interested persons under this section, the hearing shall be completed within 45 days after public notice is given under sub. (2).
293.31(4)(4)No later than 90 days after the period for receiving and considering comments from interested persons under sub. (3), the department shall inform the person giving notice of intent to apply for a prospecting or mining permit of the type and quantity of information that it then believes to be needed to support an application and, where applicable, the methodology to be used in gathering information. The department shall specifically inform the person giving notice of intent to apply for a prospecting or mining permit of the type and quantity of information on the characteristics of groundwater resources in the area in which prospecting or mining is anticipated to occur which the department believes is needed to support an application, including the information that the department believes should be included in the applicant’s environmental impact report and the information that the department will need to prepare an environmental impact statement. The department shall also inform the person giving notice of intent to apply for a prospecting or mining permit of the application date and other filing requirements for all other approvals, licenses, and permits relating to the proposed prospecting or mining project.
293.31(4m)(4m)Before providing the information required under sub. (4), the department shall seek to enter into a memorandum of understanding with the applicant, the U.S. army corps of engineers, and any other federal regulatory agency with responsibilities related to the potential prospecting or mining operation to address sampling methodology and any other issue of mutual concern related to processing an application for a prospecting or mining permit. The memorandum may include an agreement between the department and the applicant relating to timelines, including timelines for the parties to conduct environmental studies and for granting or denying the prospecting or mining permit. The U.S. army corps of engineers, and any other federal agency that is a party to the memorandum, is not required to be a party to any agreement relating to timelines between the department and the applicant.
293.31(5)(5)The department may conduct studies necessary to verify information which may be submitted at the time of a permit application.
293.31(6)(6)All information gathered by a person giving notice under sub. (1) shall be submitted to the department as soon as it is in final form. The department may at any time after consultation with the person giving notice of intent to apply for a prospecting or mining permit revise or modify its requirements regarding information which must be gathered and submitted.
293.31 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 421; 1995 a. 227 s. 751, 752; 2017 a. 134.
293.32293.32Prospecting and mining fees.
293.32(1)(1)When a person gives notice under s. 293.31 (1), the person shall pay a fee established by the department by rule designed to cover the costs incurred by the department in connection with the proposed prospecting or mining during the year following receipt of the notice, other than any costs related to the environmental impact statement for the proposed prospecting or mining.
293.32(2)(2)The department shall annually compare the fees paid under this section and under chs. 30, 280 to 292 and 295 to 299 in connection with proposed prospecting or mining for which notice has been given under s. 293.31 (1) with the costs incurred by the department in connection with that proposed prospecting or mining, including the costs incurred under chs. 30, 280 to 292 and 295 to 299 but excluding costs related to the environmental impact statement. If the costs incurred exceed the fees paid, the person who notified the department shall pay a fee equal to the amount by which the costs exceed the fees previously paid.
293.32(3)(3)When the department issues or denies a prospecting or mining permit or when a person who gave notice under s. 293.31 (1) ceases to seek approval of the proposed prospecting or mining project, the department shall compare the fees paid under this section and under chs. 30, 280 to 292 and 295 to 299 in connection with the proposed prospecting or mining with the costs incurred by the department in connection with the proposed prospecting or mining, including the costs incurred under chs. 30, 280 to 292 and 295 to 299 but excluding costs related to the environmental impact statement. If the costs incurred are less than the fees paid, the department shall pay the person who gave notice the amount by which the fees exceed the costs. If the costs incurred exceed the fees paid, the person who notified the department shall pay a final fee equal to the amount by which the costs exceed the fees previously paid.
293.32(4)(4)Subchapter VI of ch. 289 does not apply to mining waste disposed of in a mining waste site covered by a mining permit, except that an operator shall pay the fees specified in ss. 289.63 (4), 289.64 (3), and 289.67 (1) (d).
293.32 HistoryHistory: 1997 a. 169; 2017 a. 134.
293.33293.33Local impact committee.
293.33(1)(1)A county, town, village, city or tribal government likely to be substantially affected by potential or proposed mining may designate an existing committee, or establish a committee, for purposes of:
293.33(1)(a)(a) Facilitating communications between operators and itself.
293.33(1)(b)(b) Analyzing implications of mining.
293.33(1)(c)(c) Reviewing and commenting on reclamation plans.
293.33(1)(d)(d) Developing solutions to mining-induced growth problems.
293.33(1)(e)(e) Recommending priorities for local action.
293.33(1)(f)(f) Formulating recommendations to the investment and local impact fund board regarding distribution of funds under s. 70.395 (2) (g).
293.33(1)(g)(g) Negotiating a local agreement under s. 293.41 (3).
293.33(2)(2)A county, town, village, city or tribal government affected in common with another county, town, village, city or tribal government by a proposed or existing mine may cooperatively designate or establish a joint committee, but may also maintain a separate committee under sub. (1). Committees under this section may include representatives of affected units of government, business and industry, manpower, health, protective or service agencies, school districts, or environmental and other interest groups or other interested parties.
293.33(3)(3)Persons giving notice under s. 293.31 (1) shall thereafter appoint a liaison person to any committee established under sub. (1) or (2), and shall provide such reasonable information as is requested by the committee. Operators and persons giving notice under s. 293.31 shall thereafter make reasonable efforts to design and operate mining operations in harmony with community development objectives.
293.33(4)(4)Committees established under sub. (1) or (2) may be funded by their appointing authority, and may, through their appointing authority, submit a request for operating funds to the investment and local impact fund board under s. 70.395. Committees established under sub. (1) shall be eligible for funds only if the county, town, village or city is also a participant in a joint committee, if any, established under sub. (2). The investment and local impact fund board may not grant funds for the use of more than one committee established under sub. (1) in relation to a particular mining proposal unless a joint committee has been established under sub. (2). The investment and local impact fund board shall grant operating funds to any committee that submits a request and is eligible under this subsection and s. 70.395 (2) (fm). Committees may hire staff, enter into contracts with private firms or consultants or contract with a regional planning commission or other agency for staff services for mining-related purposes or the purposes under s. 70.395 (2) (fm).
293.33 HistoryHistory: 1995 a. 227 s. 761.
293.33 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. NR 134, Wis. adm. code.
293.35293.35Application for prospecting permit.
293.35(1)(1)No person may engage in prospecting without securing a prospecting permit issued under s. 293.45. Application for prospecting permits shall be made in writing to the department upon forms prepared and furnished by the department. An application must be made, and a prospecting permit obtained for each separate prospecting site. Applications shall be submitted in reproducible form in such multiples as required by rules of the department. As a part of each application for a prospecting permit, the applicant shall furnish a description of the proposed prospecting site, the number of acres in the proposed prospecting site, a prospecting plan, a reclamation plan meeting the requirements of subs. (2) and (3) and a timetable for reclamation, information relating to whether the area may be unsuitable for prospecting or surface mining, unless the applicant conclusively certifies that he or she will not subsequently make application for a permit to conduct surface mining at the site and such other relevant information as the department may require, including information as to whether the applicant, its parent corporation, any of its principal shareholders or members, or any of the applicant’s subsidiaries or affiliates in which the applicant owns more than a 40 percent interest, has forfeited any mining bonds in other states within the last 20 years, and the dates and locations, if any.
293.35(2)(2)A reclamation plan shall accompany all applications for prospecting permits. If it is physically or economically impracticable or environmentally or socially undesirable for the reclamation process to return the affected area to its original state, the plan shall set forth the reasons therefor and shall discuss alternative conditions and uses to which the affected area can be put.
293.35(3)(3)The reclamation plan shall specify how the applicant intends to accomplish, to the fullest extent possible, compliance with the minimum standards under s. 293.13 (2) (c).
293.35(5)(5)If the department determines that a statement under s. 1.11 is required for consideration of an application for a prospecting permit, the statement need not consider impacts unrelated to the proposed prospecting activity, other than the issue of unsuitability for surface mining, absent a certification under sub. (1).
293.35 HistoryHistory: 1977 c. 421; 1995 a. 227 ss. 758, 765, 768, 994; 1997 a. 169.
293.35 Cross-referenceCross-reference: See also ch. NR 134, Wis. adm. code.
293.37293.37Application for mining permit.
293.37(1)(a)(a) No operator may engage in mining or reclamation at any mining site that is not covered by a mining permit and by written authorization to mine under s. 293.51 (3). Applications for mining permits shall be made in writing and in reproducible form to the department upon forms prepared and furnished by it and in such multiples as required by rule of the department. An application shall be made, and a mining permit obtained for each separate mining site. No application for surface mining at a site may be entertained by the department if within the previous 5 years the applicant, or a different person who had received a prospecting permit for the site had certified under s. 293.35 (1) that he or she would not subsequently make application for a permit to conduct surface mining at the site.
293.37(1)(b)(b) If a person commences mining at a mining site which includes an abandoned site, plans for reclamation of the abandoned site, or the portion of the abandoned site which is included in the mining site, shall be included in its mining plan and reclamation plan.
293.37(2)(2)As a part of each application for a mining permit, the applicant shall furnish:
293.37(2)(a)(a) A mining plan, including a description and a detailed map of the proposed mining site drawn to a scale approved by the department. Aerial photographs may be accepted if the photographs show the details to the satisfaction of the department. The map, plan, or photograph shall be prepared and certified by a competent engineer, licensed professional surveyor, or other person approved by the department, and shall show the boundaries of the area of land which will be affected; the drainage area above and below the area; the location and names of all streams, roads, railroads, pipelines, and utility lines on or within 1,000 feet of the site; the name of the owner or owners of the site; the name of the city, village, or town in which the site is located; and the name of any other city, village, or town if within 3 miles of the site. The map or photograph shall be accompanied by descriptive data as required by the department, including but not limited to the soil conservation service soil capabilities classifications of the affected area, the anticipated geometry of the excavation, the estimated total production of tailings produced, the nature and depth of the overburden, the elevation of the water table, and such other information about the geology of the deposit as the department, after consultation with the geological and natural history survey, finds is necessary to evaluate the applicant’s mining plan and reclamation plan.
293.37(2)(b)(b) In addition to the information and maps otherwise required by this subsection, a detailed reclamation plan showing the manner, location and time for reclamation, including ongoing reclamation during mining, of the proposed mining site. The reclamation plan shall be accompanied by a map subject to the requirements in par. (a) which shall show the specific reclamation proposal for each area of the site. The reclamation plan shall conform to any applicable comprehensive plan created under sub. (4) (b), and to any applicable minimum standard created under ss. 293.13 (2) and 293.35 (2) and (3).
293.37(2)(c)(c) The name and address of each owner of land within the mining site and each person known by the applicant to hold any option or lease on land within the mining site and all prospecting and mining permits in this state held by the applicant.
293.37(2)(d)(d) Evidence satisfactory to the department that the applicant has applied for necessary approvals and permits under all applicable zoning ordinances and that the operator has applied for the necessary approval, licenses or permits required by the department including, but not limited to, those under chs. 30, 31, 107, 280 to 285, 289 to 292, 295 and 299 and this chapter.
293.37(2)(e)1.1. The information specified in subd. 2. concerning the occurrence of any of the following within 10 years before the application is submitted:
293.37(2)(e)1.a.a. A forfeiture by the applicant, principal shareholder of the applicant or a related person of a mining reclamation bond that was sufficient to cover all costs of reclamation and was posted in accordance with a permit or other approval for a mining operation in the United States, unless the forfeiture was by agreement with the entity for whose benefit the bond was posted.
293.37(2)(e)1.b.b. A felony conviction of the applicant, a related person or an officer or director of the applicant for a violation of a law for the protection of the natural environment arising out of the operation of a mining site in the United States.
293.37(2)(e)1.c.c. The bankruptcy or dissolution of the applicant or a related person that resulted in the failure to reclaim a mining site in the United States in violation of a state or federal law.
293.37(2)(e)1.d.d. The permanent revocation of a mining permit or other mining approval issued to the applicant or a related person if the permit or other mining approval was revoked because of a failure to reclaim a mining site in the United States in violation of state or federal law.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)