301.45(3)(a)(a) A person covered under sub. (1g) is subject to the annual registration requirements under par. (b) as follows:
301.45(3)(a)1.1. If the person has been placed on probation or supervision, he or she is subject to this subsection upon being placed on probation or supervision.
301.45(3)(a)1m.1m. If the person is on parole, extended supervision, probation, or other supervision from another state under ss. 48.988 and 48.989 or under s. 48.99, 304.13 (1m), 304.135, 304.16, or 938.999, he or she is subject to this subsection upon entering this state.
301.45(3)(a)1r.1r. If the person is registered as a sex offender in another state or is registered as a sex offender with the federal bureau of investigation under 42 USC 14072, within 10 days after the person enters this state to take up residence or begin school, employment or his or her vocation.
301.45(3)(a)1t.1t. If the person has been found to have committed a sex offense by another jurisdiction and subd. 1r. does not apply, within 10 days after the person enters this state to take up residence or begin school, employment or his or her vocation.
301.45(3)(a)2.2. If the person has been sentenced to prison or placed in a juvenile correctional facility or a secured residential care center for children and youth, he or she is subject to this subsection upon being released on parole, extended supervision, community supervision, or aftercare supervision.
301.45(3)(a)2m.2m. If the person has been sentenced to prison and is being released from prison because he or she has reached the expiration date of his or her sentence, before being released from prison.
301.45(3)(a)3.3. If the person has been committed under s. 51.20 or 971.17, he or she is subject to this subsection upon being placed on conditional release under s. 971.17 or on a conditional transfer under s. 51.35 (1) or, if he or she was not placed on conditional release or on a conditional transfer, before he or she is terminated under s. 971.17 (5) or discharged under s. 51.35 (4) or 971.17 (6).
301.45(3)(a)3g.3g. If the person has been committed for specialized treatment under ch. 975, he or she is subject to this subsection upon being released on parole under s. 975.10 or, if he or she was not released on parole, before being discharged from the commitment under s. 975.09 or 975.12.
301.45(3)(a)3r.3r. If the person has been committed under ch. 980, he or she is subject to this subsection upon being placed on supervised release under s. 980.06 (2), 1997 stats., or s. 980.08 or, if he or she was not placed on supervised release, before being discharged under s. 980.10, 2003 stats., or s. 980.09 (4).
301.45(3)(a)4.4. If subd. 1., 1m., 1r., 1t., 2., 2m., 3., 3g. or 3r. does not apply, the person is subject to this subsection after he or she is sentenced or receives a disposition.
301.45(3)(b)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 1m., a person who is subject to par. (a) shall notify the department once each calendar year, as directed by the department, of his or her current information specified in sub. (2) (a). The department shall annually notify registrants of their need to comply with this requirement. If the registrant is a person under the age of 18, the department may also annually notify the registrant’s parent, guardian or legal custodian of the registrant’s need to comply with this requirement.
301.45(3)(b)1m.1m. A person who is subject to lifetime registration under sub. (5) (b) 2. or (5m) (b) 4. shall notify the department once each 90 days, as directed by the department, of his or her current information specified in sub. (2) (a). Every 90 days, the department shall notify registrants subject to this subdivision of their need to comply with this requirement. If the registrant subject to this subdivision is a person under the age of 18, the department may also notify the registrant’s parent, guardian or legal custodian every 90 days of the registrant’s need to comply with this requirement.
301.45(3)(b)2.2. The department shall notify a person who is being released from prison in this state because he or she has reached the expiration date of his or her sentence and who is covered under sub. (1g) of the need to comply with the requirements of this section. Also, probation, extended supervision, and parole agents, community supervision agents, aftercare agents, and agencies providing supervision shall notify any client who is covered under sub. (1g) of the need to comply with the requirements of this section at the time that the client is placed on probation, extended supervision, parole, supervision, community supervision, or aftercare supervision or, if the client is on probation, extended supervision, parole, or other supervision from another state under ss. 48.988 and 48.989 or under s. 48.99, 304.13 (1m), 304.135, 304.16, or 938.999, when the client enters this state.
301.45(3)(b)3.3. The department of health services shall notify a person who is being placed on conditional release, supervised release, conditional transfer or parole, or is being terminated or discharged from a commitment, under s. 51.20, 51.35 or 971.17 or ch. 975 or 980 and who is covered under sub. (1g) of the need to comply with the requirements of this section.
301.45(3)(b)3m.3m. After notifying a person under subd. 2. or 3. of the need to comply with this section, the person who is providing the notification shall require the person who is covered under sub. (1g) to read and sign a form stating that he or she has been informed of the requirements of this section.
301.45(3)(b)4.4. It is not a defense to liability under sub. (6) (a) or (ag) that the person subject to sub. (1g) was not required to read and sign a form under subd. 3m., was not provided with a form to read and sign under subd. 3m. or failed or refused to read or sign a form under subd. 3m. It is not a defense to liability under sub. (6) (a) or (ag) that the person subject to sub. (1g) did not receive notice under this paragraph from the department of health services, the department of corrections, a probation, extended supervision, and parole agent, a community supervision agent, an aftercare agent, or an agency providing supervision.
301.45(4)(4)Updated information. In addition to the requirements under sub. (3), a person who is covered under sub. (1g) shall update information under sub. (2) (a) as follows:
301.45(4)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (b), whenever any of the information under sub. (2) (a) changes, the person shall provide the department with the updated information within 10 days after the change occurs.
301.45(4)(b)(b) If the person is on parole or extended supervision and the person knows that any of the information under sub. (2) (a) 5. will be changing, the person shall provide the department with the updated information before the change in his or her address occurs. If the person is on parole or extended supervision and any of the information under sub. (2) (a) 5. changes but the person did not know before the change occurred that his or her address would be changing, the person shall provide the department with the updated information within 24 hours after the change in his or her address occurs.
301.45(4m)(4m)Information concerning a move to or schooling or employment in another state. In addition to the requirements under subs. (3) and (4), a person who is covered under sub. (1g) and who is changing his or her residence from this state to another state, is becoming a student in another state or is to be employed or carrying on a vocation in another state shall, no later than 10 days before he or she moves out of this state, begins school or begins employment or his or her vocation, notify the department that he or she is changing his or her residence from this state, is beginning school in another state or is beginning employment or the carrying on of a vocation in another state. The person shall also inform the department of the state to which he or she is moving his or her residence, the state in which he or she will be in school or the state in which he or she will be employed or carrying on a vocation. Upon receiving notification from a person under this subsection, the department shall do all of the following:
301.45(4m)(a)(a) Inform the person whether the state to which the person is moving, the state in which the person will be in school or the state in which the person will be employed or carrying on a vocation has sex offender registration requirements to which the person may be subject and, if so, the name of the agency to contact in that state for information concerning those requirements.
301.45(4m)(b)(b) Inform the agency responsible for sex offender registration in the state to which the person is moving, in which the person will be in school or in which the person will be employed or carrying on a vocation that the person is moving to the state, beginning school in the state or beginning employment or carrying on a vocation in the state, and provide the agency of the other state with all of the information specified in sub. (2) (a).
301.45(4r)(4r)Restriction on certain registrants establishing or changing residence. No person covered under sub. (1g) who is on parole or extended supervision may establish a residence or change his or her residence unless he or she has complied with all of the applicable requirements of subs. (2) (e), (3) (b) and (4) (b).
301.45(5)(5)Release from requirements for persons who committed a sex offense in this state.
301.45(5)(a)(a) Except as provided in pars. (am) and (b), a person who is covered under sub. (1g) (a), (b), (bm), (c), (d), (dd), (dp), (e) or (em) no longer has to comply with this section when the following applicable criterion is met:
301.45(5)(a)1.1. If the person has been placed on probation or supervision for a sex offense, 15 years after discharge from the probation or supervision imposed for the sex offense.
301.45(5)(a)2.2. If the person has been sentenced to prison for a sex offense or placed in a juvenile correctional facility or a secured residential care center for children and youth for a sex offense, 15 years after discharge from parole, extended supervision, community supervision, or aftercare supervision for the sex offense.
301.45(5)(a)2m.2m. If the person has been sentenced to prison for a sex offense and is being released from prison because he or she has reached the expiration date of the sentence for the sex offense, 15 years after being released from prison.
301.45(5)(a)3.3. If the person has been committed to the department of health services under s. 51.20 or 971.17 and is in institutional care or on conditional transfer under s. 51.35 (1) or conditional release under s. 971.17 for a sex offense, 15 years after termination of the commitment for the sex offense under s. 971.17 (5) or discharge from the commitment for the sex offense under s. 51.35 (4) or 971.17 (6).
301.45(5)(a)3m.3m. If the person has been committed for specialized treatment under ch. 975, 15 years after discharge from the commitment under s. 975.09 or 975.12.
301.45(5)(a)4.4. If subd. 1., 2., 2m., 3. or 3m. does not apply, 15 years after the date of conviction for the sex offense or 15 years after the date of disposition of the sex offense, whichever is later.
301.45(5)(am)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., a person who is covered under sub. (1g) (dL) shall continue to comply with the requirements of this section until his or her death.
301.45(5)(am)2.2. A person who is covered under sub. (1g) (dL) is not required to comply with the requirements of this section if a court orders that the person is no longer required to comply under s. 939.615 (6) (i).
301.45(5)(b)(b) A person who is covered under sub. (1g) (a), (b), (bm), (c), (d), (dd), (dp) or (e) shall continue to comply with the requirements of this section until his or her death if any of the following applies:
301.45(5)(b)1.1. The person has been convicted 2 or more times, including convictions that were part of the same proceeding, occurred on the same date, or were included in the same criminal complaint, for a sex offense or for a violation, or the solicitation, conspiracy, or attempt to commit a violation, of a federal law, military law, tribal law, or law of any state that is comparable to a sex offense; has been found 2 or more times, including findings that were part of the same proceeding, occurred on the same date, or were included in the same criminal complaint, not guilty or not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect for a sex offense, or for a violation, or the solicitation, conspiracy, or attempt to commit a violation, of a federal law, a military law, a tribal law, or a law of any state that is comparable to a sex offense; or has been convicted one time for a sex offense or for a violation, or the solicitation, conspiracy, or attempt to commit a violation, of a federal law, military law, tribal law, or law of any state that is comparable to a sex offense and has been found one time not guilty or not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect for a sex offense, or for a violation, or the solicitation, conspiracy, or attempt to commit a violation, of a federal law, a military law, a tribal law, or a law of any state that is comparable to a sex offense. A conviction or finding of not guilty or not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect that has been reversed, set aside, or vacated is not a conviction or finding for purposes of counting the number of convictions or findings under this subdivision.
301.45(5)(b)1m.1m. The person has been convicted or found not guilty or not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect for a violation, or for the solicitation, conspiracy or attempt to commit a violation, of s. 940.225 (1) or (2), 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025, or 948.085 (2). A conviction or finding of not guilty or not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect that has been reversed, set aside or vacated is not a conviction or finding for purposes of this subdivision.
301.45(5)(b)2.2. The person has been found to be a sexually violent person under ch. 980, regardless of whether the person has been discharged under s. 980.10, 2003 stats., or s. 980.09 (4) from the sexually violent person commitment, except that the person no longer has to comply with this section if the finding that the person is a sexually violent person has been reversed, set aside or vacated.
301.45(5)(b)3.3. The court that ordered the person to comply with the reporting requirements of this section under s. 51.20 (13) (ct), 938.34 (15m), 938.345 (3), 971.17 (1m) (b) or 973.048 also ordered the person to comply with the requirements until his or her death.
301.45(5m)(5m)Release from requirements for persons who committed a sex offense in another jurisdiction.
301.45(5m)(a)(a) Except as provided in pars. (b) and (c), a person who is covered under sub. (1g) (dh), (dj), (f) or (g) no longer has to comply with this section when the following applicable criterion is met:
301.45(5m)(a)1.1. If the person is on parole, extended supervision, probation, or other supervision from another state under ss. 48.988 and 48.989 or under s. 48.99, 304.13 (1m), 304.135, 304.16, or 938.999, 15 years after discharge from that parole, extended supervision, probation, or other supervision or the period of time that the person is in this state, whichever is less.
301.45(5m)(a)2.2. If the person is registered as a sex offender in another state or is registered as a sex offender with the federal bureau of investigation under 42 USC 14072, whichever of the following is less:
301.45(5m)(a)2.a.a. The period of time that the person is a resident of this state, a student in this state or employed or carrying on a vocation in this state.
301.45(5m)(a)2.b.b. The period of time that the person is registered as a sex offender in another state or with the federal bureau of investigation, or 10 years from the date on which the person was released from prison or placed on parole, probation, extended supervision or other supervised release for the sex offense which subjects the person to the requirements of this section, whichever is greater.
301.45(5m)(a)3.3. If the person has been found to have committed a sex offense by another jurisdiction and subd. 2. does not apply, whichever of the following is less:
301.45(5m)(a)3.a.a. The period of time that the person is a resident of this state, a student in this state or employed or carrying on a vocation in this state.
301.45(5m)(a)3.b.b. Ten years from the date on which the person was released from prison or placed on parole, probation, extended supervision or other supervised release for the sex offense that subjects the person to the requirements of this section.
301.45(5m)(b)(b) A person who is covered under sub. (1g) (dh), (dj), (f) or (g) shall continue to comply with the requirements of this section for as long as the person is a resident of this state, a student in this state or employed or carrying on a vocation in this state if one or more of the following apply:
301.45(5m)(b)1.1. The person is registered as a sex offender in another state or is registered as a sex offender with the federal bureau of investigation under 42 USC 14072 and the person is required to register with that other state or with the federal bureau of investigation until his or her death.
301.45(5m)(b)2.2. The person has been convicted or found not guilty or not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect for a violation of s. 940.225 (1) or (2), 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025, or 948.085, or for the solicitation, conspiracy or attempt to commit a violation, of a federal law, a military law, a tribal law or a law of any state that is comparable to a violation of s. 940.225 (1) or (2), 948.02 (1) or (2), 948.025, or 948.085. A conviction or finding of not guilty or not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect that has been reversed, set aside or vacated is not a conviction or finding for purposes of this subdivision.
301.45(5m)(b)3.3. The person has been convicted 2 or more times, including convictions that were part of the same proceeding, occurred on the same date, or were included in the same criminal complaint, for a sex offense or for a violation, or the solicitation, conspiracy, or attempt to commit a violation, of a federal law, military law, tribal law, or law of any state that is comparable to a sex offense; has been found 2 or more times, including findings that were part of the same proceeding, occurred on the same date, or were included in the same criminal complaint, not guilty or not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect for a sex offense or for a violation, or the solicitation, conspiracy, or attempt to commit a violation, of a federal law, military law, tribal law, or law of any state that is comparable to a sex offense; or has been convicted one time for a sex offense or for a violation, or the solicitation, conspiracy, or attempt to commit a violation, of a federal law, military law, tribal law, or law of any state that is comparable to a sex offense and has been found one time not guilty or not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect for a sex offense, or for a violation, or the solicitation, conspiracy, or attempt to commit a violation, of a federal law, military law, tribal law, or law of any state that is comparable to a sex offense. A conviction or finding of not guilty or not responsible by reason of mental disease or defect that has been reversed, set aside, or vacated is not a conviction or finding for purposes of counting the number of convictions or findings under this subdivision.
301.45(5m)(b)4.4. A determination has been made as provided under 42 USC 14071 (a) (2) (A) or (B) that the person is a sexually violent predator, or lifetime registration by the person is required under measures approved by the attorney general of the United States under 42 USC 14071 (a) (2) (C).
301.45(5m)(c)(c) This subsection does not apply to a person who is required to register as a sex offender under one or more of the criteria specified in sub. (1g) (a), (b), (bm), (c), (d), (dd), (dp), (e) or (em).
301.45(6)(a)(a) Whoever knowingly fails to comply with any requirement to provide information under subs. (2) to (4) is subject to the following penalties:
301.45(6)(a)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., the person is guilty of a Class H felony.
301.45(6)(a)2.2. The person may be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than 9 months or both if all of the following apply:
301.45(6)(a)2.a.a. The person was ordered under s. 51.20 (13) (ct) 1m., 938.34 (15m) (am), 938.345 (3), 971.17 (1m) (b) 1m., or 973.048 (1m) to comply with the reporting requirements under this section based on a finding that he or she committed or solicited, conspired, or attempted to commit a misdemeanor.
301.45(6)(a)2.b.b. The person was not convicted of knowingly failing to comply with any requirement to provide information under subs. (2) to (4) before committing the present violation.
301.45(6)(ag)(ag) Whoever intentionally violates sub. (4r) is subject to the following penalties:
301.45(6)(ag)1.1. Except as provided in subd. 2., the person is guilty of a Class H felony.
301.45(6)(ag)2.2. The person may be fined not more than $10,000 or imprisoned for not more than 9 months or both if all of the following apply:
301.45(6)(ag)2.a.a. The person was ordered under s. 51.20 (13) (ct) 1m., 938.34 (15m) (am), 938.345 (3), 971.17 (1m) (b) 1m., or 973.048 (1m) to comply with the reporting requirements under this section based on a finding that he or she committed or solicited, conspired, or attempted to commit a misdemeanor.
301.45(6)(ag)2.b.b. The person was not convicted of another offense under sub. (4r) before committing the present violation.
301.45(6)(am)(am) Whoever knowingly fails to keep information confidential as required under sub. (7) may be fined not more than $500 or imprisoned for not more than 30 days or both.
301.45(6)(bm)(bm) Subject to s. 971.19 (9), a district attorney or, upon the request of a district attorney, the department of justice may prosecute a knowing failure to comply with any requirement to provide information under subs. (2) to (4). If the department of corrections determines that there is probable cause to believe that a person has knowingly failed to comply with any requirement to provide information under subs. (2) to (4) or has intentionally violated sub. (4r), the department shall forward a certified copy of all pertinent departmental information to the applicable district attorney. The department shall certify the copy in accordance with s. 889.08.
301.45(6)(c)(c) Notwithstanding par. (a), a person who first became subject to subs. (2) to (4) under 1995 Wisconsin Act 440 and who was in prison or a secured correctional facility or a secured child caring institution, in institutional care, or on probation, parole, supervision, aftercare supervision, corrective sanctions supervision, conditional transfer or conditional release during the period beginning on December 25, 1993, and ending on May 31, 1997, shall be allowed until January 1, 1998, to comply with the requirements under subs. (2) to (4).
301.45(6)(d)(d) Notwithstanding par. (a), a person who first became subject to subs. (2) to (4) under 1999 Wisconsin Act 89 and who was in prison or a secured correctional facility or a secured child caring institution, in institutional care, or on probation, parole, supervision, aftercare supervision, corrective sanctions supervision, conditional transfer or conditional release during the period beginning on December 25, 1993, and ending on May 31, 2000, shall be allowed until January 1, 2001, to comply with the requirements under subs. (2) to (4).
301.45(6m)(6m)Notice to other jurisdictions concerning noncompliance. If the department has reasonable grounds to believe that a person who is covered under sub. (1g) (f) or (g) is residing in this state, is a student in this state or is employed or carrying on a vocation in this state and that the person is not complying with the requirements of this section, the department shall notify the state agency responsible for the registration of sex offenders in any state in which the person is registered that it believes the person is not complying with the requirements of this section. If the person is registered with the federal bureau of investigation under 42 USC 14072, the department shall notify the federal bureau of investigation that it believes the person is not complying with the requirements of this section.
301.45(7)(7)Information maintenance and expungement.
301.45(7)(a)(a) The department shall maintain information provided under sub. (2). The department shall keep the information confidential except as provided in ss. 301.03 (14) and 301.46, except as needed for law enforcement purposes and except to provide, in response to a request for information under s. 49.22 (2m) made by the department of children and families or a county child support agency under s. 59.53 (5), the name and all residential addresses of an individual registered under this section, the name and address of the individual’s employer and financial information related to the individual.
301.45(7)(b)(b) The department shall not charge a fee for providing information under this subsection.
301.45(7)(c)(c) A person about whom information is maintained in the registry under sub. (2) may request expungement of all pertinent information in the registry if any of the following applies:
301.45(7)(c)1m.1m. The person’s conviction, delinquency adjudication, finding of need of protection or services or commitment has been reversed, set aside or vacated.
301.45(7)(c)2m.2m. A court has determined under sub. (1m) (b) that the person is not required to comply with the reporting requirements under this section.
301.45(7)(d)(d) The department shall purge all of the information maintained in the registry under sub. (2) concerning a person to whom par. (c) applies if the department receives all of the following:
301.45(7)(d)1.1. The person’s written request for expungement.
301.45(7)(d)2.2. A certified copy of the court order reversing, setting aside or vacating the conviction, delinquency adjudication, finding of need of protection or services or commitment or a certified copy of the court’s determination under sub. (1m) (b).
301.45(7)(e)(e) The department shall purge all of the information maintained in the registry under sub. (2) concerning a person to whom sub. (1p) (a) applies if any of the following occurs:
301.45(7)(e)1.1. The department receives notice under s. 938.355 (4m) (b) that a court has expunged the record of the person’s delinquency adjudication for the violation described in sub. (1p) (a).
301.45(7)(e)2.2. The department issues a certificate of discharge under s. 973.015 (1m) (b).
301.45(7)(e)3.3. The department receives a certificate of discharge issued under s. 973.015 (1m) (b) by the detaining authority.
301.45(7)(f)(f) The department shall purge all of the information maintained in the registry under sub. (2) concerning a person to whom sub. (1p) (b) applies when any of the following occurs:
301.45(7)(f)1.1. If the person was ordered by a court under s. 51.20 (13) (ct) 1m. to comply with the reporting requirements under this section, when the department receives notice under s. 51.20 (13) (ct) 1m. b. that the person has satisfied conditions of the court order.
301.45(7)(f)2.2. If the person was ordered by a court under s. 938.34 (15m) (am) to comply with the reporting requirements under this section, when the department receives notice under s. 938.34 (15m) (am) 2. that the juvenile has satisfied the conditions of the dispositional order.
301.45(7)(f)3.3. If the person was ordered by a court under s. 938.345 (3) (a) to comply with the reporting requirements under this section, when the department receives notice under s. 938.345 (3) (d) that the juvenile has satisfied the conditions of the dispositional order.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)