40.22(2)(j)(j) The employee is employed by a transportation system in a position that is excluded from the Wisconsin retirement system and is included in another retirement system under s. 66.1023.
40.22(2)(k)(k) The employee is eligible to receive similar benefits from any other state covering the same service and earnings.
40.22(2)(L)(L) The employee is employed by a participating employer after the person becomes an annuitant, unless the service is after the annuity is suspended under s. 40.26.
40.22(2)(m)(m) Notwithstanding sub. (3m), the employee was formerly employed by Milwaukee County, is a state employee described in s. 49.825 (4) or (5) or 49.826 (4), and is a covered employee under the retirement system established under chapter 201, laws of 1937, pursuant to s. 49.825 (4) (c) or (5) (c) or 49.826 (4) (c).
40.22(2m)(2m)Except as otherwise provided in s. 40.26 (6), an employee who was a participating employee before July 1, 2011, who is not expected to work at least one-third of what is considered full-time employment by the department, as determined by rule, and who is not otherwise excluded under sub. (2) from becoming a participating employee shall become a participating employee if he or she is subsequently employed by the state agency or other participating employer for either of the following periods:
40.22(2m)(a)(a) At least one year for at least one-third of what is considered full-time employment by the department, as determined by rule, or, for an educational support personnel employee, at least one year for at least one-third of what is considered full-time employment for a teacher.
40.22(2m)(b)(b) At least 600 hours in the immediately preceding 12-month period.
40.22(2r)(2r)Except as otherwise provided in s. 40.26 (6), an employee who was not a participating employee before July 1, 2011, who is not expected to work at least two-thirds of what is considered full-time employment by the department, as determined by rule, and who is not otherwise excluded under sub. (2) from becoming a participating employee shall become a participating employee if he or she is subsequently employed by the state agency or other participating employer for either of the following periods:
40.22(2r)(a)(a) At least one year for at least two-thirds of what is considered full-time employment by the department, as determined by rule, or, for an educational support personnel employee, at least one year for at least two-thirds of what is considered full-time employment for a teacher.
40.22(2r)(b)(b) At least 1,200 hours in the immediately preceding 12-month period.
40.22(3)(3)Except as otherwise provided in s. 40.26 (6), a person who qualifies as a participating employee shall be included within, and shall be subject to, the Wisconsin retirement system effective on one of the following dates:
40.22(3)(a)(a) The employer’s effective date of participation if the person is an employee of that employer on the employer’s effective date and has met all requirements for inclusion on or prior to that effective date.
40.22(3)(b)1.1. The first day after completion of one year of employment for at least one-third of what is considered full-time employment by the department, as determined by rule, if the person becomes a participating employee under sub. (2m) after the employer’s effective date of participation.
40.22(3)(b)2.2. The first day after completion of one year of employment for at least two-thirds of what is considered full-time employment by the department, as determined by rule, if the person becomes a participating employee under sub. (2r) after the employer’s effective date of participation.
40.22(3)(c)(c) The first day of employment if the person is a participating employee not covered under par. (a) or (b).
40.22(3m)(3m)Any employee who becomes a participating employee shall continue to be a participating employee notwithstanding sub. (2) (a) or (b) for periods of subsequent employment with that state agency or other participating employer unless the employment with the state agency or other participating employer is terminated for 12 or more consecutive calendar months or unless the employee receives a benefit under s. 40.23, 40.25 (1) or (2) or 40.63.
40.22(4)(4)For purposes of s. 40.02 (25), a person who is employed by a state agency shall be deemed to have become a state employee on the date the person becomes a participating state employee. No participating employee may be included under s. 40.52 (3).
40.22(5)(5)A determination as to whether an employee has met or will meet the actual or anticipated performance of duty or other requirements of this section shall be made by the employer in accordance with rules of the department. The department may by rule identify circumstances and establish procedures under which eligibility for participation shall be based on combined employment when a person is employed by 2 or more employers.
40.22(6)(6)Notwithstanding subs. (1), (2), (3), (4) and (5), if an employee’s employment with an employer terminates after a period of service of less than 30 calendar days, the employee is not eligible for retirement coverage for that period of service. This subsection shall not apply to employment covered under sub. (3m) and shall not affect an employee’s eligibility for insurance coverage for that period of service.
40.2340.23Retirement annuities.
40.23(1)(a)(a) Except as provided in par. (am), any participant who has attained age 55, and any protective occupation participant who has attained age 50, on or before the annuity effective date shall be entitled to a retirement annuity in accordance with the actuarial tables in effect on the effective date of the annuity if the participant submits an application for a retirement annuity on a form furnished by the department and all of the following apply:
40.23(1)(a)1.1. The participant is separated, regardless of cause, and continues to be separated until the annuity effective date, from all employment meeting the qualifications for inclusion specified in s. 40.22 for any participating employer.
40.23(1)(a)2.2. The participant is not on authorized leave of absence from any participating employer.
40.23(1)(am)1.1. In this paragraph “part-time service” is service in a position normally requiring actual performance of duty during fewer than 1,044 hours per calendar year.
40.23(1)(am)2.2. Any participant who has attained age 55 and who is a participant because of employment other than part-time service as an elected official and who is also a participating employee because of part-time service as an elected official and any protective occupation participant who has attained age 50 and who is also a participating employee because of part-time service as an elected official may, after termination of all covered employment other than service as a part-time elected official, waive further participation under the fund for his or her current, and any future, part-time service as an elected official. Any election under this paragraph is irrevocable and is effective beginning the day after the date of election. Notwithstanding par. (a), any participant who elects under this paragraph may receive a retirement annuity for all service under the fund credited to the participant to the date he or she elects. The date a participant elects under this paragraph is deemed to be the date of separation from the last participating employer by which that participant was employed.
40.23(1)(am)3.3. No participant who elects under subd. 2. may have his or her annuity suspended under s. 40.26 (1) because of earnings received for any part-time services as an elected official.
40.23(1)(b)(b) Except as provided in par. (bm), all retirement annuities shall be effective on the day following, or on the first day of a month following, the date of separation from the last participating employer by which the participant was employed, as specified by the participant in the written application for the annuity. However, the date shall not be more than 90 days prior to the date of receipt of the application by the department. The participant may specify that additional contribution accumulations shall not be applied to provide an annuity until a subsequent application is filed for an annuity to be paid from the additional contribution accumulations. The subsequent application shall be made as specified under sub. (4) or the department shall automatically distribute the accumulated additional contribution accumulations as a lump sum.
40.23(1)(bm)(bm) If an application by a participant age 55 or over, or by a protective occupation participant age 50 or over, for long-term disability insurance benefits is disapproved under rules promulgated by the department, the date which would have been the effective date for the insurance benefits, or the day after the date of separation from the last participating employer, whichever is later, shall be the retirement annuity effective date if requested by the applicant within 60 days of the disapproval or, if the disapproval is appealed, within 60 days of the final disposition of the appeal.
40.23(1)(d)(d) An application for an annuity to be effective on the day following termination of employment may be filed prior to the employee’s anticipated termination date. The participant shall state the anticipated termination date in the application and the department shall not make an annuity payment until the employee has terminated.
40.23(1)(e)(e) Whenever it is determined that an annuity effective date is incorrect, the annuity effective date shall be corrected and any related computational and payment adjustments shall be made.
40.23(1)(f)(f) Any participating employee may be retired by the employer after attainment of the employee’s normal retirement date, under policies established or agreed to by the employer, except:
40.23(1)(f)1.1. As prohibited by federal law or by s. 111.33.
40.23(1)(f)2.2. Each elected official’s and each sheriff’s employment shall be continued to the end of the official’s or sheriff’s term of office and to the end of each subsequent term of office to which elected.
40.23(1)(f)4.4. Any employer may, in a collective bargaining agreement, limit its right to require retirement.
40.23(2)(2)Except as provided in s. 40.19 (2), this subsection applies only to participants who are not participating employees after March 9, 1984. The retirement annuity in the normal form shall be an annuity payable for the life of the annuitant with a guarantee of 60 monthly payments. Except as provided in sub. (3), the initial monthly amount of the normal form annuity shall be the amount which, when added to the OASDHI benefit, equals 85 percent of the participant’s final average earnings plus the amount which can be provided under pars. (a) and (c) and adjusted under pars. (d) and (e) or, if less, shall be in the monthly amount equal to the sum of the amounts determined under pars. (a), (b) and (c) as modified by pars. (d) and (e) and in accordance with the actuarial tables in effect on the annuity effective date.
40.23(2)(a)(a) The annuity which can be provided from a sum equal to 200 percent of the excess accruing after June 30, 1966, for teacher participants, or December 31, 1965, for all other participants, of the participant’s required contribution accumulation reserved for a variable annuity over the amount to which the contributions would have accumulated if not so reserved. If the participant’s required contribution accumulation reserved for a variable annuity is less than the amount to which the contributions would have accumulated if not so reserved, the annuity shall be reduced by the amount which could be provided by a sum equal to 200 percent of the deficiency.
40.23(2)(b)(b) A monthly annuity in the normal form computed on the basis of the participant’s final average earnings and creditable service, if the annuity becomes effective on or after the normal retirement date of the participant, determined by multiplying the participant’s final average earnings by the participant’s creditable service and the following applicable percentage:
40.23(2)(b)1.1. For each participant for creditable service of a type not otherwise specified in this paragraph, 1.3 percent.
40.23(2)(b)2.2. For each participant for creditable service as an elected official and for executive service, as defined under s. 40.02 (31), 1985 stats., 1.8 percent.
40.23(2)(b)3.3. For each participant, subject to Titles II and XVIII of the federal social security act, for service as a protective occupation participant, 1.8 percent.
40.23(2)(b)4.4. For each participant not subject to Titles II and XVIII of the federal social security act, for service as a protective occupation participant, 2.3 percent.
40.23(2)(c)(c) The amount, if any, which can be provided by accumulated employee and employer additional contributions credited to the participant’s account.
40.23(2)(d)(d) If the annuity effective date is prior to the normal retirement date of the participant, the annuity amount computed under par. (b) shall be reduced, as recommended by the actuary and approved by the board, by a percentage or percentages of the amount of the annuity for each month and any major portion of a month between the effective date of the annuity and the participant’s normal retirement date.
40.23(2)(e)(e) The amount of the annuity computed under par. (b) shall be reduced by the amounts, determined under s. 42.244 (4) (b) and (c), 1979 stats., s. 42.246 (1) (e), 1979 stats., s. 42.77 (3) (b) and (c), 1979 stats., and s. 42.79 (1) (e), 1979 stats., for those teacher participants specified in those sections.
40.23(2m)(2m)The following provisions apply only to participants who are participating employees after March 9, 1984:
40.23(2m)(a)(a) The retirement annuity in the normal form is a straight life annuity payable for the life of the annuitant.
40.23(2m)(b)(b) Except as provided in s. 40.26, subject to the limitations under section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code, the initial amount of the normal form annuity shall be an amount equal to 70 percent, or 65 percent for participants whose formula rate is determined under par. (e) 3. or 85 percent for participants whose formula rate is determined under par. (e) 4., of the participant’s final average earnings plus the amount which can be provided under pars. (c) and (d) or, if less, shall be in the monthly amount equal to the sum of the amounts determined under pars. (c), (d) and (e) as modified by par. (f) and in accordance with the actuarial tables in effect on the annuity effective date. If the participant has creditable service under both par. (e) 4. and another category under par. (e), the percent applied under this paragraph shall be determined by multiplying the percent that each type of creditable service is of the participant’s total creditable service by 85 percent and 65 percent or 70 percent, respectively, and adding the results, except that the resulting benefit may not be less than the amount of the normal form annuity that could be paid based solely on the creditable service under par. (e) 4.
40.23(2m)(c)(c) The annuity which can be provided from a sum equal to 200 percent of the excess accruing after June 30, 1966, for teacher participants, or December 31, 1965, for all other participants, of the participant’s required contribution accumulation reserved for a variable annuity over the amount to which the contributions would have accumulated at the core annuity division effective rate if not so reserved. If the participant’s required contribution accumulation reserved for a variable annuity is less than the amount to which the contributions would have accumulated at the core annuity division effective rate if not reserved, the annuity shall be reduced by the amount which could be provided by a sum equal to 200 percent of the deficiency.
40.23(2m)(d)(d) The amount, if any, which can be provided by accumulated employee and employer additional contributions credited to the participant’s account.
40.23(2m)(e)(e) A monthly annuity in the normal form computed on the basis of the participant’s final average earnings and creditable service, if the annuity becomes effective on or after the normal retirement date of the participant, determined by multiplying the participant’s final average earnings by the participant’s creditable service and the following applicable percentage:
40.23(2m)(e)1.1. For each participant for creditable service of a type not otherwise specified in this paragraph that is performed before January 1, 2000, 1.765 percent; for such creditable service that is performed on or after January 1, 2000, 1.6 percent.
40.23(2m)(e)2.2. For each participant for creditable service as an elected official or as an executive participating employee that is performed before January 1, 2000, 2.165 percent; for such creditable service that is performed on or after January 1, 2000, but before June 29, 2011, 2 percent; and for such creditable service that is performed on or after June 29, 2011, 1.6 percent.
40.23(2m)(e)3.3. For each participant subject to titles II and XVIII of the federal Social Security Act, for service as a protective occupation participant that is performed before January 1, 2000, 2.165 percent; for such creditable service that is performed on or after January 1, 2000, 2 percent.
40.23(2m)(e)4.4. For each participant not subject to titles II and XVIII of the federal Social Security Act, for service as a protective occupation participant that is performed before January 1, 2000, 2.665 percent; for such creditable service that is performed on or after January 1, 2000, 2.5 percent.
40.23(2m)(em)1.1. For the purpose of determining the applicable percentage rate under par. (e), all of the following shall apply:
40.23(2m)(em)1.a.a. Any creditable service forfeited by a participating employee before January 1, 2000, and which is subsequently reestablished by the participating employee under s. 40.285 (2) (a), shall be considered to have been performed before January 1, 2000.
40.23(2m)(em)1.b.b. Any creditable service received under s. 40.285 (2) (b), which is based on service performed before January 1, 2000, shall be considered to have been performed before January 1, 2000.
40.23(2m)(em)1.c.c. Any creditable military service received under s. 40.02 (15) (c), which is based on creditable service performed before January 1, 2000, shall be considered to have been performed before January 1, 2000.
40.23(2m)(em)2.2. This paragraph shall only apply to participants who are participating employees on or after January 1, 2000.
40.23(2m)(er)(er) For a participant who initially becomes a participating employee on or after July 1, 2011, if the participant has less than 5 years of creditable service, the annuity amount under par. (e) shall be 0.
40.23(2m)(f)1.1. If the annuity effective date is before the normal retirement date of the participant, the annuity amount computed under par. (e) shall be reduced by 0.4 percent for each full month, and for each partial month including at least 15 days, before the participant’s normal retirement date, except as provided in subds. 2. to 4.
40.23(2m)(f)2.2. For a participant who terminates covered employment on or after July 1, 1990, and whose annuity is computed under par. (e) 1. or 2., the 0.4 percent reduction of the annuity amount under subd. 1. shall be reduced by subtracting from the 0.4 percent an amount equal to 0.001111 percent for each month of creditable service, except as provided in subds. 3. and 4.
40.23(2m)(f)3.3. Subdivision 2. shall not apply to those months specified in subd. 1. that precede the date on which the participant attains the age of 57.
40.23(2m)(f)4.4. The resulting percentage by which the annuity amount is reduced under subd. 2. may not be less than zero.
40.23(2m)(fm)(fm) Notwithstanding s. 40.02 (17) (intro.), for purposes of determining creditable service under par. (f) 2., a participant’s amount of creditable service in any annual earnings period shall be treated as the amount of creditable service that a teacher would earn for that annual earnings period. To be eligible for the treatment provided by this paragraph, the participant must have earned only a partial year of creditable service in at least 5 of the 10 annual earnings periods immediately preceding the annual earnings period in which the participant terminated covered employment. This paragraph does not apply to service credited under s. 40.02 (15).
40.23(2m)(g)(g) The employer may pay to the department part or all of the costs of the actuarial reduction applicable to a participating employee under par. (f), and the actuarial reduction for the amount paid may not be applied under par. (f), if all of the following conditions are met:
40.23(2m)(g)1.1. The employer has elected to pay part or all of the costs of the required actuarial reduction, the action is effective after June 30, 1990, and the employer has not taken any action to rescind the election.
40.23(2m)(g)2.2. The participant voluntarily terminates employment with the employer after June 30, 1990, and after the employer elects under subd. 1.
40.23(2m)(g)3.3. The employer pays to the department the difference, as determined by the department, between the actuarial cost of the annuity which would have been paid if the employer had not elected under subd. 1. and the actuarial cost of the annuity payable. The amount so paid shall be credited as employer current service contributions under s. 40.05 (2) (a), and shall be included with the first payment made under s. 40.05 (2) after the department notifies the employer of the amount due.
40.23(3)(a)(a) Except as provided in pars. (b) and (c), the initial monthly amount of any retirement annuity in the normal form shall not be less than the money purchase annuity which can be provided by applying the sum of the participant’s accumulated additional and required contributions, including interest credited to the accumulations, plus an amount from the employer accumulation reserve equal to the participant’s accumulated required contributions, less any accumulated contributions to purchase other governmental service under s. 40.25 (7), 2001 stats., or s. 40.285 (2) (b) to fund the annuity in accordance with the actuarial tables in effect on the annuity effective date.
40.23(3)(b)(b) For a participant who initially becomes a participating employee on or after July 1, 2011, for purposes of calculating a money purchase annuity under par. (a), if the participant has less than 5 years of creditable service, the amount from the employer accumulation reserve shall equal 0.
40.23(3)(c)(c) Under par. (a), for a county jailer described in s. 40.02 (48) (am) 23., the amount to be paid from the employer accumulation reserve is equal to the employer required contributions, including interest, paid for a county jailer under s. 40.05 (2) (a). This paragraph applies only to a county jailer who becomes a protective occupation participant on or after January 1, 2024, and is one of the following:
40.23(3)(c)1.1. Employed in a county that did not classify county jailers as protective occupation participants on January 1, 2024.
40.23(3)(c)2.2. Employed in a county that classified county jailers as protective occupation participants on January 1, 2024, and the county subsequently determines to not classify county jailers as protective occupation participants and instead classify county jailers as general participating employees.
40.23(4)(a)(a) Subject to all requirements under section 401 (a) (9) of the Internal Revenue Code and federal regulations applicable to that section, which relate to a governmental plan, as defined in section 414 (d) of the Internal Revenue Code, the department shall distribute to the participant the entire amount that is credited to the account of a participant under the Wisconsin retirement system no later than the required beginning date, unless the department distributes this amount as an annuity or in more than one payment. If the department distributes this amount as an annuity or in more than one payment, the department shall begin the distribution no later than the required beginning date.
40.23(4)(b)(b) In the calendar year immediately preceding the calendar year of a participant’s required beginning date, if the department distributes the amount that is credited to the account of a participant under the Wisconsin retirement system in a form other than as a lump sum payment, the department, subject to all requirements under the Internal Revenue Code, shall calculate the distribution to the participant according to one of the following:
40.23(4)(b)1.1. The life of a participant or, if the annuity is in the form of a joint and survivor annuity, the joint lives of the participant and the named survivor.
40.23(4)(b)2.2. For an annuity authorized under s. 40.24 (1) (f), a term certain not to exceed the life expectancy of the participant or, if the annuity is in the form of a joint and survivor annuity, the joint life expectancies of the participant and the named survivor.
40.23(4)(c)(c) If a participant during the calendar year before the year he or she attains the age set under section 401 (a) (9) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the alternate payee during the calendar year before the year in which the participant attains the age set under section 401 (a) (9) of the Internal Revenue Code, does not apply before December 31 in that year for a distribution of the amount that is credited to the account of a participant under the Wisconsin retirement system, the department shall begin, effective the following January 1, an automatic distribution to the participant or alternate payee in the form of an annuity specified under s. 40.24 (1) (c) or as determined by the department by rule. If the department makes an automatic distribution under this paragraph, the beneficiary designation filed with the department before the date on which the department begins the automatic distribution is no longer applicable under ss. 40.71 and 40.73. Unless the participant or alternate payee files a subsequent beneficiary designation with the department after the date on which the department begins the automatic distribution, the department shall pay any death benefit as provided under s. 40.02 (8) (a) 2.
40.23(4)(d)(d) If a participant dies after the department begins to distribute the amount that is credited to the account of a participant under the Wisconsin retirement system, but before the entire amount in the account has been distributed, the department shall distribute the remaining portion of the account at least as rapidly as is provided in the manner of distribution selected by the participant. If the beneficiary does not apply to the department to continue the distribution, within a period specified by rule, the department shall pay the remaining distribution to the beneficiary as a lump sum.
2021-22 Wisconsin Statutes updated through 2023 Wis. Act 272 and through all Supreme Court and Controlled Substances Board Orders filed before and in effect on October 4, 2024. Published and certified under s. 35.18. Changes effective after October 4, 2024, are designated by NOTES. (Published 10-4-24)